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泰米尔纳德磁铁石英岩产在前寒武纪高级麻粒岩区,它们与酸性到基性麻粒岩、各种片麻岩、纯橄榄岩、橄榄岩、伟晶岩以及粗玄岩脉伴生。主要与辉石麻粒岩密切伴生。研究磁铁石英岩及其伴生辉石麻粒岩中磁铁矿铁族元素的分布,其目的在于了解磁铁石英岩的成因。表Ⅰ示出磁铁石英岩的磁铁矿和辉石麻粒岩的磁铁矿所测定的痕量元素浓度。痕量元素比率的变动范围、样品和上部岩石圈中元素的平均百分数列入表Ⅱ,样品的标准差和变化值也列入表Ⅱ。  相似文献   
A comprehensive study aimed at evaluating the occurrence, significance of concentrations and spatial distribution of priority pollutants (PPs) along the Comunidad Valenciana coastal waters (Spain) was carried out in order to fulfil the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Additionally, PP concentrations were also analysed in the effluent of 28 WWTPs distributed along the studied area. In coastal waters 36 organic pollutants of the 71 analysed, including 26 PPs were detected although many of them with low frequency of occurrence. Only 13 compounds, which belong to four different classes (VOCs, organochlorinated pesticides, phthalates and tributyltin compounds (TBT)) showed a frequency of occurrence above 20% in coastal waters. In the results obtained until now, octylphenol, pentachlorobenzene, DEHP and TBT exceeded the annual average concentration (EQS-AAC), and only TBT surpassed the maximum allowable concentration (EQS-MAC). The most frequent contaminants determined in coastal waters were also present in WWTP effluents.  相似文献   
The Sa''al Metamorphic Complex (SMC; southern Sinai) encompasses the oldest arc rocks in the Arabian–Nubian Shield, comprising two non-consanguineous metavolcanic successions (the Agramiya Group and the Post-Ra''ayan Formation) separated by the metasediments of the Ra''ayan Formation. It experienced three distinct deformational events (D1–D3) and two low-medium grade regional metamorphic events (M1–M2). The Agramiya Group and the Ra''ayan Formation experienced all tectonometamorphic events (D1–D3 and M1–M2), whereas the Post-Ra''ayan volcanic rocks were only affected by the D3 and M2 events. D1 is an extensional event and is connected to the late Rodinia break-up (~Tonian; 900–870 Ma). The M1 metamorphism variably affected the older Agramiya Group, the rhyolitic tuffs experiencing lower to upper greenschist facies conditions and the basic and intermediate volcanic rocks undergoing amphibolite facies metamorphism. The Ra''ayan Formation metasediments experienced upper greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism. The upper greenschist facies M2 affected the youngest Post-Ra''ayan volcanic rocks and other stratigraphic successions. The compressive D2 and D3 events were coeval with the accretion of dismembered terranes in the assembly of Gondwana. D2 can be linked to the Tonian–Cryogenian arc-arc assembly (~880–760 Ma; in Elat and Sinai), whereas D3 and the accompanying M2 is constrained to 622–600 Ma (Ediacaran).  相似文献   
