Plant macrofossils from 33 rodent middens sampled at three sites between 2910 and 3150 m elevation in the main canyon of the Río Salado, northern Chile, yield a unique record of vegetation and climate over the past 22,000 cal yr BP. Presence of low-elevation Prepuna taxa throughout the record suggests that mean annual temperature never cooled by more than 5°C and may have been near-modern at 16,270 cal yr BP. Displacements in the lower limits of Andean steppe and Puna taxa indicate that mean annual rainfall was twice modern at 17,520–16,270 cal yr BP. This pluvial event coincides with infilling of paleolake Tauca on the Bolivian Altiplano, increased ENSO activity inferred from a marine core near Lima, abrupt deglaciation in southern Chile, and Heinrich Event 1. Moderate to large increases in precipitation also occurred at 11,770–9550 (Central Atacama Pluvial Event), 7330–6720, 3490–2320 and at 800 cal yr BP. Desiccation occurred at 14,180, 8910–8640, and 4865 cal yr BP. Compared to other midden sites in the region, early Holocene desiccation seems to have happened progressively earlier farther south. Emerging trends from the cumulative midden record in the central Atacama agree at millennial timescales with improved paleolake chronologies for the Bolivian Altiplano, implying common forcing through changes in equatorial Pacific sea-surface temperature gradients. 相似文献
One solution to the integration of additional characteristics, for example, time and scale, into GIS data sets is to model them as extra geometric dimensions perpendicular to the spatial ones, creating a higher-dimensional model. While this approach has been previously described and advocated, it is scarcely used in practice because of a lack of high-level construction algorithms and accompanying implementations. We present in this paper a dimension-independent extrusion algorithm permitting us to construct from any (n–1)-dimensional linear cell complex represented as a generalised map, an n-dimensional one by assigning to each (n–1)-cell one or more intervals where it exists along the nth dimension. We have implemented the algorithm in C++11 using CGAL, made the source code publicly available and tested it in experiments using real-world 2D GIS data sets which were extruded to construct up to 5D models. 相似文献
Sedimentary basins of arid and semiarid zones are often subject to regimes of intense ground-water withdrawal as it is normally the only source of water for development of communities. An associated phenomenon is land subsidence, which can develop to ground failures, and consequently, damage to infrastructure. Aquifer deformation can be analyzed using a stress–strain or a flux–force approach depending on the aquifer material (compact or loose) and on whether the water withdrawal forms a predominant flow direction toward a cone of depression. Geometry of the aquifer system also plays an important role as uneven thickness induces differential compaction and hence, tensional and shear stresses on the ground mass. In this work we present a stress–strain approach to analyze subsidence for an unconfined aquifer of varying thickness; this is done in two steps, namely when the aquifer is in equilibrium, and when it is totally depleted. Using this scheme in a region where ground failure is evident, a portion of the aquifer system of the Querétaro valley is analyzed. The geometry of the hydrologic basement is first modeled using gravity measurements properly correlated with wells and field data. Then a stress analysis is implemented using the finite element method in order to identify probable zones of ground weakness, which are calibrated with known ground failures. The results indicate that both, tensional and shear stress are present, which induce ground failure in the form of surface faults. 相似文献
In granular soils grain crushing reduces dilatancy and stress obliquity enhances crushability. These are well-supported specimen-scale experimental observations. In principle, those observations should reflect some peculiar micromechanism associated with crushing, but which is it? To answer that question the nature of crushing-induced particle-scale interactions is here investigated using an efficient DEM model of crushable soil. Microstructural measures such as the mechanical coordination number and fabric are examined while performing systematic stress probing on the triaxial plane. Numerical techniques such as parallel and the newly introduced sequential probing enable clear separation of the micromechanical mechanisms associated with crushing. Particle crushing is shown to reduce fabric anisotropy during incremental loading and to slow fabric change during continuous shearing. On the other hand, increased fabric anisotropy does take more particles closer to breakage. Shear-enhanced breakage appears then to be a natural consequence of shear-enhanced fabric anisotropy. The particle crushing model employed here makes crushing dependent only on particle and contact properties, without any pre-established influence of particle connectivity. That influence does not emerge, and it is shown how particle connectivity, per se, is not a good indicator of crushing likelihood.
