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An analysis of high-resolution Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT)/University College London Échelle Spectrograph (UCLÉS) optical spectra for the ultraviolet (UV)-bright star ROA 5701 in the globular cluster ω Cen (NGC 5139) is performed, using non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) model atmospheres to estimate stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical composition. Abundances are derived for C, N, O, Mg, Si and S, and compared with those found previously by Moehler et al. We find a general metal underabundance relative to young B-type stars, consistent with the average metallicity of the cluster. Our results indicate that ROA 5701 has not undergone a gas–dust separation scenario as previously suggested. However, its abundance pattern does imply that ROA 5701 has evolved off the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) prior to the onset of the third dredge-up.  相似文献   
A method is described for the analysis of the interannual variability of background atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. The analysis is carried out on the data from 6 observatories for which records of >8 years were available.A global-scale interannual variation of CO2 concentration in the troposphere with a characteristic time-scale of 2–3 years has been confirmed throughout the period of the records. These variations are estimated to be associated with carbon cycle imbalances of 2–3 Gt or annual net exchanges between the atmosphere and another carbon reservoir(s) at a rate of about 1.2 Gt of carbon per year. Lag correlations and amplitude comparisons between the records suggests a low latitude southern hemisphere origin to this phenomenon.The interannual variations of CO2 increase are found to be correlated with those observed in data for Pacific sea surface temperatures and Pacific witd stress, the Southern Oscillation Index and the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation. However multiple regression studies found that once the Southern Oscillation index is used as an explanatory variable for CO2 variations, the inclusion of additional geophysical variables does not give any significant improvement in the regression.  相似文献   
The relationship between seasonal catchment water storage and discharge is typically nonunique due to water storage that is not directly hydraulically connected to streams. Hydraulically disconnected water volumes are often ecologically and hydrologically important but cannot be explicitly estimated using current storage–discharge techniques. Here, we propose that discharge is explicitly sensitive to changes in only some fraction of seasonally dynamic storage that we call “direct storage,” whereas the remaining storage (“indirect storage”) varies without directly influencing discharge. We use a coupled mass balance and storage–discharge function approach to partition seasonally dynamic storage between these 2 pools in the Northern California Coast Ranges. We find that indirect storage constitutes the vast majority of dynamic catchment storage, even at the wettest times of the year. Indirect storage exhibits lower variability over the course of the wet season (and in successive winter periods) than does direct storage. Predicted indirect storage volumes and dynamics match field observations. Comparison of 2 neighbouring field sites reveals that indirect storage volumes can occur as unsaturated storage held under tension in soils and weathered bedrock and as near‐surface saturated storage that remains on hillslopes (and is eventually evapotranspired). Indirect storage volumes (including moisture in the weathered bedrock) may support plant transpiration, and our method indicates that this important water source could be quantified from precipitation and stream discharge records.  相似文献   
Northwest Africa (NWA) 869 is the largest sample of chondritic regolith breccia, making it an ideal source for research on accretionary processes and primordial chemical mixing. One such process can be seen in detail through the first identification of a eucrite impactor clast in an L chondrite breccia. The ~7 mm diameter clast has oxygen isotope compositions (Δ17O = ?0.240, ?0.258‰) and pigeonite and augite compositions typical for eucrites, but with high areal abundance of silica (9.5%) and ilmenite (1.5%). The rim around the clast is a mixture of breccia and igneous phases, the latter due to either impactor‐triggered melting or later metamorphism. The rim has an oxygen isotope composition falling on a mixing line between known eucrite and L chondrite compositions (Δ17O = 0.326‰) and, coincidentally, on the Mars fractionation line. Pyroxene grains from the melt component in the rim have compositions that fall on a mixing line between the average eucrite pyroxene composition and equilibrated L chondrite composition. The margins of chondritic olivine crystal clasts in the rim are enriched in Fe as a result of diffusion from the Fe‐rich melt and suggest cooling on the scale of hours. The textures and chemical mixing observed provide evidence for an unconsolidated L chondrite target material, differing from the current state of NWA 869 material. The heterogeneity of oxygen isotope and chemical signatures at this small length scale serve as a cautionary note when extrapolating from small volumes of materials to deduce planetesimal source characteristics.  相似文献   
Glacial retreat and the thawing of permafrost due to climate warming have altered the hydrological cycle in cryospheric‐dominated watersheds. In this study, we analysed the impacts of climate change on the water budget for the upstream of the Shule River Basin on the northeast Tibetan Plateau. The results showed that temperature and precipitation increased significantly during 1957–2010 in the study area. The hydrological cycle in the study area has intensified and accelerated under recent climate change. The average increasing rate of discharge in the upstream of the Shule River Basin was 7.9 × 106 m3/year during 1957–2010. As the mean annual glacier mass balance lost ?62.4 mm/year, the impact of glacier discharge on river flow has increased, especially after the 2000s. The contribution of glacier melt to discharge was approximately 187.99 × 108 m3 or 33.4% of the total discharge over the study period. The results suggested that the impact of warming overcome the effect of precipitation increase on run‐off increase during the study period. The evapotranspiration (ET) increased during 1957–2010 with a rate of 13.4 mm/10 years. On the basis of water balance and the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment and the Global Land Data Assimilation System data, the total water storage change showed a decreasing trend, whereas groundwater increased dramatically after 2006. As permafrost has degraded under climate warming, surface water can infiltrate deep into the ground, thus changing both the watershed storage and the mechanisms of discharge generation. Both the change in terrestrial water storage and changes in groundwater have had a strong control on surface discharge in the upstream of the Shule River Basin. Future trends in run‐off are forecasted based on climate scenarios. It is suggested that the impact of warming will overcome the effect of precipitation increase on run‐off in the study area. Further studies such as this will improve understanding of water balance in cold high‐elevation regions.  相似文献   
Montane (alpine) areas are generally of high value for nature conservation. Such environments and the habitats they support are dynamic and often fragile. They are vulnerable to disturbance from a range of human activities and are responsive to climate changes over short and long timescales. Biodiversity and conservation values are closely linked to geological history, geomorphological processes and soils, and it is crucial that management systems are based on understanding these links.
