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Two Jurassic deformation phases are responsible for the thrust and nappe structures in the infrastructure of the outer belt of the Mesozoic chain of SW Japan. The first phase was synmetamorphic, and took place under HP/LT conditions. Microtectonic analysis shows that the penetrative deformation corresponded to a ductile shear directed from W to E, parallel to the stretching and mineral lineation. At the regional scale the first phase corresponded to the obduction of the Greenschist nappes upon the Kurosegawa continent. During the second phase the Greenschist nappes were sliced, leading to an apparent reverse metamorphic zoning. The first phase structures were then locally reworked by folds giving rise to an apparent westwards sense of shear.  相似文献   
Résumé Dans les pyroclastites de l'Eocène supérieur de la région de Qom-Aran (Iran Central) existent des roches à aspect intermédiaire entre des laves et des roches pyroclastiques (laves bréchiques).Ces laves hétérogénes présentent deux composants originaux: l'un acide formant la matrice claire (rhyolite à structure fluidale), l'autre basique, sombre, vitreux, en forme de micropillows et/ou de flammes.L'étude détaillée des contacts entre ces deux composants, illustrée par une série de microphotographies, implique l'état liquide des deux composants lors de leur mélange. L'homogénéisation mécanique aboutit à des laves intermédiaires (dacitoïdes). Durant ce dernier processus, des phénomènes de diffusion entre les deux magmas contrastés provoquent certains changements chimiques dans la composition originelle de chacun des deux composants.
Petrographic Observations on Mixing of Acid and Basic Magmas: Genesis of the Dacitoïdes of the Qom-Aran Area (Central Iran)Among the Upper Eocene pyroclastic materials of the Qom-Aran area (Central Iran) there are rocks (named lava-breccias) with intermediate facies between lavas and pyroclastic rocks.These heterogeneous lavas exhibit two distinct components: (1) an acid one, making up the light-coloured groundmass (fluidal rhyolite), and (2) a basic, dark, vitreous component in the shape of micro-pillows and/or flame-like patches.A detailed study of the boundaries between these two components has been performed and illustrated by several microphotographs. It shows that the two components were in a liquid state when mixed with each other. Mechanical homogeneization results into an intermediate lava (dacitoïde). During this process, diffusion phenomena between the two contrasted magmas brought about chemical changes in the original composition of each — basic and acid — component.
The Bosworgey granite cusp forms an apical portion of the concealed northern extension of the Tregonning-Godolphin granite ridge. It is characterised by unusually high values of B, P, Mn, Fe, As, Cu, Nb, Ta, Bi, Sn, W, U and S which are present largely as tourmaline, apatite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, bismuth, columbite, cassiterite, wolframite and uraninite; and low levels of Zr, Hf, Ti and REE present in zircon, ilmenite and monazite. The granite is classified as Sn and W specialised (Tischendorf, 1974) and it belongs to the ilmenite series of Japanese workers. The classification of Chappell and White (1974) (S and I type granites) is shown to be inapplicable to Cornubian rocks although the Bosworgey samples show characteristics of S type granites. The accessory mineral assemblages are typical of high temperature lodes (cassiterite, wolframite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite) and the assamblage is concluded to be the cusp analogue of hypothermal lodes produced by extreme differentiation and concentration of volatiles. It is speculated that such granites could provide the parent material for the mesothermal crosscourse mineralisation (pitchblende, bismuth, pyrite, galena, sphalerite).  相似文献   
As a result of affiliation between the Hudson's Bay Company and the Royal Society a relatively large number of instrumental temperature records are available from York Factory and Churchill Factory on the southwest of Hudson Bay beginning in 1768. The nature of these records, details of the instruments and information about the observers are presented. The major difficulty with the records is that the number of observations and the time of observation varied considerably. Adjustment factors were calculated for all of the combinations using a modern record maintained at the Churchill airport. By combining the Hudson's Bay Company record with data recorded by members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police after 1852, and up to 1910, a long and relatively continuous record of daily and monthly average temperatures has been created for Central Canada.  相似文献   
Measurements of low-level dissolved-sulfide concentrations in estuarine water from San Francisco Bay have been made using the sulfide-specific electrode after preservation, separation, and preconcentration of the sulfide species. The separation and preconcentration were acheived by coprecipitation of ZnS with Zn(OH)2 followed by collection and dissolution of the precipitate, giving concentration factors up to 160-fold Preconcentration provided sulfide solutions that were adequately measurable within the practical working range of the specific-ion electrode The sulfide detection limit with the preconcentration step is 0 02 μg/l Spike recoveries in the range of 81 to 10 1% have been achieved for laboratory-prepared samples having S2− concentrations as low as 0 6 μg/l and 84 to 100% for an estuarine sample spiked in the field with 2 μg/l (S(−II) Positive correlations have been found between dissolved S(−II) concentrations and concentrations of dissolved Cd, Cu, and Ni, negative correlations have been found between bisulfide (HS) activity and activities of Cd2+, Cu2+, and Ag+ species  相似文献   
The Patia Valley situated between the Western and Central Cordilleras of the southwest Colombian Andes contains two areas in which Mesozoic basic and ultrabasic rocks crop out in abundance. Late Cretaceous Diabase Group pillow basalts which make up much of the Western Cordillera are at least 81 ± 5 Ma in the E1 Tambo-E1 Peñol area. 105-97 Ma hornblende and whole-rock dates from the ophiolitic Los Azules complex indicate an Albian age of formation, although many dates are lower (65-62 Ma) owing the low-grade ocean-floor metamorphism. The metamorphic age distribution here supports an end of Cretaceous emplacement for the complex rather than the Early-Mid Cretaceous emplacement suggested for North Colombian ophiolites similarly aligned along the Romeral fault system. Tertiary dacites intruding the Low Azules complex are 36-15 Ma.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the non-linear inelastic seismic response of existing single-span simply supported bridges having bearings which can remain stable and slide after their anchor bolts are ruptured. A simplified equivalent model is developed for the inelastic analysis of these single-span simply supported bridges. Non-linear inelastic time-history analyses are conducted for various acceleration inputs. It is found that narrower bridges with longer spans may have considerable sliding displacements and fall off their supports if adequate seat width is not provided. It is also found that for the same ratio of friction coefficient to peak ground acceleration, the sliding displacement of a structural system is linearly proportional to the amplitude of the peak ground acceleration beyond a certain threshold value. This is also demonstrated analytically from an energy approach point of view. The distribution of the energy content of an earthquake, which is related to its velocity time history, can be an indication of the propensity of an earthquake to cause high sliding displacements. Ground motions with high frequency content or high Ap/Vp ratio may produce smaller sliding displacements than ground motions with relatively lower Ap/Vp ratios.  相似文献   
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