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Résumé Le Bled Zelfane est un synclinal mio-pliocène sur la bordure septentriono-orientale de l'ile de Kasserine. L'ile de Kasserine est une plate-forme devenue insulaire à partir du Crétacé supérieur et restée émergée jusqu'au Miocène moyen. Ce môle a été soumis apparemment pendant sa période continentale à un climat oxydant de type méditerranéen relativement sec. On note une certaine diversification dans la nature des dépôts en zones basses (secteur de Kasserine) et en zones hautes (secteur du Bled Zelfane). En zones basses, la sécheresse climatique a favorisé la formation de dépôts de gypse, d'argiles rouges et de calcrêtes. En zones hautes, une érosion par lessivage acide a créé des dépressions karstiques dans les calcaires du Crétacé supérieur (Aïn Khamouda) et dans les calcaires du Maëstrichtien (Sidi Mabrouk et Guémata). Le remplissage des cavités karstiques (poches, crevasses) s'est fait avec de l'argile blanche (halloysite), contenant des micro-cristaux de galène, avec de la calamine et des oxydes de fer. Les conditions climatiques étaient trop oxydantes pour que le zinc se dépose autrement que sous forme de calamine. Elles expliquent aussi la présence de paléo-algobactéries (aérobies) sur la calamine. La présence de micro-cristaux de galène dans l'halloysite serait liée à un sulfuretum et non à des conditions réductrices réelles. Il semble en effet que dans ces karsts du Bled Zelfane une flore bactérienne très riche a joué un rôle essentiel dans le piégeage d'éléments lourds et notamment dans la genèse de galènes supergènes et dans la cristallisation de la calamine. Une minéralisation, elle aussi plombo-zincifère, de type stratiforme, s'observe à la base de Miocène inférieur et montre de même des bactéries fossiles à foison.
Bled Zelfane is a Mio-Pliocene syncline on the NE edge of the palaeo-island of Kasserine, a platform which became insular at the beginning of the Upper Cretaceous and remained emergent until the Middle Miocene. During its long emergence this platform was affected by an oxidising, relatively dry, Mediterranaean-type climate. There exists a certain diversity in the sedimentary accumulations in both the lower (Kasserine area) and upper (Bled Zelfane area) sectors of this palaeo-relief. In the lower sectors the dry climate has favourised gypsum, red clays and calcrete formation. In the higher sectors erosion and leaching by acid waters has created karstic depressions in the Upper Cretaceous (Aïn Khamouda) and in the limestones of Maestrichtian (Sidi Mabrouk and Guémata). The karst cavities (pockets and fissures) are filled with white, halloysite clays containing micro-crystals of galena associated with calamine (Zn) and iron oxides. The climatic conditions were too oxidising to permit the formation of Zn other than in the form of calamine. The dry climate is also an explanation for the presence of aerobic palaeo-algobacteria on this calamine. The presence of micro-crystals of galena within the halloysite is probably related to a sulfuretum and not to effective reducing conditions. It would seem that the presence of a rich bacterial flora within the karst at Bled Zelfane has played a significant role in the stabilisation of heavy elements, and especially the supergene genesis of the galena. A Lead/Zinc mineralisation also exists at the base of the Miocene. This latter is diffused through the cement in conglomerates and sandstones.
