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Sea level elevations from near the mouth of San Francisco Bay are used to describe the low-frequency variability of forcing of the coastal ocean on the Bay at a variety of temporal scales. About 90% of subtidal fluctuations in sea level in San Francisco Bay are driven by the sea level variations in the coastal ocean that propagate into the Bay at the estuary mouth. We use the 100-year sea level record available at San Francisco to document a 1.9 mm/yr mean sea level rise, and to determine fluctuations related to El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and other climatic events. At time scales greater than 1 year, ENSO dominates the sea level signal and can result in fluctuations in sea level of 10–15 cm. Alongshore wind stress data from central California are also analyzed to determine the impact of changes in coastal elevation at the mouth of San Francisco Bay within the synoptic wind band of 2–30 days. At least 40% of the subtidal fluctuations in sea level of the Bay are tied to the large-scale regional wind field affecting sea level variations in the coastal ocean, with little local, direct wind forcing of the Bay itself. The majority of the subtidal sea level fluctuations within the Bay that are not related to the coastal ocean sea level signal are forced by an east–west sea level gradient resulting from tidally induced variations in sea level at specific beat frequencies that are enhanced in the northern reach of the Bay. River discharge into the Bay through the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Delta also contributes to the east–west gradient, but to a lesser degree.  相似文献   
The mussel digestive gland epithelial cells provide a key interface between the organism and pollutants such as aromatic hydrocarbons. The simulation of their uptake and export mechanisms as well as an internal protein degradation pathway, and any subsequent disruption to any of them, has been undertaken. A computational model is described, which simulates the flow of carbon and nitrogen through a mussel's digestive cell. The model uses a compartmentalised view of the cell with inviolate 'pipelines' connecting each of the volume-variable partitions. Only the major physiological pathways relevant to the flow of either carbon or nitrogen or volume are modelled. Simulated response to hydrocarbon exposure is examined.  相似文献   
Depth velocity model building remains a difficult step within the seismic depth imaging sequence. Stereotomography provides an efficient solution to this problem but was limited until now to a picking of seismic data in the prestack time un-migrated domain. We propose here a method for stereotomographic data picking in the depth migrated domain. Picking in the depth migrated domain exhibits the advantage of a better signal-to-noise ratio and of a more regular distribution of picked events in the model, leading to a better constrained tomographic inverse problem. Moreover, any improvement on the velocity model will improve the migrated results, again leading to improved picking. Our strategy for obtaining a stereotomographic dataset from a prestack depth migration is based on migration of attributes (and not on a kinematic demigration approach!). For any locally coherent event in the migrated image, migration of attributes allows one to compute ray parameter attributes corresponding to the specular reflection angle and dip. For application to stereotomography, the necessary attributes are the source/receiver locations, the traveltime and the data slopes. For the data slope, when the migration velocity model is erroneous, some additional corrections have to be applied to the result of migration of the attributes. Applying these corrections, our picking method is theoretically valid whatever the quality of the migration velocity model. We first present the theoretical aspects of the method and then validate it on 2D synthetic and real seismic reflection data sets.  相似文献   
Decomposition of various litter forms including dead tussocks of two native perennial grasses, woollybutt (Eragrostis eriopoda) and mulga mitchell (Thyridolepis mitchelliana), as well as roots of woollybutt, dung of sheep and kangaroo, and bleached toilet rolls, was studied in contrasting grazing exclosures, half of which had termites excluded by biocide (termiticide) treatment. Dead mulga mitchell tussocks decayed more rapidly than woollybutt tussocks during the first 17 months post mortem. Thereafter, rate of decay differed little between species. After 3 years, only small amounts of tussock residues of either species remained and only then did the impact of biocide treatment become significant.Decomposition of kangaroo pellets was typically bimodal with significantly higher decomposition recorded in the controls (no biocide) up to 40 months after treatment, and many intact pellets remaining in the biocide-treated plots. While decomposition of sheep pellets showed similar bimodality, decomposition remained significantly lower in the biocide treatments for the entire duration of the experiment.Results suggest that abiotic processes, including those induced by UV radiation, may be dominant influences mediating decomposition of litter in these semi-arid ecosystems, especially following high-rainfall seasons when abundant grass biomass has been generated providing a surfeit of potential forage for harvester termites.  相似文献   
