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The deformation of movable boundaries under the action of an applied turbulent shear stress is well known. The resulting bed forms often are highly organized and nearly two-dimensional, which makes them an intriguing focus of study considering that they are generated in both steady and oscillatory turbulent flows. Many past studies share a common approach in which an infinitesimal perturbation is prescribed and the resulting growth or decay patterns are examined. In this approach, the bed forms are usually sinusoidal and the perturbation analysis does not provide a theoretical prediction of equilibrium bed-form geometry. An alternative approach is suggested here in which the forcing terms (pressure and stress) are prescribed parametrically and the governing equations are solved for the flow velocity and the associated boundary deformation. Using a multilayered approach, in which the bottom boundary layer is divided into a discrete, yet, arbitrary number of finite layers, analytical solutions for the horizontal current and bed profile are derived. The derivations identify two nondimensional parameters, p0/u02 and 0/kh0u02, which modulate the amplitude of the velocity fluctuations and boundary deformation. For the case of combined pressure and stress divergence anomalies, the magnitude of the front face and lee slopes exhibit an asymmetry that is consistent with observed bed forms in steady two-dimensional flows.Responsible Editor: Jens Kappenberg  相似文献   
A simple mathematical model is described, which reproduces the major features of sand waves' appearance and growth and in particular predicts their migration speed. The model is based on the linear stability analysis of the flat configuration of the sea bottom subject to tidal currents. Attention is focused on the prediction of the complex growth rate that bottom perturbations undergo because of both oscillatory fluid motions and residual currents. While the real part r of controls the amplification or decay of the amplitude of the bedforms, the imaginary part i is related to their migration speed. Previous works on the migration of the sand waves (Németh etal. 2002) consider a forcing tide made up by the M2 constituent (oscillatory period equal to 12 h) plus the residual current Z0 and predict always a downcurrent migration of the bedforms. However, field cases exist of upcurrent-migrating sand waves (downcurrent/upcurrent-migrating sand waves mean bedforms moving in the direction of the steady residual tidal current or in the opposite direction, respectively). The inclusion of a tide constituent characterized by a period of 6 h (M4) is the main novelty of the present work, which allows for the prediction of the migration of sand waves against the residual current Z0. Indeed, the M4 tide constituent, as does also the residual current Z0, breaks the symmetry of the problem forced only by the M2 tide constituent, and induces sand-wave migration. The model proposed by Besio etal. (2003a) forms the basis for the present analysis. Previous works on the subject (Gerkema 2000; Hulscher 1996a,b; Komarova and Hulscher 2000) are thus improved by using a new solution procedure (Besio etal. 2003a) which allows for a more accurate evaluation of the growth rate for arbitrary values of the parameter r, which is the ratio between the horizontal tidal excursion and the perturbation wavelength. Responsible Editor: Jens Kappenberg  相似文献   
To prevent the recurrence of a disastrous eruption of carbon dioxide (CO2) from Lake Nyos, a degassing plan has been set up for the lake. Since there are concerns that the degassing of the lake may reduce the stability of the density stratification, there is an urgent need for a simulation tool to predict the evolution of the lake stratification in different scenarios. This paper describes the development of a numerical model to predict the CO2 and dissolved solids concentrations, and the temperature structure as well as the stability of the water column of Lake Nyos. The model is tested with profiles of CO2 concentrations and temperature taken in the years 1986 to 1996. It reproduces well the general mixing patterns observed in the lake. However, the intensity of the mixing tends to be overestimated in the epilimnion and underestimated in the monimolimnion. The overestimation of the mixing depth in the epilimnion is caused either by the parameterization of the k-epsilon model, or by the uncertainty in the calculation of the surface heat fluxes. The simulated mixing depth is highly sensitive to the surface heat fluxes, and errors in the mixing depth propagate from one year to the following. A precise simulation of the mixolimnion deepening therefore requires high accuracy in the meteorological forcing and the parameterization of the heat fluxes. Neither the meteorological data nor the formulae for the calculation of the heat fluxes are available with the necessary precision. Consequently, it will be indispensable to consider different forcing scenarios in the safety analysis in order to obtain robust boundary conditions for safe degassing. The input of temperature and CO2 to the lake bottom can be adequately simulated for the years 1986 to 1996 with a constant sublacustrine source of 18 l s–1 with a CO2 concentration of 0.395 mol l–1 and a temperature of 26 °C. The results of this study indicate that the model needs to be calibrated with more detailed field data before using it for its final purpose: the prediction of the stability and the safety of Lake Nyos during the degassing process.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   
Sr isotopic zoning within single plagioclase crystals from rocks from Unit 9 of the Rum layered intrusion is used to infer events during crystal growth in a magma undergoing contamination. The 87Sr/86Sr diversity among minerals and between cores and rims of plagioclase crystals increases as the boundary between unit 9 and the overlying Unit 10 peridotite is approached. Models of near-solidus interaction of the cumulate with a fluid or melt, or large scale textural re-equilibration, cannot easily account for the systematic differences in 87Sr/86Sr between small crystals and the rims of larger crystals.We propose a simple interpretation in which crystal growth is concentrated along the cool margins of the reservoir. Crystals are subsequently advected to a site of accumulation at the base of the reservoir, probably by episodic plume-like dense downwellings allowing mixing of isotopically zoned and unzoned crystals.If the core-rim isotope variations are inherited from primary magmatic growth, then the small distances over which they are now preserved (1–2 mm) place constraints on the minimum cooling rate of the intrusion. Although the length scale of diffusive equilibration is influenced by a number of poorly-constrained variables (starting temperature, feldspar composition, temperature-time path) cooling was clearly very rapid with cooling to effective closure (~1,000 °C) within a few thousand years.Editorial responsibility: I. Parsons  相似文献   
