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In the Durance valley, high terrace levels are stepped below the young. Villafranchian surface and separated from the middle and low terraces by a step 80 m high. A paleomagnetic study was made of a key bed of freshwater silt on the high terrace, that contains archaic faunal and floral elements. The section contains two sedimentary cycles with opposite polarities, which are therefore placed on either side of the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary. By comparison with the northern European climato-stratigraphy, this sequence is correlated with the base of the Cromerian complex. Taking into account the morphological relations to the upland morainic system, this youngest high terrace is assigned a Günz age.  相似文献   
Wet chemistry kinetics and powder and polarized extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS and P-EXAFS) spectroscopy were combined to investigate the mechanism of Ni uptake on montmorillonite, at pH 8, high ionic strength (0.2 M Ca(NO3)2), initial Ni concentration of 660 μM, and solid concentration of 5.3 g/L. Approximately 20% of Ni sorbed within the first 24 h; thereafter, the Ni uptake rate slowed, and 12% of the initial Ni concentration remained in solution after 206 d of reaction time. Powder EXAFS spectra collected on wet pastes at 1, 14, 90, and 206 d showed the presence of Ni-Ni pairs at ∼3.08 Å in an amount that gradually increased with time. Results were interpreted by the nucleation of a Ni phase having either an α-Ni-hydroxide- or a Ni-phyllosilicate-like local structure. The latter possibility was confirmed by recording P-EXAFS spectra of a highly textured, self-supporting montmorillonite film prepared in the same conditions as the wet samples and equilibrated for 14 d. The orientation distribution of the c*-axes of individual clay particles off the film plane, as measured by quantitative texture analysis, was 32.8° full width at half maximum, and this value was used to correct from texture effect the effective numbers of Ni and Si nearest neighbors determined by P-EXAFS. Ni atoms were found to be surrounded by 2.6 ± 0.5 Ni atoms at 3.08 Å in the in-plane direction and by 4.2 ± 0.5 Si atoms at 3.26 Å in the out-of-plane direction. These structural parameters, but also the orientation and angular dependence of the Ni and Si shells, strongly support the formation of a Ni phyllosilicate having its layers parallel to the montmorillonite layers. The neoformation of a phyllosilicate on metal uptake on montmorillonite, documented herein for the first time, has important geochemical implications because this dioctahedral smectite is overwhelmingly present in the environment. The resulting sequestration of sorbed trace metals in sparingly soluble phyllosilicate structure may durably decrease their migration and bioavailability at the Earth’s surface and near surface.  相似文献   
New data on isotopic composition of sulphur and oxygen in dissolved sulphates are used to determine the origin of sulphate ions (SO42?) in the water of the Infra-Molassic Sands Eocene aquifer. Two very distinct origins appear: one is the gypsum dissolution, from the molasse, and the second is the pyrite oxidation, present at the bottom of and within the aquifer. These isotopic analyses helped, in agreement with hydrogeology, to identify geochemical basins whose properties modify the chemical water composition. They also highlight the existence of bioreduction areas. To cite this article: L. André et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 749–756.  相似文献   
法国、中国断陷盆地厚煤层堆积机制分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从法国中央地块晚石炭世的3个内陆山间小型断陷聚煤盆地厚煤层的成因标志和沉积特征出发,讨论了这些煤层独特的堆积机制及其沉积-构造条件,并与中国东北早第三纪抚顺盆地超厚煤层的沉积条件做了比较分析,指出了2个大陆间在厚煤层的堆积背景与条件方面的差异性和共同点。尤其是这些盆地均发育于活动的构造背景之下,盆缘、盆内断层活动强烈,且控制着沉积相带的展布及富煤单元的时空分布;煤层内均发育有大量的重力流沉积物——碎屑流。稀性泥石流或浊流沉积物;煤层自身存在同沉积期的重力滑塌。变形构造和大量的再搬运-再堆积的记录,表明厚(巨厚、超厚)煤层在堆积时的湖泊环境为覆水较深、不稳定的沉积环境,并且煤(泥炭)在初次堆积后经过了再次搬运而成为异地堆积的产物。这为提出厚煤层新的堆积机制,即异地堆积提供了重要而可靠的证据和实例。  相似文献   
From the first to the fourth century AD, the Gallo-Roman town of Oedenburg developed in the alluvial landscape of the southern Upper Rhine Graben. Throughout this period, the landscape mosaic, composed of palaeochannels, stable palaeoislands and river terraces, continued to evolve. A district of this town, situated on a lateral Rhine channel system, was archaeologically excavated. Large-scale excavation and cross-section analysis provide evidence of changing fluvial conditions during the period under study. At about AD 20 or earlier, this lateral part of the floodplain, affected by very fine sedimentation, was occupied by moribund marshy palaeochannels. When the first Gallo-Roman settlers occupied the site, they filled parts of the channels with woven brushwood in order to create an efficient circulation surface. The sedimentary infill of this palaeochannel records four different flood deposits interlayered with dated anthropogenic units (pavements, road embankments, and other structures). Archaeological analysis and dendrochronological dating indicate that these four flooding events occurred during a short time period between AD 20 and AD 145/146. These geoarchaeological observations focus on floods that do not seem to have significantly affected human occupation in this part of the Rhine floodplain. These results are set in the broader context of the Rhine catchment and the Alps.  相似文献   
A survey has been done of recently active faults in Morocco. In addition to field observations, morphometric methods were applied and an analysis was made of the drainage pattern. In the morphometric analysis, a map of vertical deformation was established from the elevations of summit level surfaces. This enables the recognition of neotectonic discontinuities and lithological contrasts; the actual discrimination of different rock-types can only be achieved by comparison with field observations. The analysis of drainage patterns — including their perturbations and anomalies — can also reveal the presence of features due to neotectonics, structural control or lithological variation. Certain faults can be detected which correspond to structures known from field geology or remote sensing (NE-SW and NW-SE oriented sets). Some new faults are observed which belong to these sets, as well as others which define a new N-S trending set. The present analysis leads to a distinction between ancient faults and currently active faults. The results of this study are shown on a map of recently active faults where the respective vertical displacements are also indicated.
