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Antarctic meteorite LAP 031047 is an ordinary chondrite composed of loosely consolidated chondritic fragments. Its petrography, oxygen isotopic composition and geochemical inventory are ambiguous and indicate an intermediate character between H and L chondrites. Petrographic indicators suggest LAP 031047 suffered a shock metamorphic overprint below ∼10 GPa, which did not destroy its unusually high porosity of ∼27 vol%. Metallographic textures in LAP 031047 indicate heating above ∼700 °C and subsequent cooling, which caused massive transformation of taenite to kamacite. The depletion of thermally labile trace elements, the crystallization of chondritic glass to microcrystalline plagioclase of unusual composition, and the occurrence of coarsely crystallized chondrule fragments is further evidence for post-metamorphic heating to ∼700-750 °C. However, this heating event had a transient character because olivine and low-Ca pyroxene did not equilibrate. Nearly complete degassing up to very high temperatures is indicated by the thorough resetting of LAP 031047’s Ar-Ar reservoir ∼100 ± 55 Ma ago. A noble gas cosmic-ray exposure age indicates it was reduced to a meter-size fragment at <0.5 Ma. In light of the fact that shock heating cannot account for the thermal history of LAP 031047 in its entirety, we test the hypothesis that this meteorite belonged to the near-surface of an Aten or Apollo asteroid that underwent heating during orbital passages close to the Sun.  相似文献   
The excellent spatial resolution of the Chandra observatory offers the unprecedented possibility to measure proper motions at X-ray wavelength with relatively high accuracy using as reference the background of extragalactic or remote galactic X-ray sources. We took advantage of this capability to constrain the proper motion of RX J0806.4-4123 and RX J0420.0-5022, two X-ray bright and radio quiet isolated neutron stars (INSs) discovered by ROSAT and lacking an optical counterpart. In this paper, we present results from a preliminary analysis from which we derive 2σ upper limits of 76 mas/yr and 138 mas/yr on the proper motions of RX J0806.4-4123 and RX J0420.0-5022 respectively. We use these values together with those of other ROSAT discovered INSs to constrain the origin, distance and evolutionary status of this particular group of objects. We find that the tangential velocities of radio quiet ROSAT neutron stars are probably consistent with those of ‘normal’ pulsars. Their distribution on the sky and, for those having accurate proper motion vectors, their possible birth places, all point to a local population, probably created in the part of the Gould Belt nearest to the earth.   相似文献   
This paper describes two computer experiments carried out with a CDC-Cyber 74 program (Barricelliet al., 1979) for computer simulation of a large number of objects in orbit about a central body or primary. The first experiment was started with 125 planets of which the two largest ones had coplanar orbits and masses comparable to those of Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. Their semimajor axes and eccentricities were, however, much larger. The smaller planets had a distribution promoting the formation of an axial meeting area. The experiment gives information relevant to the question of focusing of planetary orbits into a common plane and to the question of the formation and stability of an axial meeting area. Together with the next experiment, it also gives information about the development of commensurabilities (or resonances) with the largest planets.The second experiment started with 55 planets none of them with a mass greater than about 20% of Jupiter's but several of them with orbits close to a common plane. The aim of the experiment was to investigate whether successive captures followed by planetary fusion (Barricelli, 1972a) could lead to the formation of major planets comparable to Jupiter and Saturn, and in similar orbits. Also this experiment gives information relevant to the commensurability problem.  相似文献   
