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Water Resources - This paper presents review of dissolved Rare Earth Elements (REE) and methane anomalies distribution in the East China Sea water column. In general, the REE concentrations of the...  相似文献   
To provide quantitative information on site effects in the northern part of Belgium, forty-seven H/V microtremor measurements were performed with 5 second seismometers over an area of about 15.000 km2. Most of the results show a northward regular increase of the fundamental period in agreement with the augmentation of the Mesozoic and Cainozoic soft sedimentsthickness from a few meters 40 km south of Brussels to 900 m at the Netherlands-Belgium border. The measured resonance frequency values wereconsistent with theoretical computations performed at different sites onthe basis of existing information and shallow seismic experiments. At oneparticular site (Uccle) where borehole data were available, microtremor measurements using an array of four seismological stations with differentapertures allowed to obtain the low frequency part of the Rayleigh wave dispersion curve, extending the range covered by the analysis of surfacewaves artificially generated. The Vs profile derived from the surface waveinversion corroborates the 1 Hz natural frequency of the site. Comparison of these results with the macroseismic information concerning the MS = 5.0 1938 earthquake which occurred 50 km west of Brussels,confirmed the hypothesis that the geological structure of the Brabant massifis likely to control damage distribution during such an earthquake. Comparisonbetween the intensity map of the 1938 earthquake and the resonance period ofsediments obtained by our microtremor study shows a clear relation betweenthe two parameters. During the 1938 earthquake, site effects played a prominent role due to the dimension of the source whose corner frequency wasabout 1 Hz.  相似文献   
长期的地震实践表明,地下流体与地震活动有密切的关系,特别是在地震短期阶段,地震前兆中流体异常表现的最为明显,并且数量最多.由于在地震孕育过程中,能够引起浅层流体异常的动力源机制比较复杂,异常变化形态也复杂多样,这对于有效分析异常产生的机理造成了很大困难.本项研究工作,通过中国大陆和华北、西北、西南等分区研究,认为可以将这些复杂的异常现象归纳为较易识别的转折型(复合型)和单一型两类异常类型,并提出了这两类前兆异常类型的综合特点.  相似文献   
不同生活型水生植物对水环境的影响和碳固持能力不同,开展大尺度范围内不同生活型水生植物的时空分布和动态变化研究,是全面掌握湖泊水生态环境变化趋势、准确核算水生生态系统碳源/碳汇的前提。以长江中下游10 km2以上(共131个)的湖泊为研究对象,基于野外调查和先验知识,通过光谱分析,研发了不同生活型水生植物遥感高精度机器学习识别算法,解析了长江中下游湖泊群不同生活型水生植物的时空变化规律。研究表明,长江中下游湖泊群不同生活型水生植物遥感监测精度为0.81,Kappa系数为0.74;1986—2020年长江中下游湖泊群水生植物面积为2541.58~4571.42 km2,占湖泊总面积的15.99%~28.77%,沉水植物是优势类型(Max1995=2649.21 km2,Min2005=921.38 km2),其次是挺水植物(Max2005=1779.44 km2,Min2020=569.05 km2)和浮叶植物(Max2015=685.68 km2,Min2000=293.04 km2);水生植物主要分布在长江干流流域湖泊群,其次是鄱阳湖流域、洞庭湖流域、太湖流域和汉江流域;变化趋势上,1986—2020年长江中下游湖泊群水生植物面积呈现先增长(1986—1995年)、后下降(1995—2010年)、再增加(2010年后)的趋势。本研究可为长江中下游湖泊群生态环境调查及水环境管理提供重要参考。  相似文献   
