Summary. Monthly sea-levels from an extensive array of North Atlantic tide gauges (26-50N) are examined. The spatial scale of the sea-level variations, and the reasons for them, are discussed; one application of such a study is clearly in the design of a tide gauge network for monitoring eustatic changes of sea-level. The spatial scale of the sea-level changes is large. There is a coherent sea-level signal which can be traced along the eastern boundary of the North Atlantic from Newlyn (50N) to Tenerife (28N). There are also two distinct groupings of tide gauges along the western boundary, separated by Cape Hatteras. The contribution of local air pressure and wind stress is quantified at each gauge through multiple regression techniques and the gains are then interpreted in terms of recent theoretical and numerical modelling studies. For example, the gains suggest that the wind-forced boundary current along the Nova Scotian shelf is trapped to within about 16 km of the coast. The influence of local meteorology cannot account for the large-scale modes of variability. The coherent signal along the eastern boundary is correlated with changes in the Sverdrup transport of the North Atlantic and hence the large-scale wind field. The two modes on the western boundary appear to be related to baroclinic boundary current variations. The Newlyn sea-level record is finally 'corrected' for some of the above effects to illustrate the utility of such a residual series in the identification of eustatic changes and vertical crustal movement. 相似文献
We have studied the dynamics in the sunspot transition region between the chromosphere and the corona and investigated the extension of the flow field into the corona. Based on EUV spectra of a medium size sunspot and its surroundings, NOAA 7981, observed with CDS and SUMER on SOHO, we derive line-of-sight velocities and study the line profiles for a series of emission lines.The flow field in the low corona is found to differ markedly from that in the transition region. In the transition region the relative line-of-sight velocity shows an upflow in the umbra and relatively large areas with downflow that cover part of the penumbra. The spatial extent of these areas with upflow and downflow increases with increasing temperature in the transition region, but the whole flow field changes character as the temperature increases from the upper transition region to the low corona. Based on a calibration of the SUMER wavelength scale we find that the entire sunspot transition zone appears to be moving downwards towards the chromosphere. The relation between this finding and the general tendency for transition-region lines to show a net red shift is discussed.Several of the transition-region spectral line profiles are observed to show two line components with Gaussian shape and line-of-sight velocities that differ markedly. Several of the line profiles that are composed of two spectral line components occur close to the dividing line between up- and downflow. A discussion of this observation is presented. In small regions with spatial extent of a few arc sec we detect enhanced continuum emission underlying explosive events. The similarities between explosive events with continuum emission and the moustaches observed in H close to sunspots are so striking that we are tempted to introduce the notation transition-region moustaches. 相似文献
Results are presented for round one of a new international proficiency testing programme designed for microprobe laboratories involved in the routine analysis of silicate minerals. The sample used for this round was TB-1, a basaltic glass fused and prepared by the USGS. Thirty nine laboratories contributed data to this round, the majority of major element results being undertaken by EPMA and the majority of trace elements by LA-ICP-MS. Assigned values were derived from the median of results produced by nine selected laboratories that analysed powdered material by conventional ICP-MS, INAA and XRF techniques using bulk powders of the sample. Submitted microprobe results were evaluated using a target precision calculated using the Horwitz function, adopting the same criteria as those used for "applied" geochemistry laboratories in the companion GeoPT proficiency testing programme for laboratories involved in the routine bulk analysis of silicate rocks. An evaluation of results from participating microprobe laboratories indicated that overall, data were compatible with this precision function. A comparison between the performance of bulk and microprobe techniques used in the analysis of the basaltic glass showed remarkably good agreement, with significant bias only observed for the major oxide MgO. 相似文献
The World Coordinate System (WCS) is a standard for embedding coordinate information in a Flexible Image Transport System
(FITS) header. Its first extensive use within solar physics is by the Sun Earth Connections Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) telescope suite onboard the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO). The WCS formalism assists in SECCHI data analysis in several ways: First of all, the spherical effects associated
with the extremely wide fields-of-view of the Heliospheric Imager (HI) telescopes can be handled in a completely unambiguous and standard fashion. Of particular importance is that WCS positional
keywords allow spacecraft-ephemeris information to be embedded within the FITS header without depending on mission-specific
keywords. Ephemeris data is critical to the three-dimensional analysis that the STEREO mission is designed for. We also show
how the WCS software in
can be used to relate STEREO data to other missions such as the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The ability of WCS to support a parallel celestial right ascension (R.A.)/declination (Dec) coordinate system and
the use of WCS for COR1 synoptic maps are also discussed. The advantages that STEREO derived from WCS can equally be applied
