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This paper gives an analytical overview of the experimental data obtained by different authors at high P and T in the model system MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–Cr2O3 (MASCr). A set of four simple polynomial equations is proposed for the temperature and pressure dependence of chromium content in garnet and spinel in the assemblage Gar + Opx + Es and Gar + Fo + Opx + Sp.From the first equation, one can estimate the minimum pressure at a given temperature which is required for the formation of peridotite garnets of uncertain paragenesis with a known knorringite content. A combination of the second and third equations helps estimate P and T from the chromium content of garnet and spinel from assemblages containing both minerals. If the spinel composition is unknown, but there is reason to assign garnet to a spinel-bearing paragenesis, the fourth equation is applicable for estimating pressure at given temperature.Originally, the proposed garnet–spinel geothermobarometer was developed for a harzburgite paragenesis. However, it is applicable to garnets with CaO/Cr2O3 < 0.903 (including lherzolitic ones), that is, those within the Pyr–Kn–Uv triangle of the reciprocal quaternary diagram Pyr–Cros–Uv–Kn.Using the above equations and an empirical PCG geobarometer (Grütter et al., 2006), comparative geothermobarometric estimates were obtained for a set of garnet and garnet–spinel inclusions in diamonds and intergrowths with diamond, as well as garnet inclusions in spinel. If garnet has CaO/Cr2O3 = 0.35–0.40, the results are in good accord. For Cr-richest and Ca-poorest garnets, the PCG barometer shows pressures 10–15% higher compared with our estimates.  相似文献   
Na2O contents were determined by electron microprobe analysis in 124 garnets from diamonds, xenoliths of peridotites, eclogites from kimberlitic pipes and metamorphic complexes. Na2O content ranges between 0.01 and 0.22% with the limit of detection at about 0.01%. In the garnets of diamond-bearing eclogites and orange garnets from diamonds a regular increase in the Na2O content has been established, varying from 0.09 to 0.22, as compared to garnets from eclogites of metamorphic complexes (range 0.01 to 0.06). It is assumed that the increased Na2O content in the garnets of eclogites is mainly connected with higher pressure, whereas isomorphism of sodium is connected with the initial stages of the transition from Si4 to Si6 in the garnet structure: CaAlNaSi.The study of the sodium content of garnets has shown that all the orange-coloured garnets from diamonds so far studied are related to eclogite assemblage. Determination of the Na2O content of individual inclusions of chrome pyropes from diamonds permits a conclusion on the type of assemblage (with or without clinopyroxene). Proceeding from these data, the importance of garnet-olivine paragenesis within the stability field of diamond has been revealed.Some clear distinctions in the sodium content of the garnets from xenoliths of the kyanite eclogites from the Zagadochnaya pipe in Yakutia and the Roberts Victor mine in South Africa confirm the relation of these eclogites to different subfacies.A conclusion is drawn as to the possibility of utilizing the Na/Na+Ca distribution in the garnets and pyroxenes of eclogites of especially deep-seated origin as a pressure indicator and to the necessity for experimental testing of the dependence of the distribution of these elements in garnets and pyroxenes on pressure, presumably in the range of 30–100 kbars.  相似文献   
Using 172 plates taken with the 40-cm astrograph of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute(Lomonosov Moscow University) in 1976–1994 and digitized with a resolution of 2400 dpi, we discovered and studied 275 new variable stars. We present the list of our new variables with all necessary information concerning their brightness variations. As in our earlier studies, the new discoveries show a rather large number of high-amplitude Delta Scuti variables, predicting that many stars of this type remain not detected in the whole sky. We also performed automated classification of the newly discovered variable stars based on the Random Forest algorithm. The results of the automated classification were compared to traditional classification and showed that automated classification was possible even with noisy photographic data. However, further improvement of automated techniques is needed, which is especially important when considering the very large numbers of new discoveries expected from all-sky surveys.  相似文献   
