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Composition of sand storm particles in the Southern Far East   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lithostructural composition of the dust storm material (DMS) sampled in the southern Far East in the spring of 2002–2004 has been analyzed. Samples were taken near Vladivostok, where the eolian dust precipitation varied from 0.1 to 6.5 g/m2 at that time. Pelitic and fine-silt particles predominate in eolian dust. Grain size, mineral, and chemical compositions of the DSM are compared to data on the DSM in adjacent territories of China, Korea, and Japan, as well as to background data on aerosol precipitation in southern Primorye. Possible mechanisms of the eolian dust transport from inner parts of Asia at different climatic variations in the Pleistocene-Holocene are discussed.  相似文献   
The Parnok deposit is made up of stratiform lodes of iron (magnetite) and manganese (oxide-carbonate, carbonate, and carbonate-silicate) ores localized among terrigenous-carbonate sediments (black shales) on the western slope of the Polar Urals. The lithological study showed that ore-bearing sediments were accumulated in a calm hydrodynamic setting within a relatively closed seafloor area (trap depressions). Periodic development of anaerobic conditions in the near-bottom seawater was favorable for the accumulation of dispersed organic matter in the terrigenous-carbonate sediments. Carbon required to form calcium carbonates in the ore-bearing sediments was derived from carbon dioxide dissolved in seawater. In the organic-rich sediments, carbonates were formed with the participation of carbon dioxide released by the destruction of organic matter. However, δ13C values (from 0.5 to ?4.4‰ PDB) suggest a relatively low fraction of the isotopically light biogenic carbon in the host calcite. The most probable sources of Fe and Mn were hydrothermal seepages at the seafloor. The Eh-pH conditions during stagnation were favorable for the precipitation of Fe and accumulation of Mn in a dissolved state. Transition from the stagnation regime to the concentration of oxygen in near-bottom waters was accompanied by oxidation of the dissolved Mn and its precipitation. Thus, fluctuations in Eh-pH parameters of water led to the differentiation of Fe and Mn. Initially, these elements were likely precipitated as oxides and hydroxides. During the subsequent lithification, Fe and Mn were reduced to form magnetite and rhodochrosite. The texture and structure of rhodochrosite aggregates indicate that manganese carbonates already began to form at the diagenetic stage and were recrystallized during the subsequent lithogenetic stages. Isotope data (δ13C from ?8.9 to ?17.1‰ PDB) definitely indicate that the oxidized organic matter of sediment served as the main source of carbon dioxide required to form manganese carbonates. Carbonates from host rocks and manganese ores have principally different carbon isotopic compositions. Unlike carbonates of host rocks, manganese carbonates were formed with an active participation of biogeochemical processes. Further processes of metagenesis (T ≈ 250–300°C, P ≈ 2 kbar) resulted in the transformation of textures, structures, and mineral composition of all rocks of the deposit. In particular, increase in temperature and pressure provided the formation of numerous silicates in manganese ores.  相似文献   
Diamond crystals 0.1–0.8 carats were synthesized in experiments conducted in a BARS split-sphere multianvil high-pressure apparatus in the systems Fe-Co-S-C and Fe-Ni-S-C at a pressure of 5.5 GPa and temperature of 1300°C. The microtextures of the samples and the phases accompanying diamond (carbides, graphite, monoslufide solid solution, pentlandite, and taenite) are examined in much detail, the properties of metal-sulfide-carbon alloys are discussed, and issues related to the genesis of sulfide inclusions in diamonds and graphite crystallization in the diamond stability field are considered. The experiments demonstrate that diamonds can be synthesized and grow in pre-eutectic metal-sulfide melts with up to 14 wt % sulfur at relatively low P-T parameters, which correspond to the probable temperatures and pressures of natural diamond-forming processes at depths of approximately 150 km in the Earth’s upper mantle.  相似文献   
The kinetics of Co(II) ions adsorption on thermally activated dolomite was studied with respect to the calcination temperature of natural dolomite. The sorption of Co(II) onto all samples is reasonably fast: The first 30–35 min accounts for approximately 70–80 % of Co(II) removal from feed solutions. In order to select the main rate-determining step in the overall uptake mechanism, a series of experiments were performed and data obtained were interpreted in terms of film diffusion control, intraparticle diffusion, pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order models. From the modeling of kinetic data, it can be concluded that adsorption of Co(II) ions from aqueous solution by heat-treated dolomite is a complex phenomenon and occurs in a mixed diffusion mode—the kinetic data are well described by the pseudo-second-order equation. The possible multistage sorption mechanism involving film diffusion and intraparticle diffusion control steps as well as chemical interaction between Co(II) ions and calcined dolomite is proposed.  相似文献   
During the last deglaciation, the decaying Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) delivered huge volumes of meltwater toward the Gulf of Mexico. The present investigation of clay mineralogy and grain-size characteristics of terrigenous sediments deposited in the Orca Basin (Gulf of Mexico) offers a unique opportunity to link the marine record of these meltwater floods with the reconstructed continental glacial history and the modeled drainage patterns. Five peculiar sedimentary levels, characterized by high smectite content and low CaCO3 content, were identified and occurred simultaneously with major meltwater floods. According to recently published clay mineral distribution maps for North America, these results help to pinpoint the southwestern margin of the LIS as a main contributor to most of the meltwater discharges. In addition, the peculiar mineralogical composition (illite and chlorite-rich) of the sediments characterizing the meltwater episode associated with Heinrich event 1 suggests a provenance from the Great Lakes area, supporting the interpretation of destabilization of the LIS southeastern margin during this event. Decreased terrigenous contribution associated with changing provenance of sediments after 12.9 cal ka BP suggests strong modifications of the continental hydrography in relation to Lake Agassiz history and changes in the morphology of Mississippi delta due to rising sea level.  相似文献   