Zusammenfassung Bei einer Untersuchung der heute aktiven Störungen in Marokko wurden zusätzlich zu Feldbeobachtungen morphometrische Untersuchungen sowie eine Analyse des Entwässerungsnetzes durchgeführt. Bei der morphometrischen Analyse wurde eine Karte der vertikalen Deformationen von Aufragungen aus den Gipfelfluren abgeleitet. Dadurch können neotektonische Diskontinuitäten sowie lithologische Kontraste erkannt werden; die wirkliche Unterscheidung verschiedener Gesteinstypen kann aber nur im Vergleich mit Feldbeobachtungen erreicht werden. Die Analyse des Gewässernetzes — auch seiner Komplikationen und Anomalien — kann gleichfalls Elemente aufdecken, welche neotektonischen Ursprungs bzw. strukturell bedingt oder aber auf lithologische Unterschiede zurückzuführen sind. Bestimmte Störungen korrespondieren mit Strukturen, die aus der Feldgeologie oder der Fernerkundung bekannt sind (NE/ SW- und NW/SE-gerichtete Scharen). Einige neu entdeckte Störungen gehören zu diesen Scharen, während andere ein neues, N/S-streichendes System deutlich machen. Die vorgelegte Analyse erlaubt, zwischen älteren und noch heute aktiven Störungen zu unterscheiden. Unsere Ergebnisse sind in einer Karte der aktiven Störungen zusammengefaßt, in die die vertikalen Versätze gleichfalls eingetragen wurden.

Résumé Un recensement des failles à jeu récent (néotectonique) a été fait sur l'ensemble du Maroc. Outre les observations de terrain, les méthodes de la morphométrie et celles de l'analyse du réseau hydrographique sont appliquées. En morphométrie, l'établissement d'une carte de la déformation verticale d'après la situation altimétrique de la surface sommitale permet la reconnaisance de structures (discontinuités) néotectoniques et d'alternances lithologiques (la discrimination ne peut être faite que sur le terrain). De même l'analyse du réseau hydrographique, de ses perturbations et de ses anomalies (cf. infra) met en évidence des discontinuités dues à la néotectonique, à la structure des terrains et à la lithologie. Les ensembles morphostructuraux marocains (Meseta, Rif, Atlas), ressortent nettement de la carte de synthèse. On y retrouve les failles connues par la géologie de terrain et par l'analyse des images satellitaires (ensembles de direction NE-SW et NW-SE), de nouvelles failles appartenant à ces deux familles, ainsi qu'un nouvel ensemble de failles de direction N-S. Cette analyse permet de distinguer failles actives et failles anciennes. Les résultats sont portés sur la carte des principales failles à jeu récent avec leurs rejets verticaux respectifs.

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The major fold pattern of the Chibougamau region in the Archean Abitibi Belt, Quebec, is the result of two fold phases. The principal F1-synclines first formed as subsiding fault troughs, and were shortened in NS direction and molded around volcanic centers that had been consolidated by large synvolcanic plutons; they have a general easterly direction but curve locally to the NE or SE. N-trending F1-folds are locally present in the anticlinoria and are thought to have been produced by the upwelling of basement gneiss and/or synvolcanic plutons. The F2-folds have rather regular easterly trends; their axial plane schistosity S2 is the predominant planar fabric element. Basin margin faults were transformed into east-trending thrust faults during the F1- and F2-folding.The superposed schistosities S3 and S4 are conjugate shear planes related to NS shortening. They and the kink bands produce only minor strain except at a few localities. Synkinematic and late kinematic diapiric plutons pierce the structural pattern. The F1-folds, derived from the paleogeographic pattern during the uplift of volcanic islands and during the subsidence of fault basins, may also be interpreted as diapiric. Thus, diapirism took place during the whole period of NS compression.ENE trending left-lateral shear belts and their associated first and second order faults, displaced the Kenoran structures in late Archean and early Proterozoic time.
