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云计算为地质行业软件提供了新的发展方向,笔者采用云计算技术,研发了一个基于web的在线重磁网格数据处理系统,使得用户无需安装即可便捷获取滤波、延拓、导数计算等数据处理功能.该工具采用了三层架构设计,分别为展现层、计算服务层和逻辑控制层.其中展现层利用web2.0前端技术开发,提供用户交互界面及数据可视化功能.计算服务层封装了一系列网格数据处理算法,用于处理用户提交的数据处理任务并返回数据处理结果,该层包括滤波计算、频率域向上延拓方法和差分迭代向下延拓算法等.逻辑控制层连通展现层和计算服务层,根据用户提交的数据处理请求调用所需算法并返回计算结果.我们利用RGIS软件对比检验了系统可用性,通过不同计算平台对比,验证了系统的跨平台适应性.  相似文献   
This paper studies the temporal and spatial distribution of great global earthquakes( M W≥8.0) since 1900.We compare the two periods of upsurges of great earthquakes occurring in the middle of last century and beginning of this century.The former period took place between 1950 and 1965 during which 13 great earthquakes( M W≥ 8.0) occurred,including three events with moment magnitude greater than 9.0.The largest magnitude in this period reached 9.6.The latter period starts from the beginning of this century.In less than 12 years,15 great earthquakes have attacked the world with the largest magnitude being M W9.1.On the basis of comparison between these two upsurges of global earthquake activity,we infer that the ongoing high level of earthquake activity may continue for another five years or so.Numerous great earthquakes( M W≥8.0) and many large earthquakes( M W6.0~7.0) will occur globally in these five years.In addition,this paper also discusses the relationships between earthquake activity along the Sumatra segment of the Indian-Australia plate boundary and that in the Bayankala block in the middle of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau as well as in the blocks of the southern plateau.The results indicate that the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau,in particular its middle and southern parts,is a likely place for future earthquakes of magnitude over 7.0.  相似文献   
西安翠华山古崩塌性滑坡体的沉积特征及其形成过程   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
南凌  崔之久 《山地学报》2000,18(6):502-507
西安翠华山风景地貌由古崩生滑坡体高速运行堆积而成,堆积体存在一些反映其运动和动力状况的沉积特征,将崩塌性滑坡体的平面堆积体划分出5个平面相带;中央相带、边缘相带、抛掷相带、气浪溅泥相带和特殊的残留相带,各带有不同的沉积特征,反映出调整运动中的崩塌式滑坡体动力过程和沉积过程在平面上分布的差异,通过研究该古积物的粒径变化、砾石组构和沉积结构、构造的差异,认为该崩塌式滑坡体在运动和沉积过程,存在前后部位  相似文献   
多层砖房震害预测的人工神经网络方法及实践   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
应用云南省最近几次地震中多层砖房的震害实例,构造了多层砖房震害预测的人工神经网络方法,并利用这些数据进行了网络训练.结果表明:这种方法对已训练数据有很好的适应性,但如果要将之应用于震害预测,则尚需积累大量的震害数据,并进行大量的网络试验工作.  相似文献   
包气带水气二相流国外研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
与传统的包气带中水流研究相比,水气二相流更准确地描述了包气带中的水与空气的流动情况,这对更好地了解固体废物处置场中污染物的运动规律具有重要的意义.与一相流明显不同的是,二相流考虑了空气的运动及其对水流的作用.根据国外近几十年来不同研究者的研究结果,总结了入渗过程中水的流动、空气对水流的影响及空气本身的压力变化情况,并分析了不同作者研究结果的差别.  相似文献   
王菊  胡超  金惠英  梁妙元  李胜 《水文》2021,41(1):55-60
对水文监测网络的实时状态进行综合评估,从而掌握网络的整体性能是对水文监测网络进行管理的重要方面.针对当前水文监测网络综合评估缺少合理有效评价机制的现状,设计并开发水文监测网络实时状态综合评估系统,实现对水文网络中测站传感器、RTU、信道状态的采集、评估和综合呈现,提高对水文监测网络的分析水平.  相似文献   
