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The overarching goal of this study was to produce a global map of rainfed cropland areas (GMRCA) and calculate country-by-country rainfed area statistics using remote sensing data. A suite of spatial datasets, methods and protocols for mapping GMRCA were described. These consist of: (a) data fusion and composition of multi-resolution time-series mega-file data-cube (MFDC), (b) image segmentation based on precipitation, temperature, and elevation zones, (c) spectral correlation similarity (SCS), (d) protocols for class identification and labeling through uses of SCS R2-values, bi-spectral plots, space-time spiral curves (ST-SCs), rich source of field-plot data, and zoom-in-views of Google Earth (GE), and (e) techniques for resolving mixed classes by decision tree algorithms, and spatial modeling. The outcome was a 9-class GMRCA from which country-by-country rainfed area statistics were computed for the end of the last millennium. The global rainfed cropland area estimate from the GMRCA 9-class map was 1.13 billion hectares (Bha). The total global cropland areas (rainfed plus irrigated) was 1.53 Bha which was close to national statistics compiled by FAOSTAT (1.51 Bha). The accuracies and errors of GMRCA were assessed using field-plot and Google Earth data points. The accuracy varied between 92 and 98% with kappa value of about 0.76, errors of omission of 2–8%, and the errors of commission of 19–36%.  相似文献   
Numerical investigation of Hurricane Gilbert (1988) effect on the Loop Current warm core eddy (WCE) in the Gulf of Mexico is performed using the Modular Ocean Model version 2 (MOM2). Results show that the storm-induced maximum sea surface temperature (SST) decrease in Gilbert’s wake is over 2.5°C, as compared with the 3.5°C cooling in the absence of the WCE. The near-inertial oscillation in the wake reduces significantly in an along-track direction with the presence of the WCE. This effect is also reflected between the mixed layer and the thermocline, where the current directions are reversed with the upper layer. After two inertial periods (IP), the current reversal is much less obvious. In addition, it is demonstrated that Hurricane Gilbert wind stress increases the current speed of the WCE by approximate 133%. With the forcing of Gilbert, the simulated translation direction and speed of the WCE towards the Mexican coast are closer to the observed (42% more accurate in distance and 78% more accurate in direction) compared with the simulation without the Gilbert forcing. The simulated ocean response to Gilbert generally agrees with the recent observations in Hurricane Fabian.  相似文献   
Sea-breeze-initiated convection and precipitation have been investigated along the east coast of India during the Indian southwest monsoon season. Sea-breeze circulation was observed on approximately 70–80% of days during the summer months (June–August) along the Chennai coast. Average sea-breeze wind speeds are greater at rural locations than in the urban region of Chennai. Sea-breeze circulation was shown to be the dominant mechanism initiating rainfall during the Indian southwest monsoon season. Approximately 80% of the total rainfall observed during the southwest monsoon over Chennai is directly related to convection initiated by sea-breeze circulation.  相似文献   
A statistical evaluation of the Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS®) was performed over the Arabian Gulf region for the period, 1 August to 5 October, 2004. Verification skill scores of bias and root-mean-square error were estimated for surface variables and for vertical profiles to investigate any diurnal variations. The model predictions of boundary-layer heights are compared with the observations at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The Middle East presents challenges to numerical weather prediction due to complex land-ocean-land mesoscale processes. An independent data set of surface measurements from 50 stations in the UAE was available from the Department of Water Resources Studies, Abu Dhabi for model verification. The results indicate a diurnal variation in the model errors. The errors are small considering the magnitudes of the observed variables. Errors in the coastal region can be attributed to the differences in the timing of the onset of sea and land breeze circulations in the simulations as compared to the observations. Errors are relatively smaller in the offshore locations.  相似文献   
The variability in boundary-layerstructure over the Indian Ocean during a north-eastmonsoon and the factors influencing it areinvestigated. This study was made possible as acomponent of the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX),conducted from February 19 to March 30, 1998. The dataused are, surface-layer mean and turbulencemeasurements of temperature, humidity and wind, andvertical soundings of temperature and humidity.Significant spatio-temporal variability was observedin the boundary-layer structure throughout the cruise.The ITCZ was characterized as the region withstrongest winds and maximum surface turbulent fluxesof momentum and heat. One of the important findingsfrom this study was a strong influence of continentalair masses on the boundary-layer structure in theNorthern Hemisphere, even at a distance of 600 km offthe Indian coast. This was generally evident in theform of an elevated plume of dry continental airbetween altitudes of 1500 m and 2700 m. Advection ofcontinental aerosols in this layer presents potentialfor significant entrainment into shallow clouds inthis region, which eventually feed deeper clouds atthe ITCZ. This finding provides an explanation foranomalous higher aerosol concentrations found duringprevious studies. The structure of the marineboundary layer was influenced by various factors suchas proximity to land, an anomalous warm pool in theocean and the ITCZ. In the southern hemisphere, theboundary-layer height was primarily governed bysurface-layer sensible heat flux and was found to behighest in the vicinity of the ITCZ. North of theequator it was strongly influenced by land-air-seainteractions. In addition to this synoptic modulation,there was also a significant diurnal variability inthe boundary-layer height.  相似文献   
