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朱小辉  陈丹玲  刘良  赵姣  张乐 《岩石学报》2014,30(3):822-834
岩石学、地球化学、年代学及Lu-Hf同位素综合研究表明在柴北缘西段绿梁山大平沟地区出露一套弧后盆地型蛇绿岩,岩石类型主要包括变质橄榄岩、变火山岩、变辉长岩及斜长花岗岩。其中变火山岩具有LREE亏损,类似N-MORB的稀土配分模式,同时又具有富集大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta等高场强元素的岛弧火山岩的地球化学特征,应形成在弧后盆地环境。斜长花岗岩为低钾准铝质花岗岩,具有LREE略微富集,HREE平坦的稀土配分型式,显示强烈Eu正异常,其εHf(t)值介于13.7~15.3之间,为变辉长岩部分熔融的产物,熔融温压条件可能为P=0.8~0.9GPa和T=~800℃。年代学研究结果表明变辉长岩的形成时代为535±2Ma,斜长花岗岩的形成时代为493±3Ma,指示本地区弧后盆地拉张时限至少介于493~535Ma之间,而柴北缘地区古大洋俯冲消减作用应早于535Ma。  相似文献   
为了探讨黄河三角洲附近潮波运动的变化特征,乐肯堂等(1995)用二维数值模式模拟了1855-1984年该海区的潮汐和潮流的分布变化,并着重考察了M2和S2分潮的无潮点,以及规则全日潮区的位置变化。乐肯堂等(1995)的研究表明,黄河尾闾的摆动以及由此而造成的黄河三角洲之进退,是该海区潮波特征发生变化的主要外因。自从1976年黄河尾闾改道清水沟以来,该流路已稳定运行了20多年,由此造成了河口附近沙嘴不断向莱州湾内延伸,因而对该区的潮波分布特征产生了显著影响。从黄河三角洲区的经济可持续发展和海洋生态环境的可持续发展的目的出发来规划今后黄河尾闾的走向,就必须对以下两个问题进行深入研究:(1)清水沟流路是否还能长期稳定下去;(2)如果清水沟流路长期稳定不变,并且按照清水沟流路期间黄河三角洲向莱州湾推进的方式来推演10a后黄河三角洲的形势,那么到2010年该区的潮波运动将会发生什么变化。为此,在本文中我们仍然采用乐肯堂等(1995)已经过验证的数值模式和数值预的方法对上述问题作初步探讨。  相似文献   
Remote sensing based land cover mapping at large scale is time consuming when using either supervised or unsupervised classification approaches. This article used a fast clustering method—Clustering by Eigen Space Transformation(CBEST) to produce a land cover map for China. Firstly, 508 Landsat TM scenes were collected and processed. Then, TM images were clustered by combining CBEST and K-means in each pre-defined ecological zone(50 in total for China). Finally, the obtained clusters were visually interpreted as land cover types to complete a land cover map. Accuracy evaluation using 2159 test samples indicates an overall accuracy of 71.7% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.64. Comparisons with two global land cover products(i.e., Finer Resolution Observation and Monitoring of Global Land Cover(FROM-GLC) and GlobCover 2009) also indicate that our land cover result using CBEST is superior in both land cover area estimation and visual effect for different land cover types.  相似文献   
由于砾岩岩石类型复杂,储层非均质性强,难以建立地震属性与储层之间的一一对应关系,导致应用地震属性常常具有不确定性和多解性。为了克服单一属性反映粗粒沉积展布的片面性,同类属性间相关信息的彼此干扰性,地震相预测扇体分布的盲目性,针对性的提出了基于地震多属性拟合技术编制粗粒扇体沉积相图的方法:1)建立岩性识别图版;2)属性优化与线性逐步回归拟合含砂砾率;3)均方根振幅属性正态分布约束砂体边界;4)应用拟合含砂砾率等值线图,结合岩相和测井相编制粗粒扇体沉积相图。并将该方法用于玛131井区百口泉组二段的沉积研究中,为研究粗粒扇体沉积提供了新的思路,为玛湖滚动勘探及井位论证提供了可靠地质依据。  相似文献   
In this paper, we first discuss the controversial result of the work by Cabanes et al. (Science 294:840–842, 2001), who suggested that the rate of past century sea level rise may have been overestimated, considering the limited and heterogeneous location of historical tide gauges and the high regional variability of thermal expansion which was supposed to dominate the observed sea level. If correct, this conclusion would have solved the problem raised by the IPCC third assessment report [Church et al, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 881, 2001], namely, the factor two difference between the 20th century observed sea level rise and the computed climatic contributions. However, recent investigations based on new ocean temperature data sets indicate that thermal expansion only explains part (about 0.4 mm/year) of the 1.8 mm/year observed sea level rise of the past few decades. In fact, the Cabanes et al.’s conclusion was incorrect due to a contamination of abnormally high ocean temperature data in the Gulf Stream area that led to an overestimate of thermal expansion in this region. In this paper, we also estimate thermal expansion over the last decade (1993–2003), using a new ocean temperature and salinity database. We compare our result with three other estimates, two being based on global gridded data sets, and one based on an approach similar to that developed here. It is found that the mean rate of thermosteric sea level rise over the past decade is 1.5±0.3 mm/year, i.e. 50% of the observed 3 mm/year by satellite altimetry. For both time spans, past few decades and last decade, a contribution of 1.4 mm/year is not explained by thermal expansion, thus needs to be of water mass origin. Direct estimates of land ice melt for the recent years account for about 1 mm/year sea level rise. Thus, at least for the last decade, we have moved closer to explaining the observed rate of sea level rise than the IPCC third assessment report.  相似文献   
