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A numerical surface-water/groundwater model was developed for the lower San Antonio River Basin to evaluate the responses of low base flows and groundwater levels within the basin under conditions of reduced recharge and increased groundwater withdrawals. Batch data assimilation through history matching used a simulation of historical conditions (2006-2013); this process included history-matching to groundwater levels and base-flow estimates at several gages, and was completed in a high-dimensional (highly parameterized) framework. The model was developed in an uncertainty framework such that parameters, observations, and scenarios of interest are envisioned stochastically as distributions of potential values. Results indicate that groundwater contributions to surface water during periods of low flow may be reduced from 6% to 25% with a corresponding 25% reduction in recharge and a 25% increase in groundwater pumping over an 8-year planning period. Furthermore, results indicate groundwater-level reductions in some hydrostratigraphic units are more likely than in other hydrostratigraphic units over an 8-year period under drought conditions with the higher groundwater withdrawal scenario.  相似文献   
This study examines a sediment core (SR-63) from a mangrove ecosystem along the Sibun River in Belize, which is subject to both changes in sea-level and in the characteristics of the river's drainage basin. Radiocarbon dates from the core show a decreased sedimentation rate from ~ 6 ka to 1 cal ka BP and a marked change in lithology from primarily mangrove peat to fluvial-derived material at ~ 2.5 cal ka BP. Changes in the sedimentation rates observed in mangrove ecosystems offshore have previously been attributed to changes in relative sea-level and the rate of sea-level rise. Pollen analyses show a decreased abundance of Rhizophora (red mangrove) pollen and an increased abundance of Avicennia (black mangrove) pollen and non-mangrove pollen coeval with the decreased sedimentation rates. Elemental ratios ([N:C]a) and stable isotope analyses (δ15N and δ13C) show that changes in the composition of the organic material are also coeval with the change in lithology. The decrease in sedimentation rate at the site of core SR-63 and at offshore sites supports the idea that regional changes in hydrology occurred during the Holocene in Belize, influencing both mainland and offshore mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

Metaconglomerates in the lawsonite–blueschist facies unit of the Catalina Schist (California) contain gabbroic and dioritic clasts exhibiting evidence for extensive metasomatism during high-P/T metamorphism. We performed whole-rock and in situ analyses of these metaconglomerate clasts to better constrain the composition of infiltrating fluids and to elucidate the history of chemical alteration. Petrographic evidence for this alteration includes replacements of plagioclase by phengite and sodic amphibole rims developed on igneous hornblende. These observations regarding mineral replacement are reinforced by corresponding shifts in chemical compositions. Relative to compositions of presumed protoliths, whole-rock compositions of the metaconglomerate clasts show enrichments in elements that are relatively mobile in aqueous fluids (LILE: K, Rb, Cs, and Ba; Li, B, N), and elevated δ15N, and show depletions in Ca and Sr. Electron and ion microprobe data, and analyses of mineral separates, show that phengite and sodic amphibole are enriched in LILE and Li and B, respectively, relative to the igneous phases they have replaced. Oxygen and C isotope compositions of finely disseminated calcite in the clasts, and of calcite in veins cross-cutting or mantling the clasts, are consistent with crystallization from fluids previously equilibrated with metasedimentary rocks within the same unit. The same fluids are implicated as the source for the Li, B, N, and LILE enrichments. These metaconglomerate clasts provide unique records of forearc metasomatism due to the presumed extremely low and well-constrained concentrations of fluid-mobile elements in their protoliths and the previously published, larger-scale fluid–rock context into which the observed metasomatic changes can be placed.  相似文献   
本文主要目的是利用卫星图像资料分析南京信息工程大学(Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,NUIST)建校之初至今校园的变化特征.共分析了1964年11月至1970年12月之间的5幅无云的美国侦察卫星图像(1995年解密),地理配准后图像的位置精度为4.8至7.8 m,图像中的建筑物、道路和水体都清晰可见.通过对比这些黑白的侦察卫星图像与2006—2018年的Google Earth彩色图像,发现现在校园面积远远大于旧校园;旧图像里中苑老操场跑道长度为298 m,2006年Google Earth图像中为406.5 m,操场中心点向东移动了9 m,向南移动了47 m.侦察卫星图像和Google Earth图像都是以统一坐标系做地理位置校正,相关图像见附件.  相似文献   
A detailed study of the geochemistry of a new suite of early Iceland plume picrites shows that extremely high 3He/4He ratios (up to 50 Ra) are found in picrites from Baffin Island and West Greenland. High 3He/4He picrites display a wide range in 87Sr/86Sr (0.70288–0.70403), 143Nd/144Nd (0.51288–0.51308) and incompatible trace element ratios (e.g. La/Smn = 0.5–1.6). These overlap the complete range of compositions of mid-ocean ridge basalts and most northern hemisphere ocean island basalts, including Iceland. Crustal contamination modelling in which high-grade Proterozoic crustal basement rocks for the region are mixed with a depleted parent cannot account for the trend displayed by the Baffin Island and West Greenland picrites. This rules out the possibility that the incompatible trace element, Sr and Nd isotope range of the high 3He/4He picrites is due to crustal contamination. The compositional range at high 3He/4He is also inconsistent with derivation from a primordial-He-rich reservoir that is a residue of ancient mantle depletion. This implies that the composition of the high 3He/4He mantle cannot be determined simply by extrapolating ocean island basalt He–Sr–Nd–Pb–Os isotope data.The apparent decoupling of He from trace element and lithophile radiogenic isotope tracers is difficult to attain by simple mixing of a high-[He], high 3He/4He reservoir with various depleted and enriched He-poor mantle reservoirs. The possibility that primordial He has diffused into a reservoir with a composition typical of convecting upper mantle cannot be ruled out. If so, the process must have occurred after the development of existing mantle heterogeneity, and requires the existence of a deep, primordial He-rich reservoir.  相似文献   
