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To determine depth dependence of permeability in various geologic deposits, exponential models have often been proposed. However, spatial variability in hydraulic conductivity, K, rarely fits this trend in coarse alluvial aquifers, where complex stratigraphic sequences follow unique trends due to depositional and post-depositional processes. This paper analyzes K of alluvial-fan gravel deposits in several boreholes, and finds exponential decay in K with depth. Relatively undisturbed gravel cores obtained in the Toyohira River alluvial fan, Sapporo, Japan, are categorized by four levels of fine-sediment packing between gravel grains. Grain size is also analyzed in cores from two boreholes in the mid-fan and one in the fan-toe. Profiles of estimated conductivity, $ \overline{K} $ , are constructed from profiles of core properties through a well-defined relation between slug-test results and core properties. Errors in $ \overline{K} $ are eliminated by a moving-average method, and regression analysis provides the decay exponents of $ \overline{K} $ with depth. Moving-average results show a similar decreasing trend in only the mid-fan above ~30-m depth, and the decay exponent is estimated as ≈0.11 m?1, which is 10- to 1,000-fold that in consolidated rocks. A longitudinal cross section is also generated by using the profiles to establish hydrogeologic boundaries in the fan.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in nano/micro-zooplankton grazing on pico-, nano- and micro-size phytoplankton and heterotrophic nano-flagellates (HNF) feeding on heterotrophic bacteria were quantified by the dilution technique in the surface layer off Cape Esan, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. Pico- and nano-size phytoplankton were major components throughout the year except in spring when a diatom bloom was observed. Although there was little seasonal variation in bacteria and HNF biomass throughout the year, the micro-zooplankton biomass varied appreciably with a peak in spring. Nano/micro-zooplankton grazing or feeding on pico-size chl-a and bacteria were well balanced throughout the year. However, nano-size and micro-size chl-a growth were much greater than grazing in summer. Nano/micro-zooplankton ingestion of phytoplankton was greater than their ingestion of bacteria almost throughout the year, which suggests phytoplankton are more important as food sources of nano/micro-zooplankton in microbial food webs off Cape Esan than bacteria off Cape Esan. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Geosat radar altimeter data from ~60 repeat cycles of the Exact Repeat Mission (ERM) over the period November 1986 to September 1989 have been analysed to show the annual variations of the sea‐surface slopes, corrected for ocean tides, over the Scotian Shelf and the Grand Banks. A coastal tidal model developed at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, combined with the global tidal model of Schwiderski, is employed to remove the tidal signals from the sea‐surface heights over those regions. Linear regression is used to estimate the sea‐surface slopes over the inner shelf region, the outer shelf region, or a combination of the two along the Geosat ground tracks. Harmonic analysis is applied to the time series of sea‐surface slopes to derive the annual signals, showing that amplitudes are of order of 5 × 10‐7 (5 cm/100 km) with onshore slopes positive in winter and negative in summer.

The largest annual cycles occur over the outer portion of the Laurentian Channel and the southern Grand Banks. The annual cycles differ between the eastern and western portions of the Scotian Shelf: in the east, the signal is synchronized with that of the Laurentian Channel, whereas in the west, the phase of the signal is advanced by 2–3 months. The annual signals over the eastern Scotian Shelf are comparable and consistent with historical hydrographie data along the Halifax Hydrographie Section. The amplitude and phase over the western Scotian Shelf are consistent with the adjusted sea level at the Halifax Station. The annual variability of the sea‐surface slopes over the Scotian Shelf and the Grand Banks is thought to be induced by the seasonal outflow from the Gulf of St Lawrence through Cabot Strait, and possibly by an annual cycle in the Slope Water current.  相似文献   
The garnet-cordierite zone, the highest-grade zone of the Ryoke metamorphic rocks in the Yanai district, SW Japan, is defined by the coexistence of garnet and cordierite in pelitic rocks. Three assemblages in this zone are studied in detail, i.e. spinel + cordierite + biotite, garnet + cordierite + biotite and garnet + biotite, all of which contain quartz, K-feldspar and plagioclase. The Mg/(Fe + Mg) in the coexisting minerals decreases in the following order: cordierite, biotite, garnet and spinel. Two facts described below are inconsistent with the paragenetic relation in the K2OFeOMgOAl2O3SiO2H2O (KFMASH) system in terms of an isophysical variation. First, garnet and biotite in the last assemblage have Mg/(Fe + Mg) higher than those in the second. Second, the first two assemblages are described by the reaction,