to other solar missions, in particular Solar Orbiter, and should be adopted by all future missions. 相似文献
A simple method for estimating ventilation time scales from overturning stream functions is proposed. The stream function may be computed using either geometric coordinates or a generalized vertical coordinate, such as potential density (salinity in our study). The method is tested with a three-dimensional circulation model describing an idealized semi-enclosed ocean basin ventilated through a narrow strait over a sill, and the result is compared to age estimates obtained from a passive numerical age tracer. The best result is obtained when using the stream function in salinity coordinates. In this case, the reservoir-averaged advection time obtained from the overturning stream function in salinity coordinates agrees rather well with the mean age of the age tracer, and the corresponding maximum ages agree very well. 相似文献
With the escalating costs of landslides, the challenge for local authorities is to develop institutional arrangements for landslide risk management that are viewed as efficient, feasible and fair by those affected. For this purpose, the participation of stakeholders in the decision-making process is mandated by the European Union as a way of improving its perceived legitimacy and transparency. This paper reports on an analytical-deliberative process for selecting landslide risk mitigation measures in the town of Nocera Inferiore in southern Italy. The process was structured as a series of meetings with a group of selected residents and several parallel activities open to the public. The preparatory work included a literature/media review, semi-structured interviews carried out with key local stakeholders and a survey eliciting residents’ views on landslide risk management. The main point of departure in the design of this process was the explicit elicitation and structuring of multiple worldviews (or perspectives) among the participants with respect to the nature of the problem and its solution. Rather than eliciting preferences using decision analytical methods (e.g. utility theory or multi-criteria evaluation), this process built on a body of research—based on the theory of plural rationality—that has teased out the limited number of contending and socially constructed definitions of problem-and-solution that are able to achieve viability. This framing proved effective in structuring participants’ views and arriving at a compromise recommendation (not, as is often aimed for, a consensus) on measures for reducing landslide risk. Experts played a unique role in this process by providing a range of policy options that corresponded to the different perspectives held by the participants.
There is considerable concern about the hazards that plastic debris presents to wildlife. Use of polymers that degrade more quickly than conventional plastics presents a possible solution to this problem. Here we investigate breakdown of two oxo-biodegradable plastics, compostable plastic and standard polyethylene in the marine environment. Tensile strength of all materials decreased during exposure, but at different rates. Compostable plastic disappeared from our test rig between 16 and 24 weeks whereas approximately 98% of the other plastics remained after 40 weeks. Some plastics require UV light to degrade. Transmittance of UV through oxo-biodegradable and standard polyethylene decreased as a consequence of fouling such that these materials received ~ 90% less UV light after 40 weeks. Our data indicate that compostable plastics may degrade relatively quickly compared to oxo-biodegradable and conventional plastics. While degradable polymers offer waste management solutions, there are limitations to their effectiveness in reducing hazards associated with plastic debris. 相似文献
Early in the STEREO mission observers noted that the white-light instruments of the SECCHI suite were detecting significantly more spacecraft-related “debris” than any previously flown coronagraphic instruments. Comparison of SECCHI “debris storms” with S/WAVES indicates that almost all are coincident with the most intense transient emissions observed by the radio and plasma waves instrument. We believe the debris is endogenous (i.e., from the spacecraft thermal blanketing), and the storms appear to be caused by impacts of large interplanetary dust grains that are detected by S/WAVES. Here we report the observations, compare them to interplanetary dust distributions, and document a reminder for future spacebased coronagraphic instrument builders.
The bright Kreutz Comet C/2007 L3 (SOHO) entered the fields of view of the twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) COR1 telescopes on 7–8 June 2007. The 12° separation between the two spacecraft at the time afforded the opportunity to derive the position of the comet's tail in three-dimensional space using direct triangulation. The track of the comet's orbit is compared against more traditional orbital calculations using observations from the STEREO COR2 telescopes, and from the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The shape of the comet's tail shows that it is composed of dust particles released when the comet was between 18 and 22 solar radii, with no significant dust production after that. The comet did not survive perihelion passage, but a rare faint remnant of the comet tail persisted for several hours after the break-up, and was seen by both the SOHO and STEREO coronagraphs to drift slowly away from the Sun. This tail remnant was found to be composed of particles far back from the head of the comet. The motion of the tail remnant shows a loss of angular momentum during the passage through the solar corona. Atmospheric drag is estimated to account for a significant fraction of this change in angular momentum, but indications are that other mechanisms may be required to completely account for the total amount of change. 相似文献