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MD06-3050岩芯位于西菲律宾海吕宋岛以东本哈姆高原,利用钙质超微化石下透光带种属Florisphaera profunda占总颗石的相对丰度,恢复了中更新世以来该海区的上层水体结构演化特征。结果显示,西菲律宾海区自1040ka以来,温跃层/营养跃层经历了由浅—深—浅—深的长周期变动,可能是由于全球碳库的长周期变化对气候系统的大规模调整所致; 同时温跃层/营养跃层也具有明显的冰期-间冰期旋回性特征。温跃层变动的另一个重要特征是在中布容事件前后呈现出相反的冰期-间冰期变化趋势,认为可能是由东亚冬、夏季风强度变化引起。  相似文献   
李丰丹  李超岭  刘畅  吕霞 《地质通报》2008,27(7):980-985
空间数据库建库流程是数字地质调查系统总体技术流程的一个重要组成部分。针对地质人员实际工作量等方面的几个关键技术问题提出了详细的解决方案.并在数字地质调查系统的软件系统中以辅助建库工具、辅助检查工具、数据检索工具的形式加以实现。为建库提供了技术保障,保证了数据的质量,有效地提高了地质人员对地质调查系统的应用能力和建库的效率。  相似文献   
It has been well studied that the γ-function explicit method can be effective in providing favorable numerical dissipation for linear elastic systems. However, its performance for nonlinear systems is unclear due to a lack of analytical evaluation techniques. Thus, a novel technique is proposed herein to evaluate its efficiency for application to nonlinear systems by introducing two parameters to describe the stiffness change. As a result, the numerical properties and error propagation characteristics of the γ-function explicit method for the pseudodynamic testing of a nonlinear system are analytically assessed. It is found that the upper stability limit decreases as the step degree of nonlinearity increases; and it increases as the current degree of nonlinearity increases. It is also shown that this integration method provides favorable numerical dissipation not only for linear elastic systems but also for nonlinear systems. Furthermore, error propagation analysis reveals that the numerical dissipation can effectively suppress the severe error propagation of high frequency modes while the low frequency responses are almost unaffected for both linear elastic and nonlinear systems.  相似文献   
白杨水源地座落在渭河下游重镇——渭南市西北约5km处,为渭河冲积平原的一部分。区内第四纪松散堆积物巨厚,地形平坦,降水充沛,地表水丰富,为地下水储存提供了良好的空间。按含水介质的埋藏条件可划分为潜水、浅层承压水、中层承压水和深层承压水4个含水岩组。为了进一步研究地下水的补给形成机制、储存运移过程、排泄开采条件,本文结合环境同位素(包括14C、13C、3H、D和18O)对水源地地下水年龄、地下水运动速率以及一些水文地质参数进行研究和探讨。而同位素测定表明:水源地潜水为现代水,3H含量较高,河水补给量占1/2  相似文献   
刘畅  陈天虎  周跃飞  金杰 《矿物学报》2011,31(4):742-749
探讨了固定床除Cr工艺以油菜秆为微生物生长的缓释碳源,含SRB的混合微生物和油菜秆对Cr(Ⅵ)的还原和固定的共同作用。动态实验分2阶段开展:初始2周的驯化阶段和梯度增加Cr(Ⅵ)浓度的除Cr实验阶段。除Cr实验中,间歇对固定床出水pH、氧化还原电位、SO42-及硫化物浓度、DOC、Cr(Ⅵ)浓度进行测试,实验结束后对固定床中固体产物进行SEM、EDS和XPS等分析。结果表明,油菜秆固定床处理模拟含Cr(Ⅵ)废水效果明显。当进水Cr(Ⅵ)浓度ρ[Cr(Ⅵ)]〈19.52 mg/L时,出水Cr(Ⅵ)和Cr(Ⅲ)浓度均低于排放标准(0.05 mg/L);Cr(Ⅵ)被还原为Cr(Ⅲ),Cr(Ⅲ)以氢氧化物的形式沉淀附着于油菜秆和其它固体物质之上。分析认为,油菜秆在固定床处理模拟含Cr(Ⅵ)废水中所起的作用主要包括3方面(作为微生物生长的缓释碳源;吸附Cr(Ⅵ),降低其对微生物的毒性;作为Cr(Ⅲ)矿化产物的沉淀附着界面);Cr(Ⅵ)主要通过SRB的直接作用及H2S的作用被还原为Cr(Ⅲ);以油菜秆为碳源的固定床处理Cr(Ⅵ)的浓度上限介于15.05~19.52mg/L之间。  相似文献   
作者对引进的红罗非鱼进行了生物学特性、繁殖育种及海水驯养等方面的试验研究,结果得出:①亲鱼的怀卵量与体长呈正相关(关系式为:Y=124.78L—588.8),在北方地区每年产卵3—4次,产卵量为怀卵量的1/2;②水温25—30℃,11—18d受精卵孵出鱼苗;③红罗非鱼不仅可在淡水中生存,且在自然海水和半咸水中均能生存,是海水养殖的优良品种;④红罗非鱼同虾混养,可提高鱼虾成活率,增大养成规格。  相似文献   
Periodicites in hydrologic data are frequently estimated and studied. In some cases the periodic components are subtracted from the data to obtain the stochastic components. In other cases the physical reasons for the occurrence of these periodicities are investigated. Apart from the annual cycle in the hydrologic data, periods corresponding to the 11 year sunspot cycle, the Hale cycle and others have been detected.The conclusions from most of these studies depend on the reliability and robustness of the methods used to detect these periodicities. Several spectral analysis methods have been proposed to investigate periodicities in time series data. Several of these have been compared to each other. The methods by Siddiqui and Wang and by Damsleth and Spjotvoll, which are stepwise procedures of spectrum estimation, have not been evaluated.  相似文献   
中国于2019年第35次南极考察中,首次在南大洋布放了锚系实时综合观测浮标(西风带海洋环境监测浮标,WEMB),为深入了解此海区的海洋环境变化提供了宝贵资料.国家海洋技术中心WEMB研究团队基于AVISO公开发布的多颗卫星高度计L3产品,通过数据配对,误差统计和最小二乘线性拟合等方法,对西风带海洋环境监测浮标的有效波高数据误差进行了分析与校正.校正后的浮标有效波高统计显示西风带常年处于大浪以上海况,观测期间内57%处于巨浪海况,并且伴随有高度相关的大风天气.  相似文献   
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