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The aim of this study was to assess trace metal contamination of drinking water in the Pearl Valley, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (Pakistan). The objectives were to determine physical properties and the dissolved concentration of five trace metals, i. e., lead, copper, nickel, zinc, and manganese, in drinking water samples collected from various sites of municipal water supply, natural water springs and wells in the valley. Concentrations of the metals in the water samples were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Results showed physical parameters, i. e., appearance, taste and odor within acceptable limits and pH was between 5.5 and 7.0. The observed concentrations of the metals varied between sources of water samples and between sampling sites. Maximum dissolved concentration observed was 4.7 mg/L for Pb and Mn, 4.6 mg/L for Zn, 2.9 mg/L for Ni and 2.8 mg/L for Cu. The observed concentrations of the metals were compared with the World Health Organization's guideline values for drinking water. Overall, the quality of water samples taken from the water springs at Mutyal Mara and Bonjosa was good; however, the water quality was unsuitable for drinking in Kiraki, Kharick, and Pothi Bala localities particularly. Finally, the authors discuss possible causes for increased concentrations of the trace metals in drinking water in the study area.  相似文献   
Deposits of open‐framework gravel occurring in gravelly streambeds can exert a significant influence on hyporheic flow. The influence was quantified using a numerical model of the hyporheic zone. The model included open‐framework gravel stratasets represented with commonly observed characteristics including a volume fraction of about one‐third of the streambed sediment, a hydraulic conductivity two orders of magnitude greater than other strata present, and a spatial connectivity forming preferential‐flow pathways. The influence of open‐framework gravel stratasets on hyporheic flow was much greater than the influence of the channel morphology including meanders, point bars, dunes, and ripples. Seventy percent of the total hyporheic exchange occurred across 30% of the channel boundary at locations of open‐framework gravel stratasets. The maximum local interfacial flux rates occurred at these locations, and were orders of magnitude greater than those at other locations. The local flux rates varied by six orders of magnitude over the channel boundary. The composite flow rate through the model with open‐framework gravel stratsets was an order of magnitude greater than that through an equivalent but homogeneous model.  相似文献   
The character of convergence along the Arabian–Iranian plate boundary changes radically eastward from the Zagros ranges to the Makran region. This appears to be due to collision of continental crust in the west, in contrast to subduction of oceanic crust in the east. The Makran subduction zone with a length of about 900 km display progressively older and highly deformed sedimentary units northward from the coast, together with an increase in elevation of the ranges. North of the Makran ranges are large subsiding basins, flanked to the north by active volcanoes. Based on 2D seismic reflection data obtained in this study, the main structural provinces and elements in the Gulf of Oman include: (i) the structural elements on the northeastern part of the Arabian Plate and, (ii) the Offshore Makran Accretionary Complex. Based on detailed analysis of these data on the northeastern part of the Arabian Plate five structural provinces and elements—the Musendam High, the Musendam Peneplain, the Musendam Slope, the Dibba Zone, and the Abyssal Plain have been identified. Further, the Offshore Makran Accretionary Complex shown is to consist Accretionary Prism and the For-Arc Basin, while the Accretionary Prism has been subdivided into the Accretionary Wedge and the Accreted/Colored Mélange. Lastly, it is important to note that the Makran subduction zone lacks the trench. The identification of these structural elements should help in better understanding the seismicity of the Makran region in general and the subduction zone in particular. The 1945 magnitude 8.1 tsunamigenic earthquake of the Makran and some other historical events are illustrative of the coastal region’s vulnerability to future tsunami in the area, and such data should be of value to the developing Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System.  相似文献   
The goal of this study is to investigate the uncertainty of an urban sewer system’s response under various rainfall and infrastructure scenarios by applying a recently developed nonparametric copula-based simulation approach to extreme rainfall fields. The approach allows for Monte Carlo simulation of multiple variables with differing marginal distributions and arbitrary dependence structure. The independent and identically distributed daily extreme rainfall events of the corresponding urban area, extracted from nationwide high resolution radar data stage IV, are the inputs of the spatial simulator. The simulated extreme rainfall fields were used to calculate excess runoff using the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s approach. New York City is selected as a case study and the results highlight the importance of preserving the spatial dependence of rainfall fields between the grids, even for simplified hydrologic models. This study estimates the probability of combined sewer overflows under extreme rainfall events and identifies the most effective locations in New York City to install green infrastructure for detaining excess stormwater runoff. The results of this study are beneficial for planners working on stormwater management and the approach is broadly applicable because it does not rely on extensive sewer system information.  相似文献   