This paper presents data on the distribution of REEs in sulfide minerals from ore-bearing gabbronorites in the Penikat layered intrusion and the results of their isotopic-geochronological Sm-Nd study. A new procedure for determination of REEs in the samples without preliminary separating and concentrating was tested on standard samples to be further used for analysis of sulfide minerals. Analysis of the spectra of the REE distribution in sulfides represents a distribution trend that is similar to the already studied bulk rock and allows deducing that the character of the REE distribution in sulfide minerals from gabbronorites in the Penikat layered intrusion was inherited from the parent magma melt; while the formation of sulfides took place at the stage of rock crystallization. The performed complex studies allow considering that sulfides can be successfully used together with the rock-forming minerals in Sm-Nd dating of ore-bearing mafite-ultramafite intrusions.  相似文献   
The paper deals with results of general and systematic analysis of data from deep-sea drilling (360 stations) and a personal study carried out by the authors on the distribution and facies location of authigenic zeolites in the sedimentary mantle of the World Ocean.The scheme of zeolite distribution, compiled for the Holocene—Pleistocene, Miocene, Eocene and Cretaceous periods confirmed the previously established global stratification of zeolites. It showed that the main mass of phillipsite was formed during the Pleistocene—Holocene, while clinoptilolite was a predominant mineral in Eocene and Cretaceous rocks. Both zeolites were wide-spread in the Oligocene and Miocene. Facies location and paragenesis of associated minerals as well as the original material of their formation are different for phillipsite and clinoptilolite.The most probable reasons for vertical stratification of oceanic zeolites of global significance are changes of the character of volcanism in time and general evolution of sedimentation in the World Ocean.  相似文献   
We collated information on the sources and sinks of organic carbon in Manukau Harbour, a shallow temperate estuary. Two contrasting inner harbor regions were considered; the northern region, which is urbanized and receives a major load of sewage wastewater, and the southern region, where allochthonous inputs are dominated by the runoff from small rural streams. Although high levels of dissolved nitrogen in the wastewater supported phytoplankton blooms in the northern region, total primary production there was similar to that in the southern region (ca. 300 g C m?2yr?1). By contrast, high concentrations of organic carbon in the wastewater resulted in an additional input to the northern region of 120 g C m?2 yr?1. Loads from runoff and streams to both regions were low. At 350 g C m?2 yr?1, total respiration in the northern region exceeded total production, so the region was slightly heterotrophic. Respiration was lower in the southern region (270 g C m?2 yr?1), which was net autotrophic. Some carbon was exported from each region to the outer harbour (50–80 g C m?2 yr?1). Dissolved oxygen levels in the northern region were somewhat depleted at times; and the high numbers of microzooplankton indicated consumption was enhanced there. Apart from a relatively small area of organic enrichment close to the wastewater discharge, benthic consumers in the harbor appeared to be limited by physical disturbance (by wind-waves) rather than by food availability. Improved wastewater treatment is expected to substantially reduce the allochthonous input to the northern region, with the total input of carbon in the future being only slightly higher than that to the southern region.  相似文献   
Volkhovites—tektite-like glasses—have been detected in the Holocene glacial drift along the right bank of the Volkhov River. A cryptomagmatic model of their formation and pre-Holocene age of volkhovite melts, cinder, and frothed glasses has been suggested (Skublov et al., 2007). Four geochemical types of volkhovites are distinguished: (1) manganous (Mn, Fe, Cr, V, Si, Nb, Pb, H), (2) magnesian (Mg, Al, Ti, F, B), (3) potassic (K, Rb, Cs), and (4) calcic (Ca, REEs, Ba, U, Th, Ta, Hf, Y, Sc, Cl). In light of the geochemical data, volkhovites are regarded as natural silicate glasses of kimberlite-carbonatite composition. Their types are called kimberlitic (Mn type), kimberlitic-carbonatitic (Mg type), lamproitic-carbonatitic (K type), and carbonatitic (Ca type). Volkhovites are suggested to be indicators of undiscovered diamond mineralization of kimberlite or carbonatite (Chagatai) types.  相似文献   
Geochemistry of chlorine and fluorine in apatites, micas, and amphiboles in rocks from eight intrusive complexes of the Siberian Platform has been first studied on the basis of new factual and analytical data (more than 1000 analyses). The main attention is focused on minerals from layered intrusions. Most apatites show F > Cl; the maximum contents of halogens are specific to chlorapatite (6.97 wt.% Cl) and fluorapatite (6.04 wt.% F). The total f value (f = Fe/(Fe + Mg), at.%) of femic minerals varies from 2 to 98 at.% in micas and from 22 to 95 at.% in amphiboles. The Cl-f and F-f trends show an increase in the Cl content and a decrease in the F content in the minerals with increasing f. Chlorine clearly exhibits ferrophilic properties, and fluorine has magnesiophilic properties. The halogen-richest minerals are fluorophlogopite (F = 7.06 wt.%, f = 7 at.%), chlorannite (Cl = 6.30 wt.%, f = 89 at.%), and chloroferrihastingsite (Cl = 5.22 wt.%, f = 90 at.%). Coexisting micas and amphiboles in the rocks are close in f value, but the micas are richer in Cl than the amphiboles. We assume that the halogen-containing minerals crystallized at the high pressure of halogen-hydrocarbon fluids at the levels of the MW, IW, and QIF buffers. The reducing conditions of the magmatism process are also evidenced by the presence of graphite and native metals in the rocks. The similarity of the Cl-f and F-f trends of micas and amphiboles from different intrusive complexes indicates the same mechanisms of the melt differentiation and mineral crystallization.  相似文献   
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