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Contribution of slab-fluid in arc magmas beneath the Japan arcs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Identifying the amount and composition of slab-derived fluid and its spatial variation is key to quantifying fluid processes in subduction zones. Based on the isotopic systematics of arc lavas, we found regional variations over the Japan arcs in terms of the amount and composition of slab-derived fluid added to the melting source region. The average amounts of slab-derived fluid differ among the arcs: 2.6 wt.% for Central Japan, 0.69 wt.% for Ryukyu, 0.17 wt.% for NE Japan, and 0.12 wt.% for both Kurile and Izu–Bonin. These differences may be attributed to the arc setting (oceanic or continental) and the geometry of the slabs. Contribution of sediment involved in the slab-derived fluid is dominant in NE Japan compared to the Izu–Bonin and Central Japan arcs. This could be attributed to mechanical features such as fractures near the subducting plate surface, in addition to the arc setting and the slab geometry. Therefore, the amount and composition of slab-derived fluid are thought to be controlled not only by the thermal conditions, but also by the tectonic and mechanical features around the subduction zone. On top of the variability of slab-derived fluid, the mantle wedge shows the regional variation in terms of proportion of the Pacific-type and Indian-type MORB-source mantle components, which also contributes to the compositional variations of arc magmas.  相似文献   
Large, shallow‐water lakes located on floodplains play an important role in creating highly productive ecosystems and are prone to high concentrations of suspended solids due to sediment resuspension. In this study, the aim was to determine the dominant processes governing the total suspended solid (TSS) concentration at the water surface in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia, which is a large, shallow‐water lake. Satellite remotely sensed daily reflectance data from 2003 to 2017 were used. Seasonal changes in TSS concentration indicated that bottom sediment resuspension during dry seasons was mostly caused by wind and the TSS concentration was closely correlated with the water depth of the lake. The TSS concentration during flood periods was controlled by both wind and inflow currents from the Tonle Sap River. Additionally, we confirmed that surface/subsurface flow with a low TSS concentration from forests on the floodplain lowered the TSS concentration year round, except during August and September. This fact implied that the floodplain forest area decrease may increase the lake TSS concentration. An analysis of the long‐term changes in TSS indicated that a decrease in the water level during flood periods resulted in the high TSS concentrations observed during the subsequent dry periods. Therefore, climate change and water resource development, which are likely to cause water level reductions in the Mekong River during flood periods, may increase the TSS concentration in Tonle Sap Lake, particularly during the dry season.  相似文献   
Nitrate and phosphate uptake kinetics ofChattonella antiqua were examined under light and dark conditions. The uptake kinetics ofC. antiqua followed the Michaelis-Menten equation. The maximal uptake rates (V max) of nitrate and phosphate in the dark were 86 and 93% of those in the light, respectively. The half-saturation constants (K 8 ) were not significantly affected by illumination and were comparable to those of other phytoplankton. However, specific maximal uptake rates ofC. antiqua for these substrates were much smaller than those of other phytoplankton.  相似文献   
Strong ground motions recorded in central Tokyo during the 1944 Tonankai Mw8.1 earthquake occurring in the Nankai Trough demonstrate significant developments of very large (>10 cm) and prolonged (>10 min) shaking of long-period (T > 10–12 s) ground motions in the basin of Tokyo located over 400 km from the epicenter. In order to understand the process by which such long-period ground motions developed in central Tokyo and to mitigate possible future disasters arising from large earthquakes in the Nankai Trough, we analyzed waveform data from a dense nation wide strong-motion network (K-NET and KiK-net) deployed across Japan for the recent SE Off-Kii Peninsula (Mw 7.4) earthquake of 5 September 2004 that occurred in the Nankai Trough. The observational data and a corresponding computer simulation for the earthquake clearly demonstrate that such long-period ground motion is primarily developed as the wave propagating along the Nankai Trough due to the amplification and directional guidance of long-period surface waves within a thick sedimentary layer overlaid upon the shallowly descending Philippine Sea Plate below the Japanese Island. Then the significant resonance of the seismic waves within the thick cover of sedimentary rocks of the Kanto Basin developed large and prolonged long-period motions in the center of Tokyo. The simulation results and observed seismograms are in good agreement in terms of the main features of the long-period ground motions. Accordingly, we consider that the simulation model is capable of predicting the long-period ground motions that are expected to occur during future Nankai Trough M 8 earthquakes.  相似文献   
