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溃屈型滑坡稳定性分析中三个问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对溃屈型滑坡稳定性分析中的三个问题,即滑带土强度参数的分段取值,顺层段与切层段分界点和水的作用,逐一进行初步探讨。  相似文献   
本文利用哈达庙含金侵入杂岩体各主要岩石类型REE分析数据,结合野外地质产状和地球化学特征,论证了杂岩体REE贫化、富集规律与成岩岩浆结晶演化的关系.在此基础上,提出了成岩过程早期以矿物结晶分异作用为主,而晚期阶段受热重扩散效应制约的成岩模式,二种分异作用的交替进行为金矿床的形成提供了物质基础.同非金斑岩体热液蚀变岩相比,含金斑岩体的热液蚀变岩以LREE丰度明显增高为特征,其独特的分布型式和组成特点可作为该区斑岩体含金性评价的地球化学标志之一.  相似文献   
本文依据大量测试数据,对金堆城地区花岗岩类主要造岩矿物学特征同钼迁移富集成矿关系进行了探讨。研究结果表明:异常晶胞条纹长石和正长石以及富重稀土和具明显负铕异常的黑云母是含钼花岗岩类标型矿物,并且可作为花岗岩类岩石发育地区寻找隐伏钼矿体的指示性矿物。钾钠长石和斜长石的结构状态和成分不仅可以提供有关花岗岩类成因演化的信息,其矿物本身亦可成为钼的载体矿物。岩浆期后,强烈的热液蚀变作用可造成钾钠长石和斜长石分解,并且引起钼的释放,从而形成高品位钼矿石。  相似文献   
Some Au deposits in southern Anhui Province have recently been found to be closely associated with Late Mesozoic intrusions. Typical examples include the Huashan Au (Sb) deposit and Au deposits at Zhaojialing, Wuxi, and Liaojia. In order to understand the mechanisms that led the formation of these Au deposits, we make detailed reviews on the geological characteristics of these Au deposits. Specifically, we present new LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating, along with elemental and Hf isotopic data from the Huashan Au (Sb) deposit. Our data suggests that the Huashan ore-related intrusions were emplaced during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous periods (144–148 Ma). They are characterized by arc-magma features and high oxygen fugacity and are rich in inherited zircons. Zircon U–Pb ages and Lu–Hf isotopes from intrusions suggest that Proterozoic juvenile lithosphere is the main source of these intrusions. The regional geological history implies that lithosphere beneath southern Anhui was produced during a Proterozoic subduction and was fertilized with Au (Cu) in the process. Integrated with the results of previous studies, we inferred that Late Mesozoic intrusions formed by the remelting of the lithosphere could provide the metal endowment for the Au-rich deposits in southern Anhui.  相似文献   
To simultaneously take into account the Biot-flow mechanism, the squirt-flow mechanism, and the frame-viscoelasticity mechanism, a generalized viscoelastic BISQ (Biot/squirt) model is developed for wave propagation in clay-bearing sandstones based on Dvorkin's elastic BISQ model. The present model is extended to a wide range of permeabilities (k 〉 0.05 mD) by introducing a dimensionless correction factor for viscoelastic parameters, defined as a function of the permeability and the clay content. We describe the frame's stress-strain relationship of the clay-bearing sandstones by the differential constitutive equations of generalized viscoelasticity and then derive the viscoelastic-wave dynamic equations. With the assumption of a plane-wave solution, we finally yield the phase velocities and the attenuation coefficients by solving the dynamic wave equations in the frequency and wave number domain. The comparison of numerical results and experimental data shows that the generalized viscoelastic BISQ model is applicable for modeling the wave propagation in most of the sandstones mainly bearing kaolinite clay.  相似文献   
Detrending is a widely used technique for obtaining stationary time series data in residual analysis and risk assessment. The technique is frequently applied in crop yield risk assessment and insurance ratings. Although several trend models have been proposed in the literature, whether these models achieve consistent detrending results and successfully extract the true yield trends is rarely discussed. In the present article, crop insurance pricing is evaluated by different trend models using real and historical yield data, and hypothetical yield data generated by Monte Carlo simulations. Applied to real historical data, the linear, loglinear, autoregressive integrated moving average trend models produce different risk assessment results. The differences among the model outputs are statistically significant. The largest deviation in the county crop assessment reaches 6–8 %, substantially larger than the present countrywide gross premium rate of 5–7 %. In performance tests on simulated yield trends, popular detrending methods based on smoothing techniques proved overall superior to linear, loglinear, and integrated autoregression models. The best performances were yielded by the moving average and robust locally weighted regression models.  相似文献   
