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A lake sediment core recovered from Lake V57 on Victoria Island, Nunavut, Canada, spanning the last 2000 years, was analyzed for sub-fossil midge remains and organic-matter content (estimated by loss-on-ignition (LOI)). Significant changes in midge community composition occurred during the last 2000 years, with a distinct midge community appearing after 1600 AD. The chironomid community between 0 and 1600 AD was dominated by Heterotrissocladius, Tanytarsus, Abiskomyia, and Paracladius. At approximately 1600 AD, Heterotrissocladius decreased in relative abundance and taxa such as Corynocera ambigua, C. oliveri, Psectrocladius sordidellus type, and Pentanneurini increased in relative abundance. Previously published midge-based inference models for average July air temperature (AJAT) and summer surface–water temperature (SSWT) were applied to the subfossil midge stratigraphy. The AJAT reconstruction indicates relatively cool conditions existed between 1100 and 1600 AD, with exceptional warming occuring after 1600 AD, as lake productivity inferred from organic-matter content increased concomitantly with midge-inferred AJAT and SSWT. The cooler conditions between 1200 and 1600 AD, and the pattern of warming over recent centuries inferred from Lake V57 is broadly consistent with temperature-sensitive biogenic silica records from other sites in the central Canadian Arctic and the treeline zone to the south suggesting a regionally synchronous response to climate forcing.
David F. PorinchuEmail:
Seawater samples were collected in the lagoon of Nouméa (New Caledonia) along two transects from coastal bays to the oligotrophic barrier reef. Dissolved (<0.2 μm) and sub-micrometer (0.2–0.8 μm) concentrations of chromium, nickel and zinc were measured. Concentrations in the 0.2–0.8 μm size range were correlated with transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) turnover rates, suggesting that a TEP pool rapidly cycling in the system is more reactive toward metals. The role of TEP reactivity in the transfer efficiency of metals from dissolved to particulate phases was estimated through variations of the metal partitioning coefficient K between sub-micrometer TEP and solution, as a function of the water mass residence time. The log K (6.0–8.0) increased from high to low residence time, suggesting that TEP reactivity increases when water masses renew rapidly. This suggests that hydrodynamics control TEP reactivity toward metals. The characteristics (adsorption vs. complexation) of TEP-metal association are discussed.  相似文献   
We assessed spatial patterns in 37 PCB congeners, eight pesticides, and the heavy metals mercury and cadmium in the flatfish Solea solea at four sites in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean). Overall contaminant concentrations generally exceeded those reported for S. solea elsewhere, but fell into the range of other Gulf fishes, testifying of a relatively high contaminant load of this area. Spatial patterns in all three contaminant classes were highly significant, but differed among classes. PCB congener and chlorination class profiles also differed among sites. The observed patterns would be consistent with (1) PCB point-sources in the Eastern Gulf (Marseille, Rhone River) versus dominance of atmospheric input in the West, (2) pesticide input by the Rhone and from agricultural fields in the West, and (3) mercury point-sources near Marseille. The unique, site-specific contaminant profiles prove to be a powerful tool to differentiate between S. solea populations from different sites.  相似文献   
The Aquitanian Coast (France) is a high-energy meso-macrotidal environment exhibiting a highly variable double sandbar system. The inner and the outer bar generally exhibit a bar and rip morphology and persistent crescentic patterns, respectively. In June 2007, an intense five-day field experiment was carried out at Biscarrosse Beach. A large array of sensors was deployed on a well-developed southward-oriented bar and rip morphology. Daily topographic surveys were carried out together with video imaging to investigate beach morphodynamic evolution. During the experiment, offshore significant wave height ranged from 0.5 to 3 m, with a persistent shore-normal angle. This paper identifies two types of behavior of an observed rip current: (1) for low-energy waves, the rip current is active only between low and mid tide with maximum mean rip current velocity reaching 0.8 m/s for an offshore significant wave height (Hs) lower than 1 m; (2) for high-energy waves (Hs≈ 2.5–3 m), the rip current was active over the whole tide cycle with the presence of persistent intense offshore-directed flows between mid and high tide. For both low and high-energy waves, very low-frequency pulsations (15–30 min) of the mean currents are observed on both feeder and rip channels.A persistent slow shoreward migration of the sandbar was observed during the experiment while no significant alongshore migration of the system was measured. Onshore migration during the high-energy waves can be explained by different sediment transport processes such as flow velocity skewness, wave asymmetry or bed ventilation. High-frequency local measurements of the bed evolution show the presence of significant (in the order of 10 cm) fluctuations (in the order of 1 h). These fluctuations, observed for both low- and high-energy waves, are thought to be ripples and megaripples, respectively and may play an important but still poorly understood role in the larger scale morphodynamics. The present dataset improves the knowledge of rip dynamics as well as the morphological response of strongly alongshore non-uniform meso-macrotidal beaches.  相似文献   
