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李天宇  朱伟军  马阳  王森  李欣 《大气科学》2017,41(5):1059-1075
基于1960~2014年NCEP/NCAR(美国环境预报中心和国家大气研究中心)的逐日再分析资料以及NCPC(美国气候预报中心)的海温资料和大气环流及海洋指数,通过风暴轴指数、经验证交分解(EOF)等方法,研究了冬季北半球北太平洋风暴轴(PST)和北大西洋风暴轴(AST)之间不同时间尺度下的协同变化特征,并利用回归和相关分析对风暴轴的年际和年代际协同变化特征与同期海气系统的空间耦合关系进行了探讨。主要结论概括如下:(1)从所定义的冬季北半球两大洋风暴轴的纬度、经度和强度指数来看:三个指数均存在明显的年际变化和年代际变化,其中年际分量的方差贡献远大于年代际分量;对于单个风暴轴来讲,无论是滤波方差场原始序列还是其年际分量和年代际分量序列,每个风暴轴各自的纬度指数和经度指数均呈显著正相关,表明每个风暴轴各自的南北位移和东西位移具有很好的协同性;虽然从原始序列来看,两个风暴轴之间各指数之间的相关关系均并不显著,但是对于年际分量序列和年代际分量序列,两个风暴轴之间均具有显著的协同性变化,其中,在年际尺度上,两者仅强度变化之间具有显著的正相关,而在年代际尺度上,AST的经度(纬度)变化与PST的强度(纬度及强度)变化均具有显著的负相关。(2)EOF结果表明,两个风暴轴之间协同变化的空间结构在年际尺度上反映的主要是强度的变化,第一模态为两者强度在其气候平均位置附近同时减弱(增强)并伴随AST整体和PST东部均略有北抬(南压),第二模态为两者强度在其气候平均位置附近同时减弱(增强)并仅伴随AST整体略有南压(北抬);而在年代际尺度上,第一模态为AST整体偏北(南)中东部偏强(弱)与PST整体偏南(北)中东部偏弱(强)的反位相协同变化;第二模态为两个风暴轴的强度在其气候平均位置附近同时增强(减弱)的一致性协同变化。(3)进一步分析表明,两个风暴轴之间以不同模态协同变化时,与同期海温、遥相关型及环流异常等海气系统之间均呈现出很好的空间耦合关系,但具有不同的特点。  相似文献   
The Neogene sediments of Gansu Group from northwestern China contain eolian and fluvial deposits.The origins of these sediments are very important for exploring the onset of Asian inland aridification,the pattern of paleo-atmospheric circulation,and the regional tectonics and geomorphic evolution during the Miocene.Here we present detrital-zircon age spectra of typical eolian and fluvial deposits from highlands and subsidence basin,and compare them with those of surrounding eroded mountain(such as the West Qinling Mountains and Liupan Mountains)materials and Quaternary loess derived from the Asian inlands.The results reveal that(1)the detrital-zircon age spectrum of the Miocene eolian sample is remarkably different from the eroded materials of the West Qinling Mountains and the Miocene fluvial deposits from Tianshui region,but very similar to the Quaternary loess deposits.This indicates that the provenance of Miocene eolian sediments is similar with the Quaternary loess,and thus further confirms the previous conclusions that the distribution of Asian arid lands and the pattern of atmospheric circulation during the Miocene are broadly similar with the Quaternary.(2)The detrital-zircon age spectrum of the fluvial deposits(with age about 11.5 Ma)from Tianshui region is different from the eroded materials of West Qinling Mountains,but similar with that of the Liupan Mountains to the east,which may suggest that the Liupan Mountains have already been exhumed by11.5 Ma.  相似文献   
谢家丽  颜长珍  李森  李波 《中国沙漠》2012,32(4):1142-1147
 绿洲是干旱区人类活动的高度聚集区,它的时空格局变化对社会经济发展有着至关重要的影响。以1975年至2010年间5期Landsat系列数据为信息源,通过目视解译提取阿拉善盟绿洲信息,在GIS空间分析功能的支持下,对绿洲时空格局变化进行了分析。研究结果表明,阿拉善绿洲按面积大小分布依次为:阿拉善左旗、额济纳旗和阿拉善右旗;1975—2010年间,阿拉善绿洲面积变化总体上呈先缩小后增长的趋势;其中草地的变化量最大,占整个绿洲变化面积的64.92%;研究区绿洲主导景观类型为天然草地,并且35 a内没有发生变化。  相似文献   
页岩层系内的非常规油气已成为全球油气勘探开发的热点,这些资源的形成与富有机质页岩密切相关,形成演化有序、空间分布上共生。目前的研究通常按非常规油气类型单独进行,尚未从页岩层系整体角度考虑各类油气资源的分布规律。在大量调研国内外页岩层系油气资源分布规律的基础上,提出页岩层系油气资源有序共生,并以鄂尔多斯盆地长7页岩系为例进行解剖,按照成熟度阶段、埋藏深度和有机质丰度,将长7页岩层系油气资源分成露头-浅埋藏油页岩区、中等成熟-中等埋深压裂页岩油区、中等成熟-中等埋深原位改质页岩油区、高成熟度-深埋页岩气区和紧邻-夹层致密砂岩油五大区域。基于页岩系统油气资源有序共生关系,提出页岩层系油气资源立体勘探开发的观点,以期对页岩层系非常规油气资源有效利用提供新思路。  相似文献   
针对地震模拟振动台受到系统和试件非线性等因素影响,导致波形再现精度不高的问题,提出基于幂指数法的地震模拟振动台频域前馈补偿方法以提高振动台的控制效果,通过数值仿真和实际振动台试验对该方法的控制性能进行研究。研究结果表明:基于幂指数法的地震模拟振动台频域前馈补偿方法能够快速收敛,迭代次数较少,可以大幅提高振动台的波形复现精度,能够提高振动台的控制性能。  相似文献   
In this study we analyzed the diurnal spatial patterns of cycles of ozone (O3) and respirable suspended particulate (RSP) matter in Hong Kong between 2001 and 2011. We used harmonic analysis to reveal the diurnal cycle in the seasonal-level spatial patterns. The diurnal cycle of O3 is stronger in the northeast rural areas of Hong Kong than in the urban center due to the lower titration effects of nitric oxide in the rural areas. For RSP, the southern sections show the strongest diurnal cycle and the northeastern sections show the weakest diurnal cycle, which could be explained by the heavy vehicular traffic in the southern urban areas and light vehicular traffic in the northeast rural areas. The diurnal patterns of O3 and RSP both show stronger cycles in the summer months, which might be related to the diurnal rainfall pattern. The time of maximum for O3 is around 1400 Local Standard Time (LST) in the afternoon in summer, whereas a wider range in the time of maximum, between 1100 and 1400 LST, was observed in winter. The spatial pattern of the time of maximum for RSP showed a gradual progression from the center of the city to the west, between 1300 and 1700 LST, which is consistent with rush hour traffic.  相似文献   