Io, the innermost Galilean satellite of Jupiter, is a fascinating world. Data taken by Voyager and Galileo instruments have established that it is by far the most volcanic body in the Solar System and suggest that the nature of this volcanism could radically differ from volcanism on Earth. We report on near-IR observations taken in February 2001 from the Earth-based 10-m W. M. Keck II telescope using its adaptive optics system. After application of an appropriate deconvolution technique (MISTRAL), the resolution, ∼100 km on Io's disk, compares well with the best Galileo/NIMS resolution for global imaging and allows us for the first time to investigate the very nature of individual eruptions. On 19 February, we detected two volcanoes, Amirani and Tvashtar, with temperatures differing from the Galileo observations. On 20 February, we noticed a slight brightening near the Surt volcano. Two days later it had turned into an extremely bright volcanic outburst. The hot spot temperatures (>1400 K) are consistent with a basaltic eruption and, being lower limits, do not exclude an ultramafic eruption. These outburst data have been fitted with a silicate-cooling model, which indicates that this is a highly vigorous eruption with a highly dynamic emplacement mechanism, akin to fire-fountaining. Its integrated thermal output was close to the total estimated output of Io, making this the largest ionian thermal outburst yet witnessed.  相似文献   
利用现有遥感图像镶嵌技术,基于ENVI遥感图像处理软件,以藏西多幅ETM遥感的镶嵌为例,利用色调调整,以及边缘羽化等方法,研究出一套简单易行且效果较好的镶嵌方案,为大量遥感影像的镶嵌工作节约时间和工作量。  相似文献   
广义的风暴沉积是自然界内外地质营力促使海水产生足够大的漩涡流,对海底及海岸冲蚀形成的一种事件沉积。徐州赵圩地区发育丰富的晚元古代风暴沉积记录,通过野外露头剖面岩性观察与室内整理,划分出7种不同水深的风暴沉积序列类型。根据冲刷面、滞积层、丘状交错层理(HCS)、液化卷曲层理等典型风暴特征,可将这7种序列与浅海陆棚边缘-台地前缘缓斜坡-台前潮上环境的连续沉积相对应。据此分析了风暴沉积序列与水深的关系,并针对本区的沉积特点对风暴沉积成因进行探讨。  相似文献   
The ZoNéCo 1 and 2 cruises of Ifremer's Research Vessel L'Atalante, collected new swath bathymetry and geophysical data over the southern and northern segments of the basins and ridges forming the Loyalty system. Between the two surveyed areas, previous studies found evidence for the resistance of the Loyalty Ridge to subduction beneath the New Hebrides trench near 22°S–169°E. On the subducted plate, except for seismicity related to the downbending of the Australian plate, recorded shallow seismicity is sparse within the Loyalty system (Ridge and Basin) where reliable focal mechanism solutions are almost absent.Swath bathymetry, seismic reflection and magnetic data acquired during the ZoNéCo 1 and 2 cruises revealed a transverse asymmetric morphology in the Loyalty system, and an along-strike horst and graben structure on the discontinuous Loyalty Ridge. South of 23°50S and at 20°S, the two WSW-ENE-trending fault systems, respectively, sinistral and dextral, that crosscut the southern and northern segments of the Loyalty system, are interpreted as due to the early effects of collision with the New Hebrides Arc. A NNW-SSE trend, evident along the whole Loyalty system and on the island of New Caledonia, is interpreted as an inherited structural trend that may have been reactivated through flexure of the Australian lithospheric plate at the subduction zone.Overall then, the morphology, structure and evolution of the southern and northern segments of the Loyalty system probably result from the combined effects of the Australian plate lithospheric bulge, the active Loyalty-New Hebrides collision and the overthrust of the New Caledonian ophiolite.  相似文献   
贾建丽  李小军  杨乐  胡磊 《地学前缘》2016,23(3):124-132
本研究对中国西北某大型煤化工区的土壤样品进行采集。通过密闭消解后应用ICP CCT MS法对土壤样品中砷(As)含量进行测定,选取吸入土壤颗粒、皮肤接触、经口摄入3种主要的暴露途径,对煤化工区3个不同煤气化单元土壤中As的人体健康风险进行评价。结果表明,煤化工区土壤中As的单物质综合致癌风险为可接受水平的6~9倍,As的危害商则在可接受水平范围之内。煤化工区土壤中As的人体健康风险以经口摄入为主体暴露途径,该途径下致癌风险的贡献率占全部致癌风险的68.64%。在对各暴露途径致癌风险控制值计算的基础上选择致癌风险贡献率最高、控制值最低的经口摄入途径的控制值1.59 mg/kg作为该煤化工区土壤中As的参考安全阈值。结合中国煤化工行业发展特点、区域土壤中As的背景值水平、地区气候和地质特点等,考虑不同国家和地区As的人体健康风险可接受水平差异和可行性,才能综合确定特定煤化工区域土壤环境中As的安全阈值。  相似文献   
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