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l. IntroductionThe cIassicaI definition of bi--directional reflectance--distribution function (BRDF) is aderivative, distribution function, relatlng the irradiance incident from one given direction tolts contribution to the radiance renected in another direct1on (N1codemus et al., l977).f r (0,, rp,; 0,, rp, )= dL, (0,, P,; 0,, 9,; E, )/ dE, (0,, 9,) [sr-- 1 ], (l)where 0 (zenith angle) and 9 (azimuth angle) together indicate a direction, the subscr1pt i indi-cates quantities associated wi…  相似文献   
A logN — logS relation at 10 GHz is constructed for sources with the flat spectra 0.5 (flux densitySv ) from observations at NRO, MPIfR and others. Based on the source distribution on log (Luminosity) volume plane we obtain an epoch-depending luminosity function which explains the above relation.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.Nobeyama Radio Observatory, a branch of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, University of Tokyo, is a facility open for general use by researchers in the field of astronomy and astrophysics.  相似文献   
One-armedglobal oscillations in a non-selfgravitating polytropic disk rotating around a star are investigated. The unperturbed disk is axisymmetric, geometrically thin, and extends infinitely in the radial direction keeping its thickness constant. Perturbations considered are inviscid and adiabatic. It is found that there are one-armed retrograde wave modes which are trapped in an inner region of the disk. The eignefrequency of the lowest order mode is given by K(r s)(z 0/r s)2, wherer s is the radius of the central star,z 0 is the half-thickness of the disk, and K(r s) is the Keplerian angular frequency at the surface of the star.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   
Abstract. Hydrothermal vent ecosystems have been extensively investigated during the last 20 years; shallow water hot springs (typically found below 50 m depth) have also been studied, and from these ecosystems many thermophilic and hyperthermophilic organisms were isolated and described.
The submarine caves of Cape Palinuro were discovered long ago, but only during the last decades were geological and biological investigations carried out, yielding a large number of reports on this fascinating environment. During the last two years, several samples of water, mud, and/or bacterial mat were collected within the "Grotta Azzurra", and enrichment experiments were performed using peptone, starch, glucose or pullulan as main organic nutrients. Many heterotrophic strains were isolated and most of them grew optimally between 37 and 43 ° C with the addition of 0-2 % NaCl. Growth was usually observed between 10 and 50 ° C the range of growth pH was 4 to 9, and NaCl concentrations up to 10–12 % were tolerated in most cases.
The analysis of 16S rDNA performed with the most representative isolates showed a close phylogenetic relationship with the genera Bacillus, Vibrio, Citrobacter and Escherichia. Moreover, an isolate showing morphological and physiological similarities with the genus Enterococcus was characterised and taxonomically described based on the 16S rDNA sequence.  相似文献   
Chemical, optical and X-ray powder data on coexisting anthophyllite and hornblende in an amphibolite are presented. Some chemical features of amphibole pairs are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
We conducted full-depth hydrographic observations between 8°50′ and 44°30′N at 165°W in 2003 and analyzed the data together with those from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment and the World Ocean Database, clarifying the water characteristics and deep circulation in the Central and Northeast Pacific Basins. The deep-water characteristics at depths greater than approximately 2000 dbar at 165°W differ among three regions demarcated by the Hawaiian Ridge at around 24°N and the Mendocino Fracture Zone at 37°N: the southern region (10–24°N), central region (24–37°N), and northern region (north of 37°N). Deep water at temperatures below 1.15 °C and depths greater than 4000 dbar is highly stratified in the southern region, weakly stratified in the central region, and largely uniform in the northern region. Among the three regions, near-bottom water immediately east of Clarion Passage in the southern region is coldest (θ<0.90 °C), most saline (S>34.70), highest in dissolved oxygen (O2>4.2 ml l?1), and lowest in silica (Si<135 μmol kg?1). These characteristics of the deep water reflect transport of Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW) due to a branch current south of the Wake–Necker Ridge that is separated from the eastern branch current of the deep circulation immediately north of 10°N in the Central Pacific Basin. The branch current south of the Wake–Necker Ridge carries LCDW of θ<1.05 °C with a volume transport of 3.7 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3 s?1) into the Northeast Pacific Basin through Horizon and Clarion Passages, mainly through the latter (~3.1 Sv). A small amount of the LCDW flows northward at the western boundary of the Northeast Pacific Basin, joins the branch of deep circulation from the Main Gap of the Emperor Seamounts Chain, and forms an eastward current along the Mendocino Fracture Zone with volume transport of nearly 1 Sv. If this volume transport is typical, a major portion of the LCDW (~3 Sv) carried by the branch current south of the Wake–Necker and Hawaiian Ridges may spread in the southern part of the Northeast Pacific Basin. In the northern region at 165°W, silica maxima are found near the bottom and at 2200 dbar; the minimum between the double maxima occurs at a depth of approximately 4000 dbar (θ~1.15 °C). The geostrophic current north of 39°N in the upper deep layer between 1.15 and 2.2 °C, with reference to the 1.15 °C isotherm, has a westward volume transport of 1.6 Sv at 39–44°30′N, carrying silica-rich North Pacific Deep Water from the northeastern region of the Northeast Pacific Basin to the Northwest Pacific Basin.  相似文献   
