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We measured deuterium excess (d = δD ? 8δ18O) in throughfall, groundwater, soil water, spring water, and stream water for 3 years in a small headwater catchment (Matsuzawa, 0·68 ha) in the Kiryu Experimental Watershed in Japan. The d value represents a kinetic effect produced when water evaporates. The d value of the throughfall showed a sinusoidal change (amplitude: 6·9‰ relative to Vienna standard mean ocean water (V‐SMOW)) derived from seasonal changes in the source of water vapour. The amplitude of this sinusoidal change was attenuated to 1·3–6·9‰ V‐SMOW in soil water, groundwater, spring water, and stream water. It is thought that these attenuations derive from hydrodynamic transport processes in the subsurface and mixing processes at an outflow point (stream or spring) or a well. The mean residence time (MRT) of water was estimated from d value variations using an exponential‐piston flow model and a dispersion model. MRTs for soil water were 0–5 months and were not necessarily proportional to the depth. This may imply the existence of bypass flow in the soil. Groundwater in the hillslope zone had short residence times, similar to those of the soil water. For groundwater in the saturated zone near the spring outflow point, the MRTs differed between shallow and deeper groundwater; shallow groundwater had a shorter residence time (5–8 months) than deeper groundwater (more than 9 months). The MRT of stream water (8–9 months) was between that of shallow groundwater near the spring and deeper groundwater near the spring. The seasonal variation in the d value of precipitation arises from changes in isotopic water vapour composition associated with seasonal activity of the Asian monsoon mechanism. The d value is probably an effective tracer for estimating the MRT of subsurface water not only in Japan, but also in other East Asian countries influenced by the Asian monsoon. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We carry out ray tracing through five high-resolution simulations of a galaxy cluster, to study how its ability to produce giant gravitationally lensed arcs is influenced by the collision cross-section of its dark matter. In three cases typical dark matter particles in the cluster core undergo between 1 and 100 collisions per Hubble time; two more explore the long ('collisionless') and short ('fluid') mean free path limits. We study the size and shape distributions of arcs and compute the cross-section for producing 'extreme' arcs of various sizes. Even a few collisions per particle modifies the core structure enough to destroy the ability of the cluster to produce long, thin arcs. For larger collision frequencies the cluster must be scaled up to unrealistically large masses before it regains the ability to produce giant arcs. None of our models with self-interacting dark matter (except the 'fluid' limit) is able to produce radial arcs; even the case with the smallest scattering cross-section must be scaled to the upper limit of observed cluster masses before it produces radial arcs. Apparently the elastic collision cross-section of dark matter in clusters must be very small, below 0.1 cm2 g−1, to be compatible with the observed ability of clusters to produce both radial arcs and giant arcs.  相似文献   
We calculate the spin temperature and 21-cm brightness of early H  ii regions around the first stars. We use outputs from cosmological radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of the formation and evolution of early H  ii regions. In the pre-re-ionization era, H  ii regions around massive primordial stars have diameters of a few kpc. The gas within the H  ii regions is almost fully ionized, but begins recombining after the central stars die off. The relic H  ii regions are then seen as bright emission sources in hydrogen 21 cm. We make brightness temperature maps of the H  ii regions, accounting for radiative coupling with Lyman α photons in a simplified manner. The spin temperature in the relic H  ii region is close to the gas kinetic temperature, generally several hundred to several thousand degrees. We show that the relic H  ii region can be as bright as  δ T b∼ 100 mK  in differential temperature against the cosmic microwave background for an angular resolution of subarcseconds. While individual early H  ii patches will not be identified by currently planned radio telescopes, the collective fluctuations from early H  ii regions might imprint signatures in the 21-cm background.  相似文献   
We perform numerical simulations to study the secular orbital evolution and dynamical structure of the quintuplet planetary system 55 Cancri with the self-consistent orbital solutions by Fischer and coworkers. In the simulations, we show that this sys-tem can be stable for at least 108 yr. In addition, we extensively investigate the planetary configuration of four outer companions with one terrestrial planet in the wide region of 0.790 AU ≤ a ≤ 5.900 AU to examine the existence of potential asteroid structure and Habitable Zones (HZs). We show that there are unstable regions for orbits about 4:1, 3:1 and 5:2 mean motion resonances (MMRs) of the outermost planet in the system, and sev-eral stable orbits can remain at 3:2 and 1:1 MMRs, which resembles the asteroid belt in the solar system. From a dynamical viewpoint, proper HZ candidates for the existence of more potential terrestrial planets reside in the wide area between 1.0 AU and 2.3 AU with relatively low eccentricities.  相似文献   