震群对可操作的地震预报提出了挑战,因为它们主要是由瞬时的外部过程驱动的,例如流体流动,其行为和持续时间很难预测。本文中,我们基于给定区域内先前多个震群的实际统计,开发了一个震群持续时间模型,以估计震群可能持续多长时间。我们通过美国南加州地区已被识别的索尔顿海槽震群验证了这个方法,发现震群平均持续约7天,并且在震群发生的前14天中每天具有相对恒定的15%~16%的终止几率。编目震群的持续时间呈指数分布,因此我们对于震群终止使用泊松模型,以概述和扩展实际统计。然后我们展示了使用震群持续时间模型对地震预报的影响,其结果在2016年孟买海滩震群活动期间已经发布。通过具体化震群可能持续时间的概率模型,地震预报有了显著改进。  相似文献   
"地震可预测性合作研究"(CSEP)计划是一个对地震预测模型和预测算法开展前瞻性评估的全球信息化基础设施平台。CSEP的目标旨在提高我们对地震可预测性的理解、推进预测模型的研发、检验关键科学假设及其预测能力,以及改进地震危险性评估水平。自2007年在美国加利福尼亚州成立以来,全球CSEP合作一直在不同的构造环境及全球范围内进行预测实验,目前在四大洲运行4个检验中心,根据预期数据自动、客观地评估模型。这些实验为可操作的地震预测系统和地震危险性模型提供了大量的结果,并为地震的可预测性提供了新的、有时是令人惊讶的见解,还拒绝了对模型的改进。CSEP还开展了评估地震动和危险性模型的初步研究。本文报告了CSEP十年来取得的部分成就,并提出了未来地震活动性优先考虑的事项。  相似文献   
In order to examine the biological effects by TBT exposure, experiments involving the exposure of five levels of TBT concentrations (0, 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000 ngl(-1)) were conducted on the caprellid amphipod Caprella danilevskii, over a generation after hatching. Marked delays in growth and molting during the early developmental stage and maturation were found in both 100 and 1000 ng TBTCl l(-1) concentrations in spite of the sex. All specimens died in 10,000 ng TBTCl l(-1) within 4 days after hatching. Inhibition of maturation and reproduction such as delaying in the achievement of maturity and a decrease in the number of juveniles hatched was apparent in 10 and 100 ng TBTCl l(-1) concentrations. Furthermore, brood loss, and failure in egg formation and hatching were observed as the TBT concentration became higher. No significant changes in sex ratio were seen at any of the TBT exposure levels during hatching and maturation in the present study. This phenomenon was different from a previous study in which the proportion of females was increased with an increase in TBT concentrations in the embryonic exposure experiment. This suggests that sex disturbance is induced during the embryonic stage of the species. A drastic decrease in survival rate was observed at 10 ng TBTCl l(-1) (25%) which corresponds to the mean level in coastal waters. Therefore, the present encountering ambient TBT concentration may influence populations of C. danilevskii in the coastal environment.  相似文献   
龙门山彭县-灌县断裂的活动构造与地表破裂   总被引:4,自引:10,他引:4  
