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Among the terrestrial planets, Mercury is the smallest and has the highest bulk density. Mercury exhibits a lunar-like surface, shaped by impact basins and craters. Rapid cooling and contraction as well as tidal despinning have resulted in a large inventory of tectonic scarps and faults visible on the surface. With plans for new orbiter missions to this intriguing planet taking shape, this paper presents a summary of our current knowledge on Mercury's geology and cratering history. On the basis of improved data on asteroid populations and crater scaling, we updated the time stratigraphic sequence for the planet and made new estimates for the time of formation of impact basins such as Tolstoj and Caloris, which generally are now thought to be younger than in previous estimates. In order to advance our understanding of the geology of the planet, imaging experiments on future missions must fill the gap in the global coverage left by the Mariner spacecraft, and increase the global multispectral spatial resolution to at least 100 m/pixel. Locally, the image resolution must reach approx. 10 m/pixel. Also, stereo topographic models with global and local resolutions of 200 and 20 m, respectively, are required.  相似文献   
The issue of crater retention age estimates on planetary surfaces is discussed with an attempt to quantify the effect of overlapping primary and secondary impact crater populations in restricted crater diameter ranges. The approach to this problem is illustrated with a simple model production function where the secondary crater input is artificially enhanced. Extrapolation of such a secondary crater model distribution to a global record results in extraordinarily high crater frequencies that do not exist on Mars, and implies the need of detailed studies of the size-frequency distribution for remote secondary craters, to date poorly known. A key case, the martian crater Zunil and its secondary crater field, illustrate that reasonable predictions for the secondary crater size-frequency distribution at small (<100 m) crater diameters affected the standard model crater retention age for the Cerberus plains less than the statistical uncertainty. These observations show that age determination based on appropriate crater counting statistics is valid in a wide primary crater diameter range.  相似文献   
The Mawrth Vallis region contains an extensive (at least 300 km × 400 km) and thick (?300 m), finely layered (at meter scale), clay-rich unit detected by OMEGA. We use OMEGA, HRSC DTMs derived from stereoscopic imagery, HRSC color imagery and high resolution imagery such as MOC, CTX and HiRISE to characterize the geometry and the composition of the clay-rich unit at the regional scale. Our results show that the clay-bearing unit can be divided into sub-units on the basis of differences in color and composition. In false-color visible imagery, alternating white/bluish and orange/red colored units correspond to a compositional succession of, respectively, Al- and Fe- or Mg-phyllosilicate rich material. Geological cross-sections are presented along the principal outcrops of the region in order to define the stratigraphy of these sub-units. This method shows that the dips of the sub-units are frequently close to the slopes of the present topography, except for scarps visible at the dichotomy boundary, inside impact craters walls, and outcrops inside Mawrth Vallis. In addition to the Al- and Fe- or Mg-phyllosilicate rich sub-units, an altered surface is identified as the lower basement unit. We propose two possible end-member scenarios to explain the derived stratigraphy: (1) alteration of volcaniclastic, aeolian or aqueous layered deposits of various compositions by groundwater, resulting in distinct altered rocks; or (2) Alteration coeval with the deposition of sediments under varying chemical conditions, in wet pedodiagenetic environment.  相似文献   
D. Reiss  M. Zanetti  G. Neukum 《Icarus》2011,215(1):358-369
Active dust devils were observed in Syria Planum in Mars Observer Camera - Wide Angle (MOC-WA) and High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) imagery acquired on the same day with a time delay of ∼26 min. The unique operating technique of the HRSC allowed the measurement of the traverse velocities and directions of motion. Large dust devils observed in the HRSC image could be retraced to their counterparts in the earlier acquired MOC-WA image. Minimum lifetimes of three large (avg. ∼700 m in diameter) dust devils are ∼26 min, as inferred from retracing. For one of these large dust devil (∼820 m in diameter) it was possible to calculate a minimum lifetime of ∼74 min based on the measured horizontal speed and the length of its associated dust devil track. The comparison of our minimum lifetimes with previous published results of minimum and