The karst region of southern China is a fragile ecological zone with widespread rocky desertification. This paper describes the rocky desertification occurring in this region in terms of both natural and anthropogenic factors. During geological time periods, the region’s changing environment governed the natural rocky desertification processes, whereas during historical and modern times, anthropogenic processes have been superimposed on these natural processes. Human activities have accelerated and exacerbated rocky desertification. The period from the beginning to the middle of the Qing dynasty was an important transitional period in which human activities began to exert a particularly strong influence on rocky desertification. Since then, the effect of anthropogenic factors has increasingly exceeded the effect of natural factors. The rocky desertification process in southern China’s karst region combines surface ecological processes (including vegetation degradation and loss, soil erosion, surface water loss, and bedrock solution) with a reduction of the land’s biological productivity, leading to degradation that produces rocky desert. Controlling rocky desertification requires comprehensive development of sustainable agriculture and economic development that provides employment alternatives to agriculture and thereby promotes the rehabilitation of rocky desertified land.  相似文献   
黑河下游额济纳绿洲现代荒漠化过程及其驱动机制   总被引:20,自引:10,他引:20  
李森  李凡  孙武  李保生 《地理科学》2004,24(1):61-67
额济纳绿洲是发育在黑河下游内陆河三角洲上著名的天然绿洲。20世纪50年代以来,额济纳绿洲现代荒漠化过程加剧,绿洲萎缩,生态恶化。绿洲现代荒漠化过程是由水环境恶化过程、土壤干燥化过程、植被退化与生物多样性衰减过程、土地沙漠化过程和土壤盐碱化过程构成的地表动力学过程。导致额济纳绿洲荒漠化的驱动力是区域气候暖干化、强盛的风蚀侵蚀力、上中游过度开发水土资源的人为活动和额济纳绿洲内的“三滥”活动等。荒漠化驱动力的第一主成分与第二主成分的贡献率分别为59.276%和28.083%,反映出绿洲荒漠化驱动因子的多面性和综合性,绿洲内外过度的人为活动是其主导驱动因素。内在、外在驱动力在时间与空间上的耦合性是绿洲荒漠化的区域机制,驱动力因子团的互动-激发作用形成荒漠化的动力机制,驱动力与荒漠化土地间的响应形成正反馈机制,三种作用机制组合成绿洲现代荒漠化过程的复杂的驱动机制。  相似文献   
During the Early Tertiary epoch a basin of deposition covered almost all the present Himalayan foot hill zone. Large quantities of detrital sediments were transported from the northern source area to the depositional basin. The rivers carrying the sediment load formed large delta complexes. In the area studied at least two such delta complexes, one around Kalka and the other around Nahan, were formed; of these the one around Kalka contains the greatest volume of sediments.

The recognition of the deltas is based on: (a) greater abundance of stream deposits than deposits of other environments; (b) lithologic criteria, particularly sedimentary structures, repetitive lithologic associations; (c) the general coarsening-upward nature of the sediments; (d) strong unimodal current direction; (e) the typical lenticular lithogenetic model, common in recent deltas.

The rocks of the Nahan Group are divisible into three formations at Kalka and two formations at Nahan where central formation did not develop. Himalayan tectonism has largely controlled both delta formation and stratigraphy.

The differential rates of sedimentation greatly influenced the rates of subsidence within the Nahan basin. The sediments of the Nahan Group are roughly bounded between two major phases of Himalayan uplift, namely Eocene and middle Miocene tectonic movements. The effects of intermittent tectonic pulses are well depicted in rocks of the Nahan Group. The intensity of the tectonism that controlled both the source-area rise and basin subsidence during deposition of the Nahan Group of sediments was nonuniform, both in vertical and lateral directions. Because of a generally higher rate of deposition compared to the rate of subsidence, the rocks of the Nahan group represent a normal regressive basin-filling sedimentation, forming thick detrital deposits due to progradation of younger deltas beyond the distal end of older deltas.  相似文献   

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