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Three-dimensional electron density distributions in the solar corona are reconstructed for 100 Carrington rotations (CR 2054?–?2153) during 2007/03?–?2014/08 using the spherically symmetric method from polarized white-light observations with the inner coronagraph (COR1) onboard the twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO). These three-dimensional electron density distributions are validated by comparison with similar density models derived using other methods such as tomography and a magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model as well as using data from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)/Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO)-C2. Uncertainties in the estimated total mass of the global corona are analyzed based on differences between the density distributions for COR1-A and -B. Long-term variations of coronal activity in terms of the global and hemispheric average electron densities (equivalent to the total coronal mass) reveal a hemispheric asymmetry during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 24, with the northern hemisphere leading the southern hemisphere by a phase shift of 7?–?9 months. Using 14 CR (\(\approx13\)-month) running averages, the amplitudes of the variation in average electron density between Cycle 24 maximum and Cycle 23/24 minimum (called the modulation factors) are found to be in the range of 1.6?–?4.3. These modulation factors are latitudinally dependent, being largest in polar regions and smallest in the equatorial region. These modulation factors also show a hemispheric asymmetry: they are somewhat larger in the southern hemisphere. The wavelet analysis shows that the short-term quasi-periodic oscillations during the rising and maximum phases of Cycle 24 have a dominant period of 7?–?8 months. In addition, it is found that the radial distribution of the mean electron density for streamers at Cycle 24 maximum is only slightly larger (by \(\approx30\%\)) than at cycle minimum.  相似文献   
The Kern Mountains plutonic complex is composed of multiple intrusions referred as the Cove, Tungstonia and Hoodoo Canyon plutons, whose emplacement was structurally controlled. The plutons are members of the calc-alcaline granite series, leucogranite type that are relatively alkali rich. The complex is of epizone (4–10 km) and was emplaced during Jurassic time into the carbonates and quartzite of Paleozoic age. Trace and major element data indicate that the complex was derived from the partial melting of rocks similar to Canadian Shield rocks. Analysis of variance of chemical data suggets that hydrothermal solutions carried K2O, Na2O and SiO2 and raised the levels of original oxides in the plutons. Hydrothermal activity is evidenced by the occurrence of second generation muscovite, potassium feldspar and quartz in the complex and tungsten and sulphide mineralization in the area.
Zusammenfassung Der plutonische Komplex des Kerngebirges besteht aus mehrfachen Instrusionen, genannt Cove-, Tungstonia- und Hoodoo Canyon-Pluton, deren Platznahme tektonisch kontrolliert wurde. Die plutonischen Gesteine gehören zu den Kalkalkaligraniten; sie sind leucogranitisch und damit ziemlich alkalireich. Der Komplex ist epizonal (4–10 km), er drang während des Jura in die Karbonate und Quarzite des Paläozoikums ein. Spuren- und Hauptelementmeßwerte zeigen an, daß der Komplex von aufgeschmolzenen Gesteinen abgeleitet werden kann, die den Gesteinen des Kanadischen Schildes ähneln. Die Analyse der Variation von chemischen Meßwerten deutet an, daß hydrothermale Lösungen K2O, Na2O und SiO2 enthielten, die das Niveau der ursprünglichen Oxide in den plutonischen Gesteinen erhöhten. Die hydrothermale Tätigkeit wird durch das Vorhandensein von Muskowit, Kaliunifeldspat und Quartz der zweiten Generation innerhalb des Komplexes und durch Wolfram- und Sulfidmineralisation in der Umgebung bewiesen.

Résumé L'ensemble plutonique des montagnes de Kern, consiste en de nombreuses intrusions dénommées plutons du »Cove«, de »Tungstonia«, et du »Hoodoo Canyon« dont la mise en place a été tectoniquement controlée. Ces plutons font partie de la série granitique calco-alkaline; ce sont des leucogranites relativement riches en alcali. L'ensemble est épizonal (4–10 km), et s'est mis en place au cours du Jurassique dans des Calcaires et quartzites d'âge paléozoique. Les données analytiques relatives aux élements majeurs et en trace indiquent que cet ensemble peut provenir de la fusion partielle de roches similaires à celles du Bouclier Canadien.L'analyse de la variation des données chimiques suggère aussi que l'enrichissement de ces plutons en K2O, Na2O, et SiO2 s'est fait à partir de solutions minéralisantes hydrothermales, comme en témoignent non seulement la présence d'une deuxième génération de muscovite, de feldspath potassique et de quartz, mais aussi par la mineralisation en tungstène et en minerais sulfurés à leur voisinage.

