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Nd whole-rock data from the Windmill Islands area yield early Proterozoic to middle Archaean Nd model ages. These crustal residence times are consistent with regional correlations with other parts of Antarctica (Bunger Hills, Denman Glacier area) and the Albany-Fraser Orogen of south-western Australia during the Mid-Proterozoic and thus support reconstructions with a continuous Mid-Proterozoic orogen in these areas. The new Nd isotope data provide strong evidence that no age boundary exists between the higher- and lower-grade parts of the Windmill Islands area, and that the metamorphic complex represents a single terrane with a common crustal history. The data support the notion of a time-link between the occurrence of intrusive charnockites (C-type magmas) and high-grade metamorphism. The magmatic rocks and orthogneisses in the area are interpreted to have a mixed source consisting of older crustal components, i.e. older sediments (ca. 3.2-2.6 Ga) and a younger mafic component (ca. 1.9 Ga). Two garnet Sm-Nd isochrons yield ages of 1156ᆥ Ma and 1137DŽ.5 Ma and are identical to SHRIMP U-Pb results on monazite from these samples. A garnet Sm-Nd age of 1123ᆡ Ma for the Ford granite is significantly younger than the SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age for this sample. The difference relates to the different closure temperature of each isotopic system and is thus interpreted as initial cooling after granulite facies metamorphism.  相似文献   
Reduced‐complexity models of fluvial processes use simple rules that neglect much of the underlying governing physics. This approach is justified by the potential to use these models to investigate long‐term and/or fundamental river behaviour. However, little attention has been given to the validity or realism of reduced‐complexity process parameterizations, despite the fact that the assumptions inherent in these approaches may limit the potential for elucidating the behaviour of natural rivers. This study presents two new reduced‐complexity flow routing schemes developed specifically for application in single‐thread rivers. Output from both schemes is compared with that from a more sophisticated model that solves the depth‐averaged shallow water equations. This comparison provides the first demonstration of the potential for deriving realistic predictions of in‐channel flow depth, unit discharge, energy slope and unit stream power using simple flow routing schemes. It also highlights the inadequacy of modelling unit stream power, shear stress or sediment transport capacity as a function of local bed slope, as has been common practice in a number of previous reduced‐complexity models. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The source of metasomatic fluids in iron-oxide–copper–gold districts is contentious with models for magmatic and other fluid sources having been proposed. For this study, δ 18O and δ 13C ratios were measured from carbonate mineral separates in the Proterozoic eastern Mt Isa Block of Northwest Queensland, Australia. Isotopic analyses are supported by petrography, mineral chemistry and cathodoluminescence imagery. Marine meta-carbonate rocks (ca. 20.5‰ δ 18O and 0.5‰ δ 13C calcite) and graphitic meta-sedimentary rocks (ca. 14‰ δ 18O and −18‰ δ 13C calcite) are the main supracrustal reservoirs of carbon and oxygen in the district. The isotopic ratios for calcite from the cores of Na–(Ca) alteration systems strongly cluster around 11‰ δ 18O and −7‰ δ 13C, with shifts towards higher δ 18O values and higher and lower δ 13C values, reflecting interaction with different hostrocks. Na–(Ca)-rich assemblages are out of isotopic equilibrium with their metamorphic hostrocks, and isotopic values are consistent with fluids derived from or equilibrated with igneous rocks. However, igneous rocks in the eastern Mt Isa Block contain negligible carbon and are incapable of buffering the δ 13C signatures of CO2-rich metasomatic fluids associated with Na–(Ca) alteration. In contrast, plutons in the eastern Mt Isa Block have been documented as having exsolved saline CO2-rich fluids and represent the most probable fluid source for Na–(Ca) alteration. Intrusion-proximal, skarn-like Cu–Au orebodies that lack significant K and Fe enrichment (e.g. Mt Elliott) display isotopic ratios that cluster around values of 11‰ δ 18O and −7‰ δ 13C (calcite), indicating an isotopically similar fluid source as for Na–(Ca) alteration and that significant fluid–wallrock interaction was not required in the genesis of these deposits. In contrast, K- and Fe-rich, intrusion-distal deposits (e.g. Ernest Henry) record significant shifts in δ 18O and δ 13C towards values characteristic of the broader hostrocks to the deposits, reflecting fluid–wallrock equilibration before mineralisation. Low temperature, low salinity, low δ 18O (<10‰ calcite) and CO2-poor fluids are documented in retrograde metasomatic assemblages, but these fluids are paragenetically late and have not contributed significantly to the mass budgets of Cu–Au mineralisation.  相似文献   
Unaltered metasediments of the Mary Kathleen Fold Belt are composed predominantly of layered amphibolite-facies scapolitic calc-silicate rocks in which minimal infiltration of externally derived fluids occurred during regional metamorphism. There were substantial differences in volatile activities between different layers in the layered sequences, in particular: a CO2/a H 2 O inferred from reaction progress estimates and analysis of biotite-clinopyroxene-fluid phase relations; a NaCl/a H 2 O inferred from scapolite compositions; and a HCl/a H 2 O inferred from biotite compositions. In one outcrop in which a clinopyroxene-producing reaction dominated, differences in approximate X CO 2of up to 0.25 occurred between several samples collected over 50 metres. Variations in a H 2 O/a HCl of up to one order of magnitude are inferred at 1 to 50 m scales from biotite-Cl contents, and variations in NaCl contents of scapolite from 0.0 to up to 0.6 Cl atoms in the Cl–CO3–SO4 site reflect a large variation of a NaCl in the coexisting fluid at similar scales. Most calcsilicate layers internally buffered fluid compositions in the H2O–CO2–NaCl–HCl system. Local occurrences of NaCl-rich scapolite suggest that some layers may have been in equilibrium with halite during early prograde metamorphism. At peak metamorphic temperatures, disolution of halite was complete but layers containing high-NaCl scapolite continued to buffer fluid at high values of a NaCl. Fluid immiscibility does not appear to have affected the progress of the devolatilization reactions. Although fluid was predominantly internally buffered, moderate quantities of fluid were released by prograde mineral reactions in many layers, up to 30 cm3 fluid per 100 cm3 rock. Numerous episodes of fluid escape were required, probably via microfractures, such that the released fluid did not obviously influence reaction progress in the layers through which it passed. The anomaly of beautifully preserved internal buffering signatures and the requirement for produced fluid locally to pass across layers in a deforming rock sequence suggest that the escaping fluid did not leave any readily observable tracks. This is explained by rapid rates of fracture propogation and fluid migration therein. This internally buffered system contrasts strongly with adjacent calc-silicate rocks that show evidence for infiltration of externally derived fluids at high fluid/rock ratios, and highlights the broad range of fluid behaviour that can be expected in deforming, heterogeneous rock sequences.  相似文献   
龙门山地震带的地质背景与汶川地震的地表破裂   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
龙门山位于青藏高原与扬子地台之间, 系由一系列大致平行的叠瓦状冲断带构成, 自西向东发育汶川茂汶断裂、映秀北川断裂和彭县灌县断裂,并将龙门山划分为3个构造地层带,分别为变形变质构造地层带(主要由志留系泥盆系浅变质岩和前寒武系杂岩构成)、变形变位构造地层带(主要由上古生界三叠系沉积岩构成)、变形构造地层带(主要由侏罗系至第三系红层和第四纪松散堆积构成)。 龙门山断裂带属地震危险区,3条主干断裂皆具备发生7级左右地震的能力,其中映秀北川断裂是引发地震的最主要断层,据对彭县灌县断裂青石坪探槽场地的研究结果表明,在该断裂带上最晚的一次强震发生在93040a.B.P.左右,据此,可以初步判定,这3条主干断裂的单条断裂上的强震复发间隔至少应在1000a左右,表明龙门山构造带及其内部断裂属于地震活动频度低但具有发生超强地震的潜在危险的特殊断裂,以逆冲-右行走滑为其主要运动方式。 汶川地震属于逆冲走滑型的地震,地表破裂分布于映秀北川断裂带和彭县灌县断裂带上。根据近南北向的断裂(小鱼洞断层、擂鼓断层和邓家坝断层)和地表断距可将映秀北川断层的地表破裂带划分为两个高值区和两个低值区,两个高值区分别位于南段的映秀-虹口一带和位于中北段的擂鼓北川县城邓家坝一带;两个低值区分别位于中南段的白水河茶坪一带和北段的北川黄家坝至平武石坎子一带,两个高值区分别与小鱼洞断层和擂鼓断层相关。根据保存于破裂面上的擦痕,可将该地震破裂过程划分为两个阶段,早期为逆冲作用,晚期为斜向走滑作用,其与地壳增厚构造模式和侧向挤出摸式在青藏高原东缘的推论具有不吻合性。鉴于龙门山的表层运动速率与深部构造运动速率具有不一致性,初步探讨了龙门山地区的地表过程与下地壳流之间的地质动力模型,认为下地壳物质在龙门山近垂向挤出和垂向运动,从而造成导致龙门山向东的逆冲运动、龙门山构造带抬升和汶川特大地震。在此基础上,根据汶川地震所引发的地质灾害,对地震灾后重建提出了的几点建议。  相似文献   