By incorporating the fabric effect and Lode’s angle dependence into the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion, a strength criterion for cross-anisotropic sand under general stress conditions was proposed. The obtained criterion has only three material parameters which can be specified by conventional triaxial tests. The formula to calculate the friction angle under any loading direction and intermediate principal stress ratio condition was deduced, and the influence of the degree of the cross-anisotropy was quantified. The friction angles of sand in triaxial, true triaxial, and hollow cylinder torsional shear tests were obtained, and a parametric analysis was used to detect the varying characteristics. The friction angle becomes smaller when the major principal stress changes from perpendicular to parallel to the bedding plane. The loading direction and intermediate principal stress ratio are unrelated in true triaxial tests, and their influences on the friction angle can be well captured by the proposed criterion. In hollow cylinder torsional shear tests with the same internal and external pressures, the loading direction and intermediate principal stress ratio are related. This property results in a lower friction angle in the hollow cylinder torsional shear test than that in the true triaxial test under the same intermediate principal stress ratio condition. By comparing the calculated friction angle with the experimental results under various loading conditions (e.g., triaxial, true triaxial, and hollow cylinder torsional shear test), the proposed criterion was verified to be able to characterize the shear strength of cross-anisotropic sand under general stress conditions.  相似文献   
Part I of this contribution (Gardés et al. in Contrib Mineral Petrol, 2010) reported time- and temperature-dependent experimental growth of polycrystalline forsterite-enstatite double layers between single crystals of periclase and quartz, and enstatite single layers between forsterite and quartz. Both double and single layers displayed growth rates decreasing with time and pronounced grain coarsening. Here, a model is presented for the growth of the layers that couples grain boundary diffusion and grain coarsening to interpret the drop of the growth rates. It results that the growth of the layers is such that (Δx)2 ∝ t 1−1/n , where Δx is the layer thickness and n the grain coarsening exponent, as experimentally observed. It is shown that component transport occurs mainly by grain boundary diffusion and that the contribution of volume diffusion is negligible. Assuming a value of 1 nm for the effective grain boundary width, the following Arrhenius laws for MgO grain boundary diffusion are derived: log D gb,0Fo (m2/s) = −2.71 ± 1.03 and E gbFo = 329 ± 30 kJ/mol in forsterite and log D gb,0En (m2/s) = 0.13 ± 1.31 and E gbEn = 417 ± 38 kJ/mol in enstatite. The different activation energies are responsible for the changes in the enstatite/forsterite thickness ratio with varying temperature. We show that significant biases are introduced if grain boundary diffusion-controlled rim growth is modelled assuming constant bulk diffusivities so that differences in activation energies of more than 100 kJ/mol may arise. It is thus important to consider grain coarsening when modelling layered reaction zones because they are usually polycrystalline and controlled by grain boundary transport.  相似文献   
A statistical examination of isotopic distributions for MORB from various ocean ridges leads to the “blob cluster model”, in which the oceanic crust accreting at ridges results from the mixing of two components within the ascending mantle. These are (1) upper mantle material and (2) discrete rising blobs of more radiogenic material. The blobs are fractionated to a variable degree and are distributed in the upper mantle circulation in a manner that is related to the spreading rate.(1) Themean values of the isotopic distributions allow us to calculate the probabilities of the two types of material within the mantle. The results show that theproportion of asthenospheric material in the mixtureincreases with the spreading rate, in agreement with the hypothesis of blob dilution within the upper mantle convection.Mass fluxes can be estimated for the rising blobs from these probabilities, which depend on the respective concentrations in the sources of the two types of material. If the blobs originate in the lower mantle, this flux estimation would suggest that a significant part of the lower mantle has been injected into the upper mantle during earth history.(2) Thestandard deviations of the distributions depend on the “efficiency” of the mixing process:the more imbricated are the asthenospheric and blob materials in the mixture,the smaller is theisotopic spread. This efficiency parameter is shown to increase with the spreading rate, as already suggested by previous comparisons between the East Pacific Rise and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Moreover, this feature may also be correlated with other data such as ridge bathymetric variations.  相似文献   
Iron-reducing activity of autochthonous bacteria from two temporary hydromorphic soils is evaluated by the study of iron reductive dissolution, as a function of water content. The release of ferrous iron in solution is coupled to the mineralization of soil organic carbon. Water soil saturation is not necessary for iron reductive dissolution, since the highest dissolution is obtained for a wet, but not water-saturated soil (100% of water holding capacity WHC), and dissolution is also very high in a soil at 75% WHC. To cite this article: S.J. Stemmler et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
In spite of the fundamental role the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays for global climate stability, no direct current measurement of the Denmark Strait Overflow, which is the densest part of the AMOC, has been available until recently that resolve the cross-stream structure at the sill for long periods. Since 1999, an array of bottom-mounted acoustic instruments measuring current velocity and bottom-to-surface acoustic travel times was deployed at the sill. Here, the optimization of the array configuration based on a numerical overflow model is discussed. The simulation proves that more than 80% of the dense water transport variability is captured by two to three acoustic current profilers (ADCPs). The results are compared with time series from ADCPs and Inverted Echo Sounders deployed from 1999 to 2003, confirming that the dense overflow plume can be reliably measured by bottom-mounted instruments and that the overflow is largely geostrophically balanced at the sill.  相似文献   
Résumé Le gîte de H. Zriba-J. Guebli (réserves: 5 millions de tonnes à 15–35% CaF2) est constitué pour l'essentiel d'amas stratoïdes encaissés dans des formations phosphatifères argileuses et carbonatées, d'âge Campanien inférieur. Quatre formations minéralisées (Mo, Fr, F2 et F3) ont été distinguées. La plus ancienne (formation Mo) ne contient pas de fluorine; elle est à dominante quartzeuse ou barytique avec quelques sulfures. Le minerai à fluorine rubanée (formation F1) est le plus important sous l'angle économique. Trois types d'inclusions fluides ont été observés dans la fluorine: 1) d'abondantes inclusions aqueuses, 2) de rares inclusions gazeuses et 3) de fréquentes inclusions à hydrocarbures liquides jaunes, fluorescentes en éclairage U.V. Les études microthermométriques montrent une augmentation des températures d'homogénéisation (100 à 130°C dans la fluorine F1, 150–185°C dans la fluorine F3) avec augmentation parallèle de la salinité des solutions piégées. On propose un modèle de mise en place de la fluorine par voie épigénétique à partir de solutions semblables aux eaux de formation des champs pétrolifères, suivi par des remaniements liés à des circulations hydrothermales récentes.
