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In this paper,the theory for applying remote sensing to earthquake prediction has been elucidated and an experiment has been made.Through the experiment,it has been found that the characteristics and temperature of infrared radiant of rocks vary as a function of rock stress,the order of magnitude of radiance variation is 10-5(W/cm2 sr um),the amount of variation of the radiant temperature is 0.2℃~0.8℃ and some significant precursor information has been discovered.The experiment has verified preliminarily that the advanced technology of remote sensing can be applied to earthquake prediction.  相似文献   
This paper is a review on earthquake prediction and forecast research,progress in earthquake prediction work and pre-estimation of earthquake hazard degree in China in recent years.It indicates that China is the first country,the government of which has promoted and organized the state administration department on reduction of seismic hazards and ensured the socialization of earthquake prediction and forecast in the world.A program of earthquake prevention and protection and hazard reduction based on the results of research on earthquake occurrence regularities and prediction of earthquake preparation trend has been completed,and hence the socialization of results of earthquake prediction and forecast research can be expected to be in practice.The practical seismological works in last 20 years indicate that the earthquakes are not considered to be unpredictable,but it is a challenge remaining to be accepted.We are willing to cooperate with all friends who are engaged in earthquake prediction and forecas  相似文献   
From July to September of 1990,CH_4 flux measurements were made in Lin'an rice paddies using gradient profiletechniques.Some characteristics of the turbulence structure under the stable conditions have been verified in the surfacelayer according to the in situ measurements.The semi-empirical turbulent parameters β_m,β_h and β_c and their changeswith the stability parameter Ri are given.Observed results indicate that CH_4 flux in the rice-paddy is mainly decided bythe methnogenesis and the process of CH4 transport from internal soils to the atmosphere,and that the CH_4 verticaltransfer is depressed in the stable surface layer.The CH_4 flux shows that its obvious diurnal changes,and the meanCH_4 flux are higher in nighttime and lower in daytime,and the peaks appear at about 2000 BST at night and 0300 BSTin the early morning,respectively.The mean value of CH_4 flux is about 4.18±2.3 mg/m~2 h.  相似文献   
In this paper,a tropical atmospheric model of relevance to shorts-term climate variations(Wang and Li 1993)is util-ized for study of the development of Madden-Julian oscillation.The model contains an interactive process ofboundary-layer Ekman convergence and precipitation heating.The model is solved by expanding dependent variables interms of parabolic cylindrical functions in the meridional direction and truncating three meridional modes n=0,2,4 forequatorial symmetric solutions.The free wave solutions obtained under long-wave approximation are induced as aKelvin wave and two Rossby waves.After considering the effect of boundary-layer dynamic process,the modifiedKelvin wave becomes unstable in long-wave bands with a typical growth rate on an order of 10~(-6) s~(-1)and an eastwardphase speed of 10 m s~(-1);the most unstable mode is wavenumber one.These theoretical results are consistent with the ob-served Madden-Julian oscillation in equatorial area.For the two modified Rossby waves,one with a smaller meridionalscale(n=4)decays except for extra long-waves;the other with a larger meridional scale(n=2)grows in short-wavebands.This may be relevant to explaining the westward propagation of super cloud clusters in the Madden-Julianoscillation.The theory suggests that the boundary-layer dynamic process is an important mechanism in the develop-ment of the Madden-Julian oscillation.  相似文献   
本文用钢管混凝土柱作为结构底层耗能柱、用承重墙和隔震器控制结构底层倒塌破坏,从而提出了一种新的耗能-隔震柔性底层结构体系。通过本文12根钢管混凝土柱和文献[7]中7根钢管混凝土柱的低周疲劳实验,初步确定了钢管混凝土柱地震损伤模型的参数;通过两个钢管混凝土-钢筋混凝土三层框架模型和一个纯钢筋混凝土三层框架模型的拟动力实验,研究和比较了两类结构体系的地震损伤。  相似文献   
内蒙古东五分子地区韧性剪切变质作用的特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
东五分子地区花岗-绿岩地体经受了三种类型变质作用的改造。韧性剪切带不仅控制了区域变质岩组合的分布,而且也导致其变质作用的强度出现了逆转序列。根据岩石的结构、碎斑含量及矿物成分,韧性剪切变质岩划分为三类,其共同特点是具有碎斑结构。其变形结构分为单矿物型及组合型。同一块韧性剪切变质岩由处在单变平衡的一组矿物组成。根据岩石变形及重结晶的特点,结合其产状,确定出两种不同类型韧性剪切变质带。共生矿物对的研究证明它们形成于地壳不同深度及温度、压力条件。本区的金矿化、运移、沉淀与韧性剪切变质带紧密相关。  相似文献   
富钆镝易解石的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该矿物产于铀钍混合矿化的中粗粒黑云母花岗岩中。本文研究了产状、共生矿物、结晶特性、物理及化学性质并与易解石、钍易解石、铀易解石、钇易解石等作了对比。该矿物铀、钍、铅等含量均较高,在稀土含量中,钆、镝含量高达稀土总量的27%,故定名富钆镝易解石。  相似文献   
辉石巨晶中的硫化物及其成因   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
我国一些地区玄武岩辉石巨晶中的硫化物球泡(0.02-0.05mm)呈点阵式、散布式、定向带状或微裂隙羽状分布。硫化矿物组合是磁黄铁矿-镍黄铁矿-黄铜矿,其中以磁黄铁矿为主(~90%)。根据硫化物的规则排布以及高温矿物组合推测点阵式、散布式硫化物形成于地幔。是由溶解了~1%S的硅酸盐熔体在减压上升过程中析出过饱和的硫所致。  相似文献   
研究超镁铁岩中八面体假象蛇纹石和绿泥石的地质意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
继1981年首次报导八面体假象蛇纹石之后,在同一超镁铁岩中又发现了一些八面体假象含铬绿泥石,后者是交代前者的产物。通过研究我们认为:1)八面体假象绿泥石中的Al、Cr等元素来自铬铁矿石;2)和八面体假象蛇纹石一样,八面体假象绿泥石的最初原生矿物也应为γ一橄榄石,后者的形成压力为140×10~8Pa(140Kb),相当于500公里的深度;3)包有八面体假象蛇纹石和绿泥石的铬铁矿可能是一种直接来自深部地慢的铬铁矿类型;4)藏北岩带的两处(安多和阿里地区)超镁铁岩中出现八面体假象矿物说明藏北超镁铁岩带(或岩带的几处超镁铁岩)形成的构造环境可能深于藏南超镁铁岩带。  相似文献   
鲜水河断裂带的构造大地测量   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用短边GPS点阵、短基线标石阵和精密激光测距 ,在与鲜水河断裂带的断层破裂带垂直的剖面上和构造盆地内进行构造大地测量 ,获得了断层软弱带和断层蠕变带上的最佳形变分布。综合利用相关地学成果和理论 ,揭示了构造形变所隐含的动力学信息 ,识别了断层应变带、塑性流变带和主断面在地面的分布范围。用外围GPS远场联测成果探讨了该断裂带的驱动力机制 ,匡正了其“左旋”运动和现今活动速度的含义。最后 ,评估了该断裂的地震活动趋势  相似文献   
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