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The effect of pyrolysis at increasing temperature on sporopollenin, lignite and sporopollenin oxidized at 200°C has been investigated using measured infrared band absorption coefficients.Oxidation of sporopollenin in air at 200°C is marked by a decrease in the content of saturated hydrocarbon chains and a strong increase in the concentration of carboxylic acid groups.Pyrolysis of a thick bed of sporopollenin at increasing temperatures leads to the removal of a large proportion of oxygenated functions, before the removal of hydrocarbons. For lignite and oxidized sporopollenin, the loss of both types of functional groups extends over a broader temperature range. Reorganization of the carbonaceous residue at high temperature is hindered if a sufficiently low content of oxygenated functions, carbonyl and carboxyl as well as hydroxyl and ether groups, is not reached before the elimination of hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
A recently published model of the Near Earth Object (NEO) orbital-magnitude distribution (Bottke et al., 2002, Icarus156, 399-433.) relies on five intermediate sources for the NEO population: the ν6 resonance, the 3:1 resonance, the outer portion of the main belt (i.e., 2.8-3.5 AU), the Mars-crossing population adjacent to the main belt, and the Jupiter family comet population. The model establishes the relative contribution of these sources to the NEO population. By computing the albedo distribution of the bodies in and/or near each of the five sources, we can deduce the albedo distribution of the NEO population as a function of semimajor axis, eccentricity, and inclination. A problem with this strategy, however, is that we do not know a priori the albedo distribution of main belt asteroids over the same size range as observed NEOs (diameter D<10 km). To overcome this problem, we determined the albedo distribution of large asteroids in and/or near each NEO source region and used these results to deduce the albedo distribution of smaller asteroids in the same regions. This method requires that we make some assumptions about the absolute magnitude distributions of both asteroid families and background asteroids. Our solution was to extrapolate the observed absolute magnitude distributions of the families up to some threshold value Hthr, beyond which we assumed that the families' absolute magnitude distributions were background-like.We found that Hthr=14.5 provides the best match to the color vs heliocentric distance distribution observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. With this value of Hthr our model predicts that the debiased ratio between dark and bright (albedo smaller or larger than 0.089) objects in any absolute-magnitude-limited sample of the NEO population is 0.25±0.02. Once the observational biases are properly taken into account, this agrees very well with the observed C/S ratio (0.165 for H<20). The dark/bright ratio of NEOs increases to 0.87±0.05 if a size-limited sample is considered. We estimate that the total number of NEOs larger than a kilometer is 855±110, which, compared to the total number of NEOs with H<18 (963±120), shows that the usually assumed conversion H=18?D=1 km slightly overestimates the number of kilometer-size objects.Combining our orbital distribution model with the new albedo distribution model, and assuming that the density of bright and dark bodies is 2.7 and 1.3 g/cm3, respectively, we estimate that the Earth should undergo a 1000 megaton collision every 63,000±8000 years. On average, the bodies capable of producing 1000 megaton of impact energy are those with H<20.6. The NEOs discovered so far carry only 18±2% of this collision probability.  相似文献   
Résumé La simplicité du calcul de la réduction au plan est une des qualités pratiques les plus importantes dans toute projection géodésique. Comme les calculs sont à l'heure actuelle entièrement effectués en coordonnés rectangulaires, la réduction au plan demande à être calculée exclusivement à partir des dits éléments: telle est bien du reste la situation en ce qui concerne la projection de Mercator Transverse, communément employée. Pour la projection conique conforme deLambert, officiellement employée pour la triangulation fran?aise, on obtient une formule commode en introduisant l'aire triangulaire comprise entre le sommet de la projection conique (image du p?le) et les stations AB à relier. Le présent acticle justifie cette formule, décrit son application par la section de Géodésie de l'Institut Géographique National, et spécifie les formules de moyenne à employer: cette note forme un ensemble avec l'article suivant deM. Dufour.
Summary Simplicity of calculation in the plane is one of the most important characteristics of any surveyor's projection. Since all calculation is today carried out in terms of rectangular coordinates, any reduction to the plane should involve only these coordinates: and this is, in fact, the situation in the commonly employed Transverse Mercator projection. For theLambert Conical orthomorphic projection, officially used for the French triangulation, a convenient formula is obtained in terms of the area of the triangle formed by the two points concerned and the vertex of the projection (which represents the pole in the plane). This paper justifies the use of the formula; describes its application by the Institut Géographique National; and discusses the different mean value formulae which are suited to the various grades of accuracy desired. This paper should be considered together with that ofM. Dufour.

Zusammenfassung In jeder geod?tischen Projektion besteht das Haupterfordernis für eine praktische Durchführung darin, da? die Berechnung der Reduktionen auf die Ebene m?glichst einfach sei. Da gegenw?rtig alle Rechnungen mit Hilfe von rechtwinkligen Koordinaten durchgeführt werden, mu? die Reduktion auf die Ebene ausschlie?lich von den genannten Elementen ausgehen. So liegen jedenfalls die Dinge bei der gemeinhin verwendeten Transversalen Mercator-Projektion. Für die Lambertsche konforme Kegelprojektion, die amtliche Projektion für das franz?sische Dreiecksnetz, erh?lt man eine zweckdienliche Formel, wenn man die Dreiecksfl?che zwischen dem Scheitelpunkt der Kegelprojektion (Bildpunkt des Poles) und den zu verbindenden Stationen A B benutzt. Der vorliegende Artikel begründet diese Formel, beschreibt ihre Verwendung durch die Geod?tische Abteilung des Franz?sischen Instituts für Geographie (Section de Géodésie de l'Institut Géographique National) und erl?utert die zu verwendenden Mittelwert-Formeln. Der Aufsatz geh?rt mit dem folgenden vonM. Dufour geschriebenen eng zusammen.

