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In this study, a linear poroviscoelastic model based on the Biot theory is proposed to analyze the dynamic response of partially saturated soil. Both the flow-dependent and flow-independent poroviscoelastic behaviors are described in the proposed model. The compressibilities of both the constituents, including the skeleton material and porefluid, are considered, and the effective skeleton stress is determined using the linear viscoelasticity law based on the generalized spring-dashpot model. The soil surface is subjected to two types of harmonic loading, namely, vertical compressive loading and lateral shear loading. The influences of the relaxation time, saturation degree, and soil permeability on the surface and interior dynamic responses of the soil layer are investigated. It is revealed that the amplification factor, effective stress, and pore pressure decrease as the viscous damping increases, indicating that neglecting the viscoelastic property of solid skeleton could overestimate the induced dynamic responses. Furthermore, in comparison with the viscous damping of the solid skeleton, the viscous coupling involving the viscous resisting forces between the solid skeleton and pore fluid has limited effect on the dynamic behavior of the soil layer.  相似文献   
全月制图是嫦娥一期工程4个基本目标之一。实现高精度月面制图需要建立一个统一的月面控制网,高精度控制点在嫦娥影像上的定位对于月面控制网的建立有着至关重要的意义。分析了现有月面控制网的基本情况及高精度月面控制点位置与精度,确定了落月舱及精度最高的5个棱镜控制点在嫦娥一号和嫦娥二号月球02级原始影像上的位置。定位过程充分利用落月舱在LRO和嫦娥影像上的共同特征,及落月舱局部区域月面环形坑的相对位置关系。通过几何定位与影像纠正的方法确定了控制点的图上位置,达到了约1个像素的定位精度。  相似文献   
From May 2005 to September 2006, the potential effects of marsh flooding regimes on the decomposition and nutrient (N, P) dynamics of Calamagrostis angustifolia litter were studied in the typical waterlogged depression in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. The decomposition of C. angustifolia litter was related to four sites with different hydrologic regimes [F1 (perennial flooding, average water depth of 480?days was 40.14?±?8.93?cm), F2 (perennial flooding 33.27?±?6.67?cm), F3 (perennial flooding 23.23?±?5.65?cm) and F4 (seasonal flooding 1.02?±?1.09?cm)]. Results showed that flooding regimes had important effects on the litter decomposition, the decomposition rates differed among the four sites, in the order of F3 (0.001820d?1)?>?F1 (0.001210d?1)?>?F2 (0.001040d?1)?>?F4 (0.000917d?1), and the values in the perennial flooding regimes were much higher. Flooding regimes also had significant effects on the N and P dynamics of litter in decomposition process. If the perennial flooding regimes were formed in C. angustifolia wetland due to the changes of precipitation in the future, the litter mass loss would increase 23.28?C48.88%, the decomposition rate would increase 13.41?C98.47%, and the t 0.95 would decrease 1.07 yr?C4.50 yr. In the perennial flooding regimes, the net N accumulated in some periods, while the net P released at all times. This study also indicated that the changes of N and P content in the litter of the four flooding regimes were probably related to the C/N or C/P ratios in the litter and the N or P availability in the decomposition environment. If the nutrient status of the decomposition environment did not change greatly, the decomposition rates depended on the substrate quality indices of the litter. Conversely, if the nutrient status changed greatly, the decomposition rates might depend on the supply status of nutrient in the decomposition environment.  相似文献   
海珍品综合增养殖中的种间关系和生态容纳量的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在长岛县砣矶岛进行海珍品综合增养殖技术研究时,对几种海珍品的种间关系和生态容纳量做了调查与试验。结果发现,大型海藻的着生量与以此为主要饵料的皱纹盘鲍、光棘球海胆等的密度大体平衡。只是海胆密度是鲍密度的10几倍。因此为了提高单位水体的经济效益,应抑制海胆密度的增长。若能使5米以浅水域的海胆密度减其半,则该水域里的鲍产量可以增加到5倍之多。利用筏式养殖扇贝所排放的贝粪、拟粪做为饵料来增殖剌参,可使刺参的资源量增加3倍,即由原来的132.8kg/亩,增至526.4kg/亩。为此在放流苗种的同时,应向泥砂及平板礁等底质投置增殖礁,为鲍和剌参提供更多的栖息场所。  相似文献   
