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The tectonic position of the Kamchatka Cape Peninsula at the junction of the active Kuril–Kamchatka and Aleutian arcs exposes the coastline of the peninsula to strong neotectonic activities. Fracture zones have variable influence on uplift of the Kamchatka Cape Peninsula. Relevant morphologic indicators of neotectonic activity are multilevel, highly uplifted marine terraces and terraces displaced along active faults. Recent uplift rates of coastal sediments are determined by remote sensing via ASTER and SRTM DEM combined with optically stimulated luminescence dating (OSL). On the Kamchatka Cape Peninsula, terraces from the same generation are mapped at different elevations by remote sensing methods. After defining different areas of uplifted terraces, four neotectonic blocks are identified. According to apatite fission track data, the mean differential exhumation rates range from 0.2 to 1.2 mm year?1 across the blocks since Late Miocene. The OSL data presented point to significant higher uplift rates of up to 3 ± 0.5 and 4.3 ± 1 mm year?1, which indicates an acceleration of the vertical movement along the coast of Kamchatka Cape Peninsula in Upper Pleistocene and Holocene times.  相似文献   
We suggest a new approach and develop an original method for deriving astrometric data from the photometry of mutual occultations and eclipses of planetary satellites. We decide to model not the relative apparent motion of one satellite with respect to another satellite but the deflection of the observed relative motion with respect to the theoretical motion implied by appropriate ephemerides.We have attempted to reduce the results of photometric observations of the Gallilean satellites during their mutual occultations and eclipses in 2002-2003. The data of observation for 319 light curves of 106 mutual events were received from the observers. The reliable 245 light curves were processed with our method. Eighty six apparent relative positions have been obtained.Systematic errors arise inevitably while deriving astrometric data. Most of them are due to factors that are unrelated to the methods for deriving astrometric data. The systematic errors are more likely due to incorrect excluding the effect of background on photometric counts. In the case of mutual occultations, the flux drop is determined to a considerable degree by the ratio of the mean albedos of the two satellites. Some mutual event observations revealed wrong adopted values of the mean albedos.  相似文献   
Since the discovery of ultraviolet markings on Venus, their observations have been a powerful tool to study the morphology, motions and dynamical state at the cloud top level. Here we present the results of investigation of the cloud top morphology performed by the Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC) during more than 3 years of the Venus Express mission. The camera acquires images in four narrow-band filters centered at 365, 513, 965 and 1010 nm with spatial resolution from 50 km at apocentre to a few hundred of meters at pericentre. The VMC experiment provides a significant improvement in the Venus imaging as compared to the capabilities of the earlier missions. The camera discovered new cloud features like bright “lace clouds” and cloud columns at the low latitudes, dark polar oval and narrow circular and spiral “grooves” in the polar regions, different types of waves at the high latitudes. The VMC observations revealed detailed structure of the sub-solar region and the afternoon convective wake, the bow-shape features and convective cells, the mid-latitude transition region and the “polar cap”. The polar orbit of the satellite enables for the first time nadir viewing of the Southern polar regions and an opportunity to zoom in on the planet. The experiment returned numerous images of the Venus limb and documented global and local brightening events. VMC provided almost continuous monitoring of the planet with high temporal resolution that allowed one to follow changes in the cloud morphology at various scales.We present the in-flight performance of the instrument and focus in particular on the data from the ultraviolet channel, centered at the characteristic wavelength of the unknown UV absorber that yields the highest contrasts on the cloud top. Low latitudes are dominated by relatively dark clouds that have mottled and fragmented appearance clearly indicating convective activity in the sub-solar region. At ~50° latitude this pattern gives way to streaky clouds suggesting that horizontal, almost laminar, flow prevails here. Poleward from about 60°S the planet is covered by almost featureless bright polar hood sometimes crossed by dark narrow (~300 km) spiral or circular structures. This global cloud pattern can change on time scales of a few days resulting in global and local “brightening events” when the bright haze can extend far into low latitudes and/or increase its brightness by 30%. Close-up snapshots reveal plenty of morphological details like convective cells, cloud streaks, cumulus-like columns, wave trains. Different kinds of small scale waves are frequently observed at the cloud top. The wave activity is mainly observed in the 65–80° latitude band and is in particular concentrated in the region of Ishtar Terra that suggests their possible orographic origin. The VMC observations have important implications for the problems of the unknown UV absorber, microphysical processes, dynamics and radiative energy balance at the cloud tops. They are only briefly discussed in the paper, but each of them will be the subject of a dedicated study.  相似文献   
