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Summary. The z -term of latitude and the w -term of UT, as computed by the BIH, are suitable for investigating imperfections in the representation of the real nutation in space. They have been previously used for deriving only the amplitude of the principal term of nutation (Feissel & Guinot). In this study they are used more generally for deriving the amplitudes of two terms of nutation and searching for a possible nutation in space due to the nearly-diurnal wobble.
Two kinds of data are used for this purpose: the values of z and w from 1962.0 to 1980.0 at 0.05 yr intervals and the values of z from 1967.0 to 1980.0 at 5 day intervals. The first ones have been used previously by Feissel & Guinot (using the values up to 1974.0 and 1976.95 respectively). The second ones have not previously been used for such studies.
The derived amplitudes of the principal and the fortnightly terms of nutation are in good agreement with other values deduced from observations, and with the theoretical ones corresponding to the best models of a non-rigid earth. The values obtained are not yet sufficiently precise to distinguish between these models, but could become so in the near future.
The least-squares fits, performed among the z and w data in order to look for any error in the representation of nutation, show the existence of a retrograde term, of a 434 day period for z and 444 day for w and an amplitude of the order of 0.01 arcsec. It may be due to the nearly-diurnal wobble.  相似文献   
We present a warm season (April–September) temperature reconstructionfor Asahikawa, north central Hokkaido, Japan for AD 1557–1990. The reconstruction, which accounts for 34% of the temperature variancefrom 1925–1990, is based on maximum latewood density data from Saghalinspruce (Picea glehnii) growing at timberline (1340–1390 m) at MountAsahidake, Hokkaido. We only present a high frequency (prewhitened or white noise) version of the reconstruction because there is an unexplained offset in the mean between the actual and estimated temperature data for an earlier period of overlap from 1891–1924. The coldest summer in the reconstruction is 1718, forwhich the estimated value is 12.89 ° C, nearly four standard deviations (SD) below the mean. A colder-than-average year is reconstructed for 1641 (13.30° C, nearly 3 SD below mean), following the eruption of Komagatake, Hokkaido which began in July, 1640. The Asahikawa density chronology, shows decadal modes of variation with statistically significant spectral peaks prior to around 1850. A tree-ring width chronology for this same site (AD 1532–1990) is in phase with a tree-ring width record from centralKamchatka prior to around 1850, but out of phase since that time. This pattern suggests, as has been hypothesized for temperature-sensitive tree-ring records from the eastern Pacific sector (Alaska and Patagonia), that a decadal mode of climate variation was more dominant in the Pacific sector prior to about 1850, after which a higher frequency (ENSO-type) mode may have become more pronounced, at least until recent decades. Additional data from the northwestern Pacific is needed to compare to these findings.  相似文献   
We developed a simple and reliable method which allows simultaneous determination of organic forms of carbon (DOC), nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP) dissolved in seawater. Conversion of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to inorganic products (carbon dioxide, nitrate+nitrite and soluble reactive phosphate) is performed by a persulfate wet-oxidation in low alkaline condition. After oxidation, the concentration of the inorganic products dissolved in the sample was measured automatically by colorimetry using a 3-channel Technicon AutoAnalyzer system. A number of pure organic compounds were tested in the concentration range encountered in coastal and open ocean, indicating a high efficiency of the digestion procedure. The recovery range is similar to that obtained by other wet-oxidation procedures and by high-temperature catalytic oxidation techniques. Direct comparisons with usual methods used for separate determination of DOC, DON and DOP indicated a high efficiency of the procedure. Reproducibility tests demonstrated a very good precision (around 5%) for lagoonal and coastal waters, while precision was sometimes around 10–25% in oligotrophic oceanic waters, especially for DOP where values approached limits of detection for measuring phosphate. This method is highly suitable for routine analysis and especially appropriate for shipboard work.  相似文献   
Summary The status of nutation theory in the computation of the Earth Rotation Parameters from the different observational techniques is reviewed. The impact on the combined solution of the Bureau International de l'Heure is evaluated. In view of the improvement brought by the IAU 1980 Nutation Theory, its introduction in the BIH publications, without waiting for the adoption by the astronomical ephemerides (1984 Jan. 1) is decided.  相似文献   
Horizontal distribution of the rotifer plankton of Lake Aydat (France)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated the causes of the shift which occurs in the horizontal distribution of planktonic rotifers of Lake Aydat. A normalised PCA was used to analyse the spatio-temporal distribution of 18 rotifer species. They are more numerous in the littoral zone, but seasonal changes remain higher than spatial changes. Results illustrate the capability of rotifers to take efficiently advantage of available space and food. The digestive tracts of fry and juvenile roach was also analysed and the index of Ivlev was used to determine prey selection. Fish predation occurs in the nearshore zone and the interactions between invertebrate predators and their prey are illustrated by the quantitative changes in community dynamics. Among the complex cascade of events varying in the course of the year, and despite of resource partitioning, predator-prey interactions as well as the exploitative competition between rotifers and crustaceans produce gradients exhibited in the horizontal distribution of rotifers in Lake Aydat.  相似文献   
