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Polyc·lonal antibodies raised against LHC II isolated from SDS-solubilizedBryopsis corticulans thylakiod membranes by SDS-PAGE, were characterised by double immunodiffusion, Rocket immunoelectrophoresis and antigen-antibody crossed immunoelectro-phoresis assays showed the antibodies had strong cross-reaction with allB. corticulans LHC II components (even with those which were incubated in boiling water) and showed immunological cross-reactivity with LHC II polypeptides of spinach and the marine green algaCodium fragile. The results suggested that LHC II of different species had similar antigenic determinants and also conservation of amino acid sequences of the polypeptides during evolution, and that the antibodies could cross react with apoproteins of D2 proteins (which contain P680) fromB. corticulans, spinach andC. fragile, but not with apoproteins of P700 Chl-proteins. Our results indicated some similarities in primary structure between LHC II of different species, and between LHC II and D2 proteins of marine green algae and spinach. Our finding that D2 and P700 Chl-proteins are not immunologically related suggested that P700 Chl-proteins and D2 proteins pass through independent evolutionary pathways. Contribution No 1717 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica, This subject was supported by the National Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   
Pavlova viridis sp. nov. is described on the basis of light and electron microscope observations. The material was collected from the coast of haiyang county of Shandong, China. It is characterized by 1) yellowish green to green chloroplast, 2) rudimentary short flagellum 0.3 μm long and hook-shaped, 3) long flagellum with small spherical knob-scales, 4) absence of pyrenoid and stigma, and 5) marine habitat. This new species andP. salina seem to be most closely related to each other but their colour, the insertion of their three appendages, the shape of their knob scales, and their cell periplasts are quite different from one another. Contribution No. 1879 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica  相似文献   
Vibroseis data recorded at short source–receiver offsets can be swamped by direct waves from the source. The signal-to-noise ratio, where primary reflections are the signal and correlation side lobes are the noise, decreases with time and late reflection events are overwhelmed. This leads to low seismic resolution on the vibroseis correlogram. A new precorrelation filtering approach is proposed to suppress correlation noise. It is the ‘squeeze-filter-unsqueeze’ (SFU) process, a combination of ‘squeeze’ and ‘unsqueeze’ (S and U) transformations, together with the application of either an optimum least-squares filter or a linear recursive notch filter. SFU processing provides excellent direct wave removal if the onset time of the direct wave is known precisely, but when the correlation recognition method used to search for the first arrival fails, the SFU filtering will also fail. If the tapers of the source sweeps are badly distorted, a harmonic distortion will be introduced into the SFU-filtered trace. SFU appears to be more suitable for low-noise vibroseis data, and more effective when we know the sweep tapers exactly. SFU requires uncorrelated data, and is thus cpu intensive, but since it is automatic, it is not labour intensive. With non-linear sweeps, there are two approaches to the S,U transformations in SFU. The first requires the non-linear analytical sweep formula, and the second is to search and pick the zero nodes on the recorded pilot trace and then carry out the S,U transformations directly without requiring the algorithm or formula by which the sweep was generated. The latter method is also valid for vibroseis data with a linear sweep. SFU may be applied to the removal of any undesired signal, as long as the exact onset time of the unwanted signal in the precorrelation domain is known or determinable.  相似文献   
A petrographic, geochemical, and oxygen isotopic study of the Bali CV3 carbonaceous chondrite revealed that the meteorite has undergone extensive deformation and aqueous alteration on its parent body. Deformation textures are common and include flattened chondrules, a well-developed foliation, and the presence of distinctive (100) planar defects in olivine. The occurrence of alteration products associated with the planar defects indicates that the deformation features formed prior to the episode of aqueous alteration. The secondary minerals produced during the alteration event include well-crystallized Mg-rich saponite, framboidal magnetite, and Ca-phosphates. The alteration products are not homogeneously distributed throughout the meteorite, but occur in regions adjacent to relatively unaltered material, such as veins of altered material following the foliation. The alteration assemblage formed under oxidizing conditions at relatively low temperatures (<100 degrees C). Altered regions in Bali have higher Na, Ca, and P contents than unaltered regions which suggests that the fluid phase carried significant dissolved solids. Oxygen isotopic compositions for unaltered regions in Bali fall within the field for other CV3 whole-rocks, however, the oxygen isotopic compositions of the heavily altered material lie in the region for the CM and CR chondrites. The heavy-isotope enrichment of the altered regions in Bali suggest alteration conditions similar to those for the petrographic type-2 carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   
