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The morphology of impact craters on the icy Galilean satellites differs from craters on rocky bodies. The differences are thought due to the relative weakness of ice and the possible presence of sub-surface water layers. Digital elevation models constructed from Galileo images were used to measure a range of dimensions of craters on the dark and bright terrains of Ganymede. Measurements were made from multiple profiles across each crater, so that natural variation in crater dimensions could be assessed and averaged scaling trends constructed. The additional depth, slope and volume information reported in this work has enabled study of central peak formation and development, and allowed a quantitative assessment of the various theories for central pit formation. We note a possible difference in the size-morphology progression between small craters on icy and silicate bodies, where central peaks occur in small craters before there is any slumping of the crater rim, which is the opposite to the observed sequence on the Moon. Conversely, our crater dimension analyses suggest that the size-morphology progression of large lunar craters from central peak to peak-ring is mirrored on Ganymede, but that the peak-ring is subsequently modified to a central pit morphology. Pit formation may occur via the collapse of surface material into a void left by the gradual release of impact-induced volatiles or the drainage of impact melt into sub-crater fractures.  相似文献   
Summary The 1986 GPS survey of Iceland aimed to: (1) establish geodetic control in the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ), to study destructive earthquakes there, (2) measure a country-wide network to form the basis of a new first order national network. 51 points were surveyed, with 20–30 km spacings within the SISZ and 100 km spacings elsewhere. The data were processed using the Bernese GPS software Version 3. Analysis was difficult due to poor satellite geometry and short-period ionospheric variations. However, an ambiguity-fixed, ionosphere-free solution gave accuracies of 1–2 cm in the horizontal and 2–3 cm in the vertical for the SISZ network and an ambiguity-free, ionosphere-free solution yielded accuracies of about 5 cm for the country-wide network. An ionosphere-free solution for the total survey with ambiguities fixed for the SISZ network only gave marginal additional improvements over the two separate solutions. GPS surveying has continued annually in Iceland with measurements in South Iceland in 1989 and 1992 (Hackman 1991; Sigmundsson 1992) and in North Iceland in 1987, 1990 and 1992 (Jahn et al. 1992; Foulger et al. 1992).  相似文献   
At the junction of the Atlantic and Arctic margins, the crustal‐scale Keisarhjelmen detachment of north‐west Svalbard records previously unrecognised magnitudes of extension. The detachment separates a corrugated metamorphic core complex in the footwall from a mantling Devonian supradetachment basin in the hangingwall. The detachment has a top‐N displacement of more than 50 km, which is aligned with the map‐scale corrugations, and an upwards ductile to brittle transition with shear related footwall retrogression. This configuration has striking similarities to extensional collapse detachments in the paired Scandinavian–Greenland Caledonides, but orientation and position link the detachment with the Ellesmerian orogen.  相似文献   
The refractive indices of graphite, silicate and iron, which are believed to be candidates for interstellar dust grains, are shown to exhibit large experimental uncertainties. The Mie scattering theory has been used to demonstrate how errors in the refractive indices are manifested in the extinction curves for small spheres in the wavelength range from 0.1 μm to 2 μm. It is found that the transmitted errors in the extinction curves are wavelength dependent: for graphite, significant errors occur in the far ultraviolet part of the extinction curve; for silicates, in the near ultraviolet; while for iron the error is relatively small in the wavelength range considered.  相似文献   
The abundances of 22 elements have been determined in the recently fallen Murchison and Lost City meteorites. Analyses were performed by 14-MeV neutron activation, thermal neutron activation, and in a few cases by wet chemical techniques. On the basis of these data the composition of the Murchison chondrite is intermediate between previously reported analyses of Type II and Type III carbonaceous chondrites. The data for the Lost City chondrite in general agree well with mean values reported for H-group ordinary chondrites. The low oxygen content of the Lost City chondrite suggests that previously reported oxygen abundances in H-group falls may be too high due to oxidation in storage or weathering prior to collection  相似文献   
J.S. Morgan 《Icarus》1985,63(2):243-265