In the Kaapvaal craton of southern Africa, as well as other Archaean cratons worldwide, the progression from dominant tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) to granite-monzogranite-syenogranite(GMS)rock types is interpreted to reflect progressive reworking and differentiation of the continental crust.Here we re-evaluate the early Archaean evolution of the Kaapvaal craton and propose a unified view of the plutonic and volcanic records based on elemental and isotopic(Nd, Hf) data and zircon U-Pb ages.We also report new whole-rock major and trace element analyses, zircon U-Pb ages and Hf-in-zircon analyses of igneous clasts from a conglomerate of the 3.2 Ga Moodies Group of the Barberton Greenstone Belt. Many of these clasts are derived from shallow intrusive rocks of granitic composition, which are scarcely represented in outcrop. Despite alteration, the volcanic rocks can be classified based on their trace element contents into two main groups by comparison with plutonic rocks. One group has characteristics resembling TTGs: relatively low and fractionated rare earth element concentrations with no Eu anomaly and relatively low concentrations of high field strength elements(Nb mostly ≤12 ppm). The second group has GMS-like characteristics: less fractionated REE, marked negative Eu anomalies and HFSE-increasing trends with progressing fractionation(Nb ≤ 50 ppm or more, Th up to 30-40 ppm). In addition, igneous clasts of Moodies Group conglomerate have chemical, mineralogical and isotopic characteristics that link them to GMS. New analyses of some of these clasts indicate elevated high field strength elements(Nb up to 20 ppm) and_(εHf)(t)of zircon down to -3.5. These rocks imply the presence of an already differentiated felsic crust at 3.5 Ga, which has Nd and Hf model ages indicating mantle extraction ages extending back to the Eoarchaean. The combined record of plutonic and volcanic rocks of the Kaapvaal craton provides a more complex scenario than previously suggested and indicates that TTG and GMS-like felsic magmas were emplaced broadly coevally in multiple pulses between ~3.5 Ga and 3.2 Ga.  相似文献   
The bioavailability and bacterial degradation rates of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were determined over a seasonal cycle in Loch Creran (Scotland) by measuring the decrease in dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen (DON) and phosphorous (DOP) concentrations during long-term laboratory incubations (150 days) at a constant temperature of 14 °C. The experiments showed that bioavailable DOC (BDOC) accounted for 29 ± 11% of DOC (average ± SD), bioavailable DON (BDON) for 52 ± 11% of DON and bioavailable DOP (BDOP) for 88 ± 8% of DOP. The seasonal variations in DOM concentrations were mainly due to the bioavailable fraction. BDOP was degraded at a rate of 12 ± 4% d– 1 (average ± SD) while the degradation rates of BDOC and BDON were 7 ± 2% d– 1 and 9 ± 2% d– 1 respectively, indicating a preferential mineralization of DOP relative to DON and of DON relative to DOC. Positive correlations between concentration and degradation rate of DOM suggested that the higher the concentration the faster DOM would be degraded. On average, 77 ± 9% of BDOP, 62 ± 14% of BDON and 49 ± 19% of BDOC were mineralized during the residence time of water in Loch Creran, showing that this coastal area exported C-rich DOM to the adjacent Firth of Lorne. Four additional degradation experiments testing the effect of varying temperature on bioavailability and degradation rates of DOM were also conducted throughout the seasonal cycle (summer, autumn, winter and spring). Apart from the standard incubations at 14 °C, additional studies at 8 °C and 18 °C were also conducted. Bioavailability did not change with temperature, but degradation rates were stimulated by increased temperature, with a Q10 of 2.6 ± 1.1 for DOC and 2.5 ± 0.7 for DON (average ± SD).  相似文献   
Bycatch and indirect mortality associated with global fishing operations affect non-target species. Northern gannets (Morus bassanus) and other seabirds incorporate marine debris, much of it originating in fisheries, into their nests, at times resulting in entanglement. We compared the prevalence and composition of marine debris in nests at two gannet colonies in Newfoundland before and after a basin-wide ground fish closure in 1992, and at the species' largest colony in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, where fishing effort is low. The proportion of nests with marine debris decreased following the fishery closure, and the proportion of nests with fishing gear was related exponentially to the number of gillnets set around breeding colonies. Assessing the composition of gannet nests could provide a useful index of the prevalence of fishing debris and could be used to assess entanglement risk of other animals in the marine environment over decadal scales.  相似文献   