Li  Songtao  Xia  Yong  Liu  Jianzhong  Xie  Zhuojun  Tan  Qinping  Zhao  Yimeng  Meng  Minghua  Tan  Lijin  Nie  Rong  Wang  Zepeng  Zhou  Guanghong  Guo  Haiyan 《中国地球化学学报》2019,38(4):587-609

The newly discovered Baogudi gold district is located in the southwestern Guizhou Province, China, where there are numerous Carlin-type gold deposits. To better understand the geological and geochemical characteristics of the Baogudi gold district, we carried out petrographic observations, elemental analyses, and fluid inclusion and isotopic composition studies. We also compared the results with those of typical Carlin-type gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou. Three mineralization stages, namely, the sedimentation diagenesis, hydrothermal (main-ore and late-ore substages), and supergene stages, were identified based on field and petrographic observations. The main-ore and late-ore stages correspond to Au and Sb mineralization, respectively, which are similar to typical Carlin-type mineralization. The mass transfer associated with alteration and mineralization shows that a significant amount of Au, As, Sb, Hg, Tl, Mo, and S were added to mineralized rocks during the main-ore stage. Remarkably, arsenic, Sb, and S were added to the mineralized rocks during the late-ore stage. Element migration indicates that the sulfidation process was responsible for ore formation. Four types of fluid inclusions were identified in ore-related quartz and fluorite. The main-ore stage fluids are characterized by an H2O–NaCl–CO2–CH4 ± N2 system, with medium to low temperatures (180–260 °C) and low salinity (0–9.08% NaCl equivalent). The late-ore stage fluids featured H2O–NaCl ± CO2 ± CH4, with low temperature (120–200 °C) and low salinity (0–7.48% NaCl equivalent). The temperature, salinity, and CO2 and CH4 concentrations of ore-forming fluids decreased from the main-ore stage to the late-ore stage. The calculated δ13C, δD, and δ18O values of the ore-forming fluids range from − 14.3 to − 7.0‰, −76 to −55.7‰, and 4.5–15.0‰, respectively. Late-ore-stage stibnite had δ34S values ranging from − 0.6 to 1.9‰. These stable isotopic compositions indicate that the ore-forming fluids originated mainly from deep magmatic hydrothermal fluids, with minor contributions from strata. Collectively, the Baogudi metallogenic district has geological and geochemical characteristics that are typical of Carlin-type gold deposits in southwest Guizhou. It is likely that the Baogudi gold district, together with other Carlin-type gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou, was formed in response to a single widespread metallogenic event.

地球化学块体与大型矿集区的关系——以东天山为例   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
通过在东天山15万km2的战略性深穿透地球化学调查共圈出大于1000km2以上的地球化学块体18处,其中铜-铅-锌-银地球化学块体5处,铜地球化学块体3处,铜-镍地球化学块体1处,金的地球化学块体4处,铀的地球化学块体3处,铂-钯地球化学块体1处,钨地球化学块体1处。有6处地球化学块体与已知矿集区相对应,新圈定的地球化学块体12处,其中有3处发现了新的矿床。根据这些块体与矿集区的对比得出如下结论:所有的已知矿集区都位于地球化学块体的范围之内,地球化学块体为矿集区的形成提供了丰富的物质基础;有矿集区的存在一定有地球化学块体的存在,但反过来有地球化学块体的存在不一定有矿集区的存在,地球化学块体是客观存在的,而矿集区是已经发现了一系列矿床并勘探到一定程度才能称作矿集区,因此,地球化学块体内可能会存在潜在的矿集区,这为利用地球化学块体预测新的矿集区提供了依据。  相似文献   
密切结合勘探实际,以钻井、测井等地质资料为主要依据,以鄂尔多斯盆地东部奥陶系风化壳为对象,以多学科的地质理论与技术方法为指导,结合盆地构造演化,通过对奥陶系不整合侵蚀面上下地层组合情况的深入分析,把印模法与残厚法结果有机结合,深入探讨了奥陶系风化壳古地貌恢复的方法思路及其古地貌发育特征,探索了古地貌恢复的新方法--综合法,建立了解释和恢复古地貌单元属性的综合地质模型。研究结果表明:盆地东部奥陶系侵蚀不整合面上下的地层组合可以分别被划分为上薄下薄、上厚下厚、上厚下薄、上薄下厚4种基本型式以及上次厚下次薄、上次薄下次薄、上次薄下次厚、上次厚下次厚等8种子模型;相应的古地貌解释包括了岩溶高地、岩溶斜坡、岩溶盆地3个二级古地貌单元以及残丘、台地、残台、阶坪、沟谷、浅洼、深洼等11个三级古地貌单元。岩溶高地出现于研究区西南角,分布局限;岩溶斜坡占据了研究区的大部分,其主力地貌单元为斜坡台地与斜坡阶坪;岩溶盆地位于研究区东部,其主力地貌单元为盆地浅洼。  相似文献   
意大利地震紧急事务处置的特点:①地震灾害与其他灾害统一在一个部门进行紧急事务处置。民防部专门负责实施各类灾害应急救援,应急处置职责范围广泛,包括自然灾害与人为灾害的各类灾害应急救援。健全的组织机构保障了应急处置的高效联动。②地震应急响应技术系统联动集成。硬件平台、基础数据库、软件开发与灾害模型研究4个方面进行集成。③高分辨卫星遥感技术实现灾情快速获取。  相似文献   
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