2008年5月12日在龙门山发生了8.0级特大地震,彭县-灌县断裂亦发生了同震地表破裂.在前期对龙门山活动构造研究的基础上,汶川特大地震发生后,在灾区进行了多次的野外调查和国际合作考察,重点对汶川地震的地表破裂和地质灾害开展了详细的详细野外地质填图,利用全站仪和GPS对地表破裂进行了精确的测量,研究了的地表破裂地貌错位、构造组合和运动学,已实地测得地表破裂数据70余组(其中彭县-灌县断裂地表破裂数据20余组).文章以彭县-灌县断裂地表破裂为切入点,在彭县-灌县断裂的关键部位开展了详细的野外地貌测量,主要测量了彭州磁峰、白鹿、绵竹金花和汉旺等地的地表破裂,标定了彭县-灌县断裂破裂带的垂向断距和水平断距,结果表明该地表破裂南西起于彭州磁峰,向北东延伸经白鹿、绵竹金花至绵竹汉旺,全长约40~50km.地表破裂带沿彭县-灌县断裂带的走向断续分布,单个破裂长度在几米到500余米不等,破裂带切割了多种类型的地貌单元,包括山脉基岩、河流阶地、冲洪积扇、公路、桥梁等,同时也使道路发生拱曲、破坏和桥梁垮塌或移位.其以脆性破裂为特征,以逆冲一右旋走滑为特点,断面倾角较陡,北西盘为上升盘,南东盘为下降盘,垂直位错介于0.39~2.70m之间,水平位错介于0.20~0.70m,平均垂直位错为1.6m,平均水平位错为0.6m;地表最大错动量的地点位于彭州白鹿镇,其中最大垂直断错为2.7±0.2m,最大水平断错为0.7±0.2m.垂直位错与水平位错量之间的比值为2:1,表明该地震地表破裂带不仅存在逆冲运动分量和右旋走滑运动分量,而且逆冲运动分量大于右旋走滑运动分量,显示了彭县-灌县断裂破裂带具有以逆冲和缩短作用为主、右旋走滑作用为辅的破裂性质.其与映秀-北川断裂带的地表破裂相比较,该断裂的地表破裂程度远小于映秀-北川断裂带的地表破裂程度,主要表现在地表破裂的长度较短,垂直位错和水平位错也相对较小,而且为以逆冲作用为主.初步研究结果表明,彭县-灌县断裂与映秀-北川断裂地表破裂的平面组合样式显示为两条在平面上近于平行的北东向地表破裂带,其间由一条南北向的次级地表破裂带(小鱼洞断裂)将它们相连结,地下破裂面的剖面组合样式显示为叠瓦状,并在汶川地震震源附近或震源的上方相连的,是同"根"的.  相似文献   
本文应用一个定常态线性原始方程三维谱模式模拟出全球200 hPa定常波的结构特征。同时还考察了模式大气对大尺度地形的线性响应。  相似文献   
Organochlorine compounds (OCs) such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs), chlordane related compounds, hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), tris(4-chlorophenyl) methane (TCPMe) and tris(4-chlorophenyl) methanol were determined in the blubber of Dall's porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli) collected from Japanese coastal waters in 1998/1999. Among OCs analyzed, PCBs were the predominant contaminants with concentrations ranging from 1.5 to 39 microg/g on a wet weight basis. OCs concentrations were relatively low and less variable in mature females possibly due to the lactational excretion from their bodies, while in males the concentrations were increased with body length. Concentrations and compositions of DDTs and HCHs showed significant differences between the truei-type population off the Pacific coast of northern Japan and dalli-type from the Sea of Japan/Okhotsk, suggesting its usefulness to discriminate different populations. OCs levels detected in truei-type porpoises collected in 1998/1999 were lower than those collected in 1984, except TCPMe. On the other hand, except DDTs, the residue levels of other organochlorines in dalli-type porpoises showed no significant decrease since 1984.  相似文献   
海洋硅循环是海洋生物地球化学循环的关键过程之一,对调控全球二氧化碳浓度、海洋酸碱度和多种元素(氮、磷、铁、铝等)的循环具有重要作用。在当今气候变化和人类活动影响日益增强的背景下,硅循环与“生物泵”及碳循环的紧密联系,是其成为地球科学领域研究热点的主要原因。海洋中硅的外部来源主要为河流、地下水、大气沉降、海底玄武岩风化作用和海底热液输送5个途径,在全球气温变暖趋势的影响下,极地冰川融化成为高纬度海域不可忽视的硅源。生物硅在沉积物中的埋藏、硅质海绵和生物硅的反风化作用是重要的海洋硅移除过程。海洋硅循环过程复杂,受生物(生物吸收、降解)、物理(吸附、溶解)和化学(矿化分解和反风化作用)多重因素的影响,针对海洋硅循环关键过程的研究有助于综合评估海洋硅的“源-汇”和收支。本文总结了海洋硅循环的主要过程及海洋硅的收支,根据国际和国内研究现状讨论了当前海洋硅循环研究中面临的主要问题和挑战。现有研究成果显示,海洋硅的外源输入和输出通量比以往的评估分别增加了2.4和2.2倍。在短时间尺度内(<8 ka),全球海洋中硅的收支大致平衡,海洋硅循环基本处于稳定状态。气候变化和人类活动导致河流输送至陆架边缘海的硅通量发生变化,可能影响硅藻等海洋浮游植物种群结构,是未来海洋硅循环研究需要关注的问题之一。陆架边缘海较高沉积速率和强烈的反风化作用提高了该区域生物硅的埋藏效率,准确评估该区域生物硅的埋藏通量仍是亟须解决的难题。目前的研究评估了全球海洋浮游硅藻、硅质海绵以及放射虫生产力,而海洋底栖硅藻生产力的贡献受到忽视,未来需要关注底栖硅藻对生物硅的贡献及其在海洋硅的生物地球化学过程中的作用。  相似文献   
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