Published reconstructions of last glacial maximum (LGM) sea surface temperatures and sea ice extent differ significantly. We here test the sensitivity of simulated North Atlantic climates to two different reconstructions by using these reconstructions as boundary conditions for model experiments. An atmospheric general circulation model has been used to perform two simulations of the (LGM) and a modern-day control simulation. Standard (CLIMAP) reconstructions of sea ice and sea surface temperatures have been used for the first simulation, and a set of new reconstructions in the Nordic Seas/Northern Atlantic have been used for the second experiment. The new reconstruction is based on 158 core samples, and represents ice-free conditions during summer in the Nordic Seas, with accordingly warmer sea surface temperatures and less extensive sea ice during winter as well. The simulated glacial climate is globally 5.7 K colder than modern day, with the largest changes at mid and high latitudes. Due to more intense Hadley circulation, the precipitation at lower latitudes has increased in the simulations of the LGM. Relative to the simulation with the standard CLIMAP reconstructions, reduction of the sea ice in the North Atlantic gives positive local responses in temperature, precipitation and reduction of the sea level pressure. Only very weak signatures of the wintertime Icelandic Low occur when the standard CLIMAP sea surface temperature reconstruction is used as the lower boundary condition in LGM. With reduced sea ice conditions in the Nordic Seas, the Icelandic Low becomes more intense and closer to its present structure. This indicates that thermal forcing is an important factor in determining the strength and position of the Icelandic Low. The Arctic Oscillation is the most dominant large scale variability feature on the Northern Hemisphere in modern day winter climate. In the simulation of the LGM with extensive sea ice this pattern is significantly changed and represents no systematic large scale variability over the North Atlantic. Reduction of the North Atlantic sea ice extent leads to stronger variability in monthly mean sea level pressure in winter. The synoptic variability appears at a lower level in the simulation when standard reconstructions of the sea surface in the LGM are used. A closer inspection of storm tracks in this model experiment shows that that the synoptic lows follow a narrow band along the ice edge during winter. The trajectories of synoptic lows are not constrained to the sea ice edge to the same degree when the sea ice extent is reduced. Seasonally open waters in the Nordic Seas in the new reconstruction apparently act as a moisture source, consistent with the current understanding of the rapid growth of the Fennoscandian and Barents Ice Sheets, during the LGM. The signal from the intensified thermal forcing in the North Atlantic in Boreal winter is carried zonally by upper tropospheric waves, and thus generates non-local responses to the changed sea ice cover.  相似文献   
The Cenozoic geodynamics of the north‐eastern Mediterranean Basin have been dominated by the subduction of the African Plate under Eurasia. A trench‐parallel crustal‐scale thrust system (Misis–Kyrenia Thrust System) dissects the southern margin of the overriding plate and forms the structural grain and surface expression of northern Cyprus. Late Eocene to Miocene flysch of the Kythrea (De?irmenlik) Group is exposed throughout northern Cyprus, both at the hanging‐wall and foot‐wall of the thrust system, permitting access to an extensive Cenozoic sedimentary record of the basin. We report the results of a combined examination of detrital zircon and rutile U–Pb geochronology (572 concordant ages), coupled with Th/U ratios, Hf isotopic data and quantitative assessment of grain morphology of detrital zircon from four formations (5 samples) from the Kythrea flysch. These data provide a line of independent evidence for the existence of two different sediment transportation systems that discharged detritus into the basin between the late Eocene and late Miocene. Unique characteristics of each transport system are defined and a sediment unmixing calculation is demonstrated and explained. The first system transported almost exclusively North Gondwana‐type, Precambrian‐aged detrital zircon sourced from siliciclastic rock units in southern Anatolia. A different drainage system