In conjunction with the GLOBEC (Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics) program, measurements of moored currents, temperature and salinity were made during 1994–1999 at locations in 76 m of water along the southern flank of Georges Bank and at the Northeastern Peak. The measurements concentrate on the biologically crucial winter and spring periods, and coverage during the fall is usually poorer.Current time series were completely dominated by the semidiurnal M2 tidal component, while other tidal species (including the diurnal K1 component) were also important. There was a substantial wind-driven component of the flow, which was linked, especially during the summer, to regional–scale response patterns. The current response at the Northeast Peak was especially strong in the 3–4 days period band, and this response is shown to be related to an amplifying topographic wave propagating eastward along the northern flank. Monthly mean flows on the southern flank are southwestward throughout the year, but strongest in the summertime. The observed tendency for summertime maximum along-bank flow to occur at depth is rationalized in terms of density gradients associated with a near-surface freshwater tongue wrapping around the Bank.Temperature and salinity time series demonstrate the presence, altogether about 25% of the time, of a number of intruding water masses. These intrusions could last anywhere from a couple days up to about a month. The sources of these intrusions can be broadly classified as the Scotian Shelf (especially during the winter), the Western Gulf of Maine (especially during the summer), and the deeper ocean south of Georges Bank (throughout the year). On longer time scales, the temperature variability is dominated by seasonal temperature changes. During the spring and summer, these changes are balanced by local heating or cooling, but wintertime cooling involves advective lateral transports as well. Salinity variations have weak, if any, seasonal variability, but are dominated by interannual changes that are related to regional- or basin-scale changes.All considered, Georges Bank temperature and salinity characteristics are found to be highly dependent on the surrounding waters, but many questions remain, especially in terms of whether intrusive events leave a sustained impact on Bank waters.  相似文献   
A study was conducted on Cu, Zn, Cd, Fe, Co and Ni levels in Saanich Inlet anoxic seawater. Data on the concentration of these trace metals and H2S, and other oceanographic parameters were obtained in four cruises. Equilibrium models are presented together with in situ data. The results strongly support the assumption that the solubilities of Cu, Zn, Cd, Fe, Co and Ni are controlled by bisulfide and/or polysulfide complexes. The species of Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni are shown to be Cu(S4) 2 3− and Cu(Sn4S5)3−, Zn(HS) 2 0 and ZnHS 2 , Cd(HS) 2 0 and Ni(HS) 2 0 , respectively. The solid species controlling Fe2+ and Co2+ are respectively the pyrohotites FeS and CoS. The data illustrates that thermodynamic equilibrium has been established in the H2S-controlled seawater of Saanich Inlet, and that equilibrium has not been established in the H2S−O2-coexisted seawater of Saanich Inlet. The lack of equilibrium in the H2S−O2-coexisted seawater is a result of the flushing or mixing of oxygenated seawater with anoxic water. The new species of trace metals are still in the processes of reduction and precipitation. Contribution No. 1428 from Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica  相似文献   
The long-term CCD and photoelectric observations of YY Her covering the period of its post-outburst activity (JD 2 451 823 -- 2 452 996) are presented. We explain the periodic variations of the brightness of YY Her by the eclipses of the components in the system. The model with a deformed (non-homogeneous) envelope, surrounding the white dwarf is discussed. In addition, we observed a flare in about JD 2 452 440, during the primary minimum, that was later followed by an energetic outburst in JD 2 452 700.  相似文献   
With an appropriate system of higher order approximations the Faraday-effect is calculated for instantaneous ionospheric models the data of which are derived from the results of vertical soundings. Only one parameter which corresponds to the thickness of the outer ionosphere is left open; it is determined by global comparison with simultaneous Faraday-observations of satellite emissions. The thickness parameter shows various forms of variation with latitude; an increase towards north is the rule for quiet daytime conditions. Comparison with local methods shows considerable differences due to the indetermination of the absolute number of rotations.  相似文献   
By means of mathematical modeling, the parameters of flows forming sedimentary waves on the western slope of the Derbent basin were estimated. The height of these flows depends on the slope steepness and varies from 25 to 170 m to reach its maximum values at gentler slope areas. However, the flow rate is independent of the slope steepness and depends only on the concentration of sediment matter supplied by the flow. At the upper part of the slope (the flow starting), the rate amounts to 0.4–1.4 m/s, being almost halved at the depths where the sedimentary waves are damped. The present rates of near-bottom currents show pronounced seasonal differences, and their values are close to flow rates obtained by numerical modeling.  相似文献   
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