We have developed an active dipole that is intended for use in new generation low frequency array applications. The preamplifier of the active dipole has very high linearity (input IP2 = 70 dBm, input IP3 = 31 dBm) and low noise temperature (100?C360 K). The frequency dependence of the dipole impedance and the match between the dipole and preamplifier have been optimized to achieve Galactic noise limited operation. The ratio between the antenna temperature due to Galactic noise and the noise temperature of the preamplifier is 10 ± 1.5 dB over the whole 10 to 70 MHz range. The total cost of the active cross-dipole is 220 euro.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a technique for searching for bright massive stars in galaxies beyond the Local Group.To search for massive stars,we processed the results of stellar photometry from the Hubble Space Telescope(HST) images using the DAOPHOT and DOLPHOT packages.The results of such searches are demonstrated with examples of the galaxies DDO 68,M94 and NGC 1672.In the galaxy DDO 68,the LBV star changes its brightness,and massive stars in M94 can be identified by excess in the Ha band.For the galaxy NGC 1672,we measure the distance for the first time by the TRGB method,which enabled determining the luminosities of the brightest stars,likely hypergiants,in the young star formation region.So far,we have performed stellar photometry on HST images of 320 northern sky galaxies located at a distance less than 12 Mpc.This allowed us to identify 53 galaxies with probable hypergiants.Further photometric and spectral observations of these galaxies are planned to search for massive stars.  相似文献   
Field, geochemical, and geochronologic data of high-grade basement metamafic and evolved rocks are used to identify the nature and timing of pre-Alpine crustal growth of the Rhodope Massif. These rocks occur intrusive into clastic-carbonate metasedimentary succession. Petrography and mineral chemistry show compositions consistent with Alpine amphibolite-facies metamorphism that obliterated the original igneous textures of the protoliths. Bulk-rock geochemistry identifies low-Ti tholeiitic to calc-alkaline gabbroic-basaltic and plagiogranite precursors, with MORB-IAT supra-subduction zone signature and trace elements comparable to modern back-arc basalts. The U-Pb zircon dating revealed a mean age of 455 Ma for the magmatic crystallization of the protoliths that contain inherited Cambrian (528–534 Ma) zircons. Carboniferous, Jurassic, and Eocene metamorphic events overprinted the Ordovician protoliths. The radiometric results of the metamorphic rocks demonstrate that Ordovician oceanic crust was involved in the build-up of the Rhodope high-grade basement. Dating of Eocene-Oligocene volcanic rocks overlying or cross-cutting the metamorphic rocks supplied Neoproterozoic, Ordovician and Permo-Carboniferous xenocrystic zircons that were sampled en route to the surface from the basement. The volcanic rocks thus confirm sub-regionally present Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic igneous and metamorphic basement. We interpret the origin of the Middle-Late Ordovician oceanic magmatism in a back-arc rift-spreading center propagating along peri-Gondwanan Cadomian basement terrane related to the Rheic Ocean widening. The results highlight the presence of elements of Cadomian northern Gondwana margin in the high-grade basement and record of Rheic Ocean evolution. The eastern Rhodope Massif high-grade basement compared to adjacent terranes with Neoproterozoic and Cambro-Ordovician evolution shares analogous tectono-magmatic record providing a linkage among basement terranes incorporated in the Alpine belt of the north Aegean region.  相似文献   
Structural evolution of the Kamchatka–Aleutian junction area in late Mesozoic and Tertiary was generally controlled by (1) the processes of subduction in Kronotskiy and Proto-Kamchatka subduction zones and (2) collision of the Kronotskiy arc against NE Eurasia margin. Two structural zones of the pre-Pliocene age and six structural assemblages are recognized in studied region. 1: Eastern ranges zone comprises SE-vergent thrust folded belt, which evolved in accretionary and collisional setting. Two structural assemblages (ER1 and ER2), developed there, document shortening in the NW–SE direction and in the N–S direction, respectively. 2: Eastern Peninsulas zone generally corresponds to Kronotskiy arc terrane. Four structural assemblages are recognized in this zone. They characterize (1) precollisional deformations in the accretionary wedge (EP1) and in the fore-arc basin and volcanic belt (EP2), and (2) syn-collisional deformation of the entire Kronotskiy terrane in plunging folds (EP3) and deformations in the foreland basin (EP4). Analysis of paleomagnetic declinations versus present day structural strike in the Kronotskiy arc terrane shows that originally the arc was trending from west to east. Relative position of the accretionary wedge, fore-arc basin and volcanic belt, as well as northward dipping thrusts in accretionary wedge indicate, that a northward dipping subduction zone was located south of the arc. The accretionary wedge developed from the Late Cretaceous through the Eocene, and it implies that the subduction zone maintained its direction and position during this time. It implies that Kronotskiy arc was neither a part of the Pacific nor Kula plates and was located on an individual smaller plate, which included the arc and Vetlovka back-arc basin. Motion of the Kronotskiy arc towards Eurasia was connected only with NW-directed subduction at Kamchatka margin since Middle Eocene (42–44 Ma). Emplacement of the Kronotskiy arc at the Kamchatka margin occurred between Late Eocene and Early Miocene. This is based on the age of syn-collisional plunging folds in Kronotskiy terrane, and provenance data for the Upper Eocene to Middle Miocene Tyushevka basin, which indicate in situ evolution of the basin with respect to Kamchatka. Collision was controlled by the common motion of the Kronotskiy arc with Pacific plate towards the northwest, and by the motion of the Eurasian margin towards the south. The latter motion was responsible for the southward deflection of the western part of the Kronotskiy arc (EP3 structures), and for oblique transpressional structures in the collisional belt (ER2 structures).  相似文献   
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