Resumen La sencillez del cálculo de la reducción al plano es una de las condiciones prácticas más importantes en toda proyección geodésica. Como actualmente están efectuados los cálculos en coordenadas rectangulares, la reducción al plano exige ser calculada exclusivamente a partir de dichos elementos; tal es por lo demás la situación en lo que concierne a la proyección deMercator Transverse, comúnmente empleada. Para la proyección cónica conforme deLambert, oficialmente empleada para la triangulación francesa, se obtiene una fórmula cómoda introduciendo el área triangular comprendida entre el vértice de la proyección cónica (imagen del polo) y las estaciones A y B a enlazar. El presente articulo justifica esta fórmula, y describe su aplicación por la Sección de Geodesia del Instituto Geogróafico Nacional.

Sommario La semplicità del calcolo delle riduzioni al piano è una delle qualià pratiche più importanti in ogni proiezione geodetica. Poichè attualmente tutti i calcoli di una triangolazione vengono effettuati sul piano, in coordinate rettangolari, è essenziale che tali riduzioni possano avvenire facendo ricorso ai soli elementi piani; come accade in particolare per la proiezione trasversa di Mercatore. Per la proiezione conica conforme diLambert, usata ufficialmente uella triangolazione francese, si ottiene una formula comoda per la riduzione alla corda introducendo l'area del triangolo formalo dall' immagine del polo, e dai due punti da collegare. L'articolo giustifica questa formula, ne descrive la sua applicazione da parte della Sezione Geodetica dell' Istituto Geografico Nazionale, e precisa le formule da impiegare. Esso è collegato con l'articolo seguente del sig.Dufour, col quale forma un tutto unico.
Providing a sound basis for aquifer management or remediation requires that hydrogeological investigations carried out to understand groundwater flow and contaminant transport be based on representative data that capture the heterogeneous spatial distribution of aquifer hydraulic properties. This paper describes a general workflow allowing the characterization of the heterogeneity of the hydraulic properties of granular aquifers at an intermediate scale of a few km2. The workflow involves characterization and data integration steps that were applied on a 12-km2 study area encompassing a decommissioned landfill emitting a leachate plume and its main surface water receptors. The sediments composing the aquifer were deposited in a littoral–sublittoral environment and show evidence of small-scale transitional heterogeneities. Cone penetrometer tests (CPT) combined with soil moisture and electrical resistivity (SMR) measurements were thus used to identify and characterize spatial heterogeneities in hydraulic properties over the study area. Site-specific statistical relationships were needed to infer hydrofacies units and to estimate hydraulic properties from high-resolution CPT/SMR soundings distributed all over the study area. A learning machine approach was used due to the complex statistical relationships between colocated hydraulic and CPT/SMR data covering the full range of aquifer materials. Application of this workflow allowed the identification of hydrofacies units and the estimation of horizontal hydraulic conductivity, vertical hydraulic conductivity and porosity over the study area. The paper describes and discusses data acquisition and integration methodologies that can be adapted to different field situations, while making the aquifer characterization process more time-efficient and less labor-intensive.  相似文献   
Granitoids play an important role in deciphering both crustal growth and tectonic evolution of Earth. In the eastern end of the Yinshan–Yanshan belt of North China Craton, the Yiwulüshan massif is a typical region that presents the tectonic evolution features of this belt. Our field work on the host rocks has demonstrated two phases of opposite tectonics: compressional and extensional, however, the deformation is almost invisible in the intrusive rocks. To improve the understanding of the tectonic evolution of the Yiwulüshan massif and the Late Mesozoic tectonics of East Asia, a multidisciplinary study has been carried out. In this study, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and gravity modeling have been applied on these Jurassic plutons (Lüshan, Jishilazi and Guanyindong), which intrude into the Yiwulüshan massif. According to laboratory measurements and microscopic observations on thin sections, the AMS of the Yiwulüshan massif is characterized by secondary fabrics, indicating that the intensive post solidus deformation has reset the (primary) magmatic magnetic fabrics. A relatively gentle NW dipping magnetic foliation has been identified with two distinct groups of magnetic lineations of N34°E and N335°E orientations, namely LM1 and LM2, relatively. Gravity modeling reveals a southward thinning of the massif with a possible feeding zone rooted in the northern part of the massif. Integrating all results from structural observation, geochronological investigation, AMS measurement and gravity modeling, two tectonic phases have been identified in the Yiwulüshan massif, posterior to the Jurassic (180–160 Ma) magmatism in the Yinshan–Yanshan area. The early one concerns a Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (~ 141 Ma) compressional event with a top-to-the-south to southwest sense of shear. The second one shows an Early Cretaceous (~ 126 Ma) NW–SE ductile extensional shearing. At that time, sedimentary basins widened and Jurassic plutons started to be deformed under post solidus conditions. In fact, the NW–SE trend of the maximum stretching direction is a general feature of East Asian continent during Late Mesozoic.  相似文献   
Wallace (in Thermodynamics of crystals, 1972) developed a theorem, rooted in rigid lattice dynamics, which incorporates intrinsic anharmonic effects in solids. The practical application of this theorem in mineral physics is computationally involved and this is the main reason for the theorem not getting the attention it deserves. Because intrinsic anharmonicity is an important issue at the extreme conditions in planetary mantles, we derived a method which removes the computational obstacles in applying this theorem. We extended the theorem to incorporate details of the phonon spectrum and tested our algorithm on forsterite (Mg2SiO4). Using a least squares inversion technique applied to all available experimental data, we show that it results in an accurate representation of thermodynamic properties and sound wave velocities of Mg2SiO4 in its complete pressure–temperature stability range. We also show that the accuracy of our results is not significantly affected by the use of a different equation of state.  相似文献   
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