About 12.3 km3 of basaltic magma were erupted from the Lakagigar fissure in Iceland in 1783, which may have been derived from the high-level reservoir of Grimsvotn central volcano, by lateral flow within the rifted crust. We have studied the petrology of quenched, glassy tephra from sections through pyroclastic cones along the fissure. The chemical composition of matrix glass of the 1783 tephra is heterogeneous and ranges from olivine tholeiite to Fe–Ti rich basalt, but the most common magma erupted is quartz tholeiite (Mg#43.6 to 37.2). The tephra are characterized by low crystal content (5 to 9 vol%). Glass inclusions trapped in plagioclase and Fo86 to Fo75 olivine phenocrysts show a large range of compositions, from primitive olivine tholeiite (Mg#64.3), quartz tholeiite (Mg#43–37), to Fe–Ti basalts (Mg#33.5) which represent the most differentiated liquids and are trapped as rare melt inclusions in clinopyroxene. Both matrix glass and melt inclusion data indicate a chemically heterogeneous magma reservoir, with quartz tholeiite dominant. LREE-depleted olivine-tholeiite melt-inclusions in Mg-rich olivine and anorthitic-plagioclase phenocrysts may represent primitive magma batches ascending into the reservoir at the time of the eruption. Vesicularity of matrix glasses correlates with differentiation, ranging from 10 to 60 vol.% in evolved quartz-tholeiite glasses, whereas olivine-tholeiite glasses contain less than 10 vol.% vesicles. FTIR analyses of olivine-tholeiite melt-inclusions indicate concentrations of 0.47 wt% H2O and 430 to 510 ppm for CO2. Chlorine in glass inclusions and matrix glasses increases from 50 ppm in primitive tholeiite to 230 ppm in Fe–Ti basalts, without clear evidence of degassing. Melt inclusion analyses show that sulfur varies from 915 ppm to 1970 ppm, as total FeO* increases from 9 to 13.5 wt%. Sulfur degassing correlates both with vesicularity and magma composition. Thus sulfur in matrix glasses decreases from 1490 ppm to 500 ppm, as Mg # decreases from 47 to 37 and vesicularity of the magma strongly increases. These results indicate loss of at least 75% of sulfur during the eruption. The correlation of low sulfur content in matrix glasses with high vesicularity is regarded as evidence of the control of a major exsolving volatile phase on the degassing efficiency of the magma. Our model is consistent a quasi-permanent CO2 flux through the shallow-level magmatic reservoir of Grimsvotn. Following magma withdrawal from the reservoir and during eruption from the Lakagigar fissure, sulfur degassing was controlled by inherent CO2-induced vesicularity of the magma.  相似文献   
Patterns in phytoplankton biomass are essential to understanding estuarine ecosystem structure and function and are the net result of various gain and loss processes. In this study, patterns in phytoplankton biomass were explored in relation to a suite of potentially regulating factors in a well-flushed, subtropical lagoon, the Matanzas River Estuary (MRE) in northeast Florida. We examined temporal variability in water temperature, light availability, nutrient concentrations, phytoplankton productivity, and phytoplankton standing stock over 8 years (2003–2010) and explored relationships among variables through correlation analysis. Laboratory experiments in the spring and summer of 2009 quantified phytoplankton growth rates, nutrient limitation potential, and zooplankton grazing rates. The potential influence of oyster grazing was also examined by scaling up population metrics and filtration rate estimates. Results indicated that phytoplankton biomass in the study area was relatively low mainly due to a combination of low temperature and light availability in the winter and consistent tidal water exchange and bivalve grazing throughout the year. Relatively low levels of phytoplankton standing stock and small inter-annual variability within the MRE reflect a balance between gain and loss processes which provide a degree of resilience of the system to natural and anthropogenic influences.  相似文献   
The first advisory to limit consumption of Florida Bay fish due to mercury was issued in 1995. Studies done by others in the late 1990s found elevated water column concentrations of both total Hg (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) in creeks discharging from the Everglades, which had its own recognized mercury problem. To investigate the significance of allochthonous MeHg discharging from the upstream freshwater Everglades, we collected surface water and sediment along two transects from 2000 to 2002. Concentrations of THg and MeHg, ranging from 0.36 ng THg/L to 5.98 ng THg/L and from <0.02 ng MeHg/L to 1.79 ng MeHg/L, were elevated in the mangrove transition zone when compared both to upstream canals and the open waters of Florida Bay. Sediment concentrations ranged from 5.8 ng THg/g to 145.6 ng THg/g and from 0.05 ng MeHg/g to 5.4 ng MeHg/g, with MeHg as a percentage of THg occasionally elevated in the open bay. Methylation assays indicated that sediments from Florida Bay have the potential to methylate Hg. Assessment of mass loading suggests that canals delivering stormwater from the northern Everglades are not as large a source as direct atmospheric deposition and in situ methylation, especially within the mangrove transition zone.  相似文献   
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