Three-dimensional models of the Io torus are employed to analyze the spectroscopic data reported by J.S. Morgan (1985, Icarus62, 389–414). These models are used to compare Morgan's ground-based spectroscopic data with R.J. Oliversen's (1983, The Io Plasma Torus: Its Structure and Sulfur Emission Spectra. Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison) nearly simultaneous [SII] images and with the in situ measurements made by Voyager 1. The models are also used to investigate whether the observed [SII] longitudinal intensity variations were caused by intrinsic or geometric effects, and to test the hypothesis that the observed optical east-west variations are consistent with the convective motions suggested by D.D. Barbosa and M.G. Kivelson (1983, Geophys. Res. Lett.10, 210–213) and W.-H. Ip and C. K. Goertz (1983, Nature302, 232–233). Oliversen's images are found to be in good agreement with Morgan's spectroscopic measurements. Three significant differences exist between these data and the torus described in the Voyager 1 experiments: (1) the torus beyond ~5.7RJ was found to be at least 1.5 to 2 times denser in 1981 than at the time of the Voyager 1 measurements in 1979, (2) the outer torus SII ion temperatures were approximately two times cooler than those measured by Voyager 1, and (3) in 1981, the outer torus OII mixing ratios were lower than were suggested by the Voyager 1 experiments. The 1981 ground-based OII/SII intensity ratios are found to be consistent with a radial peak near 6.0RJ in the ratio of oxygen to sulfur. At its maximum this ratio is ~2, and it falls to ~1 within ~0.5RJ inside and outside of this radius. Viewing geometry variations were found to be inadequate to account for the longitudinal variations observed by Morgan (1984). Intrinsic longitudinal intensity changes of about a factor of 2 are required to match the 1981 observations. Convective motions were found to adequately explain the observed optical east-west intensity asymmetry, but problems in interpreting the [OII] doublet line ratios still remain. It is suggested that systematic errors are present in the measurements of the [OII] line ratios.  相似文献   
Five carbonaceous chondrites (Renazzo C2V, Allende C3V, Omans C3O, Warrenton C3O, and Orgueil Cl) were analyzed by radiochemical neutron activation analysis for Ag, Au, Bi, Br, Cd, Cs. Ge, In, Ir, Ni, Os, Pd, Rb, Re, Sb, Se, Te, Tl, U and Zn. These data, together with earlier measurements on seven additional C3 s, are interpreted in the light of pétrographie studies by MCSWEEN (1977a, b) and revised condensation temperatures (WAI and Wasson, 1977). Elements condensing between ~ 700 and 420 K (Se, Zn, S, Te, Br, In, Bi, Tl) are systematically more depleted than those condensing between 1000 and 900 K (Ge, Ag, Rb), by factors of 1.3 to 2, and the depletion correlates inversely with matrix content and directly with degree of metamorphism. The most plausible explanation appears to be a gas-dust fractionation during condensation, by settling of dust to the median plane of the nebula. In this model, gas/dust ratios relative to the cosmic ratio ranged from 0.7 at 1000 K to 0.5 at 700 K for those C3O s that accreted first (Ornans, Warrenton) and from 1.3 to 0.6 for the last (Kainsaz). There appears to have been no further gas/dust fractionation below 700 K.Abundances of Sb, Au and Cd follow earlier trends. Depletion of Sb and Au correlates with abundance of Fe-poor olivine and seems to reflect greater volatilization upon more prolonged or intense heating during chondrule formation. The 50–100-fold depletion of Cd in C3Os compared to C3Vs suggests condensation in a region where enough Fe was present to buffer the H2S pressure.  相似文献   
The bulk composition of the Moon was determined by the conditions in the solar nebula during its formation, and may be quantitatively estimated from the premise that the terrestrial planets were formed by cosmochemical processes similar to those recorded in the chondrites. The calculations are based on the Ganapathy-Anders 7-component model using trace element indicators, but incorportate improved geophysical data and petrological constraints.A model Moon with 40 ppb U, a core 2% by weight (1.8% metal with 35% Ni and 0.2% FeS) and Mg/(Fe2++Mg)0.75 meets the trace element restrictions, and has acceptable density, heat flow and moment of inertia ratio. The high Ni content of the core permits low-Ti mare basalts to equilibrate with metal, yet still retain substantial Ni. The silicate resembles the Taylor-Jake composition (and in some respects the waif Ganapathy-Anders Model 2a), but has lower SiO2.Minor modifications of the model composition (U=30–35 ppb) yield a 50% melt approximating Apollo 15 green glass and a residuum of olivine plus 3 to 4% spinel; the low SiO2, favors spinel formation, and, contrary to expectation, Cr is not depleted in the liquid. There may no longer be any inconsistency between the cosmochemical approach and arguments based on experimental petrology.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978.Unless otherwise stated, this ratio refers to themolar ratio throughout this paper.  相似文献   
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