, Cove, Tungstonia Hoodoo Canyon, . - ; , , . (4–10 ); . - , , . , K2O, Na2O SiO2, . , .
This paper discusses social network interactions among individuals who have been hospitalized with mental illness and who currently reside in different types of community housing programmes. First, a conceptualisation of social networks that focuses on network interactions, both supportive and non-supportive, between network interactions may be more important influences on successful or unsuccessful adaptation of current and former psychiatric patients to community life than the structural dimensions of social networks more commonly analysed in the literature. The design of a current longitudinal study of social network interactions is presented. The results of two pilot studies that examine social network interactions is presented. The results of two pilot studies that examine social network interactions with data from several community housing programmes in southern Ontario, Canada are reviewed and an agenda is stated for further data collection and analysis.  相似文献   
The idea of climate has both statistical and social foundations. Both of these dimensions of climate change over time: climate, as defined by meteorological statistics, changes for both natural and anthropogenic reasons; and our expectations of future climate also change, as cultures, societies and knowledge evolves. This paper explores the interactions between these different expressions of climate change by focusing on the idea of ‘normal’ climates defined by statistics. We show how this idea came into being in meteorological circles and then review how this idea of climatic normality gets entangled with cultural and psychological processes. Using data from historical and predicted climates in the UK, we illustrate the significance of choosing different baseline ‘normals’ for retrospective and prospective interpretations of climate change. Since the choice of these statistical ‘normals’ reflects cultural, political and psychological preferences and practices as much as scientific ones, we argue that expectations of the climatic future are influenced by social as well as statistical norms. Seeing climate as co-constructed between the psycho-cultural constraints of society and the physical constraints of the material world offers a different way of thinking about the instabilities of climate and the ways we adapt to them.  相似文献   
The search for the still unrevealed spectral shape of the mysterious THz solar flare emissions is one of the current most challenging research issues. The concept, fabrication and performance of a double THz photometer system, named SOLAR-T, is presented. Its innovative optical setup allows observations of the full solar disk and the detection of small burst transients at the same time. The detecting system was constructed to observe solar flare THz emissions on board of stratospheric balloons. The system has been integrated to data acquisition and telemetry modules for this application. SOLAR-T uses two Golay cell detectors preceded by low-pass filters made of rough surface primary mirrors and membranes, 3 and 7 THz band-pass filters, and choppers. Its photometers can detect small solar bursts (tens of solar flux units) with sub second time resolution. Tests have been conducted to confirm the entire system performance, on ambient and low pressure and temperature conditions. An artificial Sun setup was developed to simulate performance on actual observations. The experiment is planned to be on board of two long-duration stratospheric balloon flights over Antarctica and Russia in 2014–2016.  相似文献   
Analysis of measurements from two long-term moored arrays in and near the Gulf Stream suggests a simple parameterization of eddy spatial covariance statistics: a parameterization that can be referred to as “quasi-homogeneous and isotropic”. Taking the normalized covariance function (i.e. the correlation function) for streamfunction to be homogeneous and isotropic and assuming motions to be horizontally nondivergent and hydrostatic permit the velocity and temperature covariances to be derived from the streamfunction covariance. Statistical tests indicate that deviations from these assumptions are indistinguishable from Gaussian random noise. The spatial correlation function used in Gaussian with a decay scale of about 140 km, which is only weakly depth dependent. A simple form is also suggested for the vertical lag dependence. This parameterization permits calculation of derived quantities such as the eddy vorticity flux divergence which is discussed in the context of the mean potential vorticity balances for the depth integrated circulation and for the subthermocline layer. The divergence of the relative vorticity flux is found capable of driving two counter-rotating gyres of strength 30–40 Sv on either side of the Stream, as are observed. The “thickness flux” dominates the lower layer eddy potential vorticity flux and is of the correct sign to make the recirculation more barotropic. The lower layer eddy forcing is weak and the gyres exist in a region of nearly uniform mean potential vorticity.  相似文献   