A fundamental mechanism on the atomic level for self-diffusion in the proton layer of portlandite, Ca(OH)2, was investigated by conducting hydrogen–deuterium (H–D) exchange diffusion experiments and by deriving potential energy curves of OH vibrations from optical absorption measurements. Synthetic single crystals of portlandite were used in H–D experiments between 250 and 450°C at 150 MPa. Arrhenius parameters for proton diffusion perpendicular to the c-axis gave a frequency factor of 1.0 × 10−10 m2/s and activation energy of 0.61 eV (58.5 kJ/mol). The activation energy corresponds to the height of the potential barrier between two oxygen atoms across an interlayer. The potential barrier height was also theoretically estimated using the OH potential energy curve (OH-PEC) determined by optical absorption measurements. Experimental and theoretical results suggest that the potential barrier height cannot be simply determined by overlapping two OH-PECs. The potential barrier derived theoretically was 3.11 eV. This is too high for the activation energy of the proton diffusion. It implies that the interaction between a diffusing proton and the vacancy of a proton site, and the shortening of interlayer oxygen distance by thermal vibration reduce the potential barrier.  相似文献   
Direct deposition measurements ofatmospheric insoluble particles over the sub-ArcticNorth Pacific indicate that the number of particles(6.4 ± 3.8) × 104 cm-2 per rain eventwas fairly constant compared with the large variationof the precipitation rate, which ranged from 0.16 to18 mm per event for 43 rain days during the period ofMarch–September (total 109 days) 1996. Thissuggests that insoluble particles larger than 0.4 min area equivalent diameter are primarilyremoved at the margin of the rainfall area by wetscavenging processes below clouds in the marineatmosphere in sub-Arctic regions. The frequency ofrain events controls the fate of the troposphericaerosols larger than sub-micrometer in diameter. Reflecting the seasonal long-range transport of Asiandust, mineral particles were dominant as insolubleparticles in the spring rains, but carbonaceousparticles were dominant in the summer rains. Theatmospheric deposition of insoluble particles could besignificant as a source of sediment particles over thesub-Arctic North Pacific.  相似文献   
Thanks to the recent data obtained from the NEAR space probe, we calculate in this paper, with a precision never reached so far for an asteroid, the precession and the nutation of Eros 433. In a preliminary step, we show that Eros obliquity has a remarkable value of 89.0° which tends to align its figure axis along the orbital plane. This very specific obliquity has some consequences on the motion of the axis of figure: one is the very small amplitude of the precession in longitude, for which we get the value . Moreover, we calculate Eros nutation for the figure axis due to the Sun, after developing the perturbing potential at the 4th order of the eccentricity. We show that the figure axis undergoes very large oscillations in the direction perpendicular to Eros orbital plane, due to the nutation in obliquity. Peak to peak, these oscillations reach 55″, which is far larger than the amplitudes of the nutations of the Earth due to the Sun (of the order of 2″). Moreover, we give the analytical developments of Δψ and Δε, both for the axis of angular momentum, and the axis of figure.  相似文献   
Yasuto  Itoh  Kenji  Amano Naoki  Kumazaki 《Island Arc》2006,15(1):165-177
Abstract   Tectonic episodes in a sedimentary basin are described on the basis of an integrated study combining reflection seismic interpretation, drilling survey and paleomagnetism. A shallow inclined borehole penetrated a fault shown by reflection seismic and geological surveys in the Mizunami area, in the eastern part of southwest Japan. Paleomagnetic measurements were carried out on core samples successfully oriented using side-wall image logging of structural attitude. At six horizons, stable characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) was confirmed through thermal and alternating field demagnetization tests, which were carried by magnetite with minor amounts of high coercivity minerals, as revealed by experiments of stepwise acquisition of isothermal remanent magnetization. After correction of multiphase deformation inferred from borehole structural analysis, ChRM directions were combined with previous data and confirmed an easterly deflection reflecting the coherent clockwise rotation of the arc before the Middle Miocene. Compilation of reliable paleomagnetic data described differential rotation of the eastern part of southwest Japan raised by collision of the Izu–Bonin Arc since the Middle Miocene. The present study suggests that (i) the Mizunami area is adjacent to a highly deformed zone bounded by the Akaishi Tectonic Line (ATL), and (ii) forearc deformation of southwest Japan is localized around the ATL, which is quite different from gradual bending on the back-arc side without remarkable crustal break related to the collision event.  相似文献   
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