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This paper presents chemical analyses of mercury in 123 specimens of 58 meteorites. A statistical comparison is made of the mercury content in meteorites (using all available data) as a function of their composition and texture.The average mercury abundance in stony meteorites is estimated as 6.6 ppm. Stony and iron meteorites differ significantly in mercury content. Among stones, chondrites and achondrites show significant differences in the mercury content. In ordinary cbondrites, mineralogy and texture do not seem to have a significant influence on the distribution of mercury, judging from the available number of analyses. Carbonaceous chondrites, in which we found up to 500 ppm mercury, stand out among all other varieties of chondrites. Iron meteorites fall at the other extreme, having the lowest mercury concentrations (generally 0-0x ppm). In specimens of several meteorite classes, troilite is a good mercury concentrator, having a consistently higher mercury content than the meteorite as a whole. Nonetheless, troilite generally accounts for less than one-half the total mercury content of the meteorite.  相似文献   
This article describes the qualitative effects of LGS spot elongation and Rayleigh scattering on ALFA wavefront sensor images.An analytical model of Rayleigh scattering and a numerical model of laser plume generation at the altitude of the Na-layer were developed. These models, integrated into ageneral AO simulation, provide the sensor sub-apertureimages. It is shown that the centroid measurement accuracyis affected by these phenomena. The simulation was made both for the ALFA system and for the VLT Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System (NAOS).  相似文献   
Abstract Part of the augite in the Artfjället gabbro consists of symplectitic intergrowths between augite and blebs or lamellae of orthopyroxene. Mineral compositions are consistent with formation of these symplectites by exsolution of orthopyroxene from magmatic augite at a temperature of ca . 900–1000°C. The microstructures indicate that the exsolution mechanism is discontinuous precipitation, whereby the boundary of an augite grain sweeps through a neighbouring augite, leaving the symplectite in its wake. The formation of this symplectitic augite is catalysed by the presence of an intergranular water-rich fluid phase, which promotes grain boundary mobility.  相似文献   
In several nearby LL* early‐type galaxies, recent observations at large radii have shown indications of a lack of dark matter, substantially at odds with the prediction from the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) hierarchical merger models. Here we discuss a pilot observational project for the study of the internal kinematical and dynamical properties of this remarkable sample of galaxies. Using the VIMOS‐IFU in its high spectral resolution mode, it would be possible to investigate the regions up to ∼1.2 Re, taking advantage of the much larger field of view and telescope diameter. This will allow to disclose the presence of any kinematical substructures which could affect the conclusion on the mass modeling and definitely clarify the inner structure of this particular class of early‐type galaxies. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Short time‐scale radio variations of compact extragalactic radio quasars and blazars known as IntraDay Variability (IDV) can be explained in at least some sources as a propagation effect; the variations are interpreted as scintillation of radio waves in the turbulent interstellar medium of the Milky Way. One of the most convincing observational arguments in favor of a propagation‐induced variability scenario is the observed annual modulation in the characteristic time scale of the variation due to the Earth's orbital motion. So far there are only two sources known with a well‐constrained seasonal cycle. Annual modulation has been proposed for a few other less well‐documented objects. However, for some other IDV sources source‐intrinsic structural variations which cause drastic changes in the variability time scale were also suggested. J1128+592 is a recently discovered, highly variable IDV source. Previous, densely time‐sampled flux‐density measurements with the Effelsberg 100‐m radio telescope (Germany) and the Urumqi 25‐m radio telescope (China), strongly indicate an annual modulation of the time scale. The most recent 4 observations in 2006/7, however, do not fit well to the annual modulation model proposed before. In this paper, we investigate a possible explanation of this discrepancy. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
This article continues our study of spacecraft guidance and control for a soft Moon landing (see our article “Main braking phase for a soft Moon landing as a form of trajectory correction”). Rationale is given for the objectives of the subsequent (final touchdown) phases. Analytical relations for the main parameters are obtained, and the impact of various disturbing factors is estimated. A methodology is proposed for calculating the main parameters for the whole braking sequence from the sighting altitude of the main braking phase termination to braking engine thrust and its throttle range.  相似文献   
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