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The Pennsylvanian marine foreland basin of the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain) is characterized by the unique development of kilometre‐size and hundred‐metre‐thick carbonate platforms adjacent to deltaic systems. During Moscovian time, progradational clastic wedges fed by the orogen comprised proximal alluvial conglomerates and coal‐bearing deltaic sequences to distal shelfal marine deposits associated with carbonate platforms (Escalada Fm.) and distal clay‐rich submarine slopes. A first phase of carbonate platform development (Escalada I, upper Kashirian‐lower Podolskian) reached a thickness of 400 m, nearly 50 km in width and developed a distal high‐relief margin facing a starved basin, nearly 1000‐m deep. Carbonate slope clinoforms dipped up to 30° and consisted of in situ microbial boundstone, pinching out downslope into calciturbidites, argillaceous spiculites and breccias. The second carbonate platform (Escalada II, upper Podolskian‐lower Myachkovian) developed beyond the previous platform margin, following the basinward progradation of siliciclastic deposits. Both carbonate platforms include: (1) a lower part composed of siliciclastic‐carbonate cyclothems characterized by coated‐grain and ooid grainstones; and (2) a carbonate‐dominated upper part, composed of tabular and mound‐shaped wackestone and algal‐microbial boundstone strata alternating at the decametre scale with skeletal and coated‐grain grainstone beds. Carbonate platforms initiated in distal sectors of the foreland marine shelf during transgressions, when terrigenous sediments were stored in the proximal part, and developed further during highstands of 3rd‐order sequences in a high‐subsidence context. During the falling stage and lowstand systems tracts, deltaic systems prograded across the shelf burying the carbonate platforms. Key factors involved in the development of these unique carbonate platforms in an active foreland basin are: (1) the large size of the marine shelf (approaching 200 km in width); (2) the subsidence distribution pattern across the marine shelf, decreasing from proximal shoreline to distal sectors; (3) Pennsylvanian glacio‐eustacy affecting carbonate lithofacies architecture; and (4) the environmental conditions optimal for fostering microbial and algal carbonate factories.  相似文献   
After the termination of phosphogypsum discharges to the Huelva estuary (SW Spain), a unique opportunity was presented to study the response of a contaminated environmental compartment after the cessation of its main source of pollution. The evolution over time of uranium concentrations in the estuary is presented to supply new insights into the decontamination of a scenario affected by Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) discharges. The cleaning of uranium isotopes from the area has not taken place as rapidly as expected due to leaching from phosphogypsum stacks.An in-depth study using various techniques of analysis, including 234U/238U and 230Th/232Th ratios and the decreasing rates of the uranium concentration, enabled a second source of uranium contamination to be discovered. Increased uranium levels due to acid mine drainage from pyrite mines located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) prevent complete uranium decontamination and, therefore, result in levels nearly twice those of natural background levels.  相似文献   
Phreatic overgrowths on speleothems (POS) are carbonate formations deposited at the water table of caves in unique karstic coastal settings having morphologies that can be directly related to sea level at the time of formation. The U‐Th ages of calcite and aragonite overgrowths collected from the modern water table in coastal caves on Mallorca (Cova de Cala Varques A and Cova des Pas de Vallgornera) were determined using high‐precision MC‐ICPMS techniques. U‐Th ages indicate that phreatic carbonate deposition occurred between ca 2·8 and at least 0·6 ka BP and are in accord with an archeologically estimated age of 3·7–3·0 ka BP for a drowned prehistoric construction at a depth of 1 m below current sea level in a cave from the same area. Speleothem δ13C and δ18O and chemical composition of cave pools provide supportive evidence that POS reflect mixing between seawater and brackish water table. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The intensity and spatial variations in the North American Southwest Monsoon are examined to determine the influence of the Southern Oscillation. Sixty-five years (1920–1984) of July and August monthly precipitation data from Arizona and New Mexico are normalized using a square root transformation, converted into z-scores, and stratified according to onset and following years for Warm Events and Cold Events of the Southern Oscillation. The results for July reveal different spatial patterns in the monsoonal precipitation for the extremes of the Southern Oscillation. Warm-Event onset years are associated with positive precipitation anomalies that decline along a northeast-to-southwest gradient across the study area whereas the Cold-Event onset years produce highest positive values in west-central Arizona and negative values throughout the eastern two-thirds of the study area. Spatial patterns for the August precipitation data do not appear to be influenced by the extremes of the Southern Oscillation. [Key words: Southwest Monsoon, Southern Oscillation, Arizona, New Mexico.]  相似文献   
Barium silicate minerals such as celsian, ganterite, armenite, as well as Ba-bearing and Ba-free white mica from the Berisal Complex, Simplon Nappe, Swiss Alps, were dated by 39Ar-40Ar. Ages of Ba-free micas are ca. 17 Ma, while Ba and parentless 40Ar are correlated in Ba silicates, suggesting common inheritance from the Paleozoic orthogneissic protolith. The release pattern of reactor-produced 39Ar (or 37Ar) from hydrated and anhydrous minerals is very similar, with apparent activation energies of ca. 180 kJ/mole and a conspicuous kink around 900 °C. White micas release Ar at higher temperature than the literature determination of their dehydroxylation. In addition to Ar, we studied the degassing of monoisotopic 131Xe produced from Ba during neutron irradiation. Xe is degassed at higher temperature than Ar, and again all analyzed silicates have the same apparent activation energy of ca. 300 kJ/mole. The decoupling of Ar and Xe rules out delamination as the dominant degassing mechanism in mica and implies that recoiled rare gas atoms mostly reside inside the T-O-T layers of the mica structure. The near-identical apparent activation energies in such diverse silicates as tecto-, phyllo- and cyclosilicate requires instead that the in-vacuo gas release kinetics are the same in all three silicates. As the only structural element common to these three silicate families are silica tetrahedra, it is possible that their well-known rotation plays a decisive role for in-vacuo Ar degassing; additional high-temperature in situ structural investigations on feldspars and micas would be needed to help constrain the mechanisms of laboratory Ar release.  相似文献   