Tidal creeks are the main channels of land-sea ecosystem interactions, and their high dynamics are an important factor affecting the hydrological connectivity of tidal flats.Taking the Yellow River Delta as the research area, we selected remote sensing images obtained during five periods from 1998 to 2018 as the data sources. Based on the spatial analysis function in GIS, the typical morphological characteristics of tidal creeks, such as the level,length, density, curvature, bifurcation ratio, and overmarsh path length(OPL), were extracted to characterize the degree of development of the tidal creeks in the Yellow River Delta wetlands. The spatio-temporal evolution of the tidal creeks was studied, and the development process and the characteristics of the tidal creeks during the different stages of development were investigated. The results revealed that(1) The number, density, and bifurcation ratio of tidal creeks exhibit an increasing trend, but the growth of the trend is slowing. The number of tidal creeks increased by 44.9% from the initial stage of the Yellow River diversion to the late stage of the wetland restoration, but it only increased by 26.2% from the late stage of the wetland restoration to the slow expansion of the Spartina alterniflora.(2) The curvature of the tidal creeks on the landward side is greater than that on the seaward side.(3) The development degree of tidal creek has spatial heterogenetiy, which is Area Ⅲ Area Ⅱ Area Ⅰ.(4)The drainage efficiency is significantly correlated with the tidal creak density and bifurcation ratio. Based on the analysis of the various morphological parameters and the drainage efficiency, it was found that after the rapid change in the tidal creek system in the early stage, the tidal creeks entered a state of slow change, and the development state of the tidal creeks tends to be in dynamic balance. The results of this study are expected to provide scientific support for the sustainable development and utilization of coastal tidal flats.  相似文献   
成矿流体包裹体盐度的拉曼光谱测定   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
拉曼光谱在 2 80 0~ 3 4 0 0cm-1范围内对水溶液中OH-离子的变化非常敏感 ,溶液中电解质的浓度变化与溶液的拉曼光谱特征参数之间存在一定的定量关系。通过对不同浓度标准NaCl和KCl水溶液的拉曼光谱特征分析 ,提出了一种可综合反映溶液浓度的拉曼光谱参数 (偏斜率 )。通过试验和分析 ,发现NaCl和KCl水溶液浓度与水溶液拉曼光谱偏斜率之间存在很好的线性关系 ,并找出了拟合直线 ,同时给出了NaCl和KCl水溶液盐度的拉曼参数计算经验公式。为了验证此公式的有效性 ,专门用传统的显微微热计和激光拉曼光谱仪分别测定了人工流体包裹体和马脑壳金矿床含金石英脉中的流体包裹体的盐度 ,并对结果进行了对比讨论 ,证明用激光拉曼光谱仪测定不饱和流体包裹体的盐度是一种快速、简便、无损的盐度测定新方法  相似文献   
陈谋  王核  张晓宇  闫庆贺  高昊 《岩石学报》2022,38(7):2095-2112

稀有金属作为战略性关键金属矿产对我国国家安全和经济健康可持续发展具有重要的意义。它们是不可再生的,并具有独特的物理化学性质。新疆西昆仑地区通过多年的基础地质调查和找矿勘查,在大红柳滩-白龙山一带的稀有金属找矿取得重大突破。本文对大红柳滩西的康西瓦铅银矿区中的无矿伟晶岩进行了岩石学、元素和同位素地球化学及同位素年代学综合研究。无矿伟晶岩富SiO2,贫Al2O3、TiO2、MgO、P2O5,主体属于高钾钙碱型系列岩石;无矿伟晶岩中的锆石是岩浆锆石,LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄为208±5.5Ma~210.3±2.3Ma。稀土总量低(∑REE 4.21×10-6~26.98×10-6),亏损重稀土元素,Eu负异常明显(δEu为0.04~0.61),富集Rb、U和K,亏损Nb、La和Zr,严重亏损Ba、Ti和Sr。研究表明,康西瓦无矿伟晶岩与其东侧的大红柳滩岩体形成于同一时期,Hf同位素特征相似。根据大红柳滩稀有金属矿床成矿特征,预测康西瓦含绿柱石白云母伟晶岩脉带以北喀拉喀什河第四系覆盖区及康西瓦一带海拔更高的地段是下一步锂矿找矿取得突破的有利区段。

以《地下流体学科观测质量与预报效能评估方案》为依据,对广西地区地下流体监测网从观测点布局的合理性、观测点条件、观测点环境状况、信息反映能力、观测点基础资料、观测资料质量、观测技术系统质量、预报与应用等8个方面进行评估和分析,对存在的问题提出改进措施及建议。研究结果对进一步提升监测质量,更好推进观测资料应用具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
本文讨论了随机噪声影响下马尔可夫跳变系统的弹性动态输出反馈控制问题.在系统随机干扰和控制输入扰动的情况下,设计的弹性控制器可以确保闭环系统的依概率渐近稳定性.通过运用随机微分方程理论和线性矩阵不等式技术对系统进行稳定性分析,获得了系统依概率渐近稳定的充分条件和控制器增益.最后通过数值算例和直升机系统仿真验证了所提弹性动态输出反馈控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   
为评价新疆北部吉木乃坳陷页岩气勘探潜力,通过对吉木乃坳陷下二叠统卡拉岗组暗色页岩段有机地球化学以及储层特征分析,初步探讨其页岩气地质特征。卡拉岗组下段暗色页岩段烃源岩以碳质泥页岩为主,TOC最小值为0.3%,最大值为4.32%,平均值为1.01%。有机质丰度中等,有机质类型为Ⅲ型,Ro值介于1.43%~2.87%之间,平均值为2.12%。热演化程度为成熟-过成熟度阶段,具较好天然气生成能力。暗色页岩矿物成分以石英、长石等脆性矿物为主,粘土质矿物次之,具较好可裂性及吸附性。页岩孔隙以宏孔、细小孔以及小孔为主,储集空间主要为粒内及粒间溶孔、矿物间的微孔隙与微缝隙、矿物微裂缝。孔隙度为0.97%~1.52%,平均为1.36%。渗透率为0.0097~0.0197mD,平均为0.0139mD,具较好天然气储集能力。  相似文献   
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