2010年4月14日青海玉树MS7.1地震发生在青藏高原东南部甘孜-玉树地震带,在震后7~10天内,我们快速建立了由15个GPS测站组成的跨地震破裂带观测剖面,包括1个连续站,3个半连续站和11个流动站,对所有站进行了240多天的观测,获取了该次地震的震后形变时空特征.采用欧拉矢量和位错模型解算了背景速度场,并从GPS观测的形变场中扣除该分量.采用分层黏弹性位错模型计算余震引起的地表形变,结果表明余震对部分测站的位移造成不可忽视的影响.采用对数模型拟合位移时间序列,表明特征衰减时间为6.7±1.2天.利用最速下降法反演震后余滑时空分布,反演结果表明震后断层活动以左旋滑动为主,断层南盘具有少量的抬升.在空间分布上,余滑主要位于同震破裂区的两侧,西北侧的余滑几乎达到地表,而东南区的余滑基本在同震破裂区的下方,余滑最大的区域位于结古镇东南下方10~20 km的深度范围.随着震后离逝时间的增加,2个余滑区在空间上保持不变,余滑区的面积逐渐扩大.余滑的矩释放为(1.5~5.1)×1018Nm,相当于1个MW6.1~6.4地震释放的能量.分层岩石圈黏弹性模型计算的地壳孔隙弹性反弹形变与地表观测值相差较大,不能解释观测到的震后变形.采用麦克斯维尔流变体模型计算下地壳和上地幔松弛引起的地表形变,显示出其对地表形变的贡献较小.GPS观测得到的震后形变所具有的快速衰减特征,以及余滑模型能够较好地拟合GPS地表形变,表明2010年玉树MS7.1地震后早期阶段的地壳形变主要是由余滑机制决定的.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes and analyzes the results of radio optical, infrared, and X-ray observations of a large sector of the sky in the constellation Cygnus (19h20m-22h, =30–50°;l II=65–90°, |b II|10°). This region is associated with an extended X-ray source referred to as the Cygnus superbubble. About a quarter of the superbubble region is occupied by the extensively investigated multicomponent thermal radio source Cyg X. The region contains eight OB-associations which, when projected on the sky, duplicate the outline of the X-ray superbubble. These associations contains 110 stars of high luminosity (about 40 Wolf-Rayet and Of stars). The observations suggest that the X-ray superbubble is not a single object. Between 50 and 75% of its X-ray emission can be ascribed to discrete sources, the rest being probably due to regions of coronal gas about 100 pc in diameter, created by stellar winds and, possibly, supernova explosions in individual associations. The objects that produce the X-ray and optical radiation of the presumed superbubble are located at distances from 0.5 to 2.5 kpc from the Sun in the Carina-Cygnus spiral arm. The eastern portion of the region presumed superbubble contains the associations Cyg OB7 and Cyg OB4 and is generally less than 1 kpc distant, while the western portion contains the associations Cyg OB1, 2, 3, 8, and 9 and is 1 to 2 kpc distant.  相似文献   
Kokchetavite, a new polymorph of K-feldspar (KAlSi3O8), has been identified as micrometer-size inclusions in clinopyroxene and garnet in a garnet-pyroxene rock from the Kokchetav ultrahigh-pressure terrane, Kazakhstan. Kokchetavite has a hexagonal structure with a =5.27(1) Å, c=7.82(1) Å, V=188.09 Å3, Z=1, and is found to be associated with phengite + /-cristobalite (or quartz) + siliceous glass ± phlogopite/titanite/calcite/zircon, occurring as multi-phase inclusions in clinopyroxene and garnet. It is concluded that kokchetavite could not be an exsolution phase in host minerals. Instead, it might be metastably precipitated from an infiltrated K-rich melt during rock exhumation. Alternatively, although less likely, kokchetavite might be derived from dehydration of K-cymrite, which, in turn, was formed at high pressures. In either case, kokchetavite is a metastable polymorph of K-feldspar.  相似文献   
The formation of the Stark wings of hydrogen lines is considered on the basis of theoretical models of flares in type UV Cetus stars. It is shown that, under certain conditions (depending on the power of the beam of charged particles and their energy spectrum), very broad wings may be formed, extending 20 and more angstroms from the center of the line. Observations of such wings may provide valuable information concerning the energy spectra of the particles inducing the flare.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 33–44, January–March, 1995.  相似文献   
Coupled hydrological and atmospheric modeling is an efficient method for snowmelt runoff forecast in large basins. We use short-range precipitation forecasts of mesoscale atmospheric Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model combining them with ground-based and satellite observations for modeling snow accumulation and snowmelt processes in the Votkinsk reservoir basin(184,319 km2). The method is tested during three winter seasons(2012–2015). The MODIS-based vegetation map and leaf area index data are used to calculate the snowmelt intensity and snow evaporation in the studied basin. The GIS-based snow accumulation and snowmelt modeling provides a reliable and highly detailed spatial distribution for snow water equivalent(SWE) and snow-covered areas(SCA). The modelling results are validated by comparing actual and estimated SWE and SCA data. The actual SCA results are derived from MODIS satellite data. The algorithm for assessing the SCA by MODIS data(ATBD-MOD 10) has been adapted to a forest zone. In general, the proposed method provides satisfactory results for maximum SWE calculations. The calculation accuracy is slightly degraded during snowmelt periods. The SCA data is simulated with a higher reliability than the SWE data. The differences between the simulated and actual SWE may be explained by the overestimation of the WRF-simulated total precipitation and the unrepresentativeness of the SWE measurements(snow survey).  相似文献   
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