In the H. Zriba-J. Guebli mine (5 millions tons of ore with 15%–35% CaF2) the ore deposits are mostly stratiform bodies hosted by lower-Campanian clay-carbonate sediments with significant phosphate contents. Four successive ore formations are apparently fluorite-free and either quartz-rich or barite-rich with minor amounts of sulfides. The fluorine rubannée (formation F1) is the main economic ore. Three major fluid inclusions types have been observed in fluorite: (1) abundant aqueous inclusions, (2) rare gas inclusions, and (3) usually yellow oil-bearing inclusions with intense UV fluorescence. In microthermometric investigations on primary aqueous inclusions a general increase in the homogenization temperature from about 100°C to 130°C in fluorite F1 up to 150°–185°C in fluorite F3 with a simultaneous increase in salinity was observed. Finally, fluorite crystallized epigenetically in formation-water-type brines; the last geodic filling by fluorite F3 is tentatively related to Miocene hydrothermal circulation.
The three GC coeluting C40 bis-phytanes with head-to-tail, tail-to-tail and head-to-head linkages considered to be archaebacterial markers, have been recognized in petroleum by enhanced mass-fragmentography. Supporting evidence has been obtained by the simultaneous occurrence of two C21–C24 series of isoprenoid and quasi-isoprenoid hydrocarbons that are supposedly formed during the catagenetic degradation of the isomeric C40 isoprenoids. The C21–C24 quasi-isoprenoid hydrocarbons have been identified conclusively for the first time by comparison with authentic standards.  相似文献   
Summary Data on thermal radiation from clear skies obtained at Granada from May to November 1983 were utilized to carry out a detailed comparison between measured and calculated values of longwave radiation with several analytical and empirical equations. The goal of this work is to check the aplicability of these equations to Granada conditions. The results obtained for all the equations are quite satisfactory. Nevertheless, Idso's formula significantly overestimates our experimental results, probably as a consequence of the differences in atmospheric dust conditions between our test area and the location for which that equation was originally derived. A reduction in the independent coefficient, in accordance with previous results of other authors, provides a better fit to our data set and clearly shows the climatological dependence of the constants in the estimation equations.
Zusammenfassung Die von Mai bis November 1983 in Granada gesammelten Daten über Wärmestrahlung bei klarem Himmel wurden dazu verwendet, um einen detaillierten Vergleich zwischen gemessenen und errechneten Werten der langwelligen Strahlung aus verschiedenen analytischen und empirischen Gleichungen durchzuführen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Anwendbarkeit dieser Gleichungen auf die Verhältnisse in Granada zu überprüfen. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse sind für alle diese Gleichungen ganz zufriedenstellend. Idsos Formel überschätzt jedoch deutlich unsere experimentellen Ergebnisse, möglicherweise als Folge der unterschiedlichen atmosphärischen Staubbedingungen in unserem Testgebiet und dem Standort, für den die Gleichung ursprünglich abgeleitet wurde. Eine Reduktion des unabhängigen Koeffizienten, in Übereinstimmung mit früheren Ergebnissen anderer Autoren, bietet eine bessere Anpassung an unseren Datensatz und zeigt deutlich die klimatologische Abhängigkeit der Konstanten in Schätzungsgleichungen.

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