average lifetimes of small (∼19 m in diameter, avg. min. lifetime of ∼2.83 min) and medium (∼185 m in diameter, avg. min. lifetime of ∼13 min) dust devils imply that larger dust devils on Mars are active for much longer periods of time than smaller ones, as it is the case for terrestrial dust devils. Knowledge of martian dust devil lifetimes is an important parameter for the calculation of dust lifting rates. Estimates of the contribution of large dust devils (>300-1000 m in diameter) indicate that they may contribute, at least regionally, to ∼50% of dust entrainment by dust devils into the atmosphere compared to the dust devils <300 m in diameter given that the size-frequency distribution follows a power-law. Although large dust devils occur relatively rarely and the sediment fluxes are probably lower compared to smaller dust devils, their contribution to the background dust opacity by dust devils on Mars could be at least regionally large due to their longer lifetimes and ability of dust lifting into high atmospheric layers.  相似文献   
The reported detection of methane in the atmosphere of Mars as well as its potentially large seasonal spatial variations challenge our understanding of both the sources and sinks of atmospheric trace gases. The presence of methane suggests ongoing exchange between the subsurface and the atmosphere of potentially biogenic trace gases, while the spatial and temporal variations cannot be accounted for with current knowledge of martian photochemistry. A Joint Instrument Definition Team (JIDT) was asked to assess concepts for a mission that might follow up on these discoveries within the framework of a series of joint missions being considered by ESA and NASA for possible future exploration of Mars. The following is based on the report of the JIDT to the space agencies (Zurek et al., 2009); a synopsis of the report was presented at the Workshop on Mars Methane held in Frascati, Italy, in November 2009. To summarize, the JIDT believed that a scientifically exciting and credible mission could be conducted within the evolving capabilities of the science/telecommunications orbiter being considered by ESA and NASA for possible launch in the 2016 opportunity for Mars.  相似文献   
M. Sowe  L. Wendt  P.C. McGuire  G. Neukum 《Icarus》2012,218(1):406-419
Hydrated minerals have been detected in many martian chaos regions and chasmata, playing a major role in its past aqueous activity. Based on short wave infrared data from CRISM, imagery and elevation data, we identified and mapped hydrated minerals in Aureum Chaos to shed light on their stratigraphy and geological context.The Interior Layered Deposits (ILDs) display three stratigraphic units: The lowest unit shows massive and also layered, high-albedo monohydrated sulfate (MHS, best matching kieserite; 20–650 m thick) with intercalated hydroxylated ferric sulfates (HFSs, best matching jarosite) and ferric oxides. The overlying polyhydrated sulfate (PHS) is commonly layered (20–40 m thick), smooth to heavily fractured, of lower albedo and partially contains ferric oxides. Spectrally neutral, distinctly layered, and bumpy cap rock (40–300 m thick) forms the top.We found spectral and morphological similarities to Aram Chaos (PHS, MHS, ferric oxides; texture of ILD and cap rock) and Juventae Chasma (HFS). Besides, the phyllosilicate nontronite was found attributed to chaotic terrain as light toned fractured exposure and within dark, smooth mantling. The coexistence of sulfates and phyllosilicates indicates changes in the geochemistry of the aqueous environment.Since sulfates and phyllosilicates could be alteration products, the observed mineralogy presumably is not the original; conversions between PHS and MHS, MHS or PHS into jarosite, jarosite into iron oxides are considered. Due to its occurrence along mantling edges and on flat surfaces of MHS without textural differences, it appears that PHS is an alteration product of MHS, e.g. due to surface exposure. The facies and relative timing of sulfate formation remains undefined. However, two different formation models are considered. The first implies contemporaneous ILD and PHS deposition and diagenetic sulfate conversion (into MHS, iron oxides) due to overburden later on. This model is less conclusive than groundwater evaporation -the second model- due to the lack of a sharp PHS–MHS boundary that would indicate a diagenetic formation.Alternatively, the second model suggests subsequent sulfate formation. Groundwater would have penetrated into pre-existing sulfate-free ILD. The permeability and porosity of ILD material would have defined the rate of water absorption and sulfate precipitation (low in cap rock?), resulting in cementation of probably aeolian deposited ILDs. We think this model is more consistent and could explain ILD stratigraphy with the potential anhydrous cap rock on top.The