Summary This investigation is based on records of 96 earthquakes withPa andSa written by the Press-Ewing instruments at Uppsala in the interval June 1961–December 1962.Pa andSa waves are observed for all earthquake regions, irrespective of distance, focal depth or path properties. They have significantly higher velocities under continents than under oceans, which demonstrates corresponding differences in the upper mantle. Continental velocities are 8.35 km/sec (Pa) and 4.56 km/sec (Sa), oceanic velocities 8.01 km/sec (Pa) and 4.45 km/sec (Sa). The most frequent periods are 10 sec (Pa) and 20 sec (Sa). They are independent of distance forPa but increase with distance forSa. The best developedPa andSa are obtained for earthquakes at focal depths less than about 60 km. The particle motion ofSa may be anything from pureSV to pureSH motion and has high correlation to the particle motion ofS. The apparent angles of emergence (in average 51° forPa and 54° forSa) vary with distance. On the basis of our observations it is suggested thatPa andSa propagate by multiple reflections under grazing incidence under the Moho discontinuity.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Untersuchung gründet sich auf die Registrierungen von 96 Erdbeben mitPa- undSa-Wellen, die mit Hilfe der Press-Ewing Instrumente zu Uppsala im Zeitraum Juli 1961–Dezember 1962 aufgenommen wurden. DiePa- undSa-Wellen sind für alle seismischen Regionen beobachtet worden, unabhängig von Entfernung, Herdtiefe oder Wellenweg. Sie haben bedeutend höhere Geschwindigkeiten unter den Kontinenten als unter den Ozeanen, was einen entsprechenden Unterschied im oberen Erdmantel beweist. Die kontinentalen Geschwindigkeiten betragen 8.35 km/sec (Pa) und 4.56 km/sec (Sa), die ozeanischen Geschwindigkeiten 8.01 km/sec (Pa) und 4.45 km/sec (Sa). Die am häufigsten vorkommenden Perioden betragen 10 sec (Pa) und 20 sec (Sa). Sie sind unabhängig von der Entfernung fürPa aber wachsen mit der Entfernung fürSa. Die am besten entwickeltenPa- undSa-Wellen werden für Erdbeben mit kleinerer Herdtiefe als rund 60 km beobachtet. FürSa wird jede beliebige Orbitalbewegung zwischenSV undSH beobachtet. Sie hat eine hohe Korrelation mit der Orbitalbewegung vonS. Die scheinbaren Emergenzwinkel (durchschnittlich 51° fürPa und 54° fürSa) variieren mit der Entfernung. Auf Grund unserer Beobachtungen wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass sich diePa-undSa-Wellen durch Mehrfachreflexionen, bei tangentialem Einfall, unter der Moho-Diskontinuität ausbreiten.
Resumen La presente investigación está basada en los sismogramas de 96 terremotos, que muestranPa ySa, registrados por los sismógrafos de Uppsala (Press-Ewing), durante el periodo Junio 1961 a Diciembre 1962. Las fasesPa ySa se observan en todas las regiones sismicas, independientemente de la distancia, de la profundidad focal ó de las propiedades de la trayectoria. Tienen velocidades significativamente mayores bajo continentes que bajo los océanos, lo que demuestra la existencia de diferencias en el manto superior. Las velocidades continentales son 8.35 km/seg (Pa) y 4.56 km/seg (Sa) y las oceánicas 8.01 km/seg (Pa) y 4.45 km/seg (Sa). Los periodos mas frecuentes son 10 segundos paraPa y 20 segundos paraSa. Tales periodos son independientes de la distancia en el caso dePa pero crecen con ella paraSa. Las fasesPa ySa mejor desarrolladas se obtienen para terremotos cuya profundidad focal es inferior a los 60 kilómetros. El movimiento de la particula del suelo debido aSa puede ser de cualquier tipo, desde puroSV a puroSH, y muestra gran correlación con el movimiento de la particula deS. Los ángulos de emergencia aparentes (de promedio 51° paraPa y 54° paraSa) varian con la distancia. Basándonos en nuestras observaciones sugerimos quePa ySa se propagan por reflexión múltiple, bajo incidencia rozante bajo la discontinuidad de Mohorovii.
The Gibbs sampler is an iterative algorithm used to simulate Gaussian random vectors subject to inequality constraints. This algorithm relies on the fact that the distribution of a vector component conditioned by the other components is Gaussian, the mean and variance of which are obtained by solving a kriging system. If the number of components is large, kriging is usually applied with a moving search neighborhood, but this practice can make the simulated vector not reproduce the target correlation matrix. To avoid these problems, variations of the Gibbs sampler are presented. The conditioning to inequality constraints on the vector components can be achieved by simulated annealing or by restricting the transition matrix of the iterative algorithm. Numerical experiments indicate that both approaches provide realizations that reproduce the correlation matrix of the Gaussian random vector, but some conditioning constraints may not be satisfied when using simulated annealing. On the contrary, the restriction of the transition matrix manages to satisfy all the constraints, although at the cost of a large number of iterations. 相似文献
Transition from subduction of normal to thickened oceanic crust occurs in the central portion of the Costa Rican margin, where large interplate earthquakes (M ~ 7) and abundant interseismic seismicity have been associated with subduction of bathymetric highs. We relocated ~1,300 earthquakes recorded for 6 months by a combined on- and offshore seismological network using probabilistic earthquake relocation in a 3D P-wave velocity model. Most of the seismicity originated at the seismogenic zone of the plate boundary, appearing as an 18° dipping, planar cluster from 15 to 25–30 km depth, beneath the continental shelf. Several reverse focal mechanisms were resolved within the cluster. The upper limit of this interseismic interplate seismicity seems to be controlled primarily by the overlying-plate thickness and coherency, which in turn is governed by the erosional processes and fluid release and escape at temperatures lower than ~100 to 120 °C along the plate boundary. The downdip limit of the stick–slip behaviour collocates with relative low temperatures of ~150 to 200 °C, suggesting that it is controlled by serpentinization of the mantle wedge. The distribution of the interseismic interplate seismicity is locally modified by the presence of subducted seamounts at different depths. Unlike in northern Costa Rica, rupture of large earthquakes in the last two decades seems to coincide with the area defined by the interseismic interplate seismicity. 相似文献