Abstract. We report whole‐rock chemical data for the greenstones from the Kunimiyama area in the Northern Chichibu Belt and their implications on the tectonic setting of these rocks. The Kunimiyama greenstones are associated with stratiform fer‐romanganese deposits or bedded cherts in the northern part of the study area, but are closely associated with a thick limestone block or bedded cherts in the southern part. The constituent minerals of greenstones are albitized plagioclase, clinopy‐roxene, chlorite, calcite, epidote, pumpellyite, prehnite, quartz, celadonite, sericite and opaque minerals such as iron oxyhy‐droxide and hematite. These mineral assemblages, epidote + pumpellyite + chlorite and chlorite + pumpellyite + prehnite, suggest that the metamorphic grade of greenstones from the Kunimiyama area is prehnite‐pumpellyite facies. The whole‐rock chemical compositions of greenstones associated with ferromanganese deposits are generally similar to those of normal mid‐ocean ridge basalt (N‐MORB). In contrast, the chemical compositions of the greenstones associated with the limestone block are comparable to those of ocean island alkaline basalt. Greenstones associated with bedded cherts are of enriched MORB and ocean island basalt, as well as N‐MORB origins, suggesting they probably formed as a result of plume‐related MOR volcanism in the Panthalassa Ocean in Early Permian and by tectonic mixing of ocean island basalts with oceanic ridge crustal fragments during accretion/subduction processes. These geological and geochemical lines of evidence suggest that the Kunimiyama greenstones are allochthonous blocks of accreted oceanic crust and seamounts. The ferromanganese deposits are frequently accompanied by reddish greenstones. Compared to common greenish greenstones, the reddish greenstones are characterized by high MnO and rare earth element contents and distinct negative Ce anomalies, implying a slight contribution of hydro thermal component forming the ferromanganese deposits.  相似文献   
Validation of HRDI MLT winds with meteor radars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A validation study of the mesospheric and lower-thermospheric (MLT) wind velocities measured by the High-Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI) on board the Upper-Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) has been carried out, comparing with observations by meteor radars located at Shigaraki, Japan and Jakarta, Indonesia. The accuracy of the HRDI winds relative to the meteor radars is obtained by a series of simultaneous wind measurements at the time of UARS overpasses. Statistical tests on the difference in the wind vectors observed by HRDI and the meteor radars are applied to determine whether the wind speed has been overestimated by HRDI (or underestimated by the MF radars) as previously noticed in HRDI vs. MF radar comparisons. The techniques employed are the conventional t-test applied to the mean values of the paired wind vector components as well as wind speeds, and two nonparametric tests suitable for testing the paired wind speed. The square-root transformation has been applied before the Mests of the wind speed in order to fit the wind-speed distribution function to the normal distribution. The overall results show little evidence of overestimation by HRDI (underestimation by meteor radars) of wind velocities in the MLT region. Some exceptions are noticed, however, at the altitudes around 88 km, where statistical differences occasionally reach a level of significance of 0.01. The validation is extended to estimate the precision of the wind velocities by both HRDI and meteor radars. In the procedure, the structure function defined by the mean square difference of the observed anomalies is applied in the vertical direction for the profile data. This method assumes the isotropy and the homogeneity of variance for the physical quantity and the homogeneity of variance for the observational errors. The estimated precision is about 6m s for the Shigaraki meteor radar, 15 m s–1 for the Jakarta meteor radar, and 20 m s–1 for HRDI at 90-km altitude. These values can be used ot confirm the statistical significance of the wind field obtained by averaging the observed winds.  相似文献   
