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The intensive mussel culture carried out in the past 40 years in the Rias of Vigo and Arousa (Galicia-NW Spain) has led to substantial changes in the ecology and geochemistry of the seabed in these areas. Organic C enrichment of the seabed has generated strongly reducing conditions that directly affect the geochemistry of Fe and S. In the present study a total of six sediment cores were collected from the seabed under mussel rafts, and two different layers were distinguished: the biodeposit generated by the mussels, and the sediment situated immediately below this. Samples of each were analyzed to determine the pH, redox potential, sulphate and chloride in the interstitial water, as well as total percentage of organic C (TOC), N and S. Sequential extraction of the samples differentiated six fractions of Fe: exchangeable, carbonate, ferrihydrite, lepidocrocite, goethite and pyrite. The contents of total Fe, Fe associated with silicates, Fe soluble in 1 M HCl and AVS-Fe were also determined. In general, both the biodeposit and the sediment were anoxic (Eh < 100 mV) and there were no significant differences between the two in the total Fe or in the Fe associated with silicates, which appears to indicate that the input of Fe to the system did not vary greatly. However, there were significant differences between the sediment and the biodeposit in terms of the forms of Fe in each layer. The concentrations of pyrite in the biodeposit (0.37 ± 0.25 μmol g−1) were high but significantly lower than in the sediment (1.10 ± 0.20 μmol g−1), and there remained large quantities of reactive-Fe that were susceptible to pyritisation. In contrast, in the sediment, the reactive-Fe was intensively pyritised, and judging from the ratio of TOC–DOP, it limited synthesis of pyrite. Furthermore, a plot of the concentration of pyrite-S against TOC revealed an excess of ∼15% of pyrite-S, which is explained by the partial decoupling of pyrite formation from organic matter accumulation, caused by the formation of pyrite from the H2S generated by the anaerobic oxidation of methane. The latter process also appears to favour, although to a lesser extent, the precipitation of Ca carbonate, with incorporation of Fe.  相似文献   
The study of hydrogeochemical data sets frequently calls for statistical dimension reducing techniques. It is well known that hydrochemical parameters are compositions and, for this type of data, the direct application of classical statistical methods based on the correlation matrix yield spurious results. But new results on compositional data analysis have identified the sampling space, the simplex, with an Euclidean space, a fact that allows us to define a simplicial factor analysis strategy, thus overcoming the problem. For illustration, we use samples from the Llobregat River and its tributaries (NE Spain). Three unobservable or latent factorial components are extracted, which are identified with pristine waters, potash-mining influence and urban sewage influence. These three factorial components or compositional factors are plotted in a factorial ternary diagram, which reflects the relative influence of each one of these factors on each observation.  相似文献   
Inorganic ions, organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and a variety of organic single species in airborne particles have been determined at the research station of the Leibniz – Institut für Troposphärenforschung (IfT) in Melpitz (Germany) in autumn 1997.Samples of eight selected measurement events were divided in two groups in order to investigate differences in the chemical composition of particles originating from southwesterly (SW – developed EU countries) or from easterly directions (E – less developed eastern countries). Differences between these two groups were tested statistically by Student's t-test.Five stage cascade impactor samples show nitrate as most abundant in the accumulation mode in the SW group. EC and sulphate show the most abundant mass fractions in the E group. That can be considered as a consequence of domestic coal heating and coal-fired power plant emissions in the region of westerly Poland, northern Czech Republic and easterly Germany. Higher nitrate concentrations in the SW group can be explained by stronger NO x emissions caused by the leeward plume of the conurbation of Leipzig, as well as by the still higher traffic density in western Germany.The methane sulphonic acid (MSA) mass fraction was higher for SW air masses in accumulation mode particles, probably indicating marine origin. Succinic acid also showed higher mass fractions for the SW group. This could be caused by primary emission in automobile exhaust gases and photochemical formation during transport from SW. Indeed, during SW sampling, solar radiation intensity was higher than during E sampling.The observed differences in the particle composition are an expression of the still existing technology gradient in Europe. Future campaigns could show the development to a joint economy with smaller differences in anthropogenic emissions.  相似文献   