Some 500 microprobe analyses from 43 rock samples, covering the entire range of major and minor intrusive rock-types, define the following ranges of mineral composition: plagioclases (An70-30), alkali feldspars (Or98-20 and Ab90–99), olivines (Fo85-82), clinopyroxenes (aluminous titanaugite through salite and aegirine-augite to acmite), amphiboles (subsilicic kaersutite through pargasite to hastingsite, edenite or katophorite), biotites (titanbiotite to titaniferous manganiferous lepidomelane). Varied discontinuous reaction relationships are evident petrographically between these minerals (e.g. amphibole overgrowths on pyroxenes or biotites), but most appear to reflect reequilibration during slow magmatic cooling, or perhaps local disequilibrium effects, and there is little evidence for significant subsolidus, hydrothermal or deuteric modification of the primary mineralogy.Although these mineral ranges are reasonably typical of differentiated alkaline gabbroic-syenitic intrusions, Monchique also shows many unusual features: e.g. a restricted stability range for olivine, the absence of amphiboles from all rocks with 54<%SiO2<58, a lack of alkali amphiboles corresponding to the acmite-rich pyroxenes, the presence of acmite-poor pyroxenes and aluminous biotites in peralkaline rocks, and irregular Ti variation in biotites. Mineral/ host-rock relationships also show peculiarities: e.g. Mg/ (Mg+Fe) ratios of mafic minerals and An contents of plagioclases increase as host-rock fractionation index (FI) increases from gabbroic (FI 30–40%) to alkali feldspar-bearing essexitic (FI c. 50) rocks. Thereafter, Mg ratios decrease only slightly, such that many malignites and miaskitic syenites (FI 70–90) carry pyroxenes and biotites which are no more, and sometimes less evolved than those in the gabbroic rocks (FI 30–40).Such features confirm earlier suggestions from whole-rock geochemistry, that a major evolutionary process in the complex was a relatively discontinuous segregation of already somewhat evolved essexitic magma into more basic and more felsic magmas, rather than an incremental gabbrosyenite crystal fractionation. They also confirm that the complex represents neither a single in situ differentiating magma pulse, nor a series of simply related pulses, but an irregular and largely irresolvable juxtaposition of magma-batches of widely varying compositions and evolutionary histories.  相似文献   
This report of the Swiss Seismological Service summarizes the seismic activity in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2012. During this period, 497 earthquakes and 88 quarry blasts were detected and located in the region under consideration. With a total of only 13 events with ML ≥ 2.5, the seismic activity in the year 2012 was far below the average over the previous 37 years. Most noteworthy were the earthquake sequence of Filisur (GR) in January with two events of ML 3.3 and 3.5, the ML 4.2 and ML 3.5 earthquakes at a depth of 32 km below Zug in February and the ML 3.6 event near Vallorcine in October. The epicentral intensity of the ML 4.2 event close to Zug was IV, with a maximum intensity of V reached in a few areas, probably due to site amplification effects.  相似文献   
Indian Knoll is the largest Archaic shell midden excavated by WPA archaeologists in Kentucky. Situated in a large alluvial valley, the site is not associated with a known river shoal as might be expected, making its fluvial and geomorphic setting of interest. Based on sediment cores and auger samples, undisturbed portions of the site remain despite extensive excavations. In undisturbed portions, a shell‐bearing layer is overlain by a shell‐free midden layer. Profiles of organic matter and calcium carbonate content for both layers are similar to those of other Green River shell middens. New radiocarbon determinations date the shell deposit at 5590–4530 cal yr B.P. Analysis of mussel species collected from the Indian Knoll indicates that shell fishing took place in a swiftly flowing, shallow to moderately deep setting of the main river channel. Overall, the prehistoric river setting adjacent to Indian Knoll was characterized by deeper water on average with variable but finer‐grained substrate compared to other Green River shell midden sites. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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