The Late Tertiary shallow subduction of the Cocos ridge under the Caribbean plate controlled the evolution of the Cordillera de Talamanca in southeast Costa Rica, which is a mountain range that consists mainly of granitoids formed in a volcanic arc setting. Fission track thermochronology using zircon and apatite, as well as 40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Sr age data of amphibole and biotite in granitoid rocks constrain the thermal history of the Cordillera de Talamanca and the age of onset of subduction of the Cocos ridge. Shallow intrusion of granitoid melts resulted in fast and isobaric cooling. A weighted mean zircon fission track age (13 analyses) and Rb–Sr biotite ages of about 10 Ma suggest rapid cooling and give minimum ages for granitoid emplacement. In some cases 40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Sr apparent ages of amphibole and biotite are younger than the zircon fission track ages, which can be attributed to partial resetting by hydrothermal alteration. Apatite fission track ages range from 4.8 to 1.7 Ma but show no correlation with the 3090-m elevation span over which they were sampled. The apatite ages seem to indicate rapid exhumation caused by tectonic and isostatic processes. The combination of the apatite fission track ages with subduction parameters of the Cocos plate such as subduction angle, plate convergence rate and distance of the Cordillera de Talamanca to the trench implies that the Cocos ridge entered the Middle America Trench between 5.5 and 3.5 Ma.  相似文献   
During the deglaciation stages of the last glacial period a rock avalanche took place on the glacier that occupied the upper sector of the Cuerpo de Hombre Valley (Sierra de Béjar). The material displaced during the avalanche fell onto the ice, was transported by the glacier and later deposited as supraglacial ablation till. The cause of the avalanche was the decompression of the valley slopes after they were freed from the glacier ice (stress relaxation). Reconstruction of the ice masses has been carried out to quantify the stress relaxation that produced the collapse. The rock avalanche took place on a lithologically homogeneous slope with a dense fracture network. The avalanche left a 0.4 ha scar on the slope with a volume of displaced material of 623 ± 15 × 103 m3. The deposit is an accumulation of large, angular, heterometric boulders (1–100 m3 in volume) with a coarse pebble‐size matrix. The avalanche can be explained as a relaxation process. This implies rock decompression once the glacier retreat left the wall ice free (debuttressing). Calculations show that the avalanche took place where the decompression stresses were highest (130–170 kPa). In the Spanish Central System paleoglaciers the largest accumulation of morainic deposits occurred after the glacial maximum and the earliest stages of the ice retreat. The process described here is used as an example to formulate a hypothesis that the largest accumulations of tills were formed in relation to enhanced slope dynamics once some glacier retreat had occurred.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to characterize the materials developed in the middle Tajo River valley, Central Spain. These sediments are loess, the characterization of which has not been reported in the international bibliography. The sediments are related to the next geological context and their characterization is indispensable to locate the said material in the adequate environment. A few different methods have been employed in this study, such as the pipette method (for determining the grain size) and separation of the light and heavy minerals of the sand fraction by using bromoform. The mineralogical composition was determined by XRD and textural study was accomplished by SEM/EDX. The loessic materials are silt-clay or sandy-silt that are quite unstable. The mineralogical composition shows quartz, feldspar, calcite and clay minerals. Some samples show gypsum; this mineral and calcite present dissolution and stability problems. The heavy minerals starting from the sand fraction are tourmaline, zircon, garnet, staurolite, sillimanite and biotite associations. The studies carried out with SEM show that the quartz grain surfaces present etch pits typical of the wind-blown origin.  相似文献   
22 hornblende K-Ar ages and 10 39Ar-40Ar spectra were obtained for hornblende garbenschists from the Western Tauern Window. The post-kinematic amphiboles were produced during the late Alpine prograde metamorphism (6–10 kb and 500–570° C). Two nearly potassiumfree cummingtonites rimming hornblende yield K-Ar ages of 120 Ma, while the 20 tschermakitic hornblendes scatter between 17 and 37 Ma. The reason for this scatter is excess Ar, possibly incorporated into amphiboles during healing of fractures, now traceable by trails of fluid inclusions. Excess Ar is semiquantitatively corrected for by combining cogenetic hornblende and cummingtonite with K-Ar isochrons. It can be quantified in 4 out of 10 hornblendes by 39Ar-40Ar stepwise heating experiments. Ages of 18–20 Ma result for corrected hornblendes. The retentivity of 40Ar, after correction for excess, shows no correlation with chemistry within the narrow compositional range observed; rather, it shows intriguing correlations with irregularities in Ca/K spectra, pointing to a microstructurally controlled mechanism for Ar loss. This observation leads to a critical evaluation of the closure temperature constant, which apparently depends on an incompletely known number of mineralogical and environmental parameters. In particular those 39Ar-40Ar release spectra which yield low temperature steps with younger ages than the plateaus are not interpretable in terms of a synchronous closure. This gives evidence that loss of radiogenic isotopes proceeds by a more complex mechanism than simple volume diffusion through isotropic media.  相似文献   
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