Defining the distortion of a conformal map projection as the oscillation of the logarithm of its infinitesimal-scale σ, Chebyshev’s principle states that the best (minimum distortion) conformal map projection over a given region Ω of the ellipsoid is characterized by the property that σ is constant on the boundary of that region. Starting from a first map of Ω, we show how to compute the distortion δ0(Ω) of this Chebyshev’s projection. We prove that this minimum possible conformal mapping distortion associated with Ω coincides with the absolute value of the minimum of the solution of a Dirichlet boundary-value problem for an elliptic partial differential equation in divergence form and with homogeneous boundary condition. If the first map is conformal, the partial differential equation becomes a Poisson equation for the Laplace operator. As an example, we compute the minimum conformal distortion associated with peninsular Spain. Using longitude and isometric latitude as coordinates, we solve the corresponding boundary-value problem with the finite element method, obtaining δ0(Ω)=0.74869×10−3. We also quantify the distortions δl and δutm of the best conformal conic and UTM (zone 30) projections over peninsular Spain respectively. We get δl=2.30202×10−3 and δutm=3.33784×10−3.  相似文献   
Spatial variation in salinity, pH, redox potential, and in the concentrations of dissolved Mn, Fe2+ and sulphides in pore water were investigated in a mangrove system in the state of São Paulo (Brazil). Total organic C (TOC), S, Fe and Mn were analyzed in the solid phase, along with acid volatile sulphide (AVS), density of roots and percentage of sand. Five zones, situated along the length of a 180 m transect were considered in the study. Four of these were colonized by different species of vascular plants (Spartina, Laguncularia, Avicennia and Rhizophora) and were denominated soils; the other was not colonized by vegetation, and was denominated sediment. The results indicated important differences between the physicochemical conditions of the pore water in the vegetated zones and the sediment. In the former, two geochemical environments were identified, based on soil depths. The upper 20 cm contained the largest quantity of roots, and the conditions were oxic (Eh > 350 mV) or suboxic (Eh: 100–350 mV), acidic, and with high concentrations of Fe and Mn in the pore water. Below this depth, the soil became anoxic, the concentration of sulphides (HS) increased significantly and the concentrations of dissolved Fe and Mn decreased significantly. The total S and the AVS fraction increased with depth, while TOC concentrations decreased, indicating that the decreases in Fe and Mn were due to the precipitation of metal sulphides. However, clear differences among the vegetated zones were not observed. The sediment was always anoxic, but with low concentrations of sulphide in the interstitial water, and was neutral or slightly alkaline. As in the soils, the concentrations of sulphides and total S increased significantly with depth, indicating that the conditions favoured the synthesis and stability of metal sulphides.  相似文献   
Forty four core samples were analyzed to determine sediment particle size, total organic carbon (TOC), total inorganic carbon (TIC), total nitrogen and total sulphur. Sequential extraction of S was also carried out, differentiating AVS (acid volatile sulphide), elemental S, organic S and pyrite S. The results obtained show that the presence of mussel rafts causes intense changes in the physicochemical composition and properties of the sea floor in the Ria de Arousa. The percentage of silt and clay, TOC, TIC and total N were significantly higher in the biodeposit than in the sediment. In contrast, there were no differences between the biodeposit and the sediment in terms of pH (8.0-8.7) and redox potential. The sediment and biodeposit were always anoxic, with values of redox potentials below -100 mV. In accordance with these conditions, the dominant fraction of S was pyrite S (FeS(2)). The AVS fraction and elemental S were present at low concentrations, except in the uppermost part of each core. Pyrite was relatively stable when the biodeposit and sediment were maintained in suspension for 8 days in oxic sea water; unlike the AVS fraction, which disappeared within a few hours.  相似文献   
