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The South-East Asian region experienced a haze episode in 1994 which was widely believed to be due to widespread forest fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan (Indonesia). Broadband measurements of the surface level solar ultraviolet-B, UV-A and Global radiation at Penang (Malaysia) are used to study the effect of the 1994 haze on effective UV-B irradiance. We find that during the haze episode, there is enhanced absorption of surface level UV-B radiation. The effect of haze on UV-A and Global radiation is much less. The reduction in absolute noon time UV-B irradiance (mostly cloud free) during the 1994 haze period was 23% relative to the UV-B irradiance during thecorresponding haze-free period in 1995. Even though the noon time radiation data minimizes the cloud effect in the results presented some cloud effect is still present.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - The present work focuses on using remote sensing techniques and geographical information system (GIS) to automatically extract lineaments in the southeast of Morocco, which is one...  相似文献   
The authors presented indoor practice experiments of parameters affect on foaming and foam stability. Experiments were carried out and special equipments were used to determine foaming and foam stability; tests were tabulated and charted. The effects of chemical and physical parameters on foaming and foam stability have been conducted.  相似文献   
Traditional numerical methods for the delineation of wellhead protection areas span deterministic and probabilistic approaches. They provide time-related capture zones. However, none of the existing approaches identifies the groundwater contribution areas related to each source or sink. In this work, the worthiness of the so-called double delineation approach was extended. This task was achieved by simple postprocessing of its dual outputs leading to a highly efficient screening tool. In the particular context of geothermal resources management through the well doublets of the Dogger aquifer in the Paris Basin (France), the approach was extended to forecast the compositional heat breakthrough at production wells. Hence, cold-water breakthrough and temperature decline in production wells are timely assessed in low-enthalpy geothermal reservoirs. The method quantifies how groundwater volumes are moving through space and time between any couple of source and sink. It provides unprecedented tools advancing the enhanced understanding of water resources systems functioning. It is highly recommended to implement the presented concepts in the current and future generations of community groundwater models.  相似文献   
Cropland fallows are the next best-bet for intensification and extensification, leading to increased food production and adding to the nutritional basket. The agronomical suitability of these lands can decide the extent of usage of these lands. Myanmar’s agricultural land (over 13.8 Mha) has the potential to expand by another 50% into additional fallow areas. These areas may be used to grow short-duration pulses, which are economically important and nutritionally rich, and constitute the diets of millions of people as well as provide an important source of livestock feed throughout Asia. Intensifying rice fallows will not only improve the productivity of the land but also increase the income of the smallholder farmers. The enhanced cultivation of pulses will help improve nutritional security in Myanmar and also help conserve natural resources and reduce environmental degradation. The objectives of this study was to use remote sensing methods to identify croplands in Myanmar and cropland fallow areas in two important agro-ecological regions, delta and coastal region and the dry zone. The study used moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) 250-m, 16-day normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) maximum value composite (MVC), and land surface water index (LSWI) for one 1 year (1 June 2012–31 May 2013) along with seasonal field-plot level information and spectral matching techniques to derive croplands versus cropland fallows for each of the three seasons: the monsoon period between June and October; winter period between November and February; and summer period between March and May. The study showed that Myanmar had total net cropland area (TNCA) of 13.8 Mha. Cropland fallows during the monsoon season account for a meagre 2.4% of TNCA. However, in the winter season, 56.5% of TNCA (or 7.8 Mha) were classified as cropland fallows and during the summer season, 82.7% of TNCA (11.4 Mha) were cropland fallows. The producer’s accuracy of the cropland fallow class varied between 92 and 98% (errors of omission of 2 to 8%) and user’s accuracy varied between 82 and 92% (errors of commission of 8 to 18%) for winter and summer, respectively. Overall, the study estimated 19.2 Mha cropland fallows from the two major seasons (winter and summer). Out of this, 10.08 Mha has sufficient moisture (either from rainfall or stored soil water content) to grow short-season pulse crops. This potential with an estimated income of US$ 300 per hectare, if exploited sustainably, is estimated to bring an additional net income of about US$ 1.5 billion to Myanmar per year if at least half (5.04 Mha) of the total cropland fallows (10.08 Mha) is covered with short season pulses.  相似文献   