surface age of chaotic terrain (late Hesperian) and mantling deposits (mid to late Amazonian) limit the ILD age and possibly the emplacement of sulfates. Phyllosilicates in the mantling are presumably allochthonous. Limiting the timing of in situ phyllosilicates is more complicated; they could be Noachian (excavated material, following the phyllosian era), or instead syn- or post-chaotic. A close spatial and temporal association of sulfates and phyllosilicates, in which nontronite represents the deep facies, and sulfates the evaporitic facies is known from Earth and is also possible and would combine groundwater alteration with the observed mineralogy.The preservation of nontronite, HFS and MHS probably reflects a relatively dry environment with intermittent aqueous activity since their emplacement.  相似文献   
The Mangala Valles is a 900-km long outflow channel system in the highlands adjacent to the south-eastern flank of the Tharsis bulge. This work was intended to answer the following two questions unresolved in previous studies: (1) Was there only one source of water (Mangala Fossa at the valley head which is one of the Medusae Fossae troughs or graben) or were other sources also involved in the valley-carving water supply, and (2) Was there only one episode of flooding (maybe with phases) or were there several episodes significantly separated in time. The geologic analysis of HRSC image 0286 and mapping supported by analysis of MOC and THEMIS images show that Mangala Valles was carved by water released from several sources. The major source was Mangala Fossa, which probably formed in response to magmatic dike intrusion. The graben cracked the cryosphere and permitted the release of groundwater held under hydrostatic pressure. This major source was augmented by a few smaller-scale sources at localities in (1) two mapped heads of magmatic dikes, (2) heads of two clusters of sinuous channels, and (3) probably several large knob terrain locals. The analysis of results of crater counts at more than 60 localities showed that the first episode of formation of Mangala Valles occurred ~3.5 Ga ago and was followed by three more episodes, one occurred ~1 Ga ago, another one ~0.5 Ga ago, and the last one ~0.2 Ga ago. East of the mapped area there are extended and thick lava flows whose source may be the eastern continuation of the Mangala source graben. Crater counts in 10 localities on these lava flows correlate with those taken on the Mangala valley elements supporting the idea that the valley head graben was caused by dike intrusions. Our observations suggest that the waning stage of the latest flooding episode (~0.2 Ga ago) led to the formation at the valley head of meander-like features sharing some characteristics with meanders of terrestrial rivers. If this analogy is correct this could suggest a short episode of global warming in Late Amazonian time.  相似文献   
Building on previous studies of volcanoes around the Hellas basin with new studies of imaging (High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC), Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS), Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC), High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE), Context Imager (CTX)), multispectral (HRSC, Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l’Eau, les Glaces et l’Activité (OMEGA)), topographic (Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA)) and gravity data, we define a new Martian volcanic province as the Circum-Hellas Volcanic Province (CHVP). With an area of >2.1 million km2, it contains the six oldest central vent volcanoes on Mars, which formed after the Hellas impact basin, between 4.0 and 3.6 Ga. These volcanoes mark a transition from the flood volcanism that formed Malea Planum ~3.8 Ga, to localized edifice-building eruptions. The CHVP volcanoes have two general morphologies: (1) shield-like edifices (Tyrrhena, Hadriaca, and Amphitrites Paterae), and (2) caldera-like depressions surrounded by ridged plains (Peneus, Malea, and Pityusa Paterae). Positive gravity anomalies are found at Tyrrhena, Hadriaca, and Amphitrites, perhaps indicative of dense magma bodies below the surface. The lack of positive-relief edifices and weak gravity anomalies at Peneus, Malea, and Pityusa suggest a fundamental difference in their formation, styles of eruption, and/or compositions. The northernmost volcanoes, the ~3.7–3.9 Ga Tyrrhena and Hadriaca Paterae, have low slopes, well-channeled flanks, and smooth caldera floors (at tens of meters/pixel scale), indicative of volcanoes formed from poorly consolidated pyroclastic deposits that have been modified by fluvial and aeolian erosion and deposition. The ~3.6 Ga Amphitrites Patera also has a well-channeled flank, but it and the ~3.8 Ga Peneus Patera are dominated by scalloped and pitted terrain, pedestal and ejecta flow