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Necking, tearing, slab detachment and subsequently slab loss complicate the subduction zone processes and slab architecture. Based on evidences which include patterns of seismicity, seismic tomography and geochemistry of arc volcanoes, we have identified a horizontal slab tear in the subducted Indo-Australian slab beneath the Sunda arc. It strongly reflects on trench migration, and causes along-strike variations in vertical motion and geochemically distinct subduction-related arc magmatism. We also propose a model for the geodynamic evolution of slab detachment.  相似文献   
Climate change affects the environment and natural resources immensely. Rainfall, temperature and evapotranspiration are major parameters of climate affecting changes in the environment. Evapotranspiration plays a key role in crop production and water balance of a region, one of the major parameters affected by climate change. The reference evapotranspiration or ET0 is a calculated parameter used in this research. In the present study, changes in the future rainfall, minimum and maximum temperature, and ET0 have been shown by downscaling the HadCM3 (Hadley Centre Coupled Model version 3) model data. The selected study area is located in a part of the Narmada river basin area in Madhya Pradesh in central India. The downscaled outputs of projected rainfall, ET0 and temperatures have been shown for the 21st century with the HADCM3 data of A2 scenario by the Least Square Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) model. The efficiency of the LS-SVM model was measured by different statistical methods. The selected predictors show considerable correlation with the rainfall and temperature and the application of this model has been done in a basin area which is an agriculture based region and is sensitive to the change of rainfall and temperature. Results showed an increase in the future rainfall, temperatures and ET0. The temperature increase is projected in the high rise of minimum temperature in winter time and the highest increase in maximum temperature is projected in the pre-monsoon season or from March to May. Highest increase is projected in the 2080s in 2081–2091 and 2091–2099 in maximum temperature and 2091–2099 in minimum temperature in all the stations. Winter maximum temperature has been observed to have increased in the future. High rainfall is also observed with higher ET0 in some decades. Two peaks of the increase are observed in ET0 in the April–May and in the October. Variation in these parameters due to climate change might have an impact on the future water resource of the study area, which is mainly an agricultural based region, and will help in proper planning and management.  相似文献   
We report on the structure and geometry of coronal magnetic fields inferred from the observations of meter-decimeter type III and moving type IV radio bursts, associated with a Hα flare. This is the first report of type III radio bursts from the Nançay radioheliograph after it acquired the two-dimensional multifrequency capability. Dispersion of the radio source positions with frequency suggests that open and closed field lines are considerably inclined to the radial direction which is consistent with the connectivity observed in the magnetogram. We suggest that multiple arch systems are involved in the type IV emission. From the polarization and dispersion characteristics of the type IV source, we infer that the emission is due to fundamental plasma emission.  相似文献   
Observations of a type II burst with fundamental and harmonic structure were made, with the Clark Lake Radio Observatory's E-W and N-S sweep frequency interferometers operating in the range 120–20 MHz with time and frequency resolution of 1 s and 100 kHz, respectively. The type II burst was preceded by a type III-type V, and the associated flare of importance SN was located at S 20 W 73. The interferometric data show that the fundamental and harmonic were coincident in position. Further, the type III positions as a function of frequency were practically the same as those of the type II burst. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
Further observations of solar microbursts by the Clark Lake radioheliograph are reported. The microbursts have properties consistent with weak type III bursts, with the implication that type III's can have brightness temperatures as low as 106 K. We explore the importance of this result. A single model to explain the stronger type III bursts and the weaker microbursts is sought. We show that none of the models for stabilizing the strongest type III electron streams can explain the observed microbursts: these models have threshold levels of Langmuir waves which imply emission (due to spontaneous scattering off ions) with brightness temperatures in excess of those observed. It appears that either some vital physics is still missing from models for type III bursts, or that microbursts should have properties significantly different from those of type III bursts. In the latter case further observations should allow important tests of type III models.  相似文献   