—The Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) is used to investigate the mutual response of a tropical squall line and the ocean. Simulated squall line compares well with the observations, and consists of counterrotating vortices, and has a bow shape bulge toward the leading edge. In addition to these features, which are also shown in the previous numerical simulations, the unique results from the coupled simulation indicate that the air–sea interaction processes within the squall line are important. They affect both the atmosphere and the ocean locally. Simulated upper ocean displays significant response to the squall line with upwelling and baroclinicity. Depth of the ocean mixed layer in the coupled simulation becomes modified due to feedback processes. Ocean temperature acts as a destabilizing factor, and the salinity as a stabilizing factor. Surface turbulent fluxes from the coupled simulation are about 10% less than that of the uncoupled simulation. The SST in the coupled simulation decreases by about 0.21°C. Predicted squall line in the coupled simulation is weaker as compared to the uncoupled simulation. This is reflected in terms of differences in surface fluxes, cloud water, rain water and vertical velocities between the two simulations.  相似文献   
Object-oriented (OO) programming and system design have become the scalable methodology for large-scale enterprise and technology system designs. Spatial and geographic information system (GIS)-based systems are not exempt from this trend and have widely adopted object-oriented methodology. Testing strategies for systems developed with OO technologies need to be carefully evaluated. Specific features of OO technologies such as information hiding and close tying of data structures with class structures and the natural peculiarities of the spatial data require revisiting of test strategies for spatial applications built on OO technology. This article focuses on object-oriented testing trends and the development of associated tools in the GIS industry.  相似文献   
The development and propagation of a pollution gradient in the marine boundary layer over the Arabian Sea during the Intensive Field Phase of the Indian Ocean Experiment (1999) is investigated. A hypothesis for the generation of the pollution gradient is presented. Infrared satellite images show the formation of the pollution gradient as the leading edge of a polluted air mass in the marine boundary layer and also its propagation over the Arabian Sea and the northern Indian Ocean. Aerosol data measured from two research vessels over the Arabian Sea show a variation in the concentrations caused by the passage of this pollution gradient. Depth of the pollution gradient was found to be about 800 m. A numerical model was used to simulate the development of this gradient and its propagation over the ocean. Results show that its formation and structure are significantly influenced by the diurnal cycle of coastal sea-land breeze circulations along India’s west coast. Transport of aerosols and gases over the Arabian Sea in the lower troposphere from land sources appears to be through this mechanism with the other being the elevated land plume.  相似文献   
— Urban terrain poses a challenge for modeling air pollutant diffusion. In tropics, because of the dominant low wind speed environment, the importance of understanding the turbulence diffusion is even more critical, and uncertain. The objective of this study is to estimate the vertical eddy diffusivity of an urban, tropical atmosphere in low–wind speeds. Turbulence measurements at 1 Hz were made at 4-m level over an urban terrain with a roughness length of 0.78 m during winter months. Eddy diffusivity is estimated from spectral quantities of the turbulence data involving turbulent kinetic energy (E) and its dissipation rate (?). The spectral information of the vertical velocity fluctuations is used to estimate the vertical length scale which provides information on the eddy diffusivity. In addition, the product of friction velocity and the vertical length scale has been used to non-dimensionalize the eddy diffusivity, which is shown to increase with increasing instability. Using the eddy diffusivity (K) estimates from the E? approach, a relation is suggested for the mixing length based eddy diffusivity models of the form: K = c w .[2.5 ? 0.5(z/L)], where z is the measurement height, L is the Obukhov length, and c w has an average value close to 1 for unstable and near 0.5 for stable conditions for the urban terrains.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the variations in shear angle over a time interval of 30 s during a flare on June 11, 1991, using Kodaikanal Observatory spectroheliogram and photoheliogram data, and assuming H filaments are a proxy for the neutral lines. The changes in shear angles have been analysed at two points of the filament. The orientation of the H filament underwent a considerable change of 55° from June 10, 1991 to prior to the start of the flare on June 11, 1991. The photoheliogram on June 10, 1991 shows considerable twisting of the umbrae (in one common penumbra) and broke into parts before the onset of the flare on June 11, 1991. The twisting of umbrae on June 10, 1991 shows that sunspot proper motion plays an important role in bringing a non-potential character to the field lines. This in turn develops shear and kink and it is argued that changes in filament orientation over a small interval of a half minute triggers the eruption of the flare.  相似文献   
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