For petrological calculations, including geothermobarometry and the calculation of phase diagrams (for example, PT petrogenetic grids and pseudosections), it is necessary to be able to express the activity–composition (ax) relations of minerals, melt and fluid in multicomponent systems. Although the symmetric formalism—a macroscopic regular model approach to ax relations—is an easy-to-formulate, general way of doing this, the energetic relationships are a symmetric function of composition. We allow asymmetric energetics to be accommodated via a simple extension to the symmetric formalism which turns it into a macroscopic van Laar formulation. We term this the asymmetric formalism (ASF). In the symmetric formalism, the ax relations are specified by an interaction energy for each of the constituent binaries amongst the independent set of end members used to represent the phase. In the asymmetric formalism, there is additionally a "size parameter" for each of the end members in the independent set, with size parameter differences between end members accounting for asymmetry. In the case of fluid mixtures, for example, H2O–CO2, the volumes of the end members as a function of pressure and temperature serve as the size parameters, providing an excellent fit to the ax relations. In the case of minerals and silicate liquid, the size parameters are empirical parameters to be determined along with the interaction energies as part of the calibration of the ax relations. In this way, we determine the ax relations for feldspars in the systems KAlSi3O8–NaAlSi3O8 and KAlSi3O8–NaAlSi3O8–CaAl2Si2O8, for carbonates in the system CaCO3–MgCO3, for melt in the melting relationships involving forsterite, protoenstatite and cristobalite in the system Mg2SiO4–SiO2, as well as for fluids in the system H2O–CO2. In each case the ax relations allow the corresponding, experimentally determined phase diagrams to be reproduced faithfully. The asymmetric formalism provides a powerful and flexible way of handling ax relations of complex phases in multicomponent systems for petrological calculations.  相似文献   
Density measurements on nine liquids in the CaCO3–Li2CO3–Na2CO3–K2CO3 quaternary system were performed at 1 bar between 555 and 969 °C using the double-bob Archimedean method. Our density data on the end-member alkali carbonate liquids are in excellent agreement with the NIST standards compiled by Janz (1992). The results were fitted to a volume equation that is linear in composition and temperature; this model recovers the measured volumes within experimental error (±0.18% on average, with a maximum residual of ±0.50%). Our results indicate that the density of the CaCO3 component in natrocarbonate liquids is 2.502 (±0.014) g/cm3 at 800 °C and 1 bar, which is within the range of silicate melts; its coefficient of thermal expansion is 1.8 (±0.5)×10–4 K–1 at 800 °C. Although the volumes of carbonate liquids mix linearly with respect to carbonate components, they do not mix linearly with silicate liquids. Our data are used with those in the literature to estimate the value of in alkaline silicate magmas (20 cm3/mol at 1400 °C and 20 kbar), where CO2 is dissolved as carbonate in close association with Ca. Our volume measurements are combined with sound speed data in the literature to derive the compressibility of the end-member liquids Li2CO3, Na2CO3, and K2CO3. These results are combined with calorimetric data to calculate the fusion curves for Li2CO3, Na2CO3, and K2CO3 to 5 kbar; the calculations are in excellent agreement with experimental determinations of the respective melting reactions.Editorial responsibility: I Carmichael  相似文献   
Sized aggregates of glasses (47–84 wt% SiO2) were fused from igneous-derived cohesive fault rock and igneous rock, and step-heated from ~400 to >1,200 °C to obtain their 39Ar diffusion properties (average E=33,400 cal mol?1; D o=4.63×10?3 cm2 s?1). At T<~1,000 °C, glasses containing <~69 wt% SiO2 and abundant network-forming cations (Ca, Fe, Mg) reveal moderate to strong non-linear increases in D and E, reflecting structural modifications as the solid transitions to melt. Extrapolation of these Arrhenius properties down to typical geologic T-t conditions could result in a 1.5 log10 unit underestimation in the diffusion rate of Ar in similar materials. Numerical simulations based upon the diffusion results caution that some common geologic glasses will likely yield 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages rather than formation ages. However, if cooling rates are sufficiently high, ambient temperatures are sufficiently low (e.g., <65–175 °C), and coarse particles (e.g., radius (r) >~1 mm) are analyzed, glasses with compositions similar to ours may preserve their formation ages.  相似文献   
In this paper, the dynamic stress concentration and scattering of SH-waves by bi-naterial structures that possess an interface elliptic cavity are investigated. First, by using the complex function method, the Green‘s function is constructed. This yields the solution of the displacement field for an elastic half space with a semi-elliptic canyon impacted by an anti-plane harmonic line source loading on the horizontal surface. Then, the problem is divided into an upper and lower half space along the horizontal interface, regarded as a harmony model. In order to satisfythe integral continuity condition,the unknown anti-plane forces are applied to the interface. The integral equations with unknown forces can be established through the continuity condition, and after transformation, the algebraic equations are solved numerically. Finally, the distribution of the dynamic stress concentration factor (DSCF) around the elliptic cavity is given and the effect of different parameters on DSCF is discussed.  相似文献   
Development and testing of a serially multiplexed fiber optic sensor system is described. The sensor differs from conventional fiber optic acoustic systems, as it is capable of sensing AE emissions at several points along the length of a single fiber. Multiplexing provides for single channel detection of cracks and their locations in large structural systems. An algorithm was developed for signal recognition and tagging of the AE waveforms for detection of crack locations. Laboratory experiments on plain concrete beams and post-tensioned FRP tendons were performed to evaluate the crack detection capability of the sensor system. The acoustic emission sensor was able to detect initiation, growth and location of the cracks in concrete as well as in the FRP tendons. The AE system is potentially suitable for applications involving health monitoring of structures following an earthquake Supported by: National Science Foundation, Grant number CMS-9900338  相似文献   
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