A subflare of importance Sf was observed on June 13, 1980 simultaneously by instruments aboard the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) and various ground based observatories. We describe and compare different kinds of observations, with emphasis on the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) images and spectra, and on the one-dimensional microwave images with high time and spatial resolution, obtained with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). The fast electrons causing the X-ray and microwave impulsive bursts had a common acceleration source, but the burst were produced at the opposite footpoints of the loops involved, with microwaves emitted near to a sunspot penumbra. The flare (of a ‘compact’ type) was probably triggered by an emerging flux, and two possible interpretations of this process are briefly discussed.
Carbonate rock cores drilled on the Kikai Seamount, northern Philippine Sea are examined for better understanding of tectonic history of the northern Philippine Sea. The Kikai Seamount, the summit of which is at 1960 m water depth, is an isolated high on the northwestern part of the Amami Plateau formed by subduction-related arc volcanism, and is situated close to the axis of the Ryukyu Trench in front of the Ryukyu Arc, SW Japan. The seamount is capped with shallow-water carbonates such as coral rudstone. Detailed examinations of lithology, larger foraminiferal assemblages, and Sr isotope composition reveal that the core material comprises Miocene carbonates unconformably overlain by Early Pleistocene carbonates. It indicates rapid subsidence of the Kikai Seamount since the Early Pleistocene. The most probable cause of rapid subsidence is collision and subduction of the Amami Plateau laden with the Kikai Seamount. The rapid subsidence may have started when the western corner of the plateau reached the Ryukyu Trench and began subduction beneath the Ryukyu Arc. The onset of the subsidence is likely to be controlled by a motion change in the Philippine Sea Plate. The latest change in subduction direction from north to northwestward into northwestward to west has been believed to have occurred at 1-2 Ma during latest Pliocene to Early Pleistocene time. The change of direction resulted in the shift from oblique into right-angle subduction of the plate beneath the Ryukyu Arc and also the onset of the collision and subduction of the Amami Plateau. 相似文献
Within the framework of ideal magnetohydrodynamics the excitation of the ballooning instability in a toroidal coronal loop with a radius of cross section a and a radius of curvature R is analyzed by using the energy method. Kink oscillations are able to excite the ballooning instability when the plasma beta parameter β>2a/R. It has been suggested that this can result in the formation of cusp-shaped coronal loops. Modulation of gyrosynchrotron emission caused by kink oscillations is considered. The intensity of gyrosynchrotron emission for optically thin sources is the most sensitive to Alfvén disturbances. The obtained theoretical results are discussed in the light of Yohkoh, SOHO, TRACE, RHESSI, and Nobeyama observations. 相似文献
We consider the modulation of nonthermal gyrosynchrotron emission from solar flares by the ballooning and radial oscillations of coronal loops. The damping mechanisms for fast magnetoacoustic modes are analyzed. We suggest a method for diagnosing the plasma of flare loops that allows their main parameters to be estimated from peculiarities of the microwave pulsations. Based on observational data obtained with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (17 GHz) and using a technique developed for the event of May 8, 1998, we determined the particle density n≈3.7×1010 cm?3, the temperature T≈4×107 K, and the magnetic field strength B≈220 G in the region of flare energy release. A wavelet analysis for the solar flare of August 28, 1999, has revealed two main types of microwave oscillations with periods P1≈7, 14 s and P2≈2.4 s, which we attribute to the ballooning and radial oscillations of compact and extended flare loops, respectively. An analysis of the time profile for microwave emission shows evidence of coronal loop interaction. We determined flare plasma parameters for the compact (T≈5.3×107 K, n≈4.8≈1010 cm?3, B≈280 G) and extended (T≈2.1≈107 K, n≈1.2≈1010 cm?3, B≈160 G) loops. The results of the soft X-ray observations are consistent with the adopted model. 相似文献
Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) with at least three simultaneously existing spectral components with periods P≥30 s, P≈20 s, and about P≈10 s were detected during the decay phase of a solar flare on 3 July 2002, observed with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH). A detailed study of the spatial structure of the Fourier amplitudes of QPPs along a flaring loop has revealed different spatial distributions of the three components. It is shown that the source of the QPPs with period P≥30 s has its maximum amplitude in the inner region of the loop, between the footpoints. QPPs with period P≈20 s are localized at the periphery of the loop, mainly in the outer parts of the footpoints. The spatial distribution of oscillations with period about P≈10 s contains three regions of high QPP amplitudes: two near the footpoints and one in the middle of the flaring region. It is shown that the observed properties of the spectral components are most accurately described by the fundamental, second, and third harmonics of the kink mode standing waves. This is the first identification of the kink mode in flare loops which is based on strict limitations derived from data on the spatial structure of a pulsating flare region. 相似文献
