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Non-conservative behaviour of dissolved Mo was observed during specific time periods in the water column of the Wadden Sea of NW Germany. In July 2005 dissolved Mo declined within 36 h from a level only slightly below seawater (82 nM) to a minimum value of 30 nM, whereas in August 2002 dissolved Mo revealed a tidal cyclicity with maximum values up to 158 nM at low tide. In contrast, cruises in August 2003 and 2004 displayed an almost conservative behaviour of Mo. The decrease in dissolved Mo during July 2005 and elevated values in August 2002 were accompanied by Mo enrichments on aggregates in the water column of the Wadden Sea. Along with Mo, dissolved Mn showed unusual concentration patterns in July 2005, with values distinctly below the common summer level (by a factor of five). A direct relation between the loss of Mo and scavenging by freshly formed MnOx phases could not be inferred from our data because both metals revealed inverse patterns. Parallel to decreasing dissolved Mo concentrations dissolved Mn showed an increasing trend while particulate Mn decreased. Such finding is compatible with the formation of oxygen-depleted zones in aggregates, which provide suitable conditions for the rapid fixation of Mo and parallel release of Mn by chemically and/or microbially mediated processes. Our assumption is supported by biological (e.g. number of aggregate-associated bacteria) and sedimentological (e.g. aggregate abundance and size) parameters. The production of organic components (e.g. TEP) during breakdown of an algae bloom in July 2005 led to the formation of larger Mo-enriched aggregates, thus depleting the water column in dissolved Mo. After deposition on and incorporation into sandy tidal flats these aggregates are rapidly decomposed by microbial activity. Pore water profiles document that during microbial decomposition of these aggregates, substantial amounts of Mo are released and may replenish and even enrich Mo in the open water column. We postulate a conceptual model for the observed non-conservative behaviour of Mo in coastal waters, which is based on the tight coupling of geochemical, biological, and sedimentological processes.  相似文献   
We use a lattice vibrational technique to derive thermophysical and thermochemical properties of fayalite, Fe2SiO4. This semi-empirical technique is based on an extension of Kieffer’s model to incorporate details of the phonon spectrum. It includes treatment of intrinsic anharmonicity and electronic effects based on crystal field theory. We extend it to predict thermodynamic mixing properties of olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 solid solutions by using results of our previous work on the system MgO–SiO2. Achieving this requires a relation between phonon frequency and composition and a composition relation for the energy of the static lattice. Directed by experimental Raman spectroscopic data for specific optic modes in magnesium–iron solid solutions of olivine and pyroxene we use an empirical relation for the composition dependence for phonon frequencies. We show that lattice vibrations have a large effect on the excess entropy and that the static lattice contribution and lattice vibrations have a large impact on excess enthalpy and excess Gibbs energy. Our model indicates that compositional effects in electronic and magnetic properties are negligible. The compositional variation the Néel temperature has a large impact on excess heat capacity for temperatures below 100 K.  相似文献   
This paper presents the lead isotopic composition of potential clay sources for pottery production, collected in the four major geological zones of Cyprus (Troodos Ophiolite, Circum Troodos Sedimentary Succession, Mamonia Terrane, Kyrenia Terrane) and evaluates its usefulness in Cypriote pottery provenance studies. The clay isotopic signatures from the four zones are compared to each other and to the isotopic composition of various utilitarian pottery wares from three Late Bronze Age sites, respectively located in southern Cyprus (Alassa‐Pano Mandilaris), east Cyprus (Enkomi), and southeast Cyprus (Hala Sultan Tekke). It also explores the potential of this method to better discriminate between potential raw materials used for the production of Base‐ring ware, one of the most characteristic fine pottery of Late Bronze Age Cyprus, which was widely spread in the Eastern Mediterranean (Courtois, 1981; Vaughan, 1991, 1994). Results show that three main lead isotopic fields can be distinguished among the Cypriote clay sources and the comparison of Plain sherds with the clay sources allows discrimination between local products and imports. They also clearly indicate that all the Base‐ring sherds analyzed in this study were made of the clays from the Kathikas Formation that crops out in only limited parts of southwest Cyprus.  相似文献   
Carbon mineralization in marine sediments is a key process involved in the cycling of carbon, nutrients and trace metals. However, as marine sediments are usually diffusion dominated, the pace of element and nutrient cycling is slow, because consumption of oxidants and/or nutrients in the pore waters via microbial activity often outpaces resupply. Adding an advective flow component to such a system should change the biogeochemical dynamics considerably. Numerical simulations show that shallow coastal aquifers affected by tidal forces can establish ground water velocities of up to 7 cm h−1, driving a circulation of sea water through the sediments with subsequent discharge. Although known to enhance solute exchange, the impact of advection on early diagenesis has not received much attention.To address this issue we mapped the interstitial water chemistry down to 2.5 m sediment depth along a transect on an intertidal creek bank that is subject to a periodic advective flow. Additionally a recently developed hydrogeological simulation of the creek bank was applied to calculate ages of the sampled pore waters. Sample ages obtained were used to quantify (flow path integrated) production or depletion rates for trace metals, nutrients, and sulphate.We find young sea water percolating relatively fast through sediments close to the creek showing strong signs of alteration, whereas pore waters from diffusion dominated regions are less altered. The increase in inorganic nutrients and some trace elements along the flow path requires high rates of turnover. Sulphate, molybdenum, and uranium are almost completely depleted after 200 days, while dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), ammonia, and manganese increase. Averaged production rates for DIC appear to be three times higher when advection dominated the subsurface flow regime. Our results demonstrate that sites dominated by advection generally show signs of faster rates of diagenetic reactions.  相似文献   
