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Using waste as a resource to control phosphate pollution is a rising trend. This study describes the use of paper sludge (PS) and fly ash (FA), industrial solid wastes, to prepare materials with high phosphate uptake efficiency. The process consisted of pretreatment (mechanical milling), calcination, acidification (HCl), and post-treatment (aging, drying and grinding). The maximal phosphate uptake (>92 %) was achieved using PS together with FA either at PS/FA = 0.5 g/g or at PS/FA = 2.0 g/g, both calcined at 900 °C for 2 h and stirred with HCl (HCl/FA = 3 mL/g) for 1 h. With increasing calcination temperature and decreasing acid, the crystallinity of samples declined, and phosphate uptake (PU) increased. The PU process could be well described by the pseudo-second order kinetic model, while equilibrium state could be reasonably modeled by Langmuir isotherm. Neutral and weak alkaline pH promoted the PU efficiency, and 0.3 g sample/100 mL was the cost-effective dosage under the experimental conditions. The enhanced phosphate uptake of PS and FA provides alternative materials for phosphate removal from wastewater by the use of solid wastes in paper-making industries.  相似文献   
土地利用变化及其生态响应综述   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
1 IntroductionLand use change,as one ofthe m ain driving forces ofglobalenvironm entalchange,is centraltothe sustainable developm ent debate (Figure 1).The types of land use are distinguished as landcover conversion,i.e.,the com plete replacem ent of one …  相似文献   
在鄂尔多斯盆地北部下白垩统中发现一种特殊的软沉积物变形构造,其与碟状构造非常相似,主要出露于G109国道鄂尔多斯市至杭锦旗段100余千米长的公路两侧的露头剖面中。该类软沉积变形构造岩性为下白垩统的一套黄褐色或灰白色的中厚层砾岩或砂砾岩,在竖直面上其边缘翘起、中部平坦或下凹,故笔者把它称之为“类碟状构造”。类碟状构造特征为: (1)规模总体很大。小型者的宽度一般为1~3,m,高度多为0.5~1.5,m;大型者的宽度一般为5~6,m、最大可近10,m,高度多为1~1.5,m、少数可达2,m;(2)两侧翘起程度不同,包括倾角小于45°的倾斜边、倾角在45°~75°之间的陡斜边、倾角在75°~90°之间的近直立边和倾角大于90°的翻卷边;(3)类碟状构造之间为泄水形成的液化充填体,竖直面上多呈漏斗形和倒三角形;(4)类碟状构造边缘的砾石长轴优势排列方位平行于流动变形方向;(5)类碟状构造常与砂岩岩脉、液化脉、软变形层理或软变形褶皱等共生。(6)底部多为湖相棕红色(有时夹少量灰色)泥岩或砂质泥岩,其由于液化流动而多呈块状,极易破碎。根据上述特征,认为类碟状构造系泥泄水形成的,是受强烈地震扰动所致,地震强度可达8级、甚至9~10级。该地震活动可能与鄂尔多斯盆地北部中生代强烈的构造运动有关。  相似文献   
As a commercially important fisheries resource in East Asia, the Chinese surf clam Mactra chinensis has experienced severe population declines in the past decades, probably due to over‐exploitation. To provide scientific bases for fisheries management and artificial breeding, we investigated genetic variation and population structure of Mactra chinensis in Northern China using microsatellites. Samples collected from eight localities throughout natural habitats of the species in Northern China were genotyped. Nine microsatellites revealed high allelic diversity with 14–36 alleles per locus. Observed and expected heterozygosity varied from 0.593 to 0.945 and from 0.638 to 0.958, respectively. Pairwise FST values indicated that all population pairs had small but significant genetic differentiation. A Mantel test showed statistically significant correlations between genetic distance and geographical distance, indicating that genetic differentiation of the Chinese surf clam conformed to a pattern of isolation‐by‐distance. Cluster analysis using neighbor‐joining separated the eight populations into three groups. The three areas of low gene flow identified by barrier analysis corresponded with local oceanographic features, suggesting that marine currents and peninsulas play an important role in population structuring of this species.  相似文献   
