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梯田作为黄土高原最为典型的人工地貌之一,有重要的农业生产和水土保持价值。传统的梯田自动提取仅限于梯田所在区域的范围划定,未能对梯田田坎线实现有效的自动化提取。鉴于此,本文提出了一种基于光照晕渲模拟的梯田快速提取方法。首先,对无人机航测生成的1 m分辨率的数字高程模型(DEM)进行4个方向的光照晕渲模拟,并相加取平均值;然后,通过适当的阈值对均值图像进行二值化,并掩膜掉沟谷等非梯田区域;最后,基于二值化图像自动矢量化得到梯田田坎线,并通过适当的长度阈值进行碎线过滤提高提取精度。本文以陕西省长武县王东沟流域为实验样区进行了实验,结果表明,该方法提取结果的准确率为89.09%,具有较好的提取精度。此外,对该方法涉及到的参数进行了讨论,表明光照模拟的方向角采用2个正交的对称方向对、高度角采用田坎坡度的反正切值、二值化阈值采用t=180-σ的经验公式,可以满足黄土高原的梯田自动快速提取。  相似文献   
三氯生对小球藻的生长效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究三氯生(Triclosan) 对小球藻(Chlorella spp) 生长状况、藻细胞光合色素及碳水化合物含量的影响,检测三氯生对小球藻的毒性效应.采用概率单位-浓度对数法进行数据处理.结果表明:藻细胞密度随药剂浓度增加而明显下降,且呈现较好的剂量-效应关系;96 h 半抑制效应浓度 ( EC50 ) 为 0.065 0 mg·L-1,属于高毒;三氯生明显抑制小球藻光合色素含量的增加,并对碳水化合物含量变化有持续的影响.  相似文献   
前人研究成果表明,有机质吸附作用使样品中的元素产生一定的富集,这种影响随着有机质含量增加而越加强烈,将掩盖元素真实含量的起伏,造成假异常.通过对佳木斯隆起带乌拉嘎断裂西缘水系沉积物样品的分配及有机质含量特征、主要成矿元素的表生地球化学分布特征的研究,认为野外截取-10~+60目粒级段作为采样介质,可完全满足工作需要,获得真实可靠的地球化学异常,取得较好的地质找矿效果.  相似文献   
东北地区1:150万大地构造相图是2018年出版的一份区域性大地构造图.该图依据不断积累和丰富的基础地质资料,将大地构造理论研究与综合应用汇总和集成,是东北地区科技创新成果和技术方法进步转化应用的重要体现.此次编图以板块构造理论和大陆动力学思维为指导,以多岛洋、弧-盆系发展演化观点为切入点,运用大地构造相分析方法,研究东北地区地壳形成、演化历史,以及大地构造环境及其与成矿作用的时空关系.较系统地阐述了东北地区的岩石构造组合、建造构造与构造演化阶段的宏观背景.  相似文献   
The mollusc Watsonella crosbyi was studied on the basis of material from the lower Cambrian Dahai Member of the Zhujiaqing Formation in eastern Yunnan, China and the Pestrotsvet Formation of the Aldan River region in the Siberian Platform. This fossil had been excessively described under different names in the literature, such as Heraultia varensalensis Cobbold, 1935, H. sibirica Missarzhevsky, 1974, Heraultipegma yunnanensis He and Yang, 1982, H. yannanese He and Yang, 1982, Watsonella yunnanensis, W. crosbyi Grabau, 1900, etc. Taxonomic revision shows that other species are junior synonyms of W. crosbyi. Analysis of functional morphology implies that W. crosbyi may be rather a helcionelloid than a rostroconch since its univalved conch is untorted endogastric and lacks a rostrum and a true internal pegma. Replicas of the original microstructures preserved on the surfaces of phosphatic internal moulds confirm that the shell consists of two layers. The inner layer is lamello-fibrillar, and the outer layer is spherulitic prismatic. The widespread geographical occurrences in both siliciclastic and carbonate rocks of the late Terreneuvian indicate that W. crosbyi is an important index fossil for global correlations and subdivision of the Cambrian Series 1 (Terreneuvian). The first appearance datum (FAD) of W. crosbyi is suggested to be a potential GSSP (Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point) candidate marker for defining the base of the Cambrian Stage 2.  相似文献   
嫩江—黑河构造带地处松嫩地块与兴安地块的结合部位,一直以来是业内学者关注的焦点。在构造带内内蒙古莫力达瓦旗哈达阳一带野外实地调研过程中,发现一套变质变形程度与周围地质体差异很大的地层。岩石组合为绿泥石白云母构造片岩、二云母微晶片岩、黝帘白云糜棱片岩等。采用LA-ICP-MS技术获得的绿泥石白云母构造片岩中锆石U-Pb年龄为413.9Ma±2.7Ma。通过分析区域地质演化历史及不同时代地质体特征,认为沿红山梁—哈达阳—依克特一带存在一条构造混杂堆积岩带,这套强变形岩石应为构造混杂岩带的一部分,其原岩形成时代为早泥盆世,后期构造定位应与嫩江—黑河构造带最后于早石炭世末拼合作用有关。  相似文献   