The Northern Mediterranean Current is the return branch of the cyclonic circulation of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Because of geostrophic constraints, this warm and oligotrophic current is forced to flow westward along the continental slope of the Gulf of Lion. But, occasionally, it penetrates on the shelf and strongly impacts the local biogeochemistry and in turn the primary production. By combining in situ observations and high-resolution modelling, it is shown that intrusions on the eastern part of the gulf are mainly forced by easterly or northwesterly wind events, through physical mechanisms that are very different in nature. Easterlies induce a piling of water along the Gulf of Lion coast that drives, through geostrophy, an alongshore shelf-intruding current. This intrusive current occurs independently of the stratification and is concomitant with the wind forcing. On the other hand, intrusions due to northwesterlies only occur during stratified conditions and are related to the development of upwellings along the Gulf of Lion coasts. When the upwelling develops, a northwestward alongshore pressure force balances the Coriolis force associated with the onshore flow at depth. When the winds drop, the upwelling relaxes and the onshore flow weakens. Consequently, the Coriolis force no longer counterbalances the pressure force that ultimately dominates the momentum balance, causing the displacement of the Northern Current on the Gulf of Lion shelf approximately 1 day after the wind relaxation. This time lag between the northwesterlies decrease and the intrusions permits to anticipate possible changes in the biogeochemistry of the Gulf of Lion.  相似文献   
This paper presents the techniques developed for the automated detection of filaments on Meudon H spectroheliograms, and, by extension, on any full-disk H Sun observations. Some cleaning processes are first applied to the images to correct them from defects characteristic of the instrument. Indeed, these defects may lead to spurious detections. From the cleaned images, filament areas are then segmented using a region growing method which efficiently returns the full extent of these dark areas. The filaments are finally described by means of their pruned skeleton. This representation allows one to compare the automatically segmented filaments with those manually recorded for Meudon Synoptic Maps. The very good agreement observed on a representative set of images confirms that this method can effectively be used in the frame of the EGSO (European Grid of Solar Observations) project in order to produce a reliable catalog dedicated to solar features.  相似文献   
Structural mapping in the Southern half of the Oman ophiolite has revealed a palaeoridge organization with similarities to an EPR microplate, forming in superfast spreading conditions. A NW-trending propagator was rapidly opening in a lithosphere no more than 1 Myr older and itself created in a NE-SW ridge system. The NW-trending propagator, underlined by small mantle diapirs, was active or dying when detached as part of a future ophiolite. Local thrusting of the future ophiolite was also initiated very early, between 1 and 5 Myr after ridge accretion; it was accompanied by a 40° rotation within this time lapse. Such an activity supports the comparison of the Oman palaeoridge system with an oceanic microplate, and provides evidence to suggest the existence of thrusts at active microplates.  相似文献   
Using a refined two-stage gold amalgamation preconcentration technique in conjunction with cold vapor atomic absorption (CVAA) detection, mercury in various Pacific Northwest coastal waters has been determined. Through the use of extremely clean reagents and special handling techniques, the blank has been reduced and reproducibility greatly improved for both “easily reducible mercury” and “total mercury”.Samples of unfiltered water, taken at the surface, as well as at 10 m, 100 m, and 175 m have all yielded “easily reducible mercury” at between 0.1 and 0.5 ng l?1, and “total mercury” between 0.2 and 1.0 ng l?1. Variability within replicate field samples is less than 10%, although variations of greater than 100% may be seen over a period of hours in Sequim Bay.  相似文献   
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