Pergamum (modern: Bergama) was operating an important harbour used by military forces and merchants at the city of Elaia during Hellenistic and Roman Imperial times. Harbour‐related facilities such as warehouses, breakwaters and wharfs document the importance of this harbour site not only for the Pergamenians. This paper focuses on the purpose and age of six submerged wall structures situated approximately 1 km south of the ancient closed harbour basin of Elaia. Geoelectric cross‐sections and semi‐aquatic coring near these walls failed to detect any solid basement under the walls which excludes their possible use as breakwaters or wharfs. Instead, the walls were most likely delineating and separating evaporation ponds of salt works, which compares well with similar structures from other periods and places around the Mediterranean. Combined OSL and 14C‐dating determined the construction age of the installation between the 4th and 6th centuries A.D. Subsequent (re‐)uses are likely and are in agreement with findings from archaeological surveys.  相似文献   
Zircon and monazite U–Pb data document the geochronology of the felsic crust in the Mozambique Belt in NE Mozambique. Immediately E of Lake Niassa and NW of the Karoo-aged Maniamba Graben, the Ponta Messuli Complex preserves Paleoproterozoic gneisses with granulite-facies metamorphism dated at 1950 ± 15 Ma, and intruded by granite at 1056 ± 11 Ma. This complex has only weak evidence for a Pan-African metamorphism. Between the Maniamba Graben and the WSW–ENE-trending Lurio (shear) Belt, the Unango and Marrupa Complexes consist mainly of felsic orthogneisses dated between 1062 ± 13 and 946 ± 11 Ma, and interlayered with minor paragneisses. In these complexes, an amphibolite- to granulite-facies metamorphism is dated at 953 ± 8 Ma and a nepheline syenite pluton is dated at 799 ± 8 Ma. Pan-African deformation and high-grade metamorphism are more intense and penetrative southwards, towards the Lurio Belt. Amphibolite-facies metamorphism is dated at 555 ± 11 Ma in the Marrupa Complex and amphibolite- to granulite-facies metamorphism between 569 ± 9 and 527 ± 8 Ma in the Unango Complex. Post-collisional felsic plutonism, dated between 549 ± 13 and 486 ± 27 Ma, is uncommon in the Marrupa Complex but common in the Unango Complex. To the south of the Lurio Belt, the Nampula Complex consists of felsic orthogneisses which gave ages ranging from 1123 ± 9 to 1042 ± 9 Ma, interlayered with paragneisses. The Nampula Complex underwent amphibolite-facies metamorphism in the period between 543 ± 23 to 493 ± 8 Ma, and was intruded by voluminous post-collisional granitoid plutons between 511 ± 12 and 508 ± 3 Ma. In a larger context, the Ponta Messuli Complex is regarded as part of the Palaeoproterozoic, Usagaran, Congo-Tanzania Craton foreland of the Pan-African orogen. The Unango, Marrupa and Nampula Complexes were probably formed in an active margin setting during the Mesoproterozoic. The Unango and Marrupa Complexes were assembled on the margin of the Congo-Tanzania Craton during the Irumidian orogeny (ca. 1020–950 Ma), together with terranes in the Southern Irumide Belt. The distinctly older Nampula Complex was more probably linked to the Maud Belt of Antarctica, and peripheral to the Kalahari Craton during the Neoproterozoic. During the Pan-African orogeny, the Marrupa Complex was overlain by NW-directed nappes of the Cabo Delgado Nappe Complex before peak metamorphism at ca. 555 Ma. The nappes include evidence for early Pan-African orogenic events older than 610 Ma, typical for the Eastern Granulites in Tanzania. Crustal thickening at 555 ± 11 Ma is coeval with high-pressure granulite-facies metamorphism along the Lurio Belt at 557 ± 16 Ma. Crustal thickening in NE Mozambique is part of the main Pan-African, Kuunga, orogeny peaking between 570 and 530 Ma, during which the Congo-Tanzania, Kalahari, East Antarctica and India Cratons welded to form Gondwana. Voluminous post-collisional magmatism and metamorphism younger than 530 Ma in the Lurio Belt and the Nampula Complex are taken as evidence of gravitational collapse of the extensive orogenic domain south of the Lurio Belt after ca. 530 Ma. The Lurio Belt may represent a Pan-African suture zone between the Kalahari and Congo-Tanzania Craton.  相似文献   
This study demonstrates that the Bunkers Hill borehole, which is located within the Hampshire Basin, contains a carbon isotope excursion (CIE) in the Upnor Formation followed by a positive recovery from another CIE within the overlying Reading Formation. This study has also shown that the CIE in the Upnor Formation predates the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), while the carbon isotope recovery at the base of the Reading Formation is most likely related to it. The positive carbon isotope trend, before a return to more negative values, seen throughout the majority of the Reading Formation can also be seen in coeval deposits in the Jubilee 404T borehole in the London Basin and in the Tienen Formation in the Doel and Kallo boreholes from the Belgium Basin. This indicates that this post-PETM carbon isotope signal may, therefore, be regional if not global in nature.  相似文献   
A verified instrumental calibration of annually resolved δ18O for a stalagmite from Gümü?hane in northeast Turkey is presented and cross-validated using a ‘leave-one-out’ technique. The amount of late autumn to winter precipitation is negatively correlated with stalagmite δ18O between AD 1938 and 2004. The observed relationship is extrapolated back to ~ AD 1500 leading to the first long winter precipitation reconstruction for this region. Modern day October to January precipitation is linked to pressure fields in Western Russia. Anomalously lower reconstructed rainfall is recorded in AD 1540–1560 at which time higher pressure over the Caspian Sea region is inferred.  相似文献   
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