while they occur in a single outcrop. The addition of MnO, ZnO and TiO2 to the system can resolve the inconsistencies as follows. The assemblage garnet + biotite can consist of garnet and biotite higher in Mg/(Fe + Mg) than those in garnet + cordierite + biotite as long as they are enriched in spessartine and depleted in Al, respectively. The assemblage garnet + cordierite + biotite becomes stable relative to spinel + cordierite + biotite with increasing spessartine content or decreasing gahnite content and the Ti content of biotite. The constituent minerals of the assemblages, spinel + cordierite + biotite and garnet + cordierite + biotite, preserve several reaction microstructures indicative of prograde reactions,
together with retrograde reactions,
This suggests that the pressure-temperature path of the rocks includes an isobaric heating and an isobaric or decompressional cooling. The high-grade areas consisting of the K-feldspar-cordierite zone, sillimanite-K-feldspar zone and garnet-cordierite zone have prograde paths involving isobaric heating and show a southwards increase in pressure with a thermal maximum in the middle. These high-grade zones are closely associated with the gneissose granitic rocks, suggesting that the Ryoke metamorphism, one of the typical low-pressure type, is caused by the heat supply from the syn-tectonic granitic rocks that emplaced at the middle level of the crust. Received: 22 August 1997 / Accepted: 11 May 1998  相似文献   
Numerical experiments were carried out using OGCM (Ocean General Circulation Model), MOM2.2 (Modular Ocean Model Ver. 2.2), over realistic topography data, ETOPO5 (Earth Topography - 5 Minute), to investigate the interannual variability of the Kuroshio transport in 1960–2000 south of Japan; 1) the PN line located off the East China Sea, and 2) the ASUKA (Affiliated Surveys of the Kuroshio off Cape Ashizuri) line located off Cape Ashizuri. We adopted two wind datasets as driving forces of the OGCM: 1) the NCEP/NCAR (National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research) reanalysis monthly mean wind stress data, and 2) the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts) daily wind data. In the ECMWF experiments we replaced the NCEP/NCAR data only in 1979–1993 because of the availability of the data. The OGCMs and observation basically agree on the temporal variation patterns of the transports until 1986 on the PN line with correlation coefficients of about 0.6. During the 1990s, when data were collected on the ASUKA line, the NCEP/NCAR experiments give lower correlation coefficients (less than 0.3), on both PN and ASUKA lines, while the ECMWF experiments have a higher value on the ASUKA line (0.5). One of the reasons for the disagreement between the observations and OGCMs during the 1990s might arise from the NCEP/NCAR data. An additional analysis of a wind-driven circulation was performed to examine the sensitivity of integrated Sverdrup transport along the western boundary to the propagation speed of a baroclinic Rossby wave, which is varied by stratification. A variation of the stratification, which might be induced by variability of air-sea heat and freshwater fluxes, cannot be a main cause of the disagreement. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the author's research on metabolic activities of marine zooplankton for which the Okada Prize of the Oceanographical Society of Japan was awarded in 1978. The term metabolic activities used here refers to various physiological rate processes of zooplankton, such as respiration, excretion, feeding and growth.On the basis of experimental data obtained by the author and other workers, it is emphasized that all these rates are power functions of the body weight of zooplankton. In other words, the weight specific rates (rates per unit body weight) increase with a decrease in body weight. The habitat temperature of zooplankton can also affect the level of these rates.The relationship between these rates and body weight established experimentally can be applied to the estimation of the total rates of a zooplankton community in the field, by knowing the size distribution of individual zooplankters. The feasibility of this method was tested with the zooplankton community in the Kuroshio region.Finally, the potential importance of microzooplankton in total zooplankton respiration was suggested, based on respiration rate data recently obtained in the author's laboratory.  相似文献   