The Ulleung Basin is one of three deep basins that are contained within the East/Japan Sea. Current meter moorings have been maintained in this basin beginning in 1996. The data from these moorings are used to investigate the mean circulation pattern, variability of deep flows, and volume transports of major water masses in the Ulleung Basin with supporting hydrographic data and help from a high-resolution numerical model. The bottom water within the Ulleung Basin, which must enter through a constricted passage from the north, is found to circulate cyclonically—a pattern that seems prevalent throughout the East Sea. A strong current of about 6 cms−1 on average flows southward over the continental slope off the Korean coast underlying the northward East Korean Warm Current as part of the mean abyssal cyclonic circulation. Volume transports of the northward East Korean Warm Current, and southward flowing East Sea Intermediate Water and East Sea Proper Water are estimated to be 1.4 Sv (1 Sv=10−6 m3 s−1), 0.8 Sv, and 3.0–4.0 Sv, respectively. Deep flow variability involves a wide range of time scales with no apparent seasonal variations, whereas the deep currents in the northern East Sea are known to be strongly seasonal.  相似文献   
During the EPOS leg 2 cruise (European Polarstern Study, November 1988–January 1989), the production rate of biogenic silica in the euphotic zone was measured by the 30Si method at stations in the Scotia and Weddell Seas.The highest integrated production rates were observed in the Scotia Sea (range: 11.2–20.6 mmol Si m−2 day−1), the marginal ice zone of the Weddell Sea exhibiting somewhat lower values (range: 6.0–20.0 mmol Si m−2day−1).Our results demonstrate that as far as biogenic silica production is concerned the marginal ice zone of the Weddell Sea is considerably less productive than that of the Ross Sea. Our results also indicate that the water of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) could be more productive in late spring and early summer than at the beginning of spring. Possible reasons for the differences among the three subsystems (Ross Sea, Weddell Sea and ACC) are discussed.  相似文献   

It is shown that a significant longshore current of maximum amplitude v = (3 × 104/v ) cm sec?1 (for typical oceanic values) can be forced between the breaker zone and shore by internal gravity waves obliquely incident on a plane beach. In the mean longshore momentum balance Reynolds stress terms appear which can be calculated to O (α), α being a bottom slope parameter, using a WKB approach. With appropriate assumptions being made about the amplitude behaviour of the motion after breaking, the divergence of these stresses does not vanish and forces a current whose magnitude is determined by a balance with viscous stresses derived from vertical eddy motions.  相似文献   
Lateritic weathering profiles (LWPs) are widespread in the tropics and comprise an important component of the Critical Zone (CZ). The Hawaiian Islands make an excellent natural laboratory for examining the tropical CZ, where the bedrock composition (basalt) is nearly uniform and rainfall varies greatly. This natural laboratory is employed to assess the utility of the HVSR (horizontal/vertical spectral ratio) method to characterize the shear-wave velocity (Vs) structure of LWPs, particularly the depth to the contact between saprolite and basalt bedrock. LWP thicknesses determined from HVSR provide good agreement with multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) profiles, well logs and outcrop. LWP thicknesses may be estimated from the fundamental mode equation or through forward models. Prior knowledge about the subsurface from well, outcrop, and MASW profiles may greatly aid modeling in some cases. For the 3.2 to 1.8 Ma Koolau Volcano on Oahu, the downward rate of advance of the weathering front varies from 0.004 to 0.041 m/ka. For the 0.44 to 0.10 Ma Kohala Volcano (Big Island of Hawaii) rates vary from 0.013 to 0.047 m/ka. Simple H/V spectra develop in areas where the combined effects of time and elevated rainfall produce thick LWPs with a flat base and a general absence of core stones with an ideal layered geometry. Abundant buried core stones violate the assumption of simple layered geometries and scatter acoustic energy, leading to uninterpretable results. This is common where low rainfall and a young basaltic substrate leave abundant core stones as well as an undulating contact between saprolite and bedrock. Velocity inversions (high Vs intervals within low Vs saprolite) may also be present and originate from relatively intact bedrock horizons or mineralogical changes within saprolite. At Kohala, a gibbsite-rich horizon produces such a velocity inversion due to enhanced weathering and subsequent collapse of saprolite in a discrete horizon. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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