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Daily measurements of atmospheric concentrations of dimethylsulfide (DMS) were carried out for two years in a marine site at remote area: the Amsterdam Island (37°50S–77°31E) located in the southern Indian Ocean. DMS concentrations were also measured in seawater. A seasonal variation is observed for both DMS in the atmosphere and in the sea-surface. The monthly averages of DMS concentrations in the surface coastal seawater and in the atmosphere ranged, respectively, from 0.3 to 2.0 nmol l-1 and from 1.4 to 11.3 nmol m-3 (34 to 274 pptv), with the highest values in summer. The monthly variation of sea-to-air flux of DMS from the southern Indian Ocean ranges from 0.7 to 4.4 mol m-2 d-1. A factor of 2.3 is observed between summer and winter with mean DMS fluxes of 3.0 and 1.3 mol m-2 d-1, respectively.  相似文献   
Simultaneous measurements of rain acidity and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) at the ocean surface and in the atmosphere were performed at Amsterdam Island over a 4 year period. During the last 2 years, measurements of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the atmosphere and of methane sulfonic acid (MSA) and non-sea-salt-sulfate (nss-SO4 2-) in rainwater were also performed. Covariations are observed between the oceanic and atmospheric DMS concentrations, atmospheric SO2 concentrations, wet deposition of MSA, nss-SO4 2-, and rain acidity. A comparable summer to winter ratio of DMS and SO2 in the atmosphere and MSA in precipitation were also observed. From the chemical composition of precipitation we estimate that DMS oxidation products contribute approximately 40% of the rain acidity. If we consider the acidity in excess, then DMS oxidation products contribute about 55%.  相似文献   
The laboratory characterization of a field-operable surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensor (SERS optode) is presented for the detection of aromatic hydrocarbons in seawater. The sensor has been developed for deployment with a robust underwater spectrograph. To meet the demands of the harsh seawater application, sol-gel derived SERS substrates were used. The calibration curves of six PAHs were determined to be of Langmuir adsorption isotherm type with limits of detection ranging from the microg l(-1) to ng l(-1) level. The experimentally determined adsorption constants varied strongly with the molecular weight of the analytes and correlated with their solubility. A mixture of five PAHs dissolved in seawater was investigated to demonstrate the utility of this method for screening. Emphasis was put on the interference from suspended particulate matter (SPM). The Raman measurement with backscattering configuration was shown to be immune against turbidities up to 1000 NTU. The physico-chemical interference arising from adsorption by the sediment was measured on-line by adding sediment to a PAH-spiked solution. According to the calibration curve, the PAH concentration decrease corresponded to more than 98% of the analyte being scavenged by the sediment.  相似文献   
The Mekong Delta is one of the largest and most intensively used estuaries in the world. Each year it witnesses widespread flooding which is both the basis of the livelihood for more than 17 million people but also the major hazard. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the hydrologic and hydraulic features is urgently required for various planning purposes. While the general causes and characteristics of the annual floods are understood, the inundation dynamics in the floodplains in Vietnam which are highly controlled by dikes and other control structures have not been investigated in depth. Especially, quantitative analyses are lacking, mainly due to scarce data about the inundation processes in the floodplains. Therefore, a comprehensive monitoring scheme for channel and floodplain inundation was established in a study area in the Plain of Reeds in the northeastern part of the Vietnamese Delta. This in situ data collection was complemented by a series of high‐resolution inundation maps derived from the TerraSAR‐X satellite for the flood seasons 2008 and 2009. Hence, the inundation dynamics in the channels and floodplains, and the interaction between channels and floodplains, could be quantified for the first time. The study identifies the strong human interference which is governed by flood protection levels, cropping patterns and communal water management. In addition, we examine the tidal influence on the inundation in various parts of the Delta, since it is expected that climate change‐induced sea level rise will increase the tidal contribution to floodplain inundation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The article presents a multi-scale modelling approach of cohesive granular materials, its numerical implementation and its results. At microscopic level, Discrete Element Method (DEM) is used to model dense grains packing. At the macroscopic level, the numerical solution is obtained by a Finite Element Method (FEM). In order to bridge the micro- and macro-scales, the concept of Representative Elementary Volume (REV) is applied, in which the average REV stress and the consistent tangent operators are obtained in each macroscopic integration point as the results of DEM’s simulation. In this way, the numerical constitutive law is determined through the detailed modelling of the microstructure, taking into account the nature of granular materials. We first elaborate the principle of the computation homogenisation (FEM × DEM), then demonstrate the features of our multiscale computation in terms of a biaxial compression test. Macroscopic strain location is observed and discussed.  相似文献   