鲁西地区已发现多处多金属矿床,如沂南铜井金场金铜矿、平邑归来庄金矿等,通过对沂南王家坊庄地区野外地质调查分析,结合矿区地质特征、矿石特征、控矿条件、矿床类型的认识,揭示了山东沂南王家坊庄地区成矿地质背景、矿产特征及地球物理特征。本次研究工作共圈定5处找矿靶区,为区域找矿勘查工作提供了依据。  相似文献   
干侵入在黄河气旋爆发性发展中的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄彬  钱传海  聂高臻  向纯怡 《气象》2011,37(12):1534-1543
利用数字化的6.7,um卫星水汽图像资料、NCEP/NCAR逐6小时1°×1°再分析等资料和干侵入、位涡理论,对2007年3月3—5日引发渤海强风暴潮的黄河气旋发展过程进行了天气动力学分析,揭示干侵人在爆发性黄河气旋中的特征和作用。结果表明:本次渤海强风暴潮是发生在泰米尔半岛附近不稳定小槽东移发展,东亚大槽重建的过程中,是对流层高层干侵入下沉引起黄河气旋爆发性发展产生强东北大风所致。干侵入具有高位势涡度特征,高位涡区和水汽图像上的暗区形态及强度变化特征对气旋生命史不同阶段有预报指示意义。干冷和暖湿气流沿着等熵面Ω型皱折带南北流动,使得等熵面陡峭程度加大,大气的斜压性增强;尽管高层干侵入在下沉过程中会产生增温效应,但在下沉运动和强冷平流效应的共同作用下,地面气旋的上空出现水平方向温度比临近地区低的现象,大气静力稳定度减小,绝对涡度(ζ_p+f)增大,促使中低层气旋性涡度发展,垂直上升运动迅速加强,导致地面气旋强烈发展。  相似文献   
1.IntroductionManyobservationsshowthatNorthChina,especiallythePlainofNorthChina,isoneofthemostseveredroughtareasinChina.Thedroughtdisastersoccurwithahighfrequencyandawiderange,andsustainalongtime.Moreover,thehightemperatureusuallyaccomPaniesthedroughtinthecorresPOndingPeriod.Thesummerrainfallin1997islessthanhalfofnormal.Itisthemostseveredroughtdisasterduringrecentdecades.Theregionalclimateanomaliesarenodoubtinfluencedbytheglobalclimatechange.However,manyrecentobservationsandnumericalstud…  相似文献   
OLR资料描述西太平洋副热带高压的一种方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
该文介绍了用OLR场表达逐日西太平洋副热带高压的一种方法, 并指出用这种表达能够克服用588 dagpm等高线勾划副热带高压单体的失真现象。  相似文献   
达里诺尔火山群位于中亚造山带中部以及大兴安岭-太行山重力梯度带中部的西侧。该区拥有上百座第四纪火山,其中不乏全新世仍有过喷发的年轻火山。本文选取以鸽子山、锡塔特乌拉等形成时代最晚,推测形成于中更新世晚期至全新世的晚第四纪火山作为研究对象,从火山锥形貌和定向排列两方面推断岩浆补给裂隙通道的几何特征。结果发现,这些火山具有较为一致的NE和NEE两个方向的裂隙通道。这些方向与区域构造最大主压应力方向相近。本文提出在NE向区域主压应力作用下,在研究区域发生NEE走向的左行剪压走滑。在这个走滑带上,瑞德尔断裂提供岩浆补给裂隙通道。而局部连通瑞德尔断裂的断裂提供了NEE向通道。  相似文献   
The properties of woody debris(WD) vary across different forests under various soil conditions.Owing to the relatively shallow and low amounts of soils on karst terrains, it is necessary to determine the WD carbon inventory of karst forests. In this study, we recorded WD with a basal diameter for standing snags and the largeend diameter for fallen logs of ≥ 1 cm. The carbon density of WD in a secondary karst mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest that had been clear-cut 55 years ago in southwestern China were inventoried in a 2 ha plot. Woody debris carbon density calculated using specific gravity and carbon concentration was 4.07 Mg C ha^-1. Woody debris with diameters ≥ 10 cm(coarse WD) constituted 53.8% of total carbon storage whereas WD < 10 cm in diameters(fine WD) accounted for more pieces of WD(89.9%).Lithocarpus confinis contributed the most WD carbon(26.5%). Intermediate decayed WD was relatively more abundant, but WD with final decay contributed the least to the total pieces of WD(6.7%). The contribution of WD to carbon storage of karst forest was low compared to other forests worldwide. Significant positive correlations were found between WD carbon and biodiversity(R^2= 0.035,p < 0.01) and elevation(R^2= 0.047, p < 0.01) and negative correlations was found in outcrop coverage(R^2= 0.034, p <0.01). Further studies are needed to elucidate the ecological functions of WD to better understand their roles in maintaining biodiversity, enhancing productivity, and controlling vegetation degradation in karst forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
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