Standard hydrological section data, collected in the eastern Barents Sea in September 1997, have been analyzed using a variational data assimilation technique. This method allows us to obtain temperature, salinity and velocity fields that are consistent with observations and dynamically balanced within the framework of a steady-state model describing large-scale nearly geostrophic circulation. Error bars of the optimized fields are computed by explicit inversion of the Hessian matrix. The optimized velocity field is in agreement with independent velocity observations derived from surface drifter trajectories in the southwestern part of the Barents Sea. Optimized fields provide the following estimates of integral characteristics of the circulation in the region: i) the North Cape current transport is 2.12 ± 0.25 Sv; ii) the Karskie Vorota Strait throughflow is 0.7 ± 0.06 Sv; iii) heat flux with Atlantic water is 4.7 ± 0.16⋅1011 W; iv) salt import from the Atlantic Ocean is 7.41 ± 0.46⋅103 kg/s. The imbalance of the heat budget in the eastern part of the Barents Sea indicates the presence of statistically insignificant surface heat fluxes which are less than 1 W/m2. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
An approximate variational method is proposed to assimilate an oceanographic data set with a numerical ocean model. In the approximate method, the adjoint equation to a governing equation is derived and then converted to a finite difference form, in contrast to the ordinary, exact variational method which is composed of a finite difference equation adjoint to the finite difference governing equation. A cumbersome derivation of the adjoint equation is avoided, and finite difference schemes used for the original governing equation are easily utilized for the adjoint equation. This method has been verified with twin experiments. The flow field in the twin experiments is composed of dipole eddies in a two-layer quasi-geostrophic model. Initial and boundary conditions are control variables. The descent converges towards the exact field within 50 iterations, showing that the fundamental problem of the method (an unstable descent with a large number of iterations) does not appear. The approximate method is promising and should be tried with real data. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Massive tsunami disturbances have potentially detrimental effects on genetic diversity and effective population size of coastal marine species, and evaluating these effects can be useful for devising conservation strategies for coastal marine environments. Local populations of the intertidal goby Chaenogobius annularis, which are distributed on scattered rocky beaches of the Japanese Archipelago, show demographic independence without overlapping generations, making this an ideal species with which to study the effects of tsunami disturbance on genetic diversity. Some of these populations were affected by the tsunami of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake. Here, we investigated the change in genetic diversity of a local population of this species, which was located close to the epicenter of the earthquake, across the cohorts before and after the tsunami and evaluated the impact of the tsunami disturbance. Genetic diversity was maintained after the tsunami, and no change in the effective population size was observed. Our results suggest that the tsunami disturbance has had no marked impact on the genetic diversity of C. annularis.  相似文献   
As part of the research program WEST-COSMIC Phase I (1997–2001), vertical profiles down to the greater depths (0–2000 m or 5800 m) of the plankton community structure composed of heterotrophic bacteria, phytoplankton, protozooplankton and metazooplankton were studied at one station in each subarctic (44°N) and in transitional region (39°N), and two stations in subtropical region (30°N and 25°N); all in 137–155°E in the western North Pacific Ocean. The biomass of all four taxonomic groups decreased rapidly with increasing depths at all stations, although the magnitude of depth-related decrease differed among the groups. As plankton community structure, metazooplankton biomass and bacterial biomass occupied >50% of the total in 0–2000 and 2000–4000 or 5000 m strata, respectively, at subarctic and transitional stations, while bacterial biomass contributed to >50% of the total consistently from 0 through 4800 or 5800 m at subtropical stations. Metazooplankton biomass integrated over the greater depths exhibited a clear latitudinal pattern (high north and low south), but this was not the case for those of the other taxonomic groups. As a component of metazooplankton, an appreciable contribution of diapausing copepods to the metazooplankton was noted at subarctic and transitional stations, but they were few or nil at subtropical stations. As protozooplankton assemblages, heterotrophic microflagellates (HMF) and dinoflagellates were two major components at subarctic and transitional stations, but were only HMF predominated at subtropical stations. From biomass ratios between heterotrophic bacteria, HMF and dinoflagellates, “sinking POC-DOC-heterotrophic bacteria-HMF-heterotrophic dinoflagellates” link was proposed as a microbial food chain operative in the deep layer of the western North Pacific. All results are discussed in the light of latitudinal differences in the structure and functioning of plankton community contributing to the ‘biological pump’ in the western North Pacific Ocean. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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