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This paper examines the relationship between local institutions and adaptation to climate variability in four semi-arid villages in India. Based on a qualitative survey, it draws attention to the constraints that farming households face, the role of institutions, and the implications for their capacities to adapt. Using an institutional framework, the study examines the role of local institutions in facilitating community adaptation to perceived climate variability. It was found that at the institutional and community level farmers rely on government schemes that provide social safety nets and the private sector such as moneylenders as sources of adaptation options regarding access to credit. Serious constraints emerged, however, in terms of adaptation to what may be a more challenging future. These constraints were further explored by means of grounded theory. The lack of collective feeling and action has hindered bargaining for better market prices and the development of alternate livelihood options. The need for better financial inclusion and access to more formal systems of finance is necessary to increase the overall adaptive capacity of households. During crisis situations or climatic shocks, the absence of these systems means the sale of household assets and resources especially among small and landless groups of farmers. Overall, rural households perceive that public, civic, and private institutions play a significant role in shielding them against the adverse effects of climate variability. The perceived importance of different institutions is, however, different across different categories of farmers, women, and labourers.  相似文献   
An earthquake swarm occurred during February and March 1997 in the vicinity of the Tancitaro Volcano, in the southern part of the tectonically complex Michoacan Triangle. A study of these events provides an opportunity to map the active faults in the area and to learn if the orientation and the sense of motion on these faults are consistent with the mapped faults and the alignment of cinder cones in the region. The foci of 230 earthquakes, which could be located, are distributed between 10 and 18 km depth, and show an alignment in, roughly, a NE direction. The focal mechanisms and seismic moments of the 27 best-recorded events were determined by waveform modeling of P and S waves. These mechanisms show two distinct patterns. More than 50% of the solutions are left-lateral strike–slip mechanisms with a normal component. The preferred fault plane strikes NE. Another group of events, probably caused by triggered seismicity on the Chapala–Oaxaca fault zone, shows left-lateral strike–slip mechanisms with a large-thrust component on NW-trending faults. S wave splitting shows 1–2.5% crustal-anisotropy. The direction of the anisotropy coincides with the NE alignment of events, and the preferred nodal plane. This is also the alignment of cinder cones, suggesting that preexisting fractures and cracks are responsible for the seismicity and anisotropic behavior of the crust. The resulting stress orientation, NE compression, is the one expected for the fore-arc region. We conclude that although Michoacan Triangle lies in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, it does not form part of this stress province where the stress orientation is NS extension.  相似文献   
Detrital iron deposits (DID) are located adjacent to the Precambrian bedded iron deposit (BID) of Joda near the eastern limb of the horseshoe-shaped synclinorium, in the Bonai–Keonjhar belt of Orissa. The detrital ores overlie the Dhanjori Group sandstone as two isolated orebodies (Chamakpur and Inganjharan) near the eastern and western banks of the Baitarani River, respectively. The DID occur as pebble/cobble conglomerates containing iron-rich clasts cemented by goethite. Mineralogy, chemistry and lamination of these clasts are similar to that found in the nearby BID ores. Enrichment of trace and rare-earth elements in the DID relative to the BID is attributed to their concentration during the precipitation of cementing material. The detrital iron orebodies formed when Proterozoic weathering processes eroded pre-existing BID outcrops located on the Joda Ranges, and the resulting detritus accumulated in the paleochannels. In situ dissolution in association with abundant organic material produced Fe-saturated groundwater, which re-precipitated as goethite within the aggraded channel to cement the detritals. Growth of microplaty hematite in the goethite matrix suggests some level of subsequent burial metamorphism.  相似文献   
Thar desert spreads in western part of Rajasthan, northern part of Gujarat, and some parts of Punjab and Haryana. The terrain is dominated by slightly sloping plains, broken by some dunes and low barren hills. The area is characterized by low average annual rainfall which is erratic in distribution and intensity. Drought will remain a major hindrance for agricultural production in Thar desert. Due to water stress condition, many watershed based development activities has been adopted by government and non-government organizations for the growth and sustainable development of this region. The need of this hour is preparation of a national level watershed atlas of 1:50,000 scale because majority of thematic maps are being produced presently on same or 1:10,000 scale. The manual delineation of watershed boundary in flat terrain based on topographic map will be time consuming and less accurate in the absence of prominent contour lines. Automated approach for watershed delineation using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) along a suitable algorithm has the advantage because the output is not only less time consuming but also independent from human decisions. Hence, a case study has been carried out in Churu sub-basin part of Indus basin which is located in Thar desert region. Depression less DEM with different spatial resolutions was used as input in hydrology tool of ArcGIS spatial analyst function for characterization of watersheds. The Churu sub-basin has been divided into various numbers of watersheds with an average size of 600 km2. These watershed boundaries have been validated with respect to high resolution satellite imageries (IRS P6 LISS IV), Survey of India toposheets, ancillary data and limited field checks.  相似文献   