This work aims to contribute to the characterization and understanding of infragravity waves on two beaches with erosion problems. For this reason, we have used an array of ADCP and a pressure sensor to measure wave parameters and pressure inside and outside of the surf zone during the dry and rainy period in the beaches of Galerazamba and Manzanillo del Mar (both dissipative and eroded beaches) located in the Colombian Caribbean coast. Based on these measurements, we have carried out a spectral analysis in order to identify the frequency components that characterize the wave and its energy; thus, we identified the characteristic frequencies of infragravity waves to finally filter the infragravity signal on each beach in different seasonal periods. Among the results of the Welch spectrum applied to surface elevation time series, we found that, the frequencies'' energy of the sea-swell band decreases due to bottom friction and wave breaking as the wave approaches the shore, while the frequencies'' energy of the infragravity band increases significantly. In addition, for the wavelet analysis, we could observe how the energy of the infragravity band, especially the lowest frequencies gain energy as the waves approaches the coast. Furthermore, based on the infragravity wave obtained from the extreme wave event registered during the field campaign we can conclude that the contribution of this signal is important in the erosion problems presented in the beaches of Galerazamba and Manzanillo del Mar. Finally, these results show the need to realize other studies that allow us to understand deeply, the role of infragravity waves on the morphological changes that occurs in these beaches.  相似文献   
Irgarol 1051 is a s-triazine herbicide used in popular slime-resistant antifouling paints. It has been shown to be acutely toxic to corals, mangroves and sea grasses, inhibiting photosynthesis at low concentrations (>50 ng l(-1)). We present the first data describing the occurrence of Irgarol 1051 in coastal waters of the Northeastern Caribbean (Puerto Rico (PR) and the US Virgin Islands (USVI)). Low level contamination of coastal waters by Irgarol 1051 is reported, the herbicide being present in 85% of the 31 sites sampled. It was not detected in water from two oceanic reference sites. In general, Irgarol 1051was present at concentrations below 100 ng l(-1), although far higher concentrations were reported at three locations within Benner Bay, USVI (223-1,300 ng l(-1)). The known toxicity of Irgarol 1051 to corals and sea grasses and our findings of significant contamination of the Northeastern Caribbean marine environment by this herbicide underscore the importance of understanding, more fully, local and regional exposure of reef and sea grass habitats to Irgarol 1051 and, where necessary, implementing actions to ensure adequate protection of these important ecosystems.  相似文献   
The presence of the pathogenic protist Labyrinthula sp., the causative agent of seagrass wasting disease and mass mortality events, was assessed in 18 seagrass meadows in the Balearic region (western Mediterranean). This protist was found in 70% of seagrass meadows investigated and in all seagrass species present in the region (i.e., Posidonia oceanica, Cymodocea nodosa, and Zostera noltii). Labyrinthula spp. cultures isolated from seven P. oceanica and one Thalassia testudinum meadows were used as inocula to perform cross-infection experiments in order to test seagrass vulnerability to Labyrinthula spp. infection. These isolates produced lesions on P. oceanica and other seagrass species (Zostera marina, Z. noltii, and C. nodosa). P. oceanica and Z. noltii, both species autochthonous to the Mediterranean Sea, were the seagrasses most vulnerable to infection by the tested isolates. One of the P. oceanica isolates of Labyrinthula sp. also infected the Atlantic seagrass Z. marina, and all of the Mediterranean seagrasses were infected by Labyrinthula sp. isolated from the T. testudinum, native to the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. This work confirms that Labyrinthula sp. is commonly found on seagrasses of the Mediterranean Sea and demonstrates that Labyrinthula sp. can infect seagrasses in different genera, in contrast to previous studies where Labyrinthula sp. was considered to be genus-specific. This finding points out the broadly pathogenic nature of some Labyrinthula sp. isolates. Finally, this work identifies Labyrinthula sp. as a possible detrimental agent for P. oceanica.  相似文献   
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