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Abstract: The Antique ophiolite, located in Panay island (west‐central Philippines), corresponds to several tectonic slices within the suture zone between the Philippine Mobile Belt (PMB) and the North Palawan Block (NPB). It includes dismembered fragments of a basaltic sequence, dominantly pillow‐lavas with minor sheet flows, rare exposures of sheeted dikes, isotropic gabbros, subordinate layered mafic and ultramafic rock sequences and serpentinites. Most of the ophiolite units commonly occur as clasts and blocks within the serpentinites, which intrude the whole ophiolitic body, as well as, the basal conglomerate of the overlying Middle Miocene sedimentary formation. The volcanic rock sequence is characterized by chemical compositions ranging from transitional (T)‐MORB, normal (N)‐MORB and to chemistry intermediate between those of MORB and island arc basalt (IAB). The residual upper mantle sequence is harzburgitic and generally more depleted than the upper mantle underlying modern mid‐oceanic ridges. Calculations using whole‐rock and mineral compositions show that they can represent the residue of a fertile mantle source, which have undergone degrees of partial melting ranging from 9‐22.5 %. Some of the mantle samples display chondrite‐nor‐malized REE and extended multi‐element patterns suggesting enrichments in LREE, Rb, Sr and Zr, which are comparable to those found in fore‐arc peridotites from the Izu‐Bonin‐Mariana (IBM) arc system. The Antique ultramafic rocks also record relatively oxidizing mantle conditions (Δlog fO2 (FMQ)=0.9‐3.5). As a whole, the ophiolite probably represents an agglomeration of oceanic ridge and fore‐arc crust fragments, which were juxtaposed during the Miocene collision of the PMB and the NPB. The intrusion of the serpentinites might be either coeval or subsequent to the accretion of the oceanic crust onto the fore‐arc. Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits occur either in or near the contact between the pillow basalts and the overlying sediments or interbedded with the sediments. The morphology of the deposits, type of metals, ore texture and the nature of the host rocks suggest that the formation of the VMS bodies was similar to the accumulation of metals around and in the subsurface of hydrothermal vents observed in modern mid‐oceanic ridge and back‐arc basin rift settings. The podiform chromitites occur as pods and subordinate layers within totally serpentinized dunite in the residual upper mantle sequence. No large coherent chromitite deposit was found since the host dunitic rocks often occur as blocks within the serpentinites. It is difficult to evaluate the original geodynamic setting of the mineralized bodies since the chemistry of the host rocks were considerably modified by alteration during their tectonic emplacement. A preliminary conclusion for Antique is that the VMS is apparently associated with a primitive tholeiitic intermediate MORB‐IAB volcanic suite, the chemistry of which is close to the calculated composition of the liquid that coexisted with the podiform chromitites.  相似文献   
Santiago de Chile is a big city with huge air quality problems, being one of the most polluted cities in the world. This is aggravated during winter by the topography and meteorological conditions of the city. Although public policies have been developed to minimise the atmospheric aerosol pollution, there is a lack of adequate knowledge and poor characterisation of these aerosols (in its PM2.5 and PM10 fractions). In this study we sampled atmospheric particles during winter in two distinct areas of Santiago: downtown (Teatinos Street) and in a more residential area (Macul). Major (Si, Al, Fe, Ca and K) and some trace element (S, Cl, Ti, P, Cr, Cu and Zn) compositions were obtained by proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE). Morphological, type and chemical characterisation was also performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with an energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis system (SEM–EDX). Besides the carbon particles, the contribution of which can be quite important in the atmospheric aerosol, especially in downtown, unambiguously lithogenic (i.e. of geological origin) particles and elements are the second highest contributors. Enrichment factor calculation, together with particle identification and element correlation allow the origin of some elements and particles to be traced, revealing anthropogenic origins for some of them that are specific to the Santiago area.  相似文献   
Abstract. The oceanic basement of the Central Philippines is exposed in ophiolitic massifs the age and origin of which remain debated. The Tacloban Ophiolite Complex (TOC) outcrops as a NW-SE trending massif in the northeastern portion of Leyte Island, Central Philippines. It is unconformably overlain by sedimentary sequences dated to Late Miocene-Pliocene and Pleistocene volcaniclastic deposits on its eastern and western flanks, respectively. Field, petrographic and trace element data suggest a subduction-related origin for this ophiolite. Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb dating of zircons from a gabbro yielded Early Cretaceous magmatic age for the TOC, which is very much older than a previously reported whole rock K-Ar derived Eocene age. The Early Cretaceous age of the TOC limits its possible progenitor to the proto-Philippine Sea Plate. Correlation with other Cretaceous ophiolites in Central Philippines reveals the possible extent of the proto-Philippine Sea Plate remnants now exposed onland.  相似文献   