An intrresting variation on the familiar method of determining the earth's equatorial radius ae, from a knowledge of the earth's equatorial gravity is suggested. The value of equatorial radius thus found is 6378,142±5 meters. The associated parameters are GM=3.986005±.000004 × 1020 cm3 sec-−2 which excludes the relative mass of atmosphere ≅10−6 ξ GM, the equatorial gravity γe 978,030.9 milligals (constrained in this solution by the Potsdam Correction of 13.67 milligals as the Potsdam Correction is more directly, orless indirectly, measurable than the equatorial gravity) and an ellipsoidal flattening of f=1/298.255.  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate a linear regression time series model of possibly outlier-afflicted observations and autocorrelated random deviations. This colored noise is represented by a covariance-stationary autoregressive (AR) process, in which the independent error components follow a scaled (Student’s) t-distribution. This error model allows for the stochastic modeling of multiple outliers and for an adaptive robust maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of the unknown regression and AR coefficients, the scale parameter, and the degree of freedom of the t-distribution. This approach is meant to be an extension of known estimators, which tend to focus only on the regression model, or on the AR error model, or on normally distributed errors. For the purpose of ML estimation, we derive an expectation conditional maximization either algorithm, which leads to an easy-to-implement version of iteratively reweighted least squares. The estimation performance of the algorithm is evaluated via Monte Carlo simulations for a Fourier as well as a spline model in connection with AR colored noise models of different orders and with three different sampling distributions generating the white noise components. We apply the algorithm to a vibration dataset recorded by a high-accuracy, single-axis accelerometer, focusing on the evaluation of the estimated AR colored noise model.  相似文献   
Sustainable development is a vital and challenging factor for managing urban growth smartly. This factor contains three main components, namely economic growth, ecological protection and social justice. Green Transit-Oriented Development (GTOD) is a consummate planning approach in line with those components. Implementation of GTOD in an urban area is underpinned by its quantification. Therefore, a quantitative spatial index based on several indicators related to TOD and Green urbanism concepts should be developed. In this study, Geo-spatial Information Science and hierarchical fuzzy inference system (HFIS) were employed to calculate the indicators and aggregate them, respectively. In order to showcase the feasibility of the proposed method, it was implemented in a case study area in the City of Tehran, Iran. The result of this method is an integrated spatial GTOD index, which measures the neighbourhoods’ GTOD levels. These measurements specify weaknesses and strengths of neighbourhoods’ factors. Therefore, this index helps decision-makers to plan neighbourhoods based on land use and public transit views. Additionally, the HFIS method helps decision-makers to consider criteria and indicators with their inherent uncertainties and aggregate them with much fewer rules. For evaluating the results, the developed GTOD index was assessed with municipal action planning and attraction maps. According to the outcomes of the assessment, it is concluded that the proposed method is adequately robust and efficient for smart and sustainable urban planning.  相似文献   
Generalization and spatial contextual awareness are prevalent concepts in geographic information systems. This study adopted a context-dependent user-centred network generalization method to create a sub-network for optimal route finding. The results show an increase in the number of preferred traversed edges. A route presentation approach is suggested that is based on cognitively engineered user-oriented abstraction of street network. Successive abstractions hierarchize the street network to create a hierarchical presentation structure. The route is projected onto one level in the structure. Then, instead of showing the exact route, the network Voronoi regions represented by the projected route are shown. Experience indicates that the suggested method is an efficient way of route presentation for a hierarchical regionalized structure of a human cognitive map.  相似文献   
The scaled boundary finite‐element method (SBFEM), a novel semi‐analytical technique, is applied to the analysis of the confined and unconfined seepage flow. This method combines the advantages of the finite‐element method and the boundary element method. In this method, only the boundary of the domain is discretized; no fundamental solution is required, and singularity problems can be modeled rigorously. Anisotropic and nonhomogeneous materials satisfying similarity are modeled without additional efforts. In this paper, SBFE equations and solution procedures for the analysis of seepage flow are outlined. The accuracy of the proposed method in modeling singularity problems is demonstrated by analyzing seepage flow under a concrete dam with a cutoff at heel. As only the boundary is discretized, the variable mesh technique is advisable for modeling unconfined seepage analyses. The accuracy, effectiveness, and efficiency of the method are demonstrated by modeling several unconfined seepage flow problems. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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