Assessment of groundwater potential zones using GIS technique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case study was conducted to find out the groundwater potential zones in Kattakulathur block, Tamil Nadu, India with an aerial extent of 360.60 km2. The thematic maps such as geology, geomorphology, soil hydrological group, land use / land cover and drainage map were prepared for the study area. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has been generated from the 10 m interval contour lines (which is derived from SOI, Toposheet 1:25000 scale) and obtained the slope (%) of the study area. The groundwater potential zones were obtained by overlaying all the thematic maps in terms of weighted overlay methods using the spatial analysis tool in ArcGIS 9.2. During weighted overlay analysis, the ranking has been given for each individual parameter of each thematic map and weights were assigned according to the influence such as soil −25%, geomorphology − 25%, land use/land cover −25%, slope − 15%, lineament − 5% and drainage / streams − 5% and find out the potential zones in terms of good, moderate and poor zones with the area of 49.70 km2, 261.61 km2 and 46.04 km2 respectively. The potential zone wise study area was overlaid with village boundary map and the village wise groundwater potential zones with three categories such as good, moderate and poor zones were obtained. This GIS based output result was validated by conducting field survey by randomly selecting wells in different villages using GPS instruments. The coordinates of each well location were obtained by GPS and plotted in the GIS platform and it was clearly shown that the well coordinates were exactly seated with the classified zones.  相似文献   
Snow cover is an important variable for climatic and hydrologic models due to its effects on surface albedo, energy, and moisture budgets. Passive microwave sensors can be used to monitor temporal and spatial variations in large-scale snow cover parameters, avoiding problems of cloud cover and polar nights. In the present study, brightness temperature values were estimated (using calibration curves) for moist snow on natural and blackbody/metal surface. TB response on snow depth, density, SWE and angular variation from nadir were measured and found that TB decreases with increase of snow depth and with increase of angle from nadir. Empirical relations were used to estimate emissivity, dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor. It was observed that emissivity decreases with the increase of dielectric constant. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor both increases with the increase of density. Experiments were performed during winter of year 2005 at Dhundi and Solang (H.P.), India, using ground based passive microwave radiometer having 6.9 and 18.7 GHz antenna frequencies at dual polarization.  相似文献   
Westergaards equations are widely used in the design of rigid concrete highway and aircraft pavements. The equations assume that the pavements are either infinite or semi-infinite in extent. Recently, a numerical design procedure using finite elements has been introduced for finite sized precast concrete pavement units [raft units]. The present paper compares the computed stress results from the two methods for the interior loading on a two metre square raft unit. The results show that there is no simple “slab-size correction factor” to correlate the stress output from the two design methods as suggested by other authors. Westergaards analysis should not be used to design finite sized raft units; the numerical design procedure is recommended.  相似文献   
The reflection and transmission phenomena of elastic waves incident at a corrugated interface between two dissimilar fibre‐reinforced elastic half‐spaces have been analysed. Using Rayleigh method of approximation, the expressions of the reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained in closed form for the plane interface as well as for the first order approximation of the periodic interface ζ = d cos px. All these reflection and transmission coefficients of regular and irregular waves are found to be the functions of angle of incidence and elastic parameters of the media. Moreover, the coefficients of irregularly reflected and transmitted waves are found to be proportional to the amplitude of the corrugated interface and are functions of the frequency of the incident wave. Numerical computations have been performed for a specific model to compute these coefficients and results obtained are shown graphically. The results of Singh and Singh (Sadhana 2004; 29 :249–257) and Ben‐Menahem and Singh (Seismic Waves and Sources. Springer: New York) have been derived from our analysis as particular cases. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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