应用芦山MS7.0地震震中附近跨断层及连续形变观测资料, 分析了芦山地震前不同阶段地形变变化的特点, 讨论了震中附近区域异常时空演化过程. 结果表明: ① 自2013年1月起, 沿鲜水河断裂带一些跨断层基线观测到显著的加速转折变化, 沿安宁河、 则木河断裂带个别场地的跨断层水准基线, 2010年以来出现的巨幅异常等是突出的场兆变化; 沿龙门山断裂带一些水准观测在汶川MS8.0地震后持续的调整变化具有近震源区变形特征. ② 鲜水河、 龙门山和安宁河3条主要断裂围成的三叉口地区, 地倾斜、 应变、 重力及断层水准和蠕变观测临震前均未有显著的异常变化, GPS水平、 垂直位移年速率最小, 该地区是形变变化或形变异常分布的“空区”. ③ 在对近场与远场多种连续形变数据通过傅里叶变换提取年周期成分后发现, 临震前2—3年近震源区域的地倾斜、 重力年变化幅度不是增大, 而是减小. 芦山MS7.0地震前观测到的形变前兆现象特征与汶川MS8.0地震等震前的前兆现象较为接近. 因此, 芦山地震前近震源区及外围形变异常分布特征不是个别的现象.   相似文献   
湖滨带水生植物对湖泊生态系统健康的维持具有重要作用。为了解当前洱海湖滨带水生植物现状,本研究于2020—2021年间每季度对洱海湖滨带水生植物进行调查。调查结果表明:(1)洱海湖滨带现有水生植物206种,属56科156属,其中湿生植物149种,挺水植物24种,沉水植物21种,漂浮植物7种,浮叶植物5种;常见种有狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)、菰(Zizania latifolia)、苦草(Vallisneria natans)、菱(Trapa bispinosa)等,偶见种为忍冬(Lonicera japonica)、披碱草(Elymus dahuricus)等。(2)从区系分布来看,洱海湖滨带物种主要为世界分布(83种)和热带分布(55种)两种类型,分别占总物种数比例的40.28%和26.71%。(3)在植物群落方面,洱海湖滨带共有18个主要植物群落类型,其中湿生植物群落4种,挺水植物群落3种,沉水植物群落9种,浮叶植物群落2种;以狗牙根群落、菰群落、苦草群落、菱群落为主。通过与历史文献结果的对比分析得出,近年来洱海湖滨带水生植物多样性有了显著提高,但目前存在挺水植物群落...  相似文献   
The number of dispersion curves increases significantly when the scale of a short-period dense array increases. Owing to a substantial increase in data volume, it is important to quickly evaluate dispersion curve quality as well as select the available dispersion curve. Accordingly, this study quantitatively evaluated dispersion curve quality by training a convolutional neural network model for ambient noise tomography using a short-period dense array. The model can select high-quality dispersio...  相似文献   
PCBs were analysed in surficial sediments and selected sediment cores collected between 2002 and 2008 in Central Vietnam coastal lagoons. The aim was to determine contamination levels and trends, and to evaluate the effects of anthropogenic pressures and natural events. Samples were mostly fine-grained with low total PCB concentrations (0.367-44.7 μg kg−1). Atmospheric transport and post depositional processes modify to some degree the fingerprint of PCB inputs to the environment favouring the predominance of 3, 4 and 5 chlorinated congeners. The similarity of congener distributions in contemporary surficial samples also suggests the presence of a unique source over the entire study area, probably connected to mobilisation and long range transports from land-based stocks. The removal of consistent sediment layers is hypothesised based on repeated samplings of the same area. Natural meteorological events (such as typhoons) are suspected to be responsible for these sediment losses.  相似文献   
利用安徽省地磁台站2007-2009年数字化观测资料,应用地磁转换函数方法,对华东地区ML4.0以上地震进行对应关系研究,发现不同台站、不同周期的转换函数参量与安徽及邻近地区地震存在一定的对应关系,为今后数据研究提供参考.  相似文献   
本文以江淮地区典型场地资料为原型,选取不同深度的岩层位置作为地震动输入界面,构造多种场地土层模型,选择Taft、Kobe和E1centro 3条强震记录作为地震输入,采用一维频域等效线性化波动方法重点分析了地震动输入界面对场地地表地震动参数的影响。研究结果表明,随着输入界面深度的增加,场地地表的峰值加速度逐渐增加,且增加的幅度呈逐渐减小的趋势,但输入界面深度对地表加速度反应谱特征周期的影响较小;输入界面剪切波速值对反应谱特征周期影响有限,但对地表峰值加速度影响较为显著,地表峰值加速度随着输入界面剪切波速的增大而增大,且两者的增幅呈现近似的线性关系。  相似文献   
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