There are many similarities between the Cairngorm Mountains (Scotland), the Giant Mountains (Czech Republic) and Abisko Mountains (Sweden) in terms of geology, geomorphology, ecology, links with biodiversity and high conservation importance. Comparable pressures and management issues involve, to varying degrees, a history of human use and impacts from deforestation, pasturing, grazing, recreation and atmospheric pollution. Landscape change therefore involves a complex interplay between natural and anthropogenic factors. Managing such change requires better understanding of the geo–ecological processes involved and the factors that determine landscape sensitivity. This is illustrated through a simple framework and examples from the three areas. Comparison of landscape sensitivity between similar montane areas, but in different geographic locations and climatic environments, should allow more informed management planning and a precautionary approach in advance of further changes in human activity and from predicted global warming scenarios.  相似文献   
Supra‐glacial lakes and ponds can create hotspots of mass loss on debris‐covered glaciers. While much research has been directed at understanding lateral lake expansion, little is known about the rates or processes governing lake deepening. To a large degree, this knowledge gap persists due to sparse observations of lake beds. Here we report on the novel use of ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys to simultaneously collect supra‐glacial lake bathymetry and bottom composition data from Spillway Lake (surface area of 2.4 × 105 m2; volume of 9.5 × 104 m3), which is located in the terminus region of the Ngozumpa Glacier in the Khumbu region of the Nepal Himalaya. We identified two GPR bottom signals corresponding to two sedimentary facies of (1) sub‐horizontal layered fine sediment drape and (2) coarse blocky diamict. We provide an understanding of the changes in subaqueous debris distribution that occur through stages of lake expansion by combining the GPR results with in situ observations of shoreline deposits matching the interpreted facies. From this, we present an updated conceptual model of supra‐glacial lake evolution, with the addition of data on the evolving debris environment, showing how dominant depositional processes can change as lakes evolve from perched lakes to multi‐basin base‐level lakes and finally onto large moraine‐dammed lakes. Throughout lake evolution, processes such as shoreline steepening, lakebed collapse into voids and conduit interception, subaerial and subaqueous calving and rapid areal expansion alter the spatial distribution and makeup of lakebed debris and sediments forcing a number of positive and negative feedbacks on lake expansion. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Pliocene-Holocene lavas of the Snake River Plain, Idaho, U.S.A., have a bimodal composition range, consisting predominantly of basalts (olivine-tholeiites), with subordinate intercalated tholeiitic andesites but with very few analyses falling between these groups. The more-magnesian of the tholeiitic andesites contain more total Fe, alkalis, TiO2 and P2O5 but less SiO2 than the less-magnesian basalts. Derivation of the tholeiitic andesites from the basalts by low-pressure fractional crystallization or by major-element crustal contamination does not seem possible, although some minor-element exchange with ancient crust apparently has occurred. Two lavas, representative of the least-magnesian basalts and the most-magnesian tholeiitic andesites, respectively, have been subjected to anhydrous experimental studies within their melting ranges at pressures up to 35kb. Both appear to show four-phase points on their liquidi at about 8kb and these are thought to have genetic significance. Microprobe analyses of the interstitial glasses in partially-crystalline runs on the basalt between 8 and 12kb show that these reproduce all the characteristic features of the Snake River Plain most-magnesian tholeiitic andesites, notably their reduced Si-saturation. The compositions of the most Mg-rich Snake River Plain basalts are such that they may perhaps be primary magmas, produced by partial fusion of a relatively Fe-rich spinel-lherzolite upper mantle at 50 to 60km depth; a proposal which accords well with the geophysics of this currently-active region. Partial crystallization of batches of this magma, delayed during ascent within the crust at depths of about 30 km, is thought to have given rise to the tholeiitic andesites.  相似文献   
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