The health benefits of regular consumption of fish and seafood have been espoused for many years. However, fish are also a potential source of environmental contaminants that have well known adverse effects on human health. We investigated the consumption risks for largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides; n = 104) and striped mullet (Mugil cephalus; n = 170), two commonly harvested and consumed fish species inhabiting fresh and estuarine waters in northwest Florida. Skinless fillets were analyzed for total mercury, inorganic arsenic, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/F), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and organochlorine pesticides. Contaminant levels were compared to screening values (SV) calculated using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommendations for establishing consumption advisories. Largemouth bass were found to contain high levels of total mercury at all sampling locations (0.37–0.89 ug/g) and one location exhibited elevated total PCBs (39.4 ng/g). All of the samples exceeded Florida fish consumption advisory trigger levels for total mercury and one location exceeded the U.S. EPA SV for total PCBs. As a result of the high mercury levels, the non-cancer health risks (hazard index–HI) for bass were above 1 for all locations. Striped mullet from several locations with known point sources contained elevated levels of PCBs (overall range 3.4–59.3 ng/g). However, total mercury levels in mullet were low. Eight of the 16 mullet sampling locations exceeded the U.S. EPA SV for total PCBs and two locations exceeded an HI of 1 due to elevated PCBs. Despite the elevated levels of total PCBs in some samples, only two locations exceeded the acceptable cancer risk range and therefore cancer health risks from consumption of bass and mullet were determined to be low at most sampling locations.  相似文献   
When formulated properly, most geophysical transport-type process involving passive scalars or motile particles may be described by the same space–time nonlocal field equation which consists of a classical mass balance coupled with a space–time nonlocal convective/dispersive flux. Specific examples employed here include stretched and compressed Brownian motion, diffusion in slit-nanopores, subdiffusive continuous-time random walks (CTRW), super diffusion in the turbulent atmosphere and dispersion of motile and passive particles in fractal porous media. Stretched and compressed Brownian motion, which may be thought of as Brownian motions run with nonlinear clocks, are defined as the limit processes of a special class of random walks possessing nonstationary increments. The limit process has a mean square displacement that increases as tα+1 where α > −1 is a constant. If α = 0 the process is classical Brownian, if α < 0 we say the process is compressed Brownian while if α > 0 it is stretched. The Fokker–Planck equations for these processes are classical ade’s with dispersion coefficient proportional to tα. The Brownian-type walks have fixed time step, but nonstationary spatial increments that are Gaussian with power law variance. With the CTRW, both the time increment and the spatial increment are random. The subdiffusive Fokker–Planck equation is fractional in time for the CTRW’s considered in this article. The second moments for a Levy spatial trajectory are infinite while the Fokker–Planck equation is an advective–dispersive equation, ade, with constant diffusion coefficient and fractional spatial derivatives. If the Lagrangian velocity is assumed Levy rather than the position, then a similar Fokker–Planck equation is obtained, but the diffusion coefficient is a power law in time. All these Fokker–Planck equations are special cases of the general non-local balance law.  相似文献   
Middleton Run, a severely acid mine drainage (AMD) impacted tributary of Little Raccoon Creek, drains a sub-watershed area of 3.67 km2 (2.28 square miles). Averaging 58.7 kg/day (129.4 lbs/day) at its mouth, demonstrated aluminum loads from Middleton Run are particularly severe. A preliminary study of two previously unmonitored tributaries was conducted to justify future treatment projects. Monthly chemical water quality data were collected for 6 months. Soil leachate samples collected on five strip mining sites within the sub-watershed were analyzed for acidity, alkalinity, pH, aluminum and iron. Soil leachate tests have shown that one of the pits has a much larger pollution production potential and should be targeted for remediation.  相似文献   
Sustainable fisheries management into the future will require both understanding of and adaptation to climate change. A risk management approach is appropriate due to uncertainty in climate projections and the responses of target species. Management strategy evaluation (MSE) can underpin and support effective risk management. Climate change impacts are likely to differ by species and spatially. We use a spatial MSE applied to a multi-species data-poor sea cucumber/béche-de-mer fishery to demonstrate the utility of MSE to test the performance of alternative harvest strategies in meeting fishery objectives; this includes the ability to manage through climate variability and change, and meeting management objectives pertaining to resource status and fishery economic performance. The impacts of fishing relative to the impacts of climate change are distinguished by comparing future projection distributions relative to equivalent no-fishing no-climate-change trials. The 8 modelled species exhibit different responses to environmental variability and have different economic value. Status quo management would result in half the species falling below target levels, moderate risks of overall and local depletion, and significant changes in species composition. The three simple strategies with no monitoring (spatial rotation, closed areas, multi-species composition) were all successful in reducing these risks, but with fairly substantial decreases in the average profit. Higher profits (for the same risk levels) could only be achieved with strategies that included monitoring and hence adaptive management. Spatial management approaches based on adaptive feedback performed best overall.  相似文献   
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