We investigated by numerical integrations the long-term orbital evolution of four giant comets or comet-like objects. They are Chiron, P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (SW1), Hidalgo, and 1992AD (5145), and their orbits were traced for 100–200 thousand years (kyr) toward both the past and the future. For each object, 13 orbits were calculated, one for the nominal orbital elements and other 12 with slightly modified elements based on the rms residual of the orbit determination and on the number of observations. As past studies indicate, their orbital evolution is found to be very chaotic, and thus can be described only in terms of probability. Plots of the semi-major axis (a) and perihelion distance (q) of the objects treated here seem to cross each other frequently, suggesting a possibility of their common evolutionary paths. About a half of all the calculated orbits showedq- ora-decreasing evolution. This indicates that, at least on the time scale in question, the giant comet-like objects are possibly on a dynamical track that can lead to capture from the outer solar system. We could hardly find the orbits with perihelia far outside the orbit of Saturn (q>15 AU). This is perhaps because the evolution of the orbits beyond Saturn is so slow that substantial orbital changes do not take place within 100–200 kyr.  相似文献   
Early Archean (3.46 Ga) hydrothermally altered basaltic rocks exposed near Marble Bar, eastern Pilbara Craton, have been studied in order to reveal geological and geochemical natures of seafloor hydrothermal carbonatization and to estimate the CO2 flux sunk into the altered oceanic crust by the carbonatization. The basaltic rocks are divided into basalt and dolerite, and the basalt is further subdivided into type I, having original igneous rock textures, and type II, lacking these textures due to strong hydrothermal alteration. Primary clinopyroxene phenocrysts are preserved in some part of the dolerite samples, and the alteration mineral assemblage of dolerite (chlorite + epidote + albite + quartz ± actinolite) indicates that the alteration condition was typical greenschist facies. In other samples, all primary minerals were completely replaced by secondary minerals, and the alteration mineral assemblage of the type I and type II basalts (chlorite + K-mica + quartz + carbonate minerals ± albite) is characterized by the presence of K-mica and carbonate minerals and the absence of Ca-Al silicate minerals such as epidote and actinolite, suggesting the alteration condition of high CO2 fugacity. The difference of the alteration mineral assemblages between basalt and dolerite is probably attributed to the difference of water/rock ratio that, in turn, depends on their porosity.Carbonate minerals in the carbonatized basalt include calcite, ankerite, and siderite, but calcite is quite dominant. The δ13C values of the carbonate minerals are −0.3 ± 1.2‰ and mostly within the range of marine carbonate, indicating that the carbonate minerals were formed by seafloor hydrothermal alteration and that carbonate carbon in the altered basalt was derived from seawater. Whole-rock chemical composition of the basaltic rocks is essentially similar to that of modern mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) except for highly mobile elements such as K2O, Rb, Sr, and Ba. Compared to the least altered dolerite, all altered basalt samples are enriched in K2O, Rb, and Ba, and are depleted in Na2O, reflecting the presence of K-mica replacing primary plagioclase. In addition, noticeable CO2 enrichment is recognized in the basalt due to the ubiquitous presence of carbonate minerals, but there was essentially neither gain nor loss of CaO. This suggests that the CO2 in the hydrothermal fluid (seawater) was trapped by using Ca originally contained in the basalt. The CaO/CO2 ratios of the basalt are generally the same as that of pure calcite, indicating that Ca in the basalt was almost completely converted to calcite during the carbonatization, although Mg and Fe were mainly redistributed into noncarbonate minerals such as chlorite.The carbon flux into the Early Archean oceanic crust by the seafloor hydrothermal carbonatization is estimated to be 3.8 × 1013 mol/yr, based on the average carbon content of altered oceanic crust of 1.4 × 10-3 mol/g, the alteration depth of 500 m, and the spreading rate of 1.8 × 1011 cm2/yr. This flux is equivalent to or greater than the present-day total carbon flux. It is most likely that the seafloor hydrothermal carbonatization played an important role as a sink of atmospheric and oceanic CO2 in the Early Archean.  相似文献   
Abstract— In this paper we describe the recovery, handling and preliminary mineralogical investigation of the Tagish Lake meteorite. Tagish Lake is a type 2 carbonaceous chondrite which bears similarities to CI1 and CM chondrite groups, but is distinct from both. Abundant phyllosilicates as well as chondrules (however sparse) and common olivine grains in the matrix preclude any other classification. The bulk density of Tagish Lake (1.67 g/cc) is far lower than CI or CM chondrites (2.2‐2.3 and 2.6‐2.9 g/cc, respectively), or any other meteorite for that matter. We have identified two lithologies: a dominant carbonate‐poor lithology and a less‐abundant carbonate‐rich lithology. The meteorite is a breccia at all scales. We have noted similarities between Tagish Lake and some clasts within the enigmatic meteorite Kaidun; possibly there are genetic relationships here worth exploring. In the paper we describe a clast of CM1 material within Tagish Lake which is very similar to a major lithology in Kaidun.  相似文献   
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