craters, and a general ‘softened’ appearance. This morphology is indicative not only of surface materials subjected to periglacial processes involving water ice, but also of a surface composed of easily eroded materials such as ash and dust. The southernmost volcanoes, the ~3.8 Ga Malea and Pityusa Paterae, have no channeled flanks, no scalloped and pitted terrain, and lack the ‘softened’ appearance of their surfaces, but they do contain pedestal and ejecta flow craters and large, smooth, bright plateaus in their central depressions. This morphology is indicative of a surface with not only a high water ice content, but also a more consolidated material that is less susceptible to degradation (relative to the other four volcanoes). We suggest that Malea and Pityusa (and possibly Peneus) Paterae are Martian equivalents to Earth's giant calderas (e.g., Yellowstone, Long Valley) that erupted large volumes of volcanic materials, and that Malea and Pityusa are probably composed of either lava flows or ignimbrites. HRSC and OMEGA spectral data indicate that dark gray to slightly red materials (often represented as blue or black pixels in HRSC color images), found in the patera floors and topographic lows throughout the CHVP, have a basaltic composition. A key issue is whether this dark material represents concentrations of underlying basaltic material eroded by various processes and exposed by aeolian winnowing, or if the material was transported from elsewhere on Mars by regional winds. Understanding the provenance of these dark materials may be the key to understanding the volcanic diversity of the Circum-Hellas Volcanic Province.  相似文献   
In this work we analyze data for lunar meteorites with emphasis on the spatial and temporal distribution of lunar mare basalts. The data are mostly from the Lunar Meteorite Compendium (http://www-curator.jsc.nasa.gov/antmet/lmc/contents.cfm cited hereafter as Compendium) compiled by Kevin Righter, NASA Johnson Space Center, and from the associated literature. Analysis of the data showed that (i) a significant part of the lunar meteorite source craters are not larger than hundreds of meters in diameter; (ii) cryptomaria seem to be rather abundant in lunar highlands; (iii) the ratios of lunar meteorites belonging to three broad petrologic groups (mare basalt/gabbro, feldspatic highland breccias, and mingled breccias which are a mixture of mare and highland components) seem to be roughly proportional to the areal distribution of these rocks on the lunar surface; and (iv) the meteorite mare basalt ages show a range from ~2.5 to 4.3 Ga and fill the gaps in the Apollo/Luna basalt age distribution. The ages of mare basalt clasts from mingled breccias seem to be systematically higher than those of “normal” mare basalts, which supports the suggestion that mingled breccias originated mostly from cryptomaria.  相似文献   
The morphology of fluvial valleys on Mars provides insight into surface and subsurface hydrology, as well as to Mars’ past climate. In this study, Naktong Vallis and its tributaries were examined from high-resolution stereoscopic camera (HRSC) images, thermal emission imaging system (THEMIS) daytime IR images, and mars orbiter laser altimeter (MOLA) data. Naktong Vallis is the southern part of a very large fluvial basin composed by Mamers, Scamander, and Naktong Vallis with a total length of 4700 km, and is one of the largest fluvial system on Mars. Naktong Vallis incised along its path a series of smooth intercrater plains. Naktong's main valley cut smooth plains during the Early Hesperian period, estimated ~3.6–3.7 Gyr, implying a young age for the valley when compared to usual Noachian-aged valley networks. Branching valleys located in degraded terrains south of the main Naktong valley have sources inside a large plateau located at more than 2000 m elevation. Connections between these valleys and Naktong Vallis have been erased by the superimposition of late intercrater plains of Early to Late Hesperian age, but it is likely that this plateau represents the main source of water. Small re-incisions of these late plains show that there was at least one local reactivation. In addition, valley heads are often amphitheatre-shaped. Despite the possibility of subsurface flows, the occurrence of many branching valleys upstream of Naktong's main valley indicate that runoff may have played an important role in Naktong Vallis network formation. The importance of erosional landforms in the Naktong Vallis network indicates that fluvial activity was important and not necessarily lower in the Early Hesperian epoch than during the Noachian period. The relationships between overland flows and sapping features suggest a strong link between the two processes, rather than a progressive shift from surface to subsurface flow.  相似文献   
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