— Numerical simulation of recurring large interplate earthquakes in a subduction zone is conducted to explore the effects of aseismic sliding on the variation of stresses and the activity of small earthquakes. The frictional force obeying a rate- and state-dependent friction law is assumed to act on the plate interface in a 2-D model of uniform elastic half-space. The simulation results show that large earthquakes repeatedly occur at a constant time interval on a shallow part of the plate interface and that aseismic sliding migrates from the upper aseismic zone as well as from the lower aseismic zone into the central part of the seismogenic zone before the occurrence of a large interplate earthquake. This spatiotemporal variation of aseismic sliding significantly perturbs the stresses in the overriding plate and in the subducting oceanic plate, leading to the precursory seismic quiescence in the overriding plate and the activation of the intermediate-depth earthquakes of down-dip tension type. After the occurrence of a large interplate earthquake, the activity of the intermediate-depth earthquakes of down-dip compression type in the subducting slab is expected to increase and migrate downward. This is because the downward propagation of postseismic sliding causes the downward migration of compressional-stress increase in the down-dip direction of the plate interface. The simulation result further indicates that episodic events of aseismic sliding may occur when the spatial distributions of friction parameters are significantly nonuniform. The variation of stresses due to episodic sliding is expected to cause seismicity changes.  相似文献   
The paper provides a detailed analysis for the second-order diffraction of monochromatic waves. For the second-order potential on the free surface, the paper proposed a forward prediction method for computing the integration on the free surface. By this method we only need to run the infinity integration on the free surface directly for a few points; a one-step quadrature can then be applied successively outward from the body for potentials at other points. For wave diffraction from a body of revolution with a vertical axis, the paper derives a new integral equation, which can cancel the leading singularity in the derivative of ring Green's functions automatically. To obtain accurate results, different approaches are also used to deal with singularities in the ring Green's functions in the integration on both the body surface and free surface. The method has been implemented for bodies of revolution with vertical axes, but the theory is also available for arbitrary bodies.A numerical examination is made to validate the numerical code by comparing the second-order forces and moments on uniform and truncated cylinders and second-order diffraction potentials on the free surface with some published results. The comparison shows that the present results are in good agreement with those published. The method is also used to compute the second-order wave elevation around uniform and truncated cylinders.  相似文献   
The contents of oxyanionic elements (V, Se and Mo) and cationic transition metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn) in sediments from near-shore to deep-sea environments were measured to clarify factors regulating the distribution of these elements in marine sediments. For cationic transition metals of which contents increase from near-shore to deep-sea environments, the chemical composition of pelagic clays is modeled by a mixture of aluminosilicates having the chemical composition of average shale and Fe–Mn oxides having the chemical composition of associated manganese nodules. The content of V is fairly constant in sediments from near-shore to deep-sea areas. The mixture model of average shale and manganese nodules holds also for V, although most of the V is located in the aluminosilicate lattices. The content of Se in the near-shore sediments is higher and that in the deep-sea sediments is lower than that in average shale. The high content in the near-shore sediments is interpreted as the addition of biogenic materials to aluminosilicates with average shale composition and the low content in deep-sea sediments is explained by oxidative release of Se from aluminosilicates. The content of Mo in sediments increases from near-shore to deep-sea environments. The general distribution of Mo in marine sediments is expressed by the mixture model. An anomalously high content of Mo in a near-shore sediment is attributed to adsorption of molybdate on manganese oxides.  相似文献   
Here, we construct a comprehensive howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) bulk chemistry data set to compare with Dawn data. Using the bulk chemistry data set, we determine four gamma‐ray/neutron parameters in the HEDs (1) relative fast neutron counts (fast counts), (2) macroscopic thermal neutron absorption cross section (absorption), (3) a high‐energy gamma‐ray compositional parameter (Cp), and (4) Fe abundance. These correspond to the four measurements of Vesta made by Dawn's Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND) that can be used to discern HED lithologic variability on the Vestan surface. We investigate covariance between fast counts and average atomic mass (<A>) in the meteorite data set, where a strong correlation (r2 = 0.99) is observed, and we demonstrate that systematic offsets from the fast count/<A> trend are linked to changes in Fe and Ni concentrations. To compare the meteorite and GRaND data, we investigate and report covariance among fast counts, absorption, Cp, and Fe abundance in the HED meteorite data set. We identify several GRaND measurement spaces where the Yamato type B diogenites are distinct from all other HED lithologies, including polymict mixtures. The type B's are diogenites that are enriched in Fe + pigeonite + diopside ± plagioclase, relative to typical, orthopyroxenitic diogenites. We then compare these results to GRaND data and demonstrate that regions north of ~70°N latitude on Vesta (including the north pole) are consistent with type B diogenites. We propose two models to explain type B diogenite compositions in the north (1) deposition as Rheasilvia ejecta, or (2) type B plutons that were emplaced at shallow depths in the north polar region and sampled by local impacts. Lastly, using principal component (PC) analysis, we identify unique PC spaces for all HED lithologies, indicating that the corresponding GRaND measurables may be used to produce comprehensive lithologic maps for Vesta.  相似文献   
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