The Meseta Chile Chico (MCC, 46.4°S) is the westernmost exposure of Eocene (lower basaltic sequence, LBS; 55–40 Ma, K–Ar ages) and Mio–Pliocene (upper basaltic sequence, UBS; 16–4 Ma, K–Ar ages) flood basalt volcanism in Patagonia. The MCC is located south of the Lago General Carrera-Buenos Aires (LGCBA), southeast from the present day Chile Triple Junction (CTJ), east of the actual volcanic gap between Southern South Volcanic Zone and Austral Volcanic Zone (SSVZ and AVZ, respectively) and just above the inferred location of the South Chile Ridge segment subducted at 6 Ma (SCR-1). Erupted products consist of mainly ne-normative olivine basalt with minor hy-normative tholeiites basalt, trachybasalt and basanite. MCC lavas are alkaline (42.7–53.1 wt.% SiO2, 3–8 wt.% Na2O+K2O) and relatively primitive (Ni: 133–360 ppm, Cr: 161–193 ppm, Co: 35–72 ppm, 4–16.5 MgO wt.%). They have a marked OIB-like signature, as shown by their isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sro=0.70311–0.70414 and εNd=+4.7–+5.1) and their incompatible trace elements ratios (Ba/La=10–20, La/Nb=0.46–1.09, Ce/Pb=15.52–27.5, Sr/La<25), reflecting deep mantle origin. UBS-primitive lavas have characteristics similar to those of the Eocene LBS basalts, while UBS-intermediate lavas show geochemical imprints (La/Nb>1, Sr/La>25, low Ce/Pb, Nb/U) compatible with contamination by arc/slab-derived and/or crustal components. We propose that the genesis and extrusion of magmas is related to the opening of two slab windows due to the subduction of two active ridge segments beneath Patagonia during Eocene and Mio–Pliocene.  相似文献   
Washing technologies are currently applied for the remediation of contaminated soils. The efficiency of biosurfactants produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains to mobilize some hydrocarbons sorbed on soils has already been demonstrated. However, few studies have been made to define optimal procedures for the injection of these rhamnolipids in soil. This study examines (1) the efficiency of the biosurfactants produced by P. aeruginosa UG2 to mobilize pyrene from a contaminated sandy loam as compared to that of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS); (2) the injection procedures (surfactant concentration, pore water velocity, continuous or interrupted flow) that might affect the efficiency of pyrene mobilization using UG2 biosurfactants; and (3) the co-transport of UG2 biosurfactants and pyrene. The UG2 biosurfactants were more efficient for pyrene mobilization than SDS and had much less impact on soil. The mobilization of pyrene was approximately proportional to the mass of UG2 biosurfactants injected for both the 0.25% and the 0.50% (w/v) concentrations used. Pyrene mobilization was not greatly dependent on either the pore water velocity—about 5.9 and 10.2 inch/h (15 and 26 cm/h)—or the duration of flow interruption (5 or 15 h), suggesting that mobilization was not rate limited under these conditions. The rhamnolipids appeared to be weakly retained in the soil. Based on the experimental results, it would be advantageous to use a high UG2 biosurfactant concentration, a high pore water velocity, and possibly a flow interruption of more than 15 h in order to reduce the injected volume and the duration of the treatment required. The 0.25% UG2 biosurfactant concentration greatly enhanced pyrene transport and could facilitate contaminant recovery.  相似文献   
Continental extension is forming the Gulf of Corinth across the strike of earlier Alpine evolution. Here, we present the first deep reflection sections with pre-stack depth-migration processing across the deep basin of the Corinth active rift, which image structures unpredicted by current models. Resolving the infill as a pile of layers that are broken by faults allows one to follow their subsidence and deformation history. Variation among the profiles suggests that southern normal faults control the rift in a time progression from the east towards its western tip. On the central, Derveni-Itea transect, a 3-km widening of the basin accrued since the initiation of this control that is marked by an unconformity between the two main sedimentary units. This is estimated to have occurred 0.5-0.6 Myr ago, assuming the glacio-eustatic sea-level changes have controlled the stratigraphy of sediments deposited as a succession of layers on the subsiding hangingwall, as they did on the southern footwall in forming the famous flight of marine terraces of Corinth. A roll-over anticline and crestal collapse graben are diagnostic of the control by a normal fault of dip varying with depth. The deeper low-angle part of this bi-planar fault is indeed imaged as a reflector in the basement. The occurrence of the collapse with a breakaway at the steep southern basin-bounding fault of the hangingwall slab can be estimated 0.12-0.2 Myr ago, with a marked increase in extension rate that brought it to its present fastest value over 10 mm/yr. The low-angle part of the active fault might also have controlled earlier evolution upslope and in the basin. When compared with inferences from earthquake studies, this low-angle active fault may not appear to be seismogenic but may participate to the seismic cycle, possibly in a conditionally stable regime. Active faults seen as sea-bottom scarps merely accommodate deformation of its subsiding hangingwall. The footwall of the low-angle faults, which current seismicity shows to be in extension, appears then as being pulled out from beneath the rift, in a motion towards the rolling-back slab that causes the Hellenic subduction retreat.  相似文献   
Annually large volumes of fresh water laden with sediment are washed down the Daintree River in North Queensland into the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. To investigate the effects of land runoff on bioerosion, samples of recently killed colonies of Porites were laid at 6 sites on a cross shelf transect from Snapper Island at the entrance to the river to Osprey Reef, approximately 328 km from the river mouth out in the Coral Sea. Rates and agents of bioerosion were determined over 4 years and inshore sites exhibited significantly lower rates of total bioerosion than the other sites. Offshore sites experienced high rates of bioerosion primarily due to grazing and internal bioerosion by macroborers such as sponges and bivalves was also important at some of these sites. Inshore sites were covered in heavy layers of silt which inhibited colonization and growth of microborers, primarily algae. This resulted in lower levels of grazing than at offshore sites. However the activity of macroborers (primarily sponges and bivalves) was often high at these sites. The macroboring communities differed between sites and over time and it is hypothesised that these site differences were due to different levels of terrestrial runoff. These results are compared with those from French Polynesia where contaminated terrestrial runoff greatly influenced rates and agents of bioerosion. However other factors such as overfishing may also play an important role in some locations.  相似文献   
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