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Several studies demonstrate that North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) has dominant influence on the variability of climate over Southwest Asia. We deconstruct the NAO into its two components, the Azores High and the Icelandic Low. Regional circulations are influenced by changes not only in the pressure but also the positions of the Azores High and the Icelandic Low. The results presented in this paper exhibit that significantly great portions of interannual variance of winter precipitation over Indo-Pak Region (consists of Northeast Pakistan and Northwest India) can be explained by including the contributions of the Icelandic Low pressure in addition to ENSO and AO. This contribution also explains the physical mechanisms to establish the relationships between the COA and regional climate by examining composite maps of large-scale circulation fields using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data.  相似文献   
The hydrochemistry of Euphrates River in the study area which extended from Hit to Al-Saqlawia was studied in order to determine the physical, chemical, and biological properties in addition to the radiation level. Thirty-one stations along the Euphrates River were chosen, 17 of them represented the Euphrates River itself, whereas the other stations are considered as point pollution sources which all empty their load directly in the Euphrates River with an average total discharge of 32 m3/s. Twenty-eight samples of the Euphrates water of both high- and low-flow periods were analyzed for cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+), anions (SO 4 = , Cl?, CO 3 = , HCO 3 ? , NO 3 ? , PO 4 ?3 ), H2S boron, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, bacteriological tests, radiation levels in addition to physical parameters such as hydrogen number (pH), total dissolved solid, electrical conductivity, total suspended solid, and temperature. This study showed that the cations and anions during periods of high and low flows are within acceptable limit with exceptional Cl?. Hydrochemical formula during the high flow was Na-Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4, then it changed into Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4-Cl during the low-flow period. The average output cations and anions at downstream (Saqlawiya area) was relatively higher than those of input at upstream (Hit area); this attributed to the natural and anthropogenic activities originated mainly from agricultural activity and population communities around the river. Radiation level for 212Pb, 214Pb, 40k, 220Ac, and 214Bi showed that the higher level of radiation is concentrated within sediment rather than in water, but the radiation in both is within acceptable limit.  相似文献   
Multi-day rainfall events are an important cause of recent severe flooding in Pakistan, and any change in the magnitude of such events may have severe impact upon urban structures such as dams, urban drainage systems, and flood. This article uses statistical distributions to define extremes of annual rainfall of different cities of Punjab (Lahore, Murree, Sialkot, and Jhelum) with given return periods. Our calculations suggest that general extreme value is the best-fitted distribution for the extreme annual rainfall of different cities of Punjab. Our calculations show that different cities of Punjab have 5 years return period for receiving more than 100 mm daily rainfall. While they have 30 years return period for receiving more than 200 mm daily rainfall. This asks for construction of new dams in Pakistan.  相似文献   
The Porcupine Basin is a Mesozoic failed rift located in the North Atlantic margin, SW of Ireland, in which a postrift phase of extensional faulting and reactivation of synrift faults occurred during the Mid–Late Eocene. Fault zones are known to act as either conduits or barriers for fluid flow and to contribute to overpressure. Yet, little is known about the distribution of fluids and their relation to the tectono‐stratigraphic architecture of the Porcupine Basin. One way to tackle this aspect is by assessing seismic (Vp) and petrophysical (e.g., porosity) properties of the basin stratigraphy. Here, we use for the first time in the Porcupine Basin 10‐km‐long‐streamer data to perform traveltime tomography of first arrivals and retrieve the 2D Vp structure of the postrift sequence along a ~130‐km‐long EW profile across the northern Porcupine Basin. A new Vp–density relationship is derived from the exploration wells tied to the seismic line to estimate density and bulk porosity of the Cenozoic postrift sequence from the tomographic result. The Vp model covers the shallowest 4 km of the basin and reveals a steeper vertical velocity gradient in the centre of the basin than in the flanks. This variation together with a relatively thick Neogene and Quaternary sediment accumulation in the centre of the basin suggests higher overburden pressure and compaction compared to the margins, implying fluid flow towards the edges of the basin driven by differential compaction. The Vp model also reveals two prominent subvertical low‐velocity bodies on the western margin of the basin. The tomographic model in combination with the time‐migrated seismic section shows that whereas the first anomaly spatially coincides with the western basin‐bounding fault, the second body occurs within the hangingwall of the fault, where no major faulting is observed. Porosity estimates suggest that this latter anomaly indicates pore overpressure of sandier Early–Mid Eocene units. Lithological well control together with fault displacement analysis suggests that the western basin‐bounding fault can act as a hydraulic barrier for fluids migrating from the centre of the basin towards its flanks, favouring fluid compartmentalization and overpressure of sandier units of its hangingwall.  相似文献   