Several solar active regions were observed during the 1976 vernal equinox with the 3-element interferometer of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. The element spacings for these observations were 600, 2100, and 2700 m, resulting in maximum angular resolutions of about 3 arc sec at 3.7 cm and 8.5 arc sec at 11.1 cm. We fitted the fringe visibility for each baseline pair as a function of projected baseline with a single gaussian component, and calculated the extrapolated flux at zero baseline, F 0, the FWHM source size, a, and the peak brightness temperature T b. We present physical parameters derived for the observed bursts.  相似文献   
Experiments were carried out on the toxicity of diluted dyeing and printing industry effluent to a penaeid prawn, Parapenaeopsis sculptilis (Heller). Effluent tolerance experiments showed that both juvenile and adult prawns were unable to withstand the increasing concentration of the effluent. Juveniles were more susceptible to effluent than adults. As a consequence of higher consumption of energy due to the disturbed metabolism a decrease in the metabolite content was observed, whereas the content of ions showed an irregular trend with all the concentrations. The behavioural study showed that before death both juvenile and adult prawns became inactive, followed by paralysis. The physico-chemical nature of the effluent showed high amounts of solids, BOD, COD, sodium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, ammonium nitrogen, sulphate and absence of DO, probably causing an osmotic imbalance in the prawn body which leads to early mortality. Even a 1% concentration of such an effluent of a physico-chemical nature was reported to be toxic to the prawns.  相似文献   
We discuss the spectra and positions of the meter-decameter wavelength radio sources associated with the 5 September 1973 flare. We discuss the evolution of the size of the type II burst source and show that it fluctuates by a factor of 10, or larger. Consequently, the potential and kinetic energies associated with the shock are uncertain by the same factor. By comparing the positions of the type II and type III sources we conclude that while the shock wave associated with the type II was guided along high loops, the type III electrons were injected along open field lines which diverged within a short height in the corona. The characteristics of a particularly interesting type III burst with a low-frequency cut-off are discussed. We argue that nearby loops were not disrupted by the shock and that the energetic electrons produced during the event must have been injected at several sites and guided along open field lines at large distances from the flare to produce type III bursts.  相似文献   
FRW universe in RS II braneworld model filled with a combination of dark matter and dark energy in the form of modified Chaplygin gas (MCG) is considered. It is known that the equation of state (EoS) for MCG is a three-variable equation determined by A, α and B. The permitted values of these parameters are determined by the recent astrophysical and cosmological observational data. Here we present the Hubble parameter in terms of the observable parameters Ω m0, Ω x0, H 0, redshift z and other parameters like A, B, C and α. From Stern data set (12 points), we have obtained the bounds of the arbitrary parameters by minimizing the χ 2 test. The best-fit values of the parameters are obtained by 66 %, 90 % and 99 % confidence levels. Next due to joint analysis with BAO and CMB observations, we have also obtained the bounds of the parameters (B,C) by fixing some other parameters α and A. The best fit value of distance modulus μ(z) is obtained for the MCG model in RS II brane, and it is concluded that our model is perfectly consistent with the union2 sample data.  相似文献   
We present a study of the X-ray spectral properties of the highly variable X-ray emitting black hole in a globular cluster in the elliptical galaxy NGC 4472. The X-ray Multiple Mirror–Newton ( XMM–Newton ) spectrum of the source in its bright epoch is well described by a multiple blackbody model with a characteristic temperature   kT in≈  0.2 keV. The spectrum of an archival Chandra observation of the source obtained 3.5 yr before the XMM data gives similar estimates for the blackbody parameters. We confirm that the fainter interval of the XMM–Newton observation has a spectrum that is consistent with the brighter epoch, except for an additional level of foreground absorption. We also consider other possible mechanisms for the variability. Based on the time-scale of the X-ray flux decline and the estimated size of the X-ray emission region, we argue that an eclipsing companion is highly unlikely. We find the most likely means of producing the absorption changes on the observed time-scale is through partial obscuration by a precessing warped accretion disc.  相似文献   
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