The discrimination between potential source materials involved in the genesis of Iberian granites and granodiorites, as well as the role of mantle-crust interactions, are examined using constraints imposed by melting experiments, melting-assimilation experiments and Sr-Nd isotope systematics. The Sr-Nd isotope relationships indicate the existence of different genetic trends in which juvenile mantle materials are involved by different mechanisms: (1) a source trend, traced by a particular evolution of the pre-Hercynian basement and indicating mantle participation at the time of sedimentation; (2) a set of magmatic trends traced by gabbro-tonalite-enclave-granodiorite associations, implying the incorporation of new mantle material at the time of granite generation. These relationships strongly support a pure crustal origin for the peraluminous leucogranites, derived from partial melting of crustal protoliths, and a hybrid origin for the peraluminous granodiorites. These granodiorites are the most abundant granitic rocks of the Central Iberian zone (CIZ) of the Iberian massif, implying that processes of hybridisation by assimilation and/or magma mixing played an important role in granitoid production during the Hercynian orogeny. These hypotheses have been tested by means of melting and assimilation experiments. Melting experiments in the range 800–900 °C and at pressures of 3, 6, 10 and 15 kbar indicate that: (1) several potential source materials such as Bt-Ms gneisses and metagreywackes are suitable for the production of peraluminous leucogranite melts; (2) the melt compositions are always leucogranitic, regardless of pressure; (3) pressure exerts a strong influence on the fertility of the source: experiments at 3 kbar produce more than 20 vol% of melt, compared with less than 5 vol% of melt produced at 10 and 15 kbar and at the same temperature. The melting-assimilation experiments carried out at 1000 °C and 4, 7 and 10 kbar and using a proportion of 50% gabbro and 50% gneiss give high melt proportions (more than 50 vol.%) and noritic residues. These melts have the composition of leucogranodiorites, and overlap with part of the compositional range of peraluminous granodiorites of the Iberian massif. The generation of more mafic granodiorites may be explained by the incorporation of some residual orthopyroxene to the granodiorite magmas. The low solubility of Fe + Mg prevents the generation of granodiorite melts with more than 3 wt% of MgO + FeO at all crustal pressures. The large volumes of peraluminous, hybrid granodiorites, produced by assimilation of crustal rocks by mantle magmas, imply that an important episode of crustal growth took place during the Late-Palaeozoic Hercynian orogeny in the Iberian massif. Received: 30 June 1998 / Accepted: 27 November 1998  相似文献   
The concentrations of rubidium and strontium and the isotopic composition of strontium have been determined in minerals separated from ultramaflc nodules occurring in late Tertiary and Quaternary basalts of wide geographic distribution. Clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and olivine from each of three Iherzolite nodules show a relatively wide range of 87Sr/86Sr disequilibrium and none of the minerals is in isotopic equilibrium with its host basalt. In two cases there is a correlation between 87Sr/86Sr and 87Rb/86Sr ratios of the nodule minerals, indicating apparent isochron relationships which may represent relict mantle events. Clinopyroxene and olivine from each of two wehrlite nodules are not in isotopic equilibrium, although the magnitude of the disequilibrium is smaller than that observed in the Iherzolite nodules. None of these ultramafic nodules can be a crystal cumulate from its host basalt, and it is doubtful that any type of genetic relationship exists. The strontium isotopic disequilibrium between nodule minerals seems to be a primary feature inherited from past mantle histories.  相似文献   
Analysis of amplitude variation with offset is an essential step for reservoir characterization. For an accurate reservoir characterization, the amplitude obtained with an isotropic assumption of the reservoir must be corrected for the anisotropic effects. The objective is seismic anisotropic amplitude correction in an effective medium, and, to this end, values and signs of anisotropic parameter differences (Δδ and Δε) across the reflection interfaces are needed. These parameters can be identified by seismic and well log data. A new technique for anisotropic amplitude correction was developed to modify amplitude changes in seismic data in transversely isotropic media with a vertical axis of symmetry. The results show that characteristics of pre-stack seismic data, that is, amplitude variation with offset gradient, can be potentially related to the sign of anisotropic parameter differences (Δδ and Δε) between two layers of the reflection boundary. The proposed methodology is designed to attain a proper fit between modelled and observed amplitude variation with offset responses, after anisotropic correction, for all possible lithofacies at the reservoir boundary. We first estimate anisotropic parameters, that is, δ and ε, away from the wells through Backus averaging of elastic properties resulted from the first pass of isotropic pre-stack seismic inversion, on input data with no amplitude correction. Next, we estimate the anisotropic parameter differences at reflection interfaces (values and signs of Δδ and Δε). We then generate seismic angle gather data after anisotropic amplitude correction using Rüger's equation for the P-P reflection coefficient. The second pass of isotropic pre-stack seismic inversion is then performed on the amplitude-corrected data, and elastic properties are estimated. Final outcome demonstrates how introduced methodology helps to reduce the uncertainty of elastic property prediction. Pre-stack seismic inversion on amplitude-corrected seismic data results in more accurate elastic property prediction than what can be obtained from non-corrected data. Moreover, a new anisotropy attribute (ν) is presented for improvement of lithology identification.  相似文献   
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