is revealed by the middle to late Miocene flysch sequence that is dominated by Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic‐aged detrital zircon, whose age range is consistent with the magmatic episodicity of southeast Anatolia, along the Arabia–Eurasia suture zone. Deposition of these late Miocene strata took place thereupon closure of the Tethyan Seaway and African–Eurasian faunal exchange, and overlap in time with a pronounced uplift of eastern Anatolia. Our analytical data indicate the onset of prominent suture‐parallel sediment transport from the collision zone of south‐eastern Anatolia into the Kyrenia Range of northern Cyprus, marking the drainage response to the continental collision between Arabia and Eurasia.  相似文献   
Zoisite-bearing high-pressure pegmatites from the MünchbergMassif, Germany, provide an excellent example of the characteristicsof the onset of metabasite melting at eclogite-facies conditions.The pegmatites were derived by partial melting of a mid-oceanridge basalt (MORB)-like eclogite at T 680°C/2·3GPa to 750°C/3·1 GPa, which produced small amountsof tonalitic to trondhjemitic melt. The melt concentrated locallyin isolated, small melt pockets and crystallized primary zoisiteas liquidus phase at P 2·3 GPa/680°C to 2·1GPa/750°C. Compositional zoning of pegmatite zoisite recordsan ensuing multi-stage uplift history with successive, discretecrystallization events at 1·4 ± 0·2 GPa/650–700°Cand 1·0 ± 0·1 GPa/620–650°C.Resorption textures indicate reheating and thermal perturbationof the whole system prior to each successive crystallizationevent. Final solidification of zoisite-pegmatites occurred at0·9 ± 0·1 GPa/620–650°C. Thedata suggest that isolated melt + zoisite crystal mush pocketsformed an integral part of the eclogite throughout uplift frommelt formation at T 680°C/2·3 GPa to 750°C/3·1GPa to final solidification at 0·9 GPa/620–630°C;that is, over a depth range of 45–60 km. The entire pegmatite-formingprocess was probably fluid conserving: fluid present duringmelt formation was trapped by fully or nearly water-saturatedsiliceous melts, whereas fluid liberated during pegmatite crystallizationinteracted with dehydrated eclogite-facies assemblages to formamphibolite-facies hydrous minerals. A set of empirical Dmelt/eclogitevalues based on mean zoisite-pegmatite and eclogite compositionwere used to model the onset of partial high-pressure meltingof metabasites. KEY WORDS: adakite; high-pressure melting; pegmatite; trondhjemite; zoisite  相似文献   
The Upper Units of the allochthonous complexes of the NW Iberian Massif constitute a terrane with continental affinity. They represent the vestiges of a Cambrian magmatic arc developed in the periphery of Gondwana (West African Craton) which was involved in the Devonian Variscan collision, undergoing high-P, high-T metamorphism. This includes ultramafic rocks, high-P mafic rocks (eclogites and granulites) and high-P migmatitic paragneisses. The latter rocks show an extensive migmatization with the leucosomes oriented parallel to the regional foliation. The migmatitic paragneisses are composed of garnet, kyanite, biotite, quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, rutile and Ti-hematite. Thermodynamic modelling using the measured bulk composition in the NCKFMASTHO system indicates metamorphic peak conditions of ~15 kbar and ~800 to 835°C, followed by a significant cooling. The prograde evolution is assessed by means of a melt-reintegration approach, using the composition of the garnet and its inclusions. An appropriate composition of liquid is added to the measured bulk composition to emulate the pre-melting bulk composition. Modelling of this melt-reintegrated composition allows to identify a colder high-P episode below ~500°C. Zircon crystals extracted from the leucosomes show overgrowths crystallized from the partial melt at c. 389 Ma (U–Pb system). The P–T–t path proposed reveals a subduction of the peri-Gondwanan arc-derived section down to mantle depths. An isobaric heating stage occurred as a result of residence at great depths and/or inception of a transient oceanic basin at c. 395 Ma. The ensuing near-isothermal exhumation occurred due to the extension related to the inception of the basin, reaching the thermal peak shortly before c. 389 Ma. Subsequent cooling is related to the underthrusting of colder oceanic and transitional crust below the HP-HT Upper Units.  相似文献   
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