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Field measurements of shear strength of an underconsolidated marine clay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the observations of cone penetration testing (CPT), in situ vane shear testing and undrained triaxial testing of underconsolidated marine clay in the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area (CIDMMA), Norfolk, VA. Comparison of vane shear measurements, taken during 1981–1983, to CPT measurements, taken during 1993, indicates a change in undrained shear strength. Both the vane shear and cone penetration resistances are lowest at the mid-heights of the clay layers and the excess pore water pressures are highest at the mid-height of the clay layers, indicating that the clay layer is underconsolidated.  相似文献   
The city of Scarborough lies on the eastern margin of the Greater Toronto Area of southern Ontario, Canada, along the northern coastline of Lake Ontario. The City has a population of 500,000 and is presently one of the fastest growing communities in Canada. The City is expanding northwards onto rural land on the south slope of the large Pleistocene glacial Oak Ridges Moraine system. The moraine system is underlain by a thick (150 m) succession of tills, sands and gravels and is a regionally-significant recharge area for three principle aquifer systems that discharge to numerous watercourses that flow to Lake Ontario. Protection of deeper aquifers from surface-generated urban contaminants is a particular concern. A groundwater flow model using Visual MODFLOW was developed for the 350-km2 Rouge River–Highland Creek (RRHC) drainage basin using an extensive GIS-based collection of subsurface geological, geophysical and hydrogeological data, maps of land use and surficial geology. The RRHC model was calibrated against point water level data, known potentiometric surfaces of the principal aquifers and baseflow measurements from streamflow gauging stations and determined to be within acceptable limits. Water balance calculations indicate that 70% of the basin recharge (106,000 m3/day) enters the Upper Aquifer along the crest and immediate flanks of the Oak Ridges Moraine. To the south, Upper Aquifer water moving through fractured till aquitards accounts for more than 75% of recharge to deeper aquifers. Water quality data confirm previous observations that urban- and rural-sourced contaminants (chlorides and nitrates) present in Upper Aquifer waters are moving rapidly into deeper aquifers. Some 83% of total RRHC recharge water is ultimately discharged as baseflow to creeks draining to Lake Ontario; the remainder discharges to springs and along eroding lakeshore bluffs. Model results demonstrate that deeper aquifers are poorly protected from urban contaminants and that long-term protection of ground and surface water quality has to be a priority of municipal planners if the resource is not to be severely degraded. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - The western Makran subduction zone is capable of producing considerable tsunami run-up heights that penetrate up to 5 km inland. In this study, we show how climate change...  相似文献   
A suite of management options for a prawn trawl fishery in Torres Strait, Australia was assessed for impacts on the benthic fauna using a dynamic management strategy evaluation approach. The specification of the management options was gained through consultation with stakeholders. Data for the model was drawn from several sources: the fleet data from fishery logbooks and satellite vessel monitoring systems, benthic depletion rates from trawl-down experiments, benthic recovery rates from post-experiment recovery monitoring studies, and benthic distribution from large-scale benthic surveys. Although there were large uncertainties in the resulting indicators, robust measures relevant to management were obtained by taking ratios relative to the status quo. The management control with the biggest effect was total effort; reducing trawl effort always led to increases in benthic faunal density of up to 10%. Spatial closures had a smaller benefit of up to 2%. The effect of closing a set of buffer zones around reefs to trawling was indistinguishable from the status quo option. Closing a larger area, however, was largely beneficial especially for sea cucumbers. When the spatial distributions of fauna prior to fishing were accounted for, fauna with distributions positively correlated with effort improved relative to those negatively correlated. The reduction in prawn catch under effort reduction scenarios could be ameliorated by introducing temporal closures over the full-moon period.  相似文献   