Although the evidence of insect oviposition on plant organs has been reported from the late Paleozoic to the Miocene, record from the middle Jurassic is still blank. This paper reports a significant evidence of insect oviposition on plant leaf from the middle Jurassic for the first time. The ovipositional scar is distributed on the abaxial surface of Sphenobaiera leaf(Ginkgoales) from the middle Jurassic Daohugou Formation of Inner Mongolia, China. A new ichnospecies Paleoovoidus venustus sp. nov. is described. The scar is elliptic to oval, arranged in longitudinal rows between leaf veins with almost regular distance, with its long axis paralleling to the leaf venation. This discovery adds new information to the morphology of insect endophytic oviposition probably produced by Odonata existed in a terrestrial ecosystem ~165 Ma ago. The new materials also provide important data for the study of insect reproductive biology, plant-insect interaction and coevolution, as well as understanding the paleoclimate and palaeoenvironment during that time in northeast China.  相似文献   
The article considers problems related to the geological structure and geodynamic history of sedimentary basins of the Barents Sea. We analyze new seismic survey data obtained in 2005–2016 to refine the geological structure model for the study area and to render it in more detail. Based on the data of geological surveys in adjacent land (Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land, and Kolguev Island), drilling, and seismic survey, we identified the following geodynamic stages of formation of the East Barents megabasin: Late Devonian rifting, the onset of postrift sinking and formation of the deep basin in Carboniferous–Permian, unique (in terms of extent) and very rapid sedimentation in the Early Triassic, continued thermal sinking with episodes of inversion vertical movements in the Middle Triassic–Early Cretaceous, folded pressure deformations that formed gently sloping anticlines in the Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic, and glacial erosion in the Quaternary. We performed paleoreconstructions for key episodes in evolution of the East Barents megabasin based on the 4-AR regional profile. From the geometric modeling results, we estimated the value of total crustal extension caused by Late Devonian rifting for the existing crustal model.  相似文献   
吉林省永吉县头道沟地区出露许多与头道沟岩组相伴产出的镁铁—超镁铁质岩,鉴于其处于长春-延吉构造带附近而受到业内关注,但由于缺少高精度年代学资料,制约了对区域大地构造的深入研究。本文采用锆石U-Pb(LA-ICP-MS)方法,对镁铁—超镁铁质岩进行了年代学研究。变质辉绿岩年龄为270±5 Ma,变质橄榄岩中捕获锆石最小年龄为297 Ma,考虑岩石组合及二者紧密相伴产出,认为二者均形成于中二叠世。镁铁—超镁铁质岩中捕获的锆石记录了华北克拉通及其北缘多次重要的构造热事件。其中,变辉绿岩中获得446±6 Ma的年龄与变质橄榄岩中获得的不一致线下交点434±240 Ma年龄共同对应了华北克拉通北缘早古生代的重要构造岩浆热事件;大量的1.8~2.4Ga年龄对应古元古代辽吉造山带热事件;1377 Ma、1542 Ma与蓟县系建造时代对应;869~997 Ma与青白口系建造时代对应;在变质辉绿岩中还存在众多3.0~3.2Ga锆石年龄。分析上述年龄结构及龙岗陆块北缘古生代地质体分布特征,推测研究区深部可能存在古老的变质基底,同时也表明研究区出露的镁铁—超镁铁质岩形成于陆内构造环境,而非蛇绿岩的组成成分,这对深化区域大地构造研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
扎兰屯地区位于二连 贺根山 黑河构造带中段,区内发育韧性变形叠加的晚古生代早期花岗岩类。本文在详尽的野外地质调查基础上,对该套花岗岩类的锆石U- Pb年代学和地球化学进行系统分析,研究其成岩年代序列,探讨岩石成因及构造背景,厘定韧性构造叠加的时限,进一步揭示扎兰屯地区额尔古纳 兴安地块和松嫩地块的拼合过程,为兴蒙造山带的区域构造演化研究提供新材料。大量年代学研究显示,扎兰屯地区晚古生代早期花岗质岩浆作用发生于405~325Ma之间,该作用可进一步细化为早中泥盆世(Ⅰ期、405~380Ma)、晚泥盆世—早石炭世初(Ⅱ期、365~350Ma)和早石炭世晚期(Ⅲ期335~325Ma)等3期。其中Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期花岗岩类属高钾—钾玄质钙碱性、准铝质—弱过铝质花岗岩类,可能为俯冲背景下岛弧岩浆活动形成的I型 分异I型花岗岩;Ⅲ期花岗岩类属中—高钾钙碱性、准铝质—弱过铝质花岗岩类,可能为后碰撞背景下岩浆活动形成的分异I型- A型花岗岩。该套花岗岩类普遍叠加韧性变形,可能为碰撞后侧向逃逸作用的产物,变形时限为晚石炭世末—早二叠世(308~290Ma)。大兴安岭北段晚古生代早期花岗质岩浆作用与额尔古纳 兴安地块和松嫩地块的碰撞拼合作用有关,扎兰屯地区二者的碰撞拼合时限可能为早石炭世中期。  相似文献   
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