Hindukush is an active subduction zone where at least one earthquake occurs on daily basis. For seismic hazard studies, it is important to develop a local magnitude scale using the data of local seismic network. We have computed local magnitude scale for Hindukush earthquakes using data from local network belonging to Center for Earthquake Studies (CES) for a period of three years, i.e. 2015–2017. A total of 26,365 seismic records pertaining to 2,683 earthquakes with magnitude 2.0 and greater, was used with hypocentral distance less than 600 km. Magnitude scale developed by using this data comes to be ML = logA + 0.929logr + 0.00298r – 1.84. The magnitude determined through formulated relation was compared with that of standard relation for Southern California and relation developed by the same authors for local network for Northern Punjab. It was observed that Hindukush region has high attenuation as compared to that of Southern California and Northern Punjab which implies that Hindukush is tectonically more disturbed as compared to the said regions, hence, seismically more active as well. We have calculated station correction factors for our network. Station correction factors do not show any pattern which probably owes to the geological and tectonic complexity of this structure. Standard deviation and variance of magnitude residuals for CES network determined using Hutton and Boore scale and scale developed in this study were compared, it showed that a variance reduction of 44.1% was achieved. Average of magnitude residuals for different distance ranges was almost zero which showed that our magnitude scale was stable for all distances up to 600 km. Newly developed magnitude scale will help in homogenization of earthquake catalog. It has been observed that b-value of CES catalog decreases when magnitude is calculated by using newly developed magnitude scale.  相似文献   
The transition from the Triassic to Jurassic is associated with dramatic changes in Earth's climate. Pangaea was breaking up as North America rifted away from Africa, the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province erupted, and the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide increased dramatically. This article summarises the changes in Earth's climate associated with this transition, including a discussion of the various impacts of the increased carbon dioxide on the Earth system, the question of whether the wet episode in the Carnian was a global or regional event, the formation of bauxite deposits, and how dinosaur distributions changed over time. Palaeoclimate model simulations reveal the spatial changes in climate between the Triassic and Jurassic, illustrating the subtropics becoming slightly cooler and wetter despite the warming trend for the Earth's average temperature.  相似文献   
The Salt Range/Potwar Plateau (SRPP) is part of the Himalayan foreland and an important petroleum province in north Pakistan. The hydrocarbons are commonly produced from stacked Cambrian to Eocene clastic and carbonate reservoirs which have an average thickness of 1 km. These strata are overlain by at least 5 km of Miocene and younger continental molasse sedimentation in the deepest part of the foreland basin. Surface and subsurface (seismic interpretations and borehole data) geology combined with the timing and the patterns of sedimentation has allowed to interpret the deformation as thin skinned, with a detachment in weak Eocambrian evaporates and the development of ramp-and-flat structures, since about 8 Ma. We have reviewed the structural interpretations with new borehole logs, field geology, and reserve estimates in this paper to precisely define oil-field structures with a view on future exploration. As a result of this work, 12 oil fields are classified as three detachment folds, four fault-propagation folds, four pop-ups, and one triangle zone structure. The latter two are identified as better prospects with the last one as the best with estimated reserves of 51 million barrels of oil (MMBO). Hence, the triangle zones along with other ramp-and-flat structures from the North Potwar Deformed Zone (NPDZ) are recognized to provide potential future prospects. Finally, a 40-km-long structural cross section from NPDZ is used to discuss complex deformation of the triangle zone and duplex structures as future potential prospects. About 55 km of shortening across the NPDZ during Plio-Pleistocene time is calculated, which has important bearing on the geometry of prospects, reserve calculations, and the future exploration.  相似文献   
泥质砂岩属于黏土岩,具有典型的遇水软化特征。在泥质砂岩富水地层中进行隧道开挖是地下工程的一个挑战性问题。研究了围岩软化与未软化条件下泥质砂岩地层中输水隧洞的稳定性和支护时间。首先,介绍了泥质砂岩遇水软化的力学试验结果;然后,采用基于Hoek-Brown强度准则的岩体参数评价方法,评估泥质砂岩在围岩软化与未软化条件下的力学参数;再后,以兰州水源地引水隧洞为依托工程,采用数值模拟方法对泥质砂岩隧洞软化与未软化工况的围岩稳定性进行了计算分析,得出泥质砂岩遇水软化对隧洞安全性存在显著影响;最后,采用位移收敛法,研究了泥质砂岩软化与未软化工况中,保障隧洞施工安全的合理支护时机。研究表明,泥质砂岩未软化工况中,可考虑隧道围岩初期支护在距掌子面4~5 m位置实施;而在泥质砂岩遇水软化工况中,初期支护建议在掌子面开挖后立刻支护。研究成果可为泥质砂岩地层隧洞的安全施工提供依据。  相似文献   
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