Environmental isotopes (δ18O, δD and 3H) were used to understand the hydrodynamics of Lake Naini in the State of Uttar Pradesh, India. The data was correlated with the in situ physico‐chemical parameters, namely temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen. The analysis of the data shows that Lake Naini is a warm monomictic lake [i.e. in a year, the lake is stratified during the summer months (March/April to October/November) and well mixed during the remaining months]. The presence of a centrally submerged ridge inhibits the mixing of deeper waters of the lake's two sub‐basins, and they exhibit differential behaviour. The rates of change of isotopic composition of hypolimnion and epilimnion waters of the lake indicate that the water retention time of the lake is very short, and the two have independent inflow components. A few groundwater inflow points to the lake are inferred along the existing fractures, fault planes and dykes. In addition to poor vertical mixing of the lake due to the temperature‐induced seasonal stratification, the lake also shows poor horizontal mixing at certain locations of the lake. The lake–groundwater system appears to be a flow‐through type. Also, a tritium and water‐balance model was developed to estimate the water retention time of well‐mixed and hydrologically steady state lakes. The model assumes a piston flow of groundwater contributing to the lake. The developed model was verified for (a) Finger Lakes, New York; (b) Lake Neusiedlersee, Austria; and (c) Blue Lake, Australia based on literature data. The predicted water retention times of the lakes were close to those reported or calculated from the hydrological parameters given in the references. On application of this model to Lake Naini, a water retention time of ~2 years and age of groundwater contributing to the lake ~14 years is obtained. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the nature and origin of subsurface sediment mobilization processes in deep marine clay-rich environments. In the studied area of the southern Barbados accretionary prism, new geophysical acquisitions have emphasized the spectacular widespread development of mud volcanoes that are well-developed along ramp anticlines and along sigmoidal rises with trends that are oblique to the axes of the main folds of the accretionary wedge. On some active mud volcanoes, heat-flow measurements show high positive anomalies related to high fluxes of mud transfer. The mobilized solid fraction expelled by the mud volcanoes does not originate from a unique source bed but from various formations pierced by the mud conduits and is driven by the water phase. The area studied also exhibits trends of structures corresponding to sub-circular massive local uplifts of deformed but well-preserved stratified sediments (turbidites and hemipelagics). No piercing shale diapirs have been encountered in this area. Some of these local uplift structures are complicated by the development of collapses, calderas, and superimposed mud volcanoes. Mud volcanism corresponds fundamentally to fluid displacement (water and gas), whereas massive sedimentary uplift corresponds to large vertical displacements of stratified solid levels but for which the deep cause could be partly the intrusion of mud plugs. Both are dynamic phenomena controlled by the development of overpressure at depth, contributing to sedimentary mobilizations.  相似文献   
Research on hydrogeochemistry for mineral exploration for inland Australia includes development of weathering models and extensive mine-scale and regional groundwater data. Mineral saturation indices for groundwater, activity–activity plots and reaction modelling simulate weathering of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) deposits in deeply weathered environments. At 10 m or more below surface, dissolved O2 is very low and other solutes such as sulfate, carbonate and nitrate are more likely oxidants. Modelling indicates that these processes differ from oxic weathering of highly eroded terrains, and provide the framework to develop robust hydrogeochemical exploration procedures in covered terrains. Sulfide weathering potentially occurs in two or more phases that effect surrounding groundwaters in differing manners. Deeper oxidative alteration of sulfides (e.g. bornite to chalcopyrite), occurring tens to hundreds of metres below surface, uses sulfate and carbonate as oxidants, causing neutral to alkaline conditions. In this zone, only pyritic massive sulfides potentially generate acidic conditions. Thus, deep sulfide-rich rocks are indicated by sulfate-depleted groundwater. Closer to the surface, sulfides are oxidised to soluble sulfates by dissolved nitrate, with much less acid production than if dissolved oxygen was the main oxidant. Thus, in shallow groundwater, sulfides are indicated by sulfate enrichment and nitrate depletion. Elements are released from sulfides and wall rocks by acid or alkaline conditions. The derived FeS (pH–Eh + Fe + Mn) and AcidS (Li + Mo + Ba + Al) indices distinguish sulfide systems through tens of metres of cover. VHMS systems are distinguished from other non-economic sulfide deposits where there is little transported cover, using various dissolved elements, including Zn, Pb and Cu. Elsewhere, ‘patchiness’ and limited aerial extent of metal signals are due to adsorption effects, that intensify with depth. Other elements such as Mn and Co have lesser diminution effects, but are less selective indicators for VHMS. There is exploration potential for elements such as Pt or Ag. These varying sulfide indicators have moderate utility, even for large-scale (~5 km spacing) sampling. Results indicate that hydrogeochemistry can add value to greenfields exploration for VHMS ore deposits in deeply weathered terrains. It is also moderately successful at indicating the presence of sulfide-rich systems (whether magmatic or hydrothermal) under >100 m cover, thus providing a rapid and cost-effective regional prospectivity tool for deeply buried terrains. Such mineral exploration tools will encourage exploration investment for more difficult regions of Australia and in other deeply weathered regions of the world.  相似文献   
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