Intertidal zones by definition are exposed to air at low tide, and the exposure duration can be weeks (e.g. during neap tides) depending on water level and bed elevation. Here we investigated the effect of varying exposure duration (6 h to 10 days) on intertidal mudflat erosion (measured using the EROMES device), where the effects of water content and biofilm biomass (using chlorophyll-a content as a proxy, Chl-a μg g−1) were taken into account. Sediments were collected between spring and summer (in October 2018, January 2019 and February 2019) from an intertidal site in the Firth of Thames, New Zealand. Longer exposure duration resulted in more stable sediments [higher erosion threshold (Ƭcr, N m−2) and lower erosion rate (ER, g m−2 s−1)]. After 10 days, exposure increased Ƭcr by 1.7 to 4.4 times and decreased ER by 11.6 to 21.5 times compared with 6 h of exposure. Chl-a and water content changed with exposure duration and were significantly correlated with changes in Ƭcr and ER. The stability of sediments after two re-submersion periods following exposure was also examined and showed that the stabilizing effect of exposure persisted even though water content had increased to non-exposure levels. Re-submersion was associated with an increase in Chl-a content, which likely counteracted the destabilizing influence of increased water content. A site-specific model, which included the interplay between evaporation and biofilm biomass, was developed to predict water content as a function of exposure duration. The modelled water content (WMod.) explained 98% of the observed variation in water content (WObs.). These results highlight how the exposure period can cause subtle changes to erosion regimes of sediments. An understanding of these effects (e.g. in sediment transport modelling) is critical to predicting the resilience of intertidal zones into the future, when sea-level rise is believed to exacerbate erosion in low-lying areas. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Geophysical methods were applied for hydrogeological targets in many countries including Vietnam. This paper presents results of using complex geophysical techniques as well as 2D electrical resistivity imaging (ERI), vertical electrical sounding (VES), very low frequency (VLF), and seismic refraction for geological structure investigation for locating the aquifers and assessing the hydrogeological conditions for groundwater potential in industrial zones of North Hanoi, Vietnam. The locations of two aquifers are determined by their depth and thickness on the basis of resistivity and seismic velocity values which were proved by stratifications of three boreholes to 40–60 m of depth on the study area. There are connections from surface water to shallow aquifer by hydraulic windows, as follows from VLF data. The deeper aquifer can be considered as a potential groundwater supply, but the water level is descending in time, as shown by hydrological monitoring. However, with careful use and by reducing sources of pollution, groundwater can continue to be an important natural resource for future.  相似文献   
To date, few studies offer a quantitative comparison of the performance of image appraisal tools. Moreover, there is no commonly accepted methodology to handle them even though it is a crucial aspect for reliable interpretation of geophysical images. In this study, we compare quantitatively different image appraisal indicators to detect artefacts, estimate depth of investigation, address parameters resolution and appraise ERT‐derived geometry. Among existing image appraisal tools, we focus on the model resolution matrix (), the cumulative sensitivity matrix () and the depth of investigation index () that are regularly used in the literature. They are first compared with numerical models representing different geological situations in terms of heterogeneity and scale and then used on field data sets. The numerical benchmark shows that indicators based on and are the most appropriate to appraise ERT images in terms of the exactitude of inverted parameters, providing mainly qualitative information. In parallel, we test two different edge detection algorithms – Watershed’s and Canny’s algorithms – on the numerical models to identify the geometry of electrical structures in ERT images. From the results obtained, Canny’s algorithm seems to be the most reliable to help practitioners in the interpretation of buried structures. On this basis, we propose a methodology to appraise field ERT images. First, numerical benchmark models representing simplified cases of field ERT images are built using available a priori information. Then, ERT images are produced for these benchmark models (all simulated acquisition and inversion parameters being the same). The comparison between the numerical benchmark models and their corresponding ERT images gives the errors on inverted parameters. These discrepancies are then evaluated against the appraisal indicators ( and ) allowing the definition of threshold values. The final step consists in applying the threshold values on the field ERT images and to validate the results with a posteriori knowledge. The developed approach is tested successfully on two field data sets providing important information on the reliability of the location of a contamination source and on the geometry of a fractured zone. However, quantitative use of these indicators remains a difficult task depending mainly on the confidence level desired by the user. Further research is thus needed to develop new appraisal indicators more suited for a quantitative use and to improve the quality of inversion itself.  相似文献   
Phytoremediation, a plant‐based and cost‐effective technology for the cleanup of contaminated soil and water, is receiving increasing attention. In this study, the aquatic macrophyte Eleocharis acicularis was examined for its ability to take up multiple heavy metals and its potential application for phytoremediation at an abandoned mining area in Hokkaido, Japan. Elemental concentrations were measured in samples of E. acicularis, water, and soil collected from areas of mine tailing and drainage. The results reveal that Pb, Fe, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Mn accumulation in the plants increased over the course of the experiment, exceeding their initial concentrations by factors of 930, 430, 60, 25, 10, and 6, respectively. The highest concentrations of Fe, Pb, Zn, Mn, Cr, Cu, and Ni within the plants were 59500, 1120, 964, 388, 265, 235, and 47.4 mg/kg dry wt., respectively, for plants growing in mine drainage after 11 months of the experiment. These results indicate that E. acicularis is a hyperaccumulator of Pb. We also found high Si concentrations in E. acicularis (2.08%). It is likely that heavy metals exist in opal‐A within cells of the plant. The bioconcentration factors (BCF: ratio of metal concentration in the plant shoots to that in the soil) obtained for Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, Mn, and Pb were 3.27, 1.65, 1.29, 1.26, 1.11, and 0.82, respectively. The existence of heavy metals as sulphides is thought to have restricted the metal‐uptake efficiency of E. acicularis at the mine site. The results of this study indicate that E. acicularis shows great potential in the phytoremediation of mine tailing and drainage rich in heavy metals.  相似文献   
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