Abstract Hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts are widespread on the floor of the northwestern Pacific Ocean, south and east of the Japanese Islands, despite vigorous tectonic activity, such as subduction and back-arc spreading, since at least the Mid-Paleogene over the Philippine Sea Plate region and nearby. The crusts occur mainly at water depths shallower than 3000 m, but also at greater depths of up to 6000 m. Fine-scale 10Be/9Be dating was undertaken on several 5–10 cm thick hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts sampled from different geological environments, including inactive submarine volcanoes, tectonic escarpments and abandoned rifts. The results indicate that the crusts have grown at relatively constant rates of 4–7 mm/my without any significant time breaks. These uniform and constant growth rates suggest that the basins have been exposed constantly to oxygenated bottom waters since their formation in the Middle Miocene ( ca 15 Ma) or earlier. Local geological or oceanographic environmental changes might have slowed or increased some of the growth rates resulting in correlation of some internal structures. The Philippine Sea Plate region could have economic potential in areas of thick hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts over a wide range of water depths. 相似文献
The X-ray Telescope (XRT) aboard the Hinode satellite is a grazing incidence X-ray imager equipped with a 2048×2048 CCD. The XRT has 1 arcsec pixels with a wide field
of view of 34×34 arcmin. It is sensitive to plasmas with a wide temperature range from < 1 to 30 MK, allowing us to obtain
TRACE-like low-temperature images as well as Yohkoh/SXT-like high-temperature images. The spacecraft Mission Data Processor (MDP) controls the XRT through sequence tables with
versatile autonomous functions such as exposure control, region-of-interest tracking, flare detection, and flare location
identification. Data are compressed either with DPCM or JPEG, depending on the purpose. This results in higher cadence and/or
wider field of view for a given telemetry bandwidth. With a focus adjust mechanism, a higher resolution of Gaussian focus
may be available on-axis. This paper follows the first instrument paper for the XRT (Golub et al., Solar Phys.243, 63, 2007) and discusses the design and measured performance of the X-ray CCD camera for the XRT and its control system with the MDP. 相似文献
Solar radio emission provides valuable information on the structure and dynamics of the solar atmosphere above the temperature
minimum. We review the background and most recent observational and theoretical results on the quiet Sun and active region
studies, covering the entire radio range from millimeter to decameter wavelengths. We examine small- and large-scale structures,
at short and long time scales, as well as synoptic aspects. Open questions and challenges for the future are also identified. 相似文献
Hale region 16898 was observed by the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope at 6 cm and by the Ultraviolet Spectrometer and Polarimeter and the X-Ray Spectrometer on the Solar Maximum Mission satellite. Optical pictures of the same active region were taken at Sacramento Peak, Big Bear, and Meudon Observatories. The radio emission mechanisms are identified by comparing radio data with ultraviolet and soft X-ray data. The height of the radio sources and the magnetic field strength at that height are deduced. A radio source above a large sunspot shows a crescent shaped depression of circular polarization and a high brightness temperature. The emission mechanism is identified as gyroresonance at the second and the third harmonic layers and it is found that the second harmonic layer, where the magnetic field strength is 900 G, must be in the corona. An extended loop-like source connecting the leading and the following part of the active region as well as the sources associated with small spots are mainly due to thermal free-free emission by hot and dense plasma which is also observed in ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation. The calculated radio brightness temperature, using the physical parameters deduced from the ultraviolet and soft X-ray line intensities, agrees with the observed brightness temperature. The height of the low brightness temperature sources above the small spots is 6000 ± 3000 km and that above the large spot is less than 3000 km: the source above the large spot does not show any shift relative to the sunspot due to the projection effect. Very strong radio emission was found which was associated with the merging of a group of small spots into the large sunspot. In the same day, warm ( 106 K) and dense matter was present above the large spot. Evidence for nonthermal emission is presented. 相似文献
Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) of microwave emission generated in single flaring loops observed with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) and Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters (NoRP) are studied. Specific features of the time profiles, i.e. the visible presence or absence of QPPs, are not accounted for in the selection. The time evolution of the periods of the
QPPs is examined using wavelet and correlation analyses. In ten out of twelve considered events, at least one or more significant
spectral components with periods from 5 – 60 s have been found. The quality of the oscillations is rather low: Q=πN, where N is the number of cycles, mostly varies in the range 12 to 40, with an average of 25. We suggest that the detected QPPs can
be classified into four types: i) those with stable mean periods (e.g. of 15 – 20 s or 8 – 9 s, the prevailing type); ii) those with spectral drift to shorter periods (mostly in the rise phase of the microwave emission); iii) those with drift to longer periods (mostly in the decay phase); iv) those with multiple periods showing an X-shaped drift (e.g. in the range from 20 – 40 s in the rise phase). 相似文献