位于海南岛西南部的抱伦金矿产于尖峰岩体外接触带,与辉绿岩脉密切伴生,这些侵入岩蕴含了金矿成矿作用与岩浆活动-构造演化-成矿体系关系的重要信息。文章报道了对抱伦尖峰花岗岩和辉绿岩开展岩石学、锆石U-Pb年代学、元素和Sm-Nd同位素地球化学研究的成果。本次工作获得了尖峰花岗岩的LA-ICP-MS方法锆石U-Pb年龄为(234.9±2.8)Ma,与辉绿岩构成双峰式侵入杂岩组合。辉绿岩属亚碱性玄武岩系列,相对富集Th、Nb、Ta等强不相容元素,无Nb、Ta、Ti亏损,显示与富集洋中脊玄武岩(E-MORB)相似的地球化学特征,其εNd(t)值为4.11,指示了亏损的源区性质;尖峰花岗岩属高钾钙碱性岩系的铝质A型花岗岩,相对富集K、Rb、Th、Ce等元素,相对亏损Sr、Ba、Nb、Ta、P、Ti等元素,其εNd(t)值为-7.61~-7.80,指示了再循环地壳源区。抱伦辉绿岩为交代型地幔降压熔融的产物,而尖峰花岗岩起源于中元古界泥质和杂砂岩地壳源岩于低压、高温环境下的部分熔融,该双峰式侵入杂岩与金成矿作用形成于造山后伸展-减薄构造背景。双峰式侵入杂岩的...  相似文献   
Yanshanianmagma-tectonic-metalogenicbeltoftheEastChinaisapartofthecircum-Pacificdomain.Alotofpapershavebeenpublishedtodiscuss...  相似文献   
Niu  Sufang  Zhai  Yun  Wu  Renxie  Zhang  Haoran  Tian  Letian  Deng  Jiaxin  Xiao  Yao 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2019,37(1):245-255

Decapterus maruadsi is a commercially important species in China, but has been heavily exploited in some areas. There is a growing need to develop microsatellites promoting its genetic research for the adequate management of this fishery resources. The recently developed specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq) is an efficient and high-resolution method for genome-wide microsatellite markers discovery. In this study, 28 905 microsatellites (mono- to hexa-nucleotide repeats) were identified using SLAF-seq technology, of which di-nucleotide was the most frequent (13 590, 47.02%), followed by mono-nucleotide (8 138, 28.15%), tri-nucleotide (5 727, 19.81%), tetra-nucleotide (1 104, 3.82%), pentanucleotide (234, 0.81%), and hexa-nucleotide (112, 0.39%). One hundred and thirty-two microsatellite loci (di- and tri-nucleotide) were randomly selected for amplification and polymorphism, of which 49 were highly polymorphic and well-resolved. The average number of alleles per locus was 13.63, ranging from 4 to 25, and allele sizes varied between 110 bp and 309 bp. The observed heterozygosity ( Ho ) and expected heterozygosity ( He ) ranged from 0.233 to 1.000 and from 0.374 to 0.959, with mean values of 0.738 and 0.836, respectively. The polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.341 to 0.941 (mean=0.806). However, 12 loci deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Furthermore, transferability tests were also successful in validating the utility of the developed markers in five phylogenetically related species of family Carangidae. A total of 48 microsatellite markers were successfully cross-amplified in Decapterus macarellus, Decapterus macrosoma, Decapterus kurroides, Trachurus japonicus, and Selaroides leptolepis. The present microsatellites provided the first known set of microsatellite DNA markers for D. maruadsi, D. macarellus, D. kurroides, and D. macrosoma, and would be useful for further population genetic and molecular phylogeny studies as well as help with the fisheries management formulation and implementation of the understudied species.

针对风廓线雷达资料分辨率高但目前业务应用不广泛的问题,通过对2006年6月29日一次因飑线天气引发的强降水的观测,分析水平风场、垂直气流和大气虚温的变化,以及高低空急流出现的时机并结合地面观测实况,探讨风廓线雷达资料在此类天气过程中的应用.结果表明,水平风场可以清晰地显示高空急流和低空急流出现的时刻和高度,高空急流区和低空急流区不断发展并相互靠近可以预示阵风锋的到来;垂直速度正值突然增大(气流向上为正,向下为负)并迅速变成负值是判断阵风锋过境的一个依据,同时也预示降水即将开始;另外,高空温度递减率的突然加大对降雨的出现也有一定的预示作用.  相似文献   
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