Novel modelling was utilised in the present study to reveal significant relationships between the abundance of the Australian freshwater stream-specialist fish Galaxias olidus and metrics defining flow regimes across a region dominated by temporary streams. It was revealed that increases in total abundance were linked to metrics (both 1- and 3-year periods) that indicate greater water availability and the persistence of water in pools across the year, namely the average duration of zero-flow days over the low-flow season (negatively) and total duration of bankfull flows across the year (positively). The analysis identified 3-year metrics as being more important to the abundance of 0+ fish rather than annual ones. Taken together, these findings describing the flow requirements of a stream specialist will help to guide implementation of environmental flows, but will also highlight the need for continued exploration of flow–ecology relationships.  相似文献   
Williams  James H.  Wilson  Thomas M.  Horspool  Nick  Lane  Emily M.  Hughes  Matthew W.  Davies  Tim  Le  Lina  Scheele  Finn 《Natural Hazards》2019,96(3):1167-1211
Natural Hazards - Tsunamis can have severe impacts on society. In addition to casualties and damage to buildings, they can also damage and disrupt critical infrastructure. To support effective risk...  相似文献   
疏松质石笋碳酸盐的精确微区取样   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
高分辨率极端气候事件是古气候研究中的一个热点。作为重要的古气候信息载体之一的石笋,以其每年几十到几百微米的生长速率,为提取高分辨率古气候代用指标提供了可能。而可靠的微区取样则是石笋高分辨率分析的重要前提。本文利用美国New Wave微区取样装置,对微区取样技术在石笋碳酸盐中的应用进行了探讨。在年层并非平直的疏松质石笋表面,于40 μm取样步长内,成功获得了平均质量约为100 μg的石笋微区分析样品。所获得的年内分辨率样品可同时提供微量元素分析和稳定同位素分析。重点讨论了石笋微区取样过程中必须注意的样品固定和取样参数设置等关键问题,提供了有效收集石笋微区样品和避免样品交叉污染的方法。  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have been measured in mussel tissues in early spring and summer since 1993 throughout Prince William Sound (PWS) and the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). Season-specific thresholds were established at reference sites to identify ‘above background’ total PAH levels. Thresholds were estimated using one-sided 99% tolerance limits. Thresholds were similar across reference sites but differed by an order of magnitude across seasons. Trends in total PAH since 1998 were assessed for sites impacted by the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill or the Alyeska Marine Terminal. Summer samples exhibited no trends; early spring samples declined. In early spring, all sites were judged ‘recovered’ by 2004; in summer, one site in western Prince William Sound and two in the western GOA exceeded thresholds by 11 ng/g dry weight or less. Robust estimation methods prevented bias from observations affected by unknown releases or laboratory errors.  相似文献   
The HadISST1 sea surface temperature data set is examined for two contrasting areas: the Chagos Archipelago, central Indian Ocean which has a small (approximately 3 degrees C) annual temperature fluctuation, and Abu Dhabi in the southern Arabian Gulf whose annual air temperature fluctuation of approximately 24 degrees C is the largest known for coral reef habitats. The HadISST1 data are shown to match air temperature records closely, both in terms of annual moving averages and residual analysis. Temperatures in 1998 caused massive mortality of corals in the Indian Ocean: sea surface temperature (SST) values causing this were 33.8 degrees C in the Arabian Gulf at a time when average daily air temperature was over 40 degrees C, while in Chagos the SST lethal to corals was 29.8-29.9 degrees C, when air temperatures peaked at about 31 degrees C. The HadISST1 record was searched back to 1870 for previous abnormal peaks: one of 29.7 degrees C was found for Chagos SST in 1972, though this did not cause coral mortality. Analysis of 12-month running means of the residuals from the annual cycle show that, between 1870 and 1999, the largest SST deviations occurred between October 1997 and May 1998 in Chagos and between August 1998 and July 1999 near Abu Dhabi. The event of 1998-1999 was the largest in these regions for at least 130 years. SSTs have risen over the last three decades at rates of about 0.22 degrees or 0.23 degrees per decade in both locations.  相似文献   
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