Zusammenfassung Der Faltenbau des Chibougamaugebietes im Archaischen Abitibi Belt, Quebec, ist das Resultat zweier Faltungsphasen. Die gro\en F1-Synklinalen bildeten sich zuerst als absinkende Verwerfungströge, die später in NS-Richtung eingeengt wurden und gleichzeitig dabei an die verfestigten Vulkanzentren gepre\t wurden. Die gro\en synvulkanischen Plutone konsolidierten die vulkanischen Zentren. Die F1-Falten streichen generell OW, biegen aber lokal in NO- und SO-Richtung um. Nord-streichende F1-Falten finden sich lokal in den Antiklinorien und werden auf das Aufsteigen der basalen Gneisse und/oder der synvulkanischen Plutone zurückgeführt. Die F2-Falten haben ein regelmä\iges Ost-Streichen; ihre der Faltenachsenfläche parallele Schieferung S2 ist das deutlichste planare Strukturelement. Die Randbrüche der Verwerfungsbecken wurden während der F1- und F2-Faltungsphase in Oststreichende überschiebungen umgewandelt. Die S3 und S4-Schieferungen sind konjugierte Scherflächen in NS-Kompression. S3 und S4 und die Knickbänder verursachen nur lokal eine erhebliche Verformung. Synkinematische und spätkinematische Plutone durchbrechen diese Strukturen und die F1-Falten, erzeugt durch den Aufstieg von Vulkaninseln und das Absinken von Verwerfungsbecken können ebenfalls als diapirische Strukturen gedeutet werden. Der Diapirismus überdauerte die ganze Periode der NS-Kompression.Linkshändig rotierte ONO-streichende Scherzonen und die dazugehörigen Verwerfungen erster und zweiter Ordnung versetzen die Kenorischen Strukturen während des späten Archaikums und des frühen Proterozoikums.

Résumé Les plis majeurs de la région de Chibougamau dans la ceinture Archéenne de l'Abitibi au Québec sont le résultat de deux phases de plissement. Les synclinaux F1 majeurs prenaient naissance comme bassins de faille subsidents et furent comprimés en direction NS. Ils furent moulés autour des centres volcaniques qui avaient été consolidés par des plutons synvolcaniques; leur direction générale est est-ouest mais ils s'incurvent localement vers le NE ou vers le SE. Des plis F1 de direction N sont présents localement dans les anticlinoria et nous pensons qu'ils sont le résultat de l'ascension diapirique du gneiss du socle et des plutons synvolcaniques. Les plis F2 ont une direction EO assez régulière; leur schistosité de plan axial (S2) est l'élément structural planaire prédominant. Les failles en bordure des bassins de subsidence furent transformées en chevauchement lors des phases de plissement F1 et F2.Les schistosités superposées S3 et S4 sont des surfaces de cisaillement conjugées en compression NS. Ces schistosités et les plis en chevron ne sont pas responsables d'une déformation substantielle, sauf à quelques endroits. Des plutons diapiriques d'âge syn-cinématique à tardi-cinématique percent ce patron structural. Le patron des plis F1, déterminé par le patron paléogéographique durant le soulèvement d'Îles volcaniques et la subsidence des bassins de faille peut aussi Être interprété comme une structure diapirique. Des ceintures de cisaillement senestre en direction ENE et leur cortège de failles de premier et deuxième ordre ont déplacé les structures Kénoréennes tard dans l'Archéen et tÔt dans le ProtérozoÏque.

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The construction of the A16-Transjurane motorway revealed evidence of Holocene sediment sequences in the Delémont valley (Canton of Jura, Switzerland). Certain processes begin during the Younger Dryas. Pine forests dominate this cold period, which was unfavourable for pedogenesis; they remain throughout the first half of the Holocene. The meandering river system then becomes stable for more than four millennia. The first signs of human impact on the vegetal cover begin to appear around 3,500 cal BC (Middle Neolithic). An increase in hydric activity occurs between 3,600 and 2,500 cal BC. However, the earliest evidence of the cultivation of cereals dates only to about 2,000 cal BC (Early Bronze Age). Extensive forest clearing and the emergence of cultivated plants occur after 1,400 cal BC. On the cleared slopes the soil erodes and at their foot colluvium deposits accumulate. The densification of the settlement from the Late Bronze Age (1,350–800 cal BC) until the beginning of the Iron Age (800–650 cal BC) contributes to alluvial destabilization. A palaeosol has been identified in all of the Holocene deposits in the valley. The deforestation intensifies between 400 and 100 cal BC while hydric activity decreases. The first centuries of our era record very limited pedo-sedimentary phenomena. However, human presence becomes less marked after 350 cal AD. The slopes are stabilized and the soil develops. From 550 cal AD, an important increase in hydric activity takes place, a probable consequence of a wet fluctuation in the climate. Contemporary forest clearing causes deep gullies. After 750 cal AD, drier conditions set in. This period of stability, marked by occasional rises in the water level, continues until 1,250–1,300 cal AD (Late Middle Ages). Then superficial flows resume and entrenchment of the main waterways